Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 267



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,872 Member
    In regards to daughter, I agree. I mean, I know it is just her way. She actually carries her totes EVERYWHERE she goes. I think she got into the habit when DGS was small with diaper bag maybe (to hold his snacks?) I'm not sure, but she is so tiny that the bags are bigger than her! No, I don't need her pulling stuff out and offering it to me. Sometimes I'm strong and say no to her fancy chocolates. "No thanks, I have some dark cacao. I'll have a square of it later after dinner". etc. But when I'm going through these weak times, its rough. Time for another talk! I hate to deflate her, but I don't need to be INFLATED with calories and carbs!

    @deepwoodslady Ok, I’m letting my PO’d side loose here, and you may not like what I say, but here goes…. I have no idea why your daughter has to bring totes full of food to your house (or everywhere), or why she’s there half the week, but you need to be tough and direct if the presence of that food overwhelms you, especially if she insists on offering you foods that endanger your health. It’s like bringing booze to a recovering alcoholic. Tell her not to bring foods you can’t eat into your home—they are poison to you. Your home should be your safe place. She is making it unsafe both physically and emotionally. Establish boundaries and insist she respect them. She’s an adult and needs to start acting like a responsible one.

    @Sheilaboneham I learned a new acronym today from Jaine. FUBAR. I agree, this is definitely what it is.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,872 Member
    Round 267



    ROUND 224 FOR ME.

    “Today….I am choosing Me”


    Highest weight ever (05-10-2016): 253
    Original starting weight on MFP: (01-11-2018) 235.0
    R266 EW= 188.6
    R267 EW= TBD

    Current New Goals:
    Short Term Goal: To weigh less at the end of this round than I did at the end of the last round.
    Final goal: 145-155. We’ll see how I look & feel when I get there.
    Exercise: Move 30 minutes per day rotating activity.

    R43 thru R52 (06/07/18 thru 09/23/18) = -19.4 LOST (Ending weight 179.0)

    R53 thru R62 (09/24/18 thru 01/01/19) = -4.1 GAINED (Ending weight 183.1)

    R63 thru R72 (01/02/19 thru 04/11/19) = -8.1 GAINED (Ending weight 191.2)

    R73 thru R82 (04/12/19 thru 07/20/19) = -5.5 GAINED (Ending weight 196.7)

    R83 thru R92 (07/21/19 thru 10/28/19) = -8.7 LOST (Ending weight 188.0)

    R93 thru R102 (10/29/19 thru 02/05/20) = -2.0 GAINED(Ending weight 190.0)

    R103 thru 112 (02/06/20 thru 05/06/20) = -14.9 GAINED (Ending Weight 204.9)

    R113 thru 122 (05/07/20 thru 08/23/20) = -4.7 GAINED (Ending Weight 209.6)

    R 123 thru R132 (08/24 thru 12/02/20) = -1.5 LOST (Ending Weight 208.1)

    R133 thru R142 (12/03/20 thru 03/01/21) = -0.7 LOST (Ending Weight 207.4)

    R143 thru 152 (03/02/21 thru 06/10/21) = -3.6 LOST (Ending Weight 203.8)

    R153 thru R162 (06/11/21 thru 09/18/21) = (b]-16.2 LOST [/b] (Ending Weight 187.6)

    R163 thru R172 (09/19/21 thru 12/27/21) = (b]-5.0 GAINED [/b] (Ending Weight 192.6)

    R173 thru R182 (12/28/21 thru 04/06/22) = (b]-7.0 GAINED [/b] (Ending Weight 199.6)

    R183 thru R192 (04/07/22 thru 07/15/22) = -1.4 LOST (Ending Weight 198.2)

    R193 thru R202 (07/16/22 thru 10/23/22) = -3.8 GAINED (Ending Weight 202.0)

    R203 thru R212 (10/24/22 thru 01/31/23) = -7.2 LOST (Ending Weight 194.8)

    R213 thru R222 (02/01/23 thru 05/11/23) = -0.5 GAINED (Ending Weight 195.3)

    R223 thru R232 (05/12/23 thru 08/19/23) = -3.4 GAINED (Ending Weight 198.0)

    R233 thru R242 (08/20/23 thru 11/27/23) = -17.6 LOST (Ending Weight 180.4)

    R243 thru R252 (11/28/23 thru 03/06/24) = -2.6 LOST (Ending Weight 177.8)

    R253 thru R262 (03/07/24 thru 06/14/24) = -5.8 GAINED (Ending Weight 183.6)

    R263 (06/15/24 thru 06/24/24) = -3.8 GAINED (Ending Weight 187.4)

    R264 (06/25/24 thru 07/04/24) = -1.2 LOST (Ending Weight 186.2)

    R265 (07/05/24 thru 07/14/24) = -3.2 GAINED (Ending Weight 189.4)

    R266 (07/15/24 thru 07/24/24) = -0.8 LOST (Ending Weight 188.6)

    R267 (07/25/24 thru 08/03/24) = -xxx LOST (Ending Weight xxxxx)

    COLOR CODE: Fuchsia is a Happy Weight Loss for me. Blue is a sad weight gain.Black is no change.

