
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,165 Member
    Good morning all you lovely ladies. I'm sittimg here watching tje sunrise. Feeling happy & content. Things are getting back to "normal" around here and it feels great.

    I'm from south Louisiana. New Orleans area.

    Anybody find any good healthy and tasty recipes layely?

    Carla in Louisiana

    Welcome Carla!
    Not from the south but did live in the Mobile,AL area(Theodore) for a bit when former hubby was stationed there. Would love to go back. Visit New Orleans and our favorite spot- Dauphin Island.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,706 Member
    Hello, my chicks,

    Another quiet day in the offing? Probably. I'm OK with it. I took two naps yesterday, sent Corey off to the grocery store and read an entire book. He was in and out of his chair all day, picking tomatoes and carrots, roasting, cooking and canning and reading his book in between. I... was not. Then I still slept nearly 7 hours last night.

    Funny - so many people yearn for this kind of life, and I have had such a hard time just getting here, protesting the whole way. Ah well. Apparently you must have a quiet heart and mind to have a quiet life, and I am closer right now to having those things than I've ever been.

    My husband and a few very good friends have told me that I've changed in the last few years--I know that some of it came out of stepping away from work four years ago, and more came out of getting sick. I like knowing that something of lasting benefit may come from years of adversity besides just moving this uncurable illness to stillness.

    As an aside, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to call Crohn's subsiding as "going into remission." It smacks far too much of competing with cancer for severity, when that's not true at all. Anyway...

    Welcome to those who are new to the thread - we're glad you're here. There is support a-plenty. Speaking of which:

    Rebecca: Hard for me to comment on your sandwich, as it's so far away from my eating patterns, but it's super easy to comment on the grands! The pictures of Eli and Athena are so wonderful. He's growing so fast, and I hope they're having enormous fun together. Our siblings are so important as we grow and later, as we age. So pleased to see you logging again, too. It's such a key for us to know what's going in our bodies.

    Annie: Thank you for your comment on my getting better. Still much thought and many hugs wrapped around you as you deal with life as a caretaker for your dad.

    Carla in Louisiana: I'm so glad you were able to find your way back to us! Your life has been in a whirl for a long time, and a steady hand extended from a group like this one can be a keystone to building the healthier life you're trying to find. No recipes from me, I'm afraid. My husband's the cook--I'm just the sous chef! I was raised in Deep East Texas, about an hour and a half from Shreveport, so not quite your neck of the woods, but close!

    Heather: So pleased to see that things went well with Sue.

    Corey's just up and around here just past 7 a.m., so I'll ferry a few cups of coffee to him the next few hours. Got one load of laundry going, but other than that, time to dive back in to another book, or go work on the quilt. Hope it's a peaceful Sunday for all, whether past, present or future.

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Awe no worries. Yes, I sooooo hope they can come down to my sisters so I can have an afternoon soaking those sweet peas up!
    I might just log until I travel to my sisters. Then just eat how I know to eat. Use all the tools in my toolbox so I am still on my journey. Learn to say "no thank you"!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,706 Member
    Morning all
    I have to remember not to coke zero late in the afternoon😬
    Didn't sleep well ..
    Its hot and muggy today here. So we are staying in.
    Rebecca- I was thinking of getting some of those chai latte protein shakes..but when I looked at the ingredients its alot of chemicals..
    So Im still thinking about it.. I need to keep my protein up to at least 40 a day.

    Looks to be a bioengineered item in them. Maybe its soy? But its got 15 g protein, 3 g of catbs, 1 g of sugar, and 3 gram of protein. Looks to be a lot of chemicals in them related to vitamins and minerals. But artificial sugars in there too. Well I bought a 4 pack so I will tell you if I grow a third head or something!😂
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,706 Member
    Rebecca- love the Athena and Eli photos. He's at the huggable/smoochable stage - looks like Athena is taking being a big sister just fine.

    Barbara - nice to hear you are getting some water at your house, even that much has to help. Glad the stream is running fine.

    Heather - happy to see you painting again, very nice colors. What's the date on your other hip?

    Lisa - very glad you are catching up on your sleep, it sure makes a difference.

    Carla - so happy to hear your community is getting things put back together after that hurricane damage. The church potluck sounded wonderful; everyone has been through so much, I'm sure the fellowship was a treat. I enjoy hearing about your family and what's going on in your life way "down south." I have a friend in law enforcement not far from Shreveport and it's neat when he gives his report from that area. Your good spirits are contagious. ;)

    Tina - you must have a wonderful B & B - company coming and staying THREE weeks? Um, do you have any slots open this winter? I might find my way south! :p

    Rita - your meals look so good. You can bet when I find the teleporter I'll be down to your place with my bib on. :p

    Annie - so much going on in your life right now. Sending hugs! Would be nice if the Memantine will help slow your dad's progression. Glad to hear your sis will be there for his 90th birthday.

