
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,645 Member
    Re Facebook

    I closed my account a few months after my mom died. I wanted to do it sooner, but we used IM to chat all day because she didn't text. My well being improved almost immediately. Comparing my life to the social media image of other lives was irresistible.

    Take care of yourself, Rebecca.

    Willamette Valley OR
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,565 Member
    Today’s gratitude:Joe’s eyes were clearer, brighter and less swollen/painful appearing this morning. Tumble’s trotting with her usual vigor, not favoring any limbs. When Joe checked the storage tanks this morning they were “the fullest and clearest they’ve ever been." Target’s free return donate-in-lieu-of-shipping policy. Blessings upon blessings.
    Rita beautiful salad! My mouth is watering. Thank you for “firgun!”
    Lisa, assuming you can’t tolerate organic, grass fed, full fat organic yogurt with live cultures. ;} This is spendy ($41.99 at Natural Grocers), and must be kept refrigerated, but I’ve had good results with https://naturesway.com/products/fortify-optima-age-50-advanced-care-90-billion-probiotic-prebiotics?variant=43405110083798.
    Tracey holding good thoughts for your interview. Hope the people are compatible, the work is as advertised ;} If you want it, you’ve got it, galfriend!
    While watching a long-ago-recorded episode of Celebrity Jeopardy, saw an ad that really spoke to me. This is longer than the ad was but has more. https://youtu.be/sD-R2OzcleQ

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,416 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Boy is home from Deutschland.

    My middle son went with me to PDX to pick him up.

    Willamette Valley OR

    That was quick! I thought he was going for a while.

    M in Oz

    Just four weeks.

    Willamette Valley OR

    A month passes quickly. Somehow I thought he went last week. But then my brain is still located somewhere in May or June

    I'm standing at the bus stop tonight amazed that the sky isn't pitch black. When did that change happen??

    It seems like the sun was setting about 4:30 just a few days ago.

    M in Oz
  • mcmillonmail
    mcmillonmail Posts: 48 Member
    Hello, ladies; sorry I have been MIA. I just got word that my orthotic was ready. I visited my mom and brought her a huggable teddy bear. A guy was performing for the residents. My mom was having so much fun. My mom gave me the best hug. Rose was with me and was so happy to see my mom. I was so exhausted.
    I am looking forward to planning a visit with my son next month, so I was looking into things I wanted to do in New York. I want to go to the Metropolitan Museum and the Empire State Building and see a
    Broadway show.
    Here's an update on my patient: I don't know if I told you that my blue-eyed cherub did more gymnastics and pulled out her trach. There were no alarms. The tech went into the room to stock. She looked over, and she was blue. So they called a code. She was in PI, and now she is back and back to her busy self at 15 months. Thank goodness. We had another code that night as well. I wonder if it was a full moon?
    @cityjane London, all schools wear uniforms, so those who don't have fancy clothes don't feel bad. Max looks very dapper in his suit. That pic looks like Harry and Hermione. My husband used to play Dungeons and Dragons. I saw them in action when we visited his hometown in Omaha.
    @Anniesquats100 I understand your frustration, but you must tell your dad you have things to do and will pick him up when you are done. Putting our parents in a home or, in your case, Adult daycare is a complex process. I had to talk to my therapist to help me with the guilt of putting my mom in a
    home. Just know I am praying for you.
    @LisaInArkansas - Boy, you all get up early in the morning. 4:45 a.m. Wow, that is impressive.
    @grandmallie - did you decide what to do to your hair for the trip? I want to see pics.
    @Machka9 Congratulations on your new house, and enjoy the peace.
    @Snowflake1968 - How is the scrapbooking going?
    @auntiebk —My blue-eyed cherub loves only Miss Rachel, and I learned how to sign with her. I love that she works with speech with the tots. My son loved the Teletubbies, but I pushed other shows due to his speech delay. I agree the Teletubbies are less annoying, though. Coco Melon and Gracie's Corner are the other popular ones. Some parents do not allow us to show Coco Melon due to brainwashing.?? Gracie's Corner is so repetitive it drives me crazy!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,416 Member
    I suspect a lot of people don't use Facebook as a tool and don't make use of all the features to see what they want to see and not stuff they don't want to see.

    That said I am not sure what people do use Facebook for.

    There's very little in the way of politics and emotions in my Facebook feed.

    It just contains the things I want to see. It's simply an information source. With a bit of my kind of humour.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,416 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I suspect a lot of people don't use Facebook as a tool and don't make use of all the features to see what they want to see and not stuff they don't want to see.