    07/24 …..188.6….. ENDING WEIGHT LAST ROUND

    07/25 -DNW- (Trend weight DNW)

    07/26 -DNW- (Trend weight DNW)

    07/27 -189.4- (Trend weight 189.2) Still trying to lose the bulk and bloat from travel. I started back on the water pill on orders of the cardiologist for a one week experiment. Daily this time instead of every-other-day. Lots of water shed yesterday until about 3:00 then nothing. I assume my weight was even higher before shedding. Today I am making a crock pot chicken parmesan dinner which is loaded with pasta. I will make today an OMAD day, sticking to very low carb liquids during the day (broth, black coffee, water) to offset the damage although I know I will probably eat some approved snacks later tonight. It’s an easy meal for the whole group and something I’ve been craving. I’m trying to show myself that I can have the things I crave if I fit it into my day properly and eat in the correct portions. On keto I was eating less than 20 carbs per day. Now I am keeping it at under 100 which makes it totally different than before. This allows so many more foods and now that I can eat them at a higher level (carbs), I need to learn to control it. Much different than avoiding it altogether. Tweaking, Tweaking…..

    07/28 -189.2- (Trend weight 189.5) I’ll be traveling a couple of hours each way tomorrow for a new doctor. A foot specialist of some kind. Then next month I will be sent for some painful foot testing and also another new doctor (neurologist) who will also try to figure out my feet issue which is likely diabetic neuropathy IMHO. Lunch will be out tomorrow which never helps the cause. Usually I am safe though when I’m back at home, but not lately. I’ve got to get my home habits back in order and instill peace again with my kitchen because right now it is a battlefield! I’m leaving early tomorrow so I’ll try to get an early weight on the scale and post later. However, I’ll likely skip Tuesday’s weigh-in after the travel. I’m usually filled with temporary bloat that is a bit meaningless in the big picture. I’ll need a day to let things settle in so that the real Donna can please stand up.

    07/29 -xxxxx- (Trend weightxxxxx)

    07/30 -xxxxx- (Trend weightxxxxx)

    07/31 -xxxxx- (Trend weightxxxxx)

    08/01 -xxxxx- (Trend weightxxxxx)

    08/02 -xxxxx- (Trend weightxxxxx)

    08/03 -xxxxx- (Trend weightxxxxx)

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s
  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 209 Member
    @khan72856 Happy birthday! Hope it's a wonderful day.
  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 209 Member
    RND 264 SW 209.2 EW 209
    RND 265 SW 208.6 EW 214.6
    RND 266 SW 212.0 EW 208.0
    RND 267 SW 207.4 EW TBD