    Margaret - love hearing what you are doing nutrition-wise. I think saying "no" to stressful things is very important.

    Speaking of stress, with this blasted heatwave we're having, I've lost my enthusiasm for my Indiana sister's and her DH's upcoming visit on Tuesday. Temps over 80 really do me in - and it's been constant trips to the chicken run, toting ice for their water and frozen treats. The hippy dippy weatherman was calling for near 100 here on Tuesday afternoon, unless he has changed his mind again. I'm afraid to look at the weather forecast. :#

    I know sis couldn't foresee the weather when they booked their flight a month ago, and I'm sure they were looking forward to our normal Pacific Northwest Weather of high 70's during the day.

    Anyhow, it's out of my control, but I'm starting to stress out about it nonetheless. My BIL's health isn't that good and I want to be as accommodating as I can when they pull in the driveway. Maybe we'll all be in siesta mood and take naps if I can get Rosie to clam up long enough, lol.

    Better close for now. Want to get a few more things done outside before the stinkin' broiler gets set on high sizzle. :s

    ***Reminder to get Weekly Check-In info to me by Monday noon :) ***

    Keep cool ladies. <3

    Lanette B)B)B)
    SW WA State

    Yep, she is. Nice to see him "assertive" in the water! Athena was hesitant and would've never sat in the water like that at that age.🤗💖
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
    Here is session 5 of my pre diabetes course. I put it in a spoiler as it is long like the others.
    Week 5 healthie

    Session 5: Social Support
    Getting healthier and reaching your wellness goals can be challenging. The good news is that you don’t have to do it alone. Today, you will learn how your friends, family members, coworkers, community group and coach can support you in reaching your health and wellness goals. You will also learn about the different types of support, and how to deal with unsupportive people.
    Types of Support
    There are 4 types of social support:
    ➢ Emotional: Expressions of
    compassion and love
    o Example: You went out last
    night and didn’t stick to your
    healthy eating plan at the
    restaurant. You call a friend who listens to your feelings and provides support and compassion.
    ➢ Instrumental: Offering a helping hand or any other tangible support
    o Example: Your partner chooses to work from home two mornings a week to watch the kids so you can go to the gym.

    ➢ Informational: Providing beneficial information, advice or suggestions
    o Example: Your local YMCA teaches a healthy cooking class.
    ➢ Appraisal: Feedback that you can use for self-evaluation o Example: Your kids brag about your delicious home cooked meals.
    Support from Family and Friends
    Everyone needs a different type of support and you may not need all four types; however, you do need some type of support to be successful. Take some time to think about your support system and
    the type of support that is most meaningful to you. Once you determine this, write down the names of family members, friends and coworkers that you want to include in your support network.
    Now, it’s time to reach out to your potential support network. Start by explaining your goals to them and why your goals are important to you. Then, let them know how they can help you to be successful. Be specific. Ask your spouse to buy fewer sweets at the store. Ask your coworker to go for a walk during your break. Ask your sister if she can babysit so you can attend a yoga class.

    ❖ See Handout: Goals and Social Support
    ✓ Skill Building Activity: Completing the Goals and Social Support Handout (your coach will lead you through this activity)
    Support from the Program
    One of the great aspects about participating in this program is that you have a built in support system. Remember that the community board is a place where you can interact throughout the day with your coach and the other participants. Interacting with like-minded people is motivating and can be a place where you brainstorm solutions to similar challenges.
    Your coach is another great resource and support who is available to answer questions and help you move closer to your goals. Take time to explain your goals and your particular situation to your coach so that he or she can support you in the best way.
    Support from a Buddy
    In addition to forming a support system, it may be helpful to find one person that has similar goals to you. To find that person, ask yourself a couple of questions:
    What am I Looking For in a Buddy?
    ✓ What kind of support am I looking for?
    ✓ Do I want my buddy to exercise with me?
    ✓ Do I want my buddy to have weight loss goals?

    What is My Lifestyle?
    ✓ Do I have a family that I cook for every night?
    ✓ Am I a stay at home parent?
    ✓ Do I work an office job from 9-5?
    ✓ Do I need childcare?
    Once you choose your support buddy, you may want to write up a “support buddy contract.”
    ❖ See Handout: Support Buddy Contract
    Remember, if you don’t receive the support you need from
    your support buddy, you can always find someone else.
    Unsupportive People
    Not everyone in your life is willing or able to support you. Like it or not, you may have some people in your life who aren’t interested in helping you succeed. Unsupportive people can keep you from achieving your goals, and they usually fall into one of two categories:
    ➢ Intentionally unsupportive people: This could be a partner who feels threatened because you are losing weight so he or she brings home cookies and ice cream for dessert.
    ➢ Unintentionally unsupportive people: These are people who may be unaware of your goals. They may ask you to do things that don’t fit with your healthy lifestyle such as having lunch at the Cheesecake Factory because they want to spend time with you, and not because they want you to fail.
    When you come across these people, it’s important that you go over your goals with them and tell them how they can

    support you. You may want to remind them that you’re just changing your lifestyle, and not your feelings toward them. When these people see how much progress you are making, they may feel inspired and want to change their lifestyle too.
    If you are having trouble finding a support system or want additional support, you can support yourself through journaling.
    ❖ See Handout: Your Support Journal
    ✓ Skill Building Activity: Completing the Support Journal (your
    coach will lead you through this activity)
    Today, you have learned that to become and stay healthy, you need to have a network of supportive people in your life. There are many types of social support and the key is to find the type that works best for you. Remember to ask your family and friends for support and take advantage of the community board, other participants and your coach to help you meet your goals.

