
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    Lisa- I don't know if your interested but there is an app for your phone called Ebird ,I have it on mine and it identifies the sound of the bird if your outside and tells you what kind it is and gives you the facts..
    I have all my moms birding books here,and I can usually tell what most birds are..
    Flea you are right.. but an Uber from Connecticut to N.H. would be a bit much.. we shall see what happens..and I sure hope he doesn't think he is moving in here..I love my brother dearly ,but No... he smokes and Im not having a smoker live here.. plus its a one bedroom.
    He is coming down to Connecticut with Jean tomorrow so we shall see what happens.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,788 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,142 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    :) Yes, restaurant prices are appalling. We have gotten restaurant food lately only on very special occasions (like out of town company that when we don't want to have to do the work and don't want to have to figure out how to please everyone). It was truly a gift we gave ourselves. Otherwise we love our own cooking and personally chosen foods.


    <3 Barbie in slightly cooler NW WA

    Dh told me that he and his friends got drinks- just slushy/icee type drinks. He said he thought they were a good deal because they were only $6. To me, that doesn't sound like a good deal. I don't like spending that much on a burger or what ever, let alone a drink(full of sugar and two of the three guys are diabetic)
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    Today’s gratitude: Pastor’s wife’s, loving, understanding, forgiving response when I dinged her new car door. Meeting up with D and V at music in the park, chat stroll with D, pleasant time later with both at Chetco brewery. Shadow was welcome in both venues.
    Heather Huzzah! Sorry to hear there was discomfort in both hips but your triumph shines through! Love your lazy Susans. In my next kitchen all base cabinets will be big deep pot drawers, no static shelves with hard to reach depths.
    Machka thank you so very much for “…use the feeds”. Will take a stab at this, maybe tomorrow or Tuesday, after tea… ;)
    Annie hope you decided to nap. Your well being is more important than your Dad’s car’s. ;) Kelly said it better.
    Lanette the water guy had grands visiting the past week. We are expecting/hoping to see him and his digging helper this week, to set the 1500 gal tank and trench so it can be connected. Then all that will remain is reorganizing the pump room to make it easier to change the UV bulb and clean its sleeve. BUT “scheduled” is way too strong a word ;}
    Tracey sorry to hear about the air quality cutting Rodger’s hours. Not what you need right now. :love: your answer about priorities and REALLY :love: the pic of Aspen. What a joyous little child.
    Barbie would you share your how you creatively got Annie home after she chewed through her leash? A skill that could come in handy ;)
    Carol ((hugs)) and prayers all goes well with the surgery tomorrow, and that the recovery is quick, complete and with as little pain as possible. ((hugs))
    Allie glad you got some relief. Hope the nap helped. Stick to your guns about your bro moving in with you. NOT what you need.
    Rita a word about seitan, approach with caution. It’s basically wheat gluten. While I don’t have celiac and am not generally gluten-sensitive, I’ve never been as sick as I was after eating a “seitan reuben” sandwish at a vegetarian restaurant. :sick:
    Michele any idea when the stove part will arrive? Thanks for understanding about the shower, I feel your pain about the stove.
    Margaret con VERY gratulations. Your healthful, whole food way of eating is having wonderful results.
    Beth so glad to see you pop in, you’ve been on my heart the past few days. ((hugs))

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,788 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,227 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Carol best wishes for your surgery and recovery!

    Allie, just say No! Listen to Meghan Trainor's song My name is No.

    Margaret Yay for the weight loss! You are doing so well!

    Barbara water progress Yay! And yes I took a nap. I'm a little embarrassed that I whined on Saturday when my dad woke me up early. Sorry about that, girlfriends.

    Beth you are doing a great job looking out for your mom. It's tough when she doesn't recognize that.

    Ginny good luck on the lung check.

    Machka I don't think intentional living meshes with being a caregiver. We have to be so flexible to deal with whatever comes up, so it's more reactive and plans are always tentative. But I don't know much about intentional living so I could be wrong.

    Michele restaurant prices have really gone up around here too. When I was a child we ate out at a diner less than once a month. It feels luxurious to go out more often.

    I did sleep Sunday morning and I feel much better. I will run the car today while Dad is at Sing-along. One of my goals is to give the political situation a week to settle down before I get back into it. This week is going to be chaos.

    Party planning is going well. I estimate sixteen people!

    Have a marvelous day! May you be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,799 Member
    Carol: Thinking of you today 🙏

    Heather: So pleased that you made it to the sea.

