What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 472 Member
    Awesome workout this morning. Cardio, Push Day and Core.


    46 minutes on the spin bike: HR 132/163
    35 minutes on the treadmill: HR 113/135
    67 minutes lifting weights: HR 105/142

    Barbell Bench Press: 10@135, 8@165, 6@185, drop set: 2@205, 6@175, 10@135
    Barbell Overhead Press: 10@70, 8@90, 6@110, drop set: 4@130, 6@100, 8@70
    Cable Crunches: 12@80, 12@80, 12@80, 12@80
    Dumbbell Incline Press: 10@50, 8@60, 6@70, drop set: 3@75, 6@60, 8@50
    Cable Triceps Press Downs: 10@55, 8@75, 6@90, drop set: 4@105, 6@80, 8@55
    Landmine Twists: 10@35, 8@45, 8@55, 6@65
    One Armed Landmine Overhead Press: 10@35, 8@50, drop set: 6@65, 6@50, 8@35
    Incline Dumbbell Chest Fly: 8@30, 8@35, drop set: 6@40, 8@30
    Overhead Cable Triceps Extensions: 10@45, 8@55, drop set: 6@65, 8@45
    Dumbbell Cross Body Raises: 8@25, 6@35, drop set: 6@40, 6@30

    Shoulder Mobility Exercises

    Channeled some Ronnie Coleman this morning. Ain't nothing but a peanut, Light weight baby! Felt great to throw around some heavy weight!
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,759 Member
    Incline press 3x12 (40lbs)
    Decline press 3x12 (50lbs)
    Chest press 1x8 (50lbs), 3x12 (45lbs)
    Shoulder press 3x12 (50lbs)
    Pectoral fly 1x12 (55lbs),1x12 (50lbs), 1x12 (45lbs)
    Triceps press 3x12 (90lbs)
    Lateral raise 3x12 (25lbs) single arm
    Abdominal 3x12 (165lbs)

    + Leg curl 4x12 (100lbs) because I missed it yesterday, lol
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,918 Member
    Upper Body Two (Yesterday)

    Bench Press 3x10
    DB Bench Press 3x10
    BB Row 4x10 (2 sets pronated, 2 sets supinated)
    Pulldown 3x10 (1 set each hands over, under, neutral-grip)
    Face Pull 3x10
    Machine Lat Raise 3x10
    DB Shrugs 3x10
    Preacher Curl 3x10 (3-second negatives)
    Cable Pushdown 3x10 (5-second negatives)
    Perloff Press 3x15sec

    Had to workout without music as I couldn't find my headphones. Before I went home, I decided to check the lost-and-found just in case, without much hope. Turns out there were three wireless headphones turned in, one of them mine. Sometimes the honesty of people is a refreshing burst of air.

    Weights: Lower Body (Today)

    Squat 4x10
    Rack Pull 4x10
    Leg Press <<superset> Leg Press Calf Raise 4x10 (Last set drop set)
    Cable Crunch 4x25, 20, 15, 10

    Analysis: Normally I do the cable crunch where each set goes down in weight, up in reps. Today I tried the opposite, with the heaviest set done last. Think I'll swap back to the old way; that last set was killer!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,749 Member
    Of course it was rowing, this time in 2 seat of the quad. We went a few hundred meters farther than usual, because bow rower decided it would be fun to row through the double bridge at the downstream end. We had a new rower in the boat from this year's learn-to-row class, and the bow guy thought it would be fun to show him the dam he'd asked about.

    Other than that, just a steady state, low strokes per minute row, because that's usually what we do with the new folks - first time out with experienced folks in a bigger boat, anyway. New guy did great - right in rhythm (with one of my favorite stroke rowers, tiny 77-y/o woman who's long through the water and super steady rhythm). I wouldn't have known there was an inexperienced person in the boat, from the overall boat feel - that's unusual, and good.
  • Bricklax380
    Bricklax380 Posts: 21 Member
    nossmf- I love the pump from doing negatives.

    7/5 Gym Workout, Push Day:


    Hammer Strength ISO-IBP- 4 x 10, 10,8,8
    LF Fly- 4 x 10,10,8,8
    Bench Press Close-Grip (Barbell)- 5 x 8,8,6,5,4
    Superset Lateral Raises (Dumbbell)/Seated Dumbbell Presses- 3 x 8,8 8 SDP- 3 x 8,8,8
    Tricep Push Down (Cable)- 4 x 8,8,8,8
    Tricep Kick-Back(Cable)- 2 x 8 + drop set, 8 + drop set
    Tricep Press (Machine)- 3 x 10,8,8

    Off to do Pull Day at the Gym.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 472 Member
    Monster workout this morning. Cardio, Pull Day and Core.