    That said I am not sure what people do use Facebook for.

    There's very little in the way of politics and emotions in my Facebook feed.

    It just contains the things I want to see. It's simply an information source. With a bit of my kind of humour.

    M in Oz

    If you don't use Facebook, how do you find your information?

    -- events that are taking place in your area that you might want to attend (for example, on Facebook, I found out that thee is a model train show in August)

    -- upcoming road construction

    -- what other cycling organisations are up to

    -- yummy looking low cal recipes

    -- sales on at my favourite dress shop

    -- wellness articles

    And more!

    It's a one-stop shop for me.

    Machka in Oz

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,113 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,545 Member
    Busy morning. I didn't do my usual exercises because both my hips were hurting. I'm putting it down to the low pressure and humidity, or the high pollen count. My sinuses know it.
    So I washed my hair, gave myself a pedicure, and went out around the corner to the butcher to buy beef and pork mince for meatballs. Picked up a few bits from the deli. Came home to find Amazon had delivered my black cargo pants that I ordered yesterday, on Prime Day. I've had my eye on them for some time. Not real cargos, more refined and silky, wide leg. Unfortunately, they are a little too long, so I have been shortening them, and have finished one leg.
    First I mixed up the meatball mixture and put it in the fridge, and I've just now rolled all 32 of them and got them in the oven. :D
    We will have 8 between us for dinner with tomato sauce and peas. Wholegrain spelt spaghetti. So 3 more dinners in the freezer. Hooray!
    The young man in the butcher had trouble doing the maths for my instructions of 1 kg with two thirds beef and one third pork. I gave him the numbers, but he didn't get enough pork in there. I'm sure it'll be fine. :p
    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,416 Member
    @Machka9 Congratulations on your new house, and enjoy the peace.

    Not entirely peaceful yet. Still a lot of work before we complete the move. We've got to finish moving the basement from the previous location into our storage unit. And so much unpacking!!

    Although, that said, I have actually hired a cleaning company to do the end of lease clean because I just did not want to do it. I've also hired a company to do the carpet steam clean and a company to do the pest removal. I will be hiring yet another company to do the window ... maybe I'll phone them tomorrow.

    BUT there are moments where we sit and enjoy.

    Packing, moving, unpacking ...

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,978 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,140 Member
    Stopped to see my little guy and Tracy today... he is a whirling dervish I tell you,one minute he comes over and gives you hugs and kisses and the next he is flinging things all over the place.. gotta love him though.. he was asking mommy where grandma was lol..glad I showed up ...
    My SIL says my brother has a court date sometime in July and she wont be there and he will need a ride insinuating that I have to drive 5 hrs and take him to court.. I don't think so.. first of all ,I have drs appointments lined up for the next few months for myself and Doris and his son lives an hr and a 1/2 away and our cousins are about a mile away.. dont know if he will still be at the lake house then or not.. who knows.. but honestly..I have enough on my plate...🙄

    Why doesn’t the sister-in-law take him? It’s her husband?
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,946 Member
    edited July 18
    Rebecca- and this to shall pass...I know I can't take care of toddler's thats for sure..
    Miles would wear me out,every once in awhile ,but not all the time...
    Another horrible night of sleeping... oh well.. Tomorrow is echocardiogram
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,140 Member
    @Lisa I take probiotics every day now since I started with the colitis 4 years ago. I like to vary the amount of probiotics to make sure all types are covered. I started with an expensive high numbered-90 million or more- probiotic. Finished that bottle first then have been doing a great variety of numbers and brands. I feel that they all are made differently and carry different probiotics in them so covering as many types as I can to get the best effect from them. I’ve gotten them from everywhere, starting with a health food store where they needed to be refrigerated to Walmart generic listing only 1 type of probiotic on the bottle. This is what works for me…. You do you! 😊

    Yesterday dinner was leftover pizza, baked beans, BBQ chicken drumstick, and pan fried sweet potatoes. Double grains and double protein. Not enough veggies. I made up for that with all the fruits I had during the day starting with Crasins, raisins, 1/2 banana, and dates in muesli and Oikos Triple zero yogurt. Orange and 1/2 apple for snacks. Supper was the same as last night Naan with almond butter. I had wanted to try naan and found it at Alberson’s. I bought a package and really like it. This is something I will buy again. I had the last one last night.


    RVRita in Roswell
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,484 Member