
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    Carol - My very best wishes for your op. You will be transformed! :D<3

    Machka - Such a hard road you are travelling. Such a complex grief. I dread all this for John one day. His twin sister has dementia, which of course, doesn't mean that he will develop it, but it's not good news. I dread it for myself, come to that.

    Beth - I hope something can be sorted out soon for your mother. <3 Your anxiety and grief also must be so deep. It's so exhausting. Can you declutter for a couple of minutes a day? Or one thing at a time? I find 'just one thing' can boost my mood. Well done on getting rid of the storage place!

    Margaret - That roof is a big commitment. Good for you. Excellent idea for the toy sale. Like Beth and Machka, our clutter is a sign of our overwhelm. We are just so darn tired of being responsible for others. When we declutter something, it is such a contribution to our own mental health. One less thing to think about and care for.

    The cleaner has been. I have napped. On Thursday I have my hospital phone check for my next op. It's been so quick! :o

    Barbara - I wrote my novel 'Windows ' about a stained glass maker, in the early 80s, and it was the first thing I self-published. The metaphor ran throughout the novel. (V adult content.) I'm so sorry for your water worries. :#

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    edited July 8
    For members with dogs who want to cut down on Flea and Tick, and Heartworm meds...

    BarbaraBecasue Drewb has an auto immune condition is why I stopped the Heartworm meds. I did learn if you do flea and tick and heartworm not to give them at the same time.

    Heartworm can also be given every six weeks. The reason it is suggested monthly is because it is easier to remember. Also if you live in a colder climate like I do. Once it consistently gets colder than 50 degrees at night you wait six weeks and give last dose until it is again in the spring 50 degrees at night then wait six weeks and give a dose. So if you give heartworm meds it does cut down on the amount you have to give them. I chose none because of her condition. I walk her only when the mosiquito are less like to be out. Late morning and early afternoon and early evening when less risk of mosquito. I also keep her out of tall grass for mosquito and ticks. She also wears a bandana that I apply an essential oil mixture . I also have her tested for Heartworm and parasites. She is a short hair and light colored so the two ticks I found on her this year I got off her quickly. If you use a flea and tick med the tick has to bite your dog in order for them to die. The argument is it kills them before there is a risk of disease. I do keep some of the Heartworm med on hand it I notice she is over exposed to mosquitoes! I then will give her the meds six week after exposure. The meds kill what the dog is exposed to six weeks before.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
    Today is be a child and have a Mounds bar! (Chocolate and almonds!) I have almonds but no chocolate so am out of luck today.


    RVRita in Roswell
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    edited July 8
    Stats for the day-

    Outside bike ride- 3hrs 5min 18sec, 400elev, 62aw, 13.1amph, 119ahr, 160mhr, 40.46mi= 1378c
    Strava app = 771c
    Walk to dentist and back- 12.51min, 3.22ap, .68mi= 73c
    Strava app= 84c

    *messed up, dental app is tomorrow, oh well, senior moment :0/

    Total cal 1451

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    MFP Weekly Check-in July 8, 2024

    Rita in Roswell, NM - Lost 1.2 pounds this week. I checked my macros and I’ve been hitting those correctly with this change in eating. I’m eating what I like and loving it! :p

    Debbie in Napa Valley, CA - weight went back up again. 149.4 Back to tracking today.

    Sue in WA - I really need to get a better handle on the sugar. It is indeed addictive at least for me. I lost about one half pound this week but it was a struggle. I am continuing with the Healthy Heart class through Calm Health. One of the exercises was to answer the question "why do I want a healthier heart?" It has been interesting to dig into that. Trying to come up with healthy meals that don't heat up the house during preparation.

    Barbara on the southern Oregon Coast - Better than yesterday:
    Move: steps and PT 4/7
    Fuel: sugar 4/7, CI<CO 5/7, AF 6/7
    And down 0.9 lbs ;)

    Evelyn on Vancouver Island - Another hot sunny day on the island! I’ve tracked this week and have either hit my calorie target or come in just over and, surprise surprise, I’m down a pound! Yay!

    Lanette SW WA State – Weight gradually trending down. 7 lbs in 4 months by controlling carbs (under 100 grams most days) & eliminating sugar, “white” starches and processed foods. Continuing with stretching and PR exercises for back: cat/camel & bridging. Daily Farmer’s walk with 8# weights & sunrise walk early each morning, 15 to 20 minutes.

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    That's a beautiful picture, Rebecca. Do you know where on 30 the lodge was located? On the west side of crown point Vista house, there was some kind of women's retreat center, but it was well off the highway, so I couldn't see if it was a lodge.

    Willamette Valley OR
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,165 Member
    edited July 9
    I heard a great meme on Instagram today.
    'Would you be friends with the person you are dating? ' ((Or married to etc))

    Good one.
    I most definitely would. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx

    current dh-the way he is now(always bitter/pissy mood)- NOPE
    former hubby- YES- we are best friends. Started as friends WAY back when I was in 7th grade, he was in 9th.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member