    Keep Moving
    Ask your new support buddy to meet you for a walk after work to help motivate you.
    □ Find a support buddy and complete the support buddy contract.
    □ Complete at least one week of entries in your support journal
    □ Goal setting: Work with your coach to set one goal this week associated with this session. Example: I will support at least one person on the community board this week.
    List your goal here or message it to your coach: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
    □ What type of support are you the most successful with?
    □ Tell your coach the type of support you prefer and how they can help you meet your goals.

    □ Ask your group members how they found a support buddy.
    “We rise by lifting others.” - Robert Ingersoll

    Goals and Social Support
    Goal 1:​ ________________________________________ 1. Why is this goal important to me?
    2. Who can support me in this goal? __________________________________________________
    3. How can they support me? __________________________________________________
    Goal 2:​ ________________________________________ 1. Why is this goal important to me?
    2. Who can support me in this goal? __________________________________________________
    3. How can they support me? __________________________________________________
    Goal 3:​ ________________________________________ 1. Why is this goal important to me?
    2. Who can support me in this goal? __________________________________________________
    3. How can they support me? __________________________________________________

    Support Buddy Contract
    ✔Complete 1 contract for each person. ✔Personalize the contract to reflect your goals.
    Support Buddy Contract
    1.) I will provide support and encouragement to my buddy to help him/her achieve his/her goals
    2.) I will be his/her positive, non-judgmental supporter
    3.) I will hold my buddy accountable to meet the following goals:
    ▪ Exercise at least _____ minutes weekly.
    ▪ Eat at least ____ servings of fruit and ____ servings of vegetables daily.
    ▪ Drink at least ____ ounces of water daily.
    ▪ Sleep at least ____ hours nightly.
    ▪ Do at least ____ stress reducing activities weekly.
    Date:​ ____________
    Person 1 Signature:​ ___________________________ Person 2 Signature:​ ___________________________

    Your Support Journal
    􏰀 If you are having trouble finding a support system or if you want additional support, it may be helpful to start a support journal.
    􏰀 You may want to spend 10-15 minutes each night writing in your journal.
    Here are some ideas of what to include in your journal:
    1. Write down your goals:
    o Make sure to break each goal down into short-term and long-term goals. ​For example:
    o My short-term goal is to drink 32 oz. of water daily.
    o My long-term goal is to be able to run for 30 minutes without walking.
    2. What went well today? How did you feel?
    o For example:​ I felt happy because I exercised for 15 minutes.
    3. What didn’t go so well today? How did you feel?
    o Note what you want to do differently tomorrow.
    o For example:​ I felt disappointed because I ate 3
    cookies instead of 1 for dessert. Tomorrow, I will portion out 1 cookie, eat more mindfully and savor the flavor.
    4. Write down 3 positive things about yourself:
    o For example:​ I am intelligent, determined and strong.
    􏰀 When you need support, look through your journal. Go through everything that you have accomplished and feel proud of your progress! Be your own supporter!

    RVRita in Roswell
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,808 Member
    Thank you for that, Flea... So beautiful.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Did Cathe Slow and Heavy DVD and then took a walk around the neighborhood. Saw that a tree fell right as you come into the development but by the time I got back from WalMart (about 9:15), the tree had already been removed. Have yogurt in the IP. Will probably make more of those pops. Got salmon in to marinate, Vince grilled it this afternoon. Made more rice krispie bars.

    Rebecca – I never tire of seeing Eli and Athena. Keep those pics coming!

    M – I bet you found a lot of cat toys, too!

    Smiles looks so adorable. For that matter, all the pics are wonderful

    For anyone who is trying to get their protein up, Aldi sells something called “Elevation Protein Puffs”. For 110 calories you get 24g protein.

    Michele NC
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,165 Member
    After seven years, I finally got my husband to Multnomah Falls. All the stars aligned, and we got a parking spot, so walked up to the bridge. Then went to Crown Point Vista House. The building was closed because of the heat, but the views were wonderful. We had fun driving the historic Columbia River Highway.

    Home now, and puppy happy to see us.

    Happy to be back at sea level in the Willamette Valley

    Multnomah Falls was a highlight of our last trip up to Washington a few years ago. I would love to see it during each season.