    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :)Barbara, my creative solution to the leash was not that creative. She chewed the leash leaving enough connected to the gentle leader that I could knot it around the handle of the retractable leash and hold it awkwardly for the three blocks or so to get home and get Bessie's leash for the rest of the walk. According to Chewy, the new leashes will be here by the end of the day today.

    :) Intentional living and minimalism are pretty general terms for a way of living that is careful and purposeful. They fit in with spoon story about having to make choices about how to live your life, how to spend your money, how to spend your time. The things that I choose to do or buy make me happy or fill a need or I don't do them or buy them. It reminds me of the phrase during World War II, "Is this trip really necessary" regarding the use of driving during gas rationing. It's a way to make the best use of scarce resources whether they are time, money, fuel, energy, or calories.

    <3<3 Hugs to Carol

    Barbie in NW WA

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    edited July 22
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Machka I don't think intentional living meshes with being a caregiver. We have to be so flexible to deal with whatever comes up, so it's more reactive and plans are always tentative. But I don't know much about intentional living so I could be wrong.

    Annie in Delaware

    I have the same impression ... from the articles I've read, it seems to be about planning your day and doing everything you planned. And as you go through your day, you ask yourself if what you're doing now contributes to the plan or not. If not, you try to get back on track.

    In addition to that, you set up plans for the next 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 years. And again, as you go through your days, you constantly ask yourself if what you're doing is keeping you on track for your goals or not.

    From the looks of things, you're even supposed to plan in relaxation times!!

    From my experience as a caregiver, it's much easier to go with the flow. You can plan (like I did this past weekend) but it wore both of us right out and definitely wouldn't be good long-term. We were on the brink of disaster by the end of the weekend.

    During the week, when I get home from work, I usually have 1 thing from my list I would like to do if I can. That 1 thing should only take, let's say, half an hour ... so theoretically, I should be able to plan in several other things, but I've discovered that I have a much better success rate if I hope to get 1 thing done, and leave the rest of the evening open for whatever comes along. Same with the weekends. I might plan 2 things each day ... and see what happens. The whole weekend could be completely different from what I had planned.

    It does make it difficult to keep up with stuff, but that's how it goes. I try to do the urgent things, at least.

    Work can also be like that quite often. I have plans but an email comes in and the plans go right out the window while I deal with something else.

    Right now, I've got so much unpacking to do ... I'll get there eventually. Probably.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Barbara, my creative solution to the leash was not that creative. She chewed the leash leaving enough connected to the gentle leader that I could knot it around the handle of the retractable leash and hold it awkwardly for the three blocks or so to get home and get Bessie's leash for the rest of the walk. According to Chewy, the new leashes will be here by the end of the day today.

    :) Intentional living and minimalism are pretty general terms for a way of living that is careful and purposeful. They fit in with spoon story about having to make choices about how to live your life, how to spend your money, how to spend your time. The things that I choose to do or buy make me happy or fill a need or I don't do them or buy them. It reminds me of the phrase during World War II, "Is this trip really necessary" regarding the use of driving during gas rationing. It's a way to make the best use of scarce resources whether they are time, money, fuel, energy, or calories.

    <3<3 Hugs to Carol

    Barbie in NW WA

    I think both intentional living and minimalism (which appear to be a little bit related), require a certain personality type and likely work well for people with that personality type.

    For me, however, I think being careful and purposeful all the time or most of the time would be stressful.

    One of the things I liked best about cycling in different countries for 8 months was that we only had a very loose plan. We had flights booked ... and ended up changing a couple of them anyway. A couple weeks before we went to a new place by air, I would book our first night's accommodation. When we got there, if we liked the accommodation, we'd book our last night before the next flight. Otherwise we'd go where the wind blew us. 😀

    M in Oz

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    @ Carol I hope you had a smooth surgery experience and the healing is quick and pain free (or as little pain as necessary!)
    @Heather Your next surgery will be a breeze after your last one. You are a pro now!! Good luck to you too!

    I had to work 7 hours in the booth again yesterday. Not as tired as Saturday, weird. It was a lot slower than yesterday so lots of standing yoga and dancing and stretching between cars. Got a good workout! LOL

    Breakfast: yesterday and today Muesli, 1/2 banana/ 1 T craisins and Oikos Tripple Zero yogurt. Yesterday snacks: orange, whole banana, 3 fudgicles. Supper was English muffin with butter and cream cheese with a nectarine.
    Dinner was 1/2 cup spaghetti and 1/2 cup shrimp in white sauce with onions, celery, mushrooms, and parsley for veggies and an orange for desert.

    Sounds like a lot but under my calorie allotment.

    RVRita in Roswell 👽