Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 264

quiltingjaine Posts: 6,184 Member
Round 264
June 25 - July 4, 2024

Please join us starting on 6/25 for JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS, when we will begin Round 264.

Anyone can join us at anytime during the round.

Join us! If we stay mindful we can do this, you can do this.

Welcome back past members, welcome new members, let's keep each other accountable for another 10 days!

Here is what you do: Post your daily weight and add little comments along the way of how your day went. You have only one hour to edit your post. Post everyday to let us know how you're doing! Copy and paste the days in your response--tell us how much you lost and other non scale victories (NSV) you'd like to share.

FOR NEWBIES - I find it easiest to copy the dates to a document or note in my device and edit it each morning. Then copy and paste to the message board. MFP will return you to the spot on the board where you left off on your previous visit which is nice to know if you like to scan all of the posts.

If you feel your post is too lengthy, you can add spoilers to temporarily hide the information. It is readily available by tapping the SPOILER bar. To create a Spoiler just type or copy [ Spoiler ] xxx [ /Spoiler ] Omit the spaces within the brackets and put your information where I have xxx

👍👍This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE

SW RND 264
7/4 💥USA💥

Just Give Me a Glossary - Acronyms

BIL - brother in lawSIL - Sister or son in law B-L-T or BLT - Bite, licks, tastes
BOD - board of directors
BP or BPC - bullet proof
CRAP - calorie rich and processed
DD or DS - dear daughter or dear son, may be followed by # to indicate birth order
DGC, DGD or DGS - Dear child(ren), granddaughter or grandson, when preceded by G indicates Great-, as in I have one DGGS via DGD#3
DH - dear or darling husband (or dam_ depending on current mind set)
DNP - Did Not Post
DNW - Did Not Weigh
DP - Darling Partner
EF - extended fast
EW - End Weight
FIL - father in law
GW - goal weight
HW - High(est) Weight
IF - Intermittent fast
IMHO - in my humble opinion
JMHO - just my humble opinion
Kuchisabishii - lonely mouth
LCHF - low carb, higher (or healthy) fat
MIL - mother in law
NSA - no sugar added
NSV - non-scale victory
NWP - no weight post
OAP - Old age pensioner
OH - other half
RG - round goal
SD - StepDaugher (for me, at least - BigBro is the older stepson, LittleBro being the younger stepson as well)
SMH - shaking my head
ST - strength training
SW - starting weight - can be for the Round or highest ever
TMI - too much information - a euphemism for bowel movement !
TOM - Time of Month (also seen as TOTM, Time of The Month)
UGW - ultimate goal weight
WFPB - whole food, plant based
WOE - way of eating
WW - weight watchers


  • jspecies11
    jspecies11 Posts: 1,138 Member
    Thank you @quiltingjaine
    You’re a gem. 💎
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,551 Member
    Yes, I'm in again, I need to "Get Back" !! Thank you @quiltingjaine.
  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 270 Member
    Hey @quiltingjaine! Long time no see. :) I haven't been around for a long time, but I find myself struggling to maintain a weight that I am happy with, so I thought I'd join in again. Ideally I'd like to lose around 25 lbs, but even 20 lbs would be a good start. The trick is to do it without negatively impacting my mental health. Wish me luck. ;)
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 969 Member
    Thanks so much @quiltingjaine! This round I'll be at my 1/2 year mark and on vacation, so it's extra important!

    @clprieur: nice to meet you and welcome back!
  • bodybybagel
    bodybybagel Posts: 20 Member
    SW RND 263
    6/15 - 153.4
    6/16 - skip
    6/17 - 152.4
    6/18 - 151.6
    6/19 - 153
    6/20 - 152.4
    6/21 - 151
    6/22 - 151
    6/23 - 151.8

    Goal - 152.4
    No bingeing or restricting
  • _JeffreyD_
    _JeffreyD_ Posts: 1,975 Member
    musicsax wrote: »
    Yes, I'm in again, I need to "Get Back" !! Thank you @quiltingjaine.

    @musicsax get back Jojo!
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 969 Member
    @Leigh_b: so good to see you again! Life- especially with kids- definitely makes for twists and turns (no pun intended!) Sorry about your plans getting derailed and glad you're back-hope the foot heals quickly!
  • AR10at50
    AR10at50 Posts: 1,627 Member
    F, 59, 5’5
    HW-187 Sep. 2014
    UGW-150, then 140
    RGW-170 Thank you @quiltingjaine !!!🌸

  • CamandJarvis
    CamandJarvis Posts: 2,120 Member
    I'm here, sorry for my absence! Work then vacation then trying to bounce back from vacation while working. Eek! You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be better than you were before

    32, 5'5"
    OSW: 164.2 164.5 164.9 Dec 31, 2022 165.5 Jan 5, 2023
    GW: 130-135