    70 minutes on the spin bike: HR 126/159
    45 minutes on the treadmill: HR 113/123
    71 minutes lifting weights: HR 107/141

    Prone Grip Lat Pulldowns: 10@130, 8@165, 6@190, drop set: 4@215, 6@180, 8@140
    Dumbbell Concentration Curls: 10@30, 8@40, 5@50, drop set: 3@55, 8@35
    Landmine Twists: 10@30, 8@45, 8@55, 6@65
    Seated Cable Rows: 10@140, 8@175, 6@200, drop set: 4@225, 6@190, 8@150
    Resistance Band Cable Pulls: 10@170, 10@190, 10@210, drop set: 8@230, 8@170
    Kettlebell Pass Arounds: 8@50, 8@50, 8@50, 8@50
    Barbell Shoulder Shrugs: 10@185, 8@275, 5@345, drop set: 3@395, 6@275, 8@185
    Dumbbell Cross Body Curls: 8@30, 8@40, 6@50, drop set: 3@55, 8@35
    Cable Crunches: 12@80, 12@80, 12@80, 12@80

    Shoulder Mobility Exercises

    Felt Great this morning, and went hard on the lifting!
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,759 Member
    Mid row 3x12 (145lbs)
    Row 1x12 (70lbs), 2x12 (65lbs) single arm
    Front pulldown 3x12 (90lbs)
    High row 3x12 (80lbs)
    Lat pulldown 3x12 (85lbs)
    Bicep curl 1x12 (60lbs), 1x12 (55lbs), 1x12 (50lbs) single arm
    Back extensions 3x12 (160lbs)
    Abdominal 3x12 (165lbs)
  • Bricklax380
    Bricklax380 Posts: 21 Member
    Morning Workout at the Gym
    Pull Day


    Barbell Curls- 3 x 8,8,8+ drop set
    Seated Hammer Curls- 3 x 8,8,8+ drop set
    Concentration Curls- 3 x 10,10,10
    Duel Pulley Lat Pull Down- 4 x 10,10,10,8
    Machine Assisted Pull Ups- 3 x 8,8,8
    Straight Arm Lat Pull Down- 3 x 8, 7, 7
    Seated Rows- 3 x 8,8,8
    Wide Push Ups- Pyramid Up and then Down using Stacking Steps- 5 x 15,20,25,20,15
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,749 Member
    Alas, kind of nothing. Coached row this AM, but it was kind of windy, and there were two new people (from this year's learn to row class) I was concerned about with the combination of coached row (complicated, distracting) and wind (challenging) when frankly they're not superb at either speed or steering yet. (They'll get there.)

    Consequently, I volunteered to cox a quad (coxswain = non-rowing boat occupant who steers). We put a great experienced rower in stroke seat (sets cadence, models technique for others to follow), and another experienced rower in bow, and the new folks in the middle.

    I think that was the right choice, greatest good for greatest number, but no workout in there for me. 🤷 Coxing practice is good, though.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 472 Member
    Great workout this morning. Cardio, Leg Day and Core.


    76 minutes on the spin bike: HR 120/155
    45 minutes on the treadmill: HR 106/123
    51 minutes lifting weights: HR 103/126

    Leg Press: 15@180, 15@270, 15@360, 15@360, drop set: 15@360, 15@180
    Cable Crunches: 15@80, 15@80, 15@80, 15@80, 15@80
    Hex Bar Deadlifts: 10@125, 10@145, 10@165, 10@165, drop set: 10@165, 10@125
    Kettle Bell Pass Arounds: 10@40, 10@40, 10@40, 10@40, 10@40
    Barbell Calf Raises: 10@45, 10@95, 10@145
    Bodyweight Box Squats: 10, 10, 10

    Shoulder Mobility Exercises

    I was feeling a little beat up this morning, so went lighter for higher reps.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,710 Member
    Wandering back into this thread after a long time away, still trying to manage the disappearance of the newsfeeds... (Instagram isn't quite working for me)

    I'll start with a recap of this week, in screenshots:

    - quite happy with my running mileage this week, but perhaps not enough variation between the runs
    - 2 strength training sessions, the first sessions in probably 18 months! Starting out with some basic stuff: dead hangs, incline push-ups, hyperextension,...
    - and an indoor rowing session for variation and ST warm-up
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,028 Member
    I got a couple of dives in. It was nice; sidemount is becoming easier..

    The day started annoyingly. I had a delivery I stayed in to get. It turned out that the battery in my doorbell needed replacement, which meant I didn't get the delivery after all

    After fixing the doorbell, I felt tired and sluggis; and it was late-ish. So I decided to go for a climb. To my surprise, I was rather good and got a load of projects. I think my route reading has improved a bit. I flashed a v3, where looking at the start made me wonder if it needed a knee bar (it did).
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,759 Member
    Took a rest day today, but I have a question for those more experience lifters. This is my current routine for Pull day:

    Lat pulldown (wide overhand grip)
    Front pulldown (close underhand grip)
    High row (close overhand grip)
    Mid row (shoulder width grip, pulling straight back at chest level with hands oriented thumb side up)
    Back extensions
    Bicep curls
    Single arm rows (on a different machine)

    So my question is.... Given that I only use machines and am not open to free weights at this time, would I be better off doing the rear delt fly machine in place of the single arm rows?

