MMA Frauds



  • I got a whitebelt in BJJ..can I claim MMA status now?

  • jackiejax1981
    jackiejax1981 Posts: 80 Member
    Idk...I got to the end of page 2 and just CARES? Whatever happened to focusing on yourself and not worrying about what other people are doing and not being a HATER for no reason. If you are confident in what you are doing for yourself, you natually don't judge other people, love, appreciate and encourage.

    Like, I don't understand females who do their hair and wear tons of makeup to the gym....but do i hate them? i hate that they chose to wear makeup to the gym? no. If I had makeup on and was pressed for time and had no choice to wear it to the gym myself...then yea, i'd be annoyed... because I have goop on my OWN eyes that is running down my face in my own sweat.

    Idk...just throwin it out there.
  • Aj1214
    Aj1214 Posts: 120
    Idk...I got to the end of page 2 and just CARES? Whatever happened to focusing on yourself and not worrying about what other people are doing and not being a HATER for no reason. If you are confident in what you are doing for yourself, you natually don't judge other people, love, appreciate and encourage.

    Like, I don't understand females who do their hair and wear tons of makeup to the gym....but do i hate them? i hate that they chose to wear makeup to the gym? no. If I had makeup on and was pressed for time and had no choice to wear it to the gym myself...then yea, i'd be annoyed... because I have goop on my OWN eyes that is running down my face in my own sweat.

    Idk...just throwin it out there.

    I get your point, but if one can't state their annoyances now and again, they'd go nuts.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    Idk...I got to the end of page 2 and just CARES? Whatever happened to focusing on yourself and not worrying about what other people are doing and not being a HATER for no reason. If you are confident in what you are doing for yourself, you natually don't judge other people, love, appreciate and encourage.

    Like, I don't understand females who do their hair and wear tons of makeup to the gym....but do i hate them? i hate that they chose to wear makeup to the gym? no. If I had makeup on and was pressed for time and had no choice to wear it to the gym myself...then yea, i'd be annoyed... because I have goop on my OWN eyes that is running down my face in my own sweat.

    Idk...just throwin it out there.

    I get your point, but if one can't state their annoyances now and again, they'd go nuts.

    exactly. and the OP also said that it wasn't so much what they guys were wearing, but how they were acting like a**holes to the rest of the guys at the gym like they were now better than everyone
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    WHY does EVERY middle aged, out of shape guy alllllllll of a sudden want to be an MMA fighter? Why do they ALLL of a sudden think they're hardcore because they bought some "Tapout Gear" at the mall and show up for a few "cardio" classes at the local "MMA school" that just popped up? Why do they call themselves trained fighters when they've never earned a belt in any one of the martial arts? Why do they think they're all knowing about nutrition because they've seen a few infomercials, google'd a few diets of fighters and watched some dvds? Why do they have this holier than thou attitude when it comes to fitness? And... for the life of me I cannot understand, how do they do all of this while sporting a beer gut??? Anyone???

    It's a phase they're going through. A mid-life crisis if you will. A desperate attempt to stay relevant.
  • jackiejax1981
    jackiejax1981 Posts: 80 Member
    Idk...I got to the end of page 2 and just CARES? Whatever happened to focusing on yourself and not worrying about what other people are doing and not being a HATER for no reason. If you are confident in what you are doing for yourself, you natually don't judge other people, love, appreciate and encourage.

    Like, I don't understand females who do their hair and wear tons of makeup to the gym....but do i hate them? i hate that they chose to wear makeup to the gym? no. If I had makeup on and was pressed for time and had no choice to wear it to the gym myself...then yea, i'd be annoyed... because I have goop on my OWN eyes that is running down my face in my own sweat.

    Idk...just throwin it out there.

    I get your point, but if one can't state their annoyances now and again, they'd go nuts.

    Lol...yeaaaaa i know, i guess the thread just got so involved i got sick of reading it all. things may have been misconstrued and taken out of context, different viewpoints = different any case....everyone has the right to express their opinions. ;-P
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    Wow. Do you earnestly try to alienate almost everyone or does that happen by accident?
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I NEVER EVER think anything bad about ANYONE who is working out.

    Unless the are middle-aged, are skinny with beer bellies, wear MMA gear & take a class.
    Whether they're burning a million calories, or have to stop mid-way through the class.

    But you don't notice because you're too busy working out. Right?
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    Wow. Do you earnestly try to alien almost everyone or does that happen by accident?

    i'm fairly certain this is not what you meant to say...
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Why do they have this holier than thou attitude

    Kind of like people who advertise themselves as "purrfect"?

    LOL, I don't know, other than being a good bit too tall for me...she looks pretty purrfect from her profile picture =p.
  • Ironically if my old sensei saw most MMA fights he'd probably cry from laughter/anger. There are so many things wrong.
    how ironic
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    Wow. Do you earnestly try to alien almost everyone or does that happen by accident?

    i'm fairly certain this is not what you meant to say...