    Previous Rounds:
    R69: 158.1; R70: 156.5; R71: 156.3 R72: 156.3; R73: 155.2; R74: 155.4; R75: 156.1; R76: 155.6; R80: 153.2; R81: 154.3; R82: 154.1; R84: 156.5; R89: 156.7; R91: 160.1; R93: 159.3; R94: 156.1; R98: 154.5; R99: 155.9; R100: 152.8; R101: 149.7; R102: 149.0; R103: 149.0; R104: 146.2; R105: 146.6; R106: 144.6; R107: 146.8; R108: 147.7; R109: 148.1; R110: 150.1; R111: 154.3; R112: 152.6; R113: 151.7; R121: 153.0; R122: 154.8; R123: 153.9; R124: 153.4; R125: 155.6; R126: 152.3; R127: 151.5; R128: 151.0; R129: 151.0; R130: 152.6; R131: 153.9; R132: 150.6; R133: 151.2; R134: 149.3; R135: 149.5; R136: 148.4; R137: 147.9; R138: 148.4; R139: 151.9; R140: 150.4; R141: 150.4; R142: 144.0; R143: 144.2; R144: 147.0; R145: 145.7; R146: 145.9; R147: 145.9; R148: 146.5; R149: 147.3; R150: 146.8; R151: 147.9; R152: 147.7; R153: 147.2; R154: 147.0; R155: 144.7; R157: 146.1; R158: 146.6; R159: 146.3; R160: 150.2; R161: 146.7; R162: 144.6; R163: 146.2; R164: 147.3; R165: 146.3; R166: 148.5; R167: 147; R168: 148.4; R169: 151.4; R170: 148.9; R171: 144.8 R172: DNW; R173: 146.1; R174: 147.9; R175: 145.9; R176: 150.5; R177: 149.3; R179: 150.5; R180: 151.6; R181: DNW; R182: 150.2; R183: 152.9; R184: 153.4; R185: 151.3; R186: 152.3; R187: 151.8; R188: 150.9; R189: 152.6; R190: DNW; R191: 154.8; R192: 155.5; R193: 155.2; R194: 156.5; R195: DNW; R196: 155.7; R197: DNW; R198: 156.1; R199: DNW; R200: DNW; R201: 159.8; R202: 159.7; R203: 160.5; R204: DNW; R205: DNW; R206: 161.7; R207: 163.6; R208: DNW; R209: 164.5; R210: 163.9; R211: DNW; R212: 163.1; R123: 162.1; R214: 162.1; R215: 160.4; R216: 160.4; R217: 159.6; R218: 159.0; R219: 159.6; R220: 157.6; R221: 156.5; R222: 155.8; R223: 156.8; R224: 155.1; R225: 152.2; R226: 154.9; R227: 152.4; R228: 152.5; R229: 152.2; R230: 152.8; R231: 151.8; R232: 153.3; R233: 154.1; R234: 151.9; R235: 155.1; R236: DNW; R237: DNW; R238: 152.8; R239: 153.7; R240: 154.9; R241: N/A R242: N/A; R243: N/A; R244: 154.9; R245: 154.0; R246: 153.7; 247: 153.1; R248: 153.1; R249: 153.0; R250: 151.7; R251: DNW; R252: 150.0; R253: 149.6; R254: 148.8; R255: 147.3; R256: 150.2; R257:148.2; R258: 150.2; R259: 147.9; R260: 147.7; R261: 148.2; R262: DNP; R263: DNP

    Last weight
    06/24 - 148.3

    Round Goal: 147.x

    Day, Weight, Comment

    Previous Day's Comments
  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,196 Member
    edited June 24

    📆 2015–2023
    Feb. 2015: highest weight 218.2h
    2015: end weight running average 178.2nd
    2016: end weight running average 147.7
    2017: end weight running average 148
    2018: end weight running average 137.2.
    Extreme elimination diet (doctor prescribed) for diagnostic reasons, very low calories, then boom! Gained 40 pounds.
    2019: end weight running average 176.1
    2020: end weight running average 183.8.
    2021: end weight running average 179.4.
    2022: end weight running average 178.6
    2023: end weight running average 191. 😳

    2024 Rounds
    R146 01/06/24: end weight 191.4 😊
    R147 01/16/24: end weight 192.8 ☹️
    R148 01/16/24: end weight 191.6 (-1.2) 😊
    R149 02/05/24: end weight 193 (+1.4) ☹️
    R150 02/15/24: end weight 194.6 (+1.6) ☹️
    R150 02/15/24: end weight 194.6 (+1.6) ☹️
    R151 02/25/24: end weight 194.2 (-.2) 😊
    R152 03/06/24: end weight 194.4 (+.2) 🙂
    R153 03/16/24: end weight 194.2 (-.2).
    R154 03/26/24: end weight 195 (+.8)
    R155 04/05/24: end weight 194.6 (-.2).
    R156 04/15/24: end weight 194.6 (+/-0).
    R157 04/25/24: end weight DNW
    R158 05/05/24: end weight 197
    R159 05/15/24: end weight 196.6
    R160 05/25/24: end weight 196.6
    R161 06/04/24: end weight 197
    R162 06/14/24: end weight 196.8

    End-of-2024 Goals—weight 170, walking 5 miles most days.

    Day. Weight. Comments.
    6/25 -
    6/26 -
    6/27 -
    6/28 -
    6/29 -
    6/30 -
    7/01 -
    7/02 -
    7/03 -
    7/04 -
  • shoranani
    shoranani Posts: 93 Member
    40, 5'4"
    RSW: 128.9 lbs
    RGW: 127.5 lbs

    Day, Weight, Comment
    6/25 -
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    @quiltingjaine - Thanks!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    @Leigh_b - Welcome back! I to am back after a few years away. It does feel good to be back and definitely helps too!
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 567 Member
    RND 264 (my 12th)
    SW (first round) 155.8
    SW (this round) 148.1

    6/25 - 148.7 - walked 2 miles this morning. Still not sure how my foot is coping with its new freedom from the boot. While walking it felt great. After walking it felt great. Later in the day I had a lot of aching pain on the ball of my foot - but that is not where the injury was so I was confused about the source of the pain. Thinking that maybe it is just my foot adjusting back to walking “normally” again??? By the end of the day, there was no more pain. Fingers crossed it stays that way and I can walk again tomorrow morning.

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,872 Member
    @YoungatheartXOXO Welcome to the group. It's wonderful to have you here. Wishing you the very best on this journey of better health.

    @Leigh_b Welcome back to the group. You've been missed!