  • Bricklax380
    Bricklax380 Posts: 21 Member
    Good Morning. I can only give you my philosophy as a old plumber: alternate days. 1 pull session- single arm, next pull session- rear delt machine. Or when crunched on time, delt machine. I believe there's a certified trainer on this thread that can give you a educational answer.

    7/7 at the Gym, Leg/Core Day


    Kneeling single leg curl- 4 x 15,15,15,15+drop set
    Single leg extension- 4 x 4 x 15,12,10,8+ drop set
    Precor Icarian Super Squat- 5 x 10,10,10,6,6
    Leg Press- 4 x 10,10,8,8+ drop set
    Farmers Walk- loop around gym
    Superset Shrugs (kettlebells)/Front Plate Raises- 3 x 8,8,8
    LF Abdominal machine- 4 x 15,15,15,15
    LF Back Extension machine- 4 x 15,15,15,15

  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 472 Member
    Great workout this morning. Cardio, Push Day and Core.


    46 minutes on the spin bike: HR 123/157
    35 minutes on the treadmill: HR 115/144
    54 minutes lifting weights: HR 99/140

    Barbell Bench Press: 12@135, 12@135, 12@135, 12@135
    Barbell Overhead Press, 12@65, 12@65, 12@65, 12@65
    Cable Crunches: 12@80, 12@80, 12@80, 12@80
    Incline Dumbbell Press: 12@45, 12@45, 12@45, 12@45
    Cable Rope Triceps Press Downs: 12@40, 12@40, 12@40, 12@40
    Landmine Twists: 10@20, 10@20, 10@20, 10@20
    One-Armed Landmine Overhead Press: 12@30, 12@30, 12@30, 12@30
    Dumbbell Chest Fly: 10@25, 10@25, 10@25, 10@25
    Overhead Cable Triceps Extensions: 12@40, 12@40, 12@40, 12@40
    Cross Body Dumbbell Raises: 10@20, 10@20, 10@20, 10@20

    Shoulder Mobility Exercises

    High rep work today, and tomorrow.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 472 Member

    So my question is.... Given that I only use machines and am not open to free weights at this time, would I be better off doing the rear delt fly machine in place of the single arm rows?

    For me, the answer is to do the exercise that I feel more in the muscle I am trying to target. Give the Rear Delt Machine a try, and see if you feel it more in the deltoid than the single arm rows. I also like Cable Face Pulls for rear deltoid work.

  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,933 Member
    I went out with one of the paddling clubs to a local whitewater river. I took my kayak instead of canoe so I could be more helpful with rescues. We didn't have any out-of-boat experiences. I had a ton of fun surfing many of the waves. My kayak surfs really well. I tried to help some other folks get on waves and stay on, but most of the others were in creek boats. My hull is fast, so I can get on waves easier, and since I just love surfing, I have enough experience to keep carving on the wave for a fair bit of time. There was a woman there with the same hull as I have; she was able to get a few more surfs than most of the other people. We had one open canoe with a very experienced paddler. He was able to get a few surfs. Of course then he'd have to dump out his boat.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,918 Member
    Upper Body

    Bench Press 8x3x85% 1RM
    Cable Row 4x10
    Machine Decline Press 3x10
    Machine High Row 4x10
    Seated Arnold Press 3x10
    DB Curl 3x10 (Twist Curl, Hammer Curl, Concentration Curl) <<superset>> DB Lying Skull Crusher 3x10
    Cable Woodchoppers (Low, Mid, High) 3x10
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,918 Member
    Given that I only use machines and am not open to free weights at this time, would I be better off doing the rear delt fly machine in place of the single arm rows?

    Depends on your goal. If you're trying to hit the rear delts (a normal addition to pull day), then the rear delt fly is great, as is the cable rope pull suggested by @BigMech (in fact it's the one I use personally, though I've been meaning to give the rear fly a try just for variety). The single arm row can hit the rear delts, depending on where the elbow and upper arm are angled, but I would have them earlier in your routine rather than at the end given its compound nature.
    I believe there's a certified trainer on this thread that can give you a educational answer.

    Hope you're not talking about me. I've been lifting for 15+ years so have learned a thing or two via experience and research, but I'm not certified in any way.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,759 Member
    I think I'll give the rear fly a try (it rhymes!). Worst case, I don't like it and I switch back or try something else, heh.

    Today's leg workout:

    Leg press 4x12 (145lbs)
    Calf raise 4x12 (115lbs)
    Leg curl 1x12 (120lbs), 3x12 (100lbs)
    Leg extension 4x12 (65lbs)
    Hip adduction 4x12 (145lbs)
    Hip abduction 4x12 (145 lbs)
    Torso rotation 3x12 (105lbs) both sides
    Abdominal 3x12 (165lbs)