    I'm fairly certain you are right. :blushing:
  • Aj1214
    Aj1214 Posts: 120
    Ironically if my old sensei saw most MMA fights he'd probably cry from laughter/anger. There are so many things wrong.
    how ironic

    Not sure if your intent was to post a video of a song called "Ironic" with a bunch of things happening that aren't ironic to prove a point that I did not use irony correctly, or otherwise. What I can tell you is that while it may have been a POOR use of irony, it was ironic. MMA an "art" or sport intended to inflect pain or making the opponent give up. Crying can be induced by pain. Sensei crying over MMA fighters but not because of them beating him up= irony.

    Wow what a waste of my life to have to explain that...
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Ironically if my old sensei saw most MMA fights he'd probably cry from laughter/anger. There are so many things wrong.
    how ironic

    Not sure if your intent was to post a video of a song called "Ironic" with a bunch of things happening that aren't ironic to prove a point that I did not use irony correctly, or otherwise. What I can tell you is that while it may have been a POOR use of irony, it was ironic. MMA an "art" or sport intended to inflect pain or making the opponent give up. Crying can be induced by pain. Sensei crying over MMA fighters but not because of them beating him up= irony.

    Wow what a waste of my life to have to explain that...

    A topic about frauds...and...voila!

    There's irony for you!!

    More seriously, I understand the draw to MMA...the original mixed martial artists were seriously not people to mess with. Most men in general want to feel like/be like/relate in some way to people who are like that...yet, todays society, in general...doesn't have the initiative and dedication necessary to promote that kind of thing on the level of the average individual. Thus...the dilution, and eventual over commercialization of the sport.

    It's sad, but it is what it is.
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    Im going to round house this whole thread!


    Best comment in this whole thread. The OP is entitled to her opinion as is everyone else. I personally don't care what somebody wears or what classes they take or don't take or if they want to walk around like Billy Bad *kitten*. I have realized at this stage in life to let stuff not bother me. More power to the guys that want to take MMA classes or BJJ classes, people that are d-bags will be this way with or without a class, if wearing a shirt makes you feel better about yourself, more power to you, not my way, but to each his own. Ok continue on with this thread.
  • TerraGirl17
    TerraGirl17 Posts: 275 Member
    I think I get it…. Let’s see if I got this straight….

    Every middle-aged-5’7”-skinny-beer bellie-out of shape-guy is a *kitten* that thinks they are hardcore MMA fighters and fitness experts because they wear Tapout Gear to roll around on the matt for 10 minutes during their aerobics class.

    Got it.

    Oh, and Mrs. Purrrrrfectitude has an incredibly humble husband and herself doesn’t care what anyone wears to the gym, thinks nothing bad of anyone working out, is very encouraging, and is… funny… apparently with the exception of the previously mentioned class of *kitten*.

    LOVE this post!!

    I'm all caught up. Now pass the popcorn...
  • RJSuperMan
    RJSuperMan Posts: 52 Member
    For the same reason every mid-thirties-something woman who starts loosing weight thinks she's getting her sexy back and begins dressing like she's back in her early twenties. It's not a side-by-side comparison, but she's lighter, more agile, more energetic and she begins getting a little TOO confident from the returning attention.

    On the other hand, if wearing Tapout, pounding your chest, talking trash and in general thinking you’ve returned to the feral beast you were in your head 15 years ago; go for it gentlemen! Just remember that the guy over there in his own world, silently working out, but always aware of every person in his surroundings is the guy who is trained and will beat you to death will and 10-pound plate. Just sayin…. And, if wearing your muffin-top jeans and 4-inch heels makes you feel you’ve returned to being the object of every imaginary man’s desires; do it! Just don’t get pissed off when ask for attention and get it….

    In summary, who cares? Are you happy being you? Be you.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I have some MMA gear, not because I think I'm a badass but because I like how it looks and I'm a big fan of MMA.

    I started wrestling in when I was 6 and wrestled through 7th grade undefeated and then wrestled for my High School team 7th-12th grade. Wrestled one year in college. I have a brown belt in Shotokan Karate and a purple belt in BJJ, but have not trained in BJJ in several years. My dad was big into boxing when I was a kid and he was the State Golden gloves champ and had a short pro career. I sometimes have coached wrestling , but not for a few years now.

    I'm pretty confident that I can handle myself fine against most average Joe's but have no allusions that I can take on a pro MMA fighter.

    However, I'm thinking of joining an MMA Gym but not one of those sissy ones. I'm looking at maybe Warrior's Cove. Not to ever compete but MMA/Wrestling is a great workout.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I'm pretty confident that I can handle myself fine against most average Joe's but have no allusions that I can take on a pro MMA fighter.

    However, I'm thinking of joining an MMA Gym but not one of those sissy ones. I'm looking at maybe Warrior's Cove. Not to ever compete but MMA/Wrestling is a great workout.

    And this is where I think a lot of us fall. I've no doubts I can take care of myself...just as I've no doubts there's plenty of guys out there that would wipe the floor with me lol. MMA has always looked like fun to me though, and if I had the opportunity, I can't say I wouldn't pursue it to one level or another. I also agree on the type of gym. I'd rather train in a clapped out warehouse, than in an air conditioned Bally's US Swim and Fitness lol.
  • jeffsgal105
    jeffsgal105 Posts: 195 Member
    Why do they have this holier than thou attitude

    Kind of like people who advertise themselves as "purrfect"?

    LOL don't forget the x's! at least 2 of them! Funny how someone with a name like that bashes others *rolls eyes*