    GW for this round: 205

    7/25 207.4
    7/26 206.8
    7/27 207.0
    7/28 206.6 up and down…the human body is the worst kind of roller coaster lol
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,549 Member
    @khahn72856 - hope you had a brilliant birthday & got to spend it in exactly the way you wanted xx
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,746 Member
    Thank you, @quiltingjaine !
    74 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 147.0
    UGW: 140.0
    07/23 - 148.0 at 7:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    07/24 - 149.3 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...trainer sick
    07/25 - 149.9 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then made soup
    07/26 - 149.0 at 7:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...trainer sick
    07/27 - 152.8 at 6:40 a.m. ...5.20 miles in 102 mins then Grandsons Duty
    07/28 -
    07/29 -
    07/30 -
    07/31 -
    08/01 -
    08/02 -
    08/03 -
    Good luck everyone!
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,549 Member
    edited July 29
    🎷 66 yrs young F, 5ft 4 Round 267 (my 197th). So grateful as always @Quiltingjaine for another round.
    Goals for this round; (same as last few rounds & hoping committed to achieve them this time!! – Again!!)
    • First and foremost, no feeding frenzies
    • to get to/stay under 139 pounds,
    • to lose!
    I need to remain consistent - it does work! Good luck for success everyone.
    Achieved goal weigh of 125lb in summer 2016 by losing 66lb and then gradually gained between 7 and 11 since then & didn't want to gain any more, it’s taken me 75 rounds to achieve target of 130 = back to maintenance!! But then I crept up again, so need to get back to around 134. A healthy lifestyle must be a permanent way of life.
    End of round 69 134.2 lbs 22.2.18 to 03.03.19
    End of round 70 133.6 04.03.18 to 13.03.19
    End of round 71 132.4
    End of round 72 133.2
    End of round 73 132.8
    End of round 74 132
    End of round 75 131.4
    End of round 76 130.2
    End of round 77 132.4
    End of round 78 134.4
    End of round 79 132
    End of round 80 133.6
    End of round 81 133.8
    End of round 82 132.4
    End of round 83 133.4
    End of round 84 133
    End of round 85 131.6
    End of round 86 133.0
    End of round 87 134.8
    End of round 88 132.8 (2 pounds lost)
    End of round 89 138.2 (5.4 pounds gained)
    End of round 90 135 (3.2 pounds down)
    End of round 91 132.8 (2.2 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 92 133 (0.2 pound up from end of last round)
    End of round 93 135.6 (2.6 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 94 135.8 (0.2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 95 134.4 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 96 134.4 (no loss no gain!!)
    End of round 97 135 (0.6 up from end of last round)
    End of round 98 133.4 (1.6 down from end of last round)
    End of round 99 134.4 (1 up from end of last; not bad for Christmas period!)
    End of round 100 133.4 (1 down from end of last round)
    End of round 101 137.2 (3.8 pounds up)
    End of round 102 136 (1.2 pounds down from last round – not bad considering Dad unexpectedly passed away 3 days before end of round & I went totally off plan & no walking!)
    End of round 103 – 133.4 (2.6 pounds down from last round – better!)
    End of round 104 – 135 (0.6 up from end of last round)
    End of round 105 – 133.6 (1.4 down from end of last round)
    End of round 106 – 133.6 (same as last round)
    End of round 107 – 134.8 (1.2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 108 – 134.2 (0.6 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 109 – 135.6 (1.4 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 110 – 133.2 (2.4 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 111 – 133.2 (same as last round)
    End of round 112 – 133.6 (increase of 0.4)
    End of round 113 – 132.8 (0.8
    End of round 114 – 136 (3.2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 115 – 134.8 (1.2 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 116 – 133.4 (1.2 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 117 – 135.4 (2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 118 – 136 (1.6 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 119 – 133.4 (2.6 pounds down)
    End of round 120 – 135.4 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 121 – 135.2 (0.2 pounds down)
    End of round 122 – 133.2 (1.8 pounds down)
    End of round 123 – 132.4 (0.8 pounds down)
    End of round 124 - 134.8 (2.4 pounds up)
    End of round 125 - 135 (0.2 pounds up) – get a grip!!!
    End of round 126 - 135 - same as last round
    End of round 127 - 133.8 (1.2 pounds down
    End of round 128 - 133.4 (0.4 pound down)
    End of round 129 - 134.2 (0.8 up)
    End of round 130 - 133 (1.2 pounds down)
    End of round 131 - 133.6 (0.6 up)
    End of round 132 – 134 (0.4 up)
    End of round 133 – 134 .4 (0.4 up)
    End of round 134 – 132.2 (2.2 pounds down) see what not binging can do!!
    End of round 135 – 131.8 (0.4 down)
    End of round 136 – 132.8 (1 pound up – happy for Christmas period, lower than at this time for many years!)
    End of round 137 – 134 (1.2 pound up ugh!!)
    End of round 138 - 131.2 (2.8 pounds down)
    End of round 139 – 130.2 (1 pound down)
    End of round 140 – 132.4 (2.2 pounds up)
    End of round 141 – 131 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 142 – 129.8 (1.2 pounds down)
    End of round 143 – 130.8 (1 pound up)
    End of round 144 – 130.2 (0.6 pounds down)
    End of round 145 – 132 (1.8 pounds up)
    End of round 146 – 133.8 (1.8 pounds up – again!!)
    End of round 147 – 133.2 (0.6 down)
    End of round 148 – 132.4 (0.8 pounds down)
    End of round 149 – 132.4
    End of round 150 – 133.8 (1.4 pounds up)
    End of round 151 – 135.8 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 152 – 134 (1.8 pounds down)
    End of round 153 – 135.4 (1.4 pound up)
    End of round 154 – 132.2 (3.2 pounds down)
    End of round 155 - 133.6 (1.4 pounds up)
    End of round 156 - 134 (0.4 pounds up)
    End of round 157 - 133.6 (0.4 pounds down)
    End of round 158 – 135.4 (1.8 pounds up)
    End of round 159 – 134.4 (1 pound down)
    End of round 160 – 135.2 (0.8 up)
    End of round 161 – 134.2 (1 pound down)
    End of round 162 – 133.6 (0.6 down)
    End of round 163 – 136.2 (2.6 up)
    End of round 164 – 136 (0.2 pound down)
    End of round 165 – 135.8 (0.2 pound down)
    End of round 166 – 136 (0.2 pound up)
    End of round 167 – 138 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 168 – 135 (3 pounds down)
    End of round 169 – 134.4 (0.6 pound down)
    End of round 170 – 133 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 171 – 135.4 (2.4 up)
    End of round 172 – 135.6 (0.2 up)
    End of round 173 – 137.6 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 174 – 135.2 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 175 – 138 (2.8 pounds up)
    End of round 176 – did not complete (away on family holiday)
    End of round 177 – 138
    End or round 178 – 137.8 (0.2 down)
    End of round 179 – 139.4 (1.6 pounds up)
    End of round 180 – 137 (2.4 pounds lost)
    End of round 181 – 139.2 (2.2 pounds up)
    End of round 182 – 135.6 (3.6 pounds down)
    End of round 183 – 138.2 (2.4 up)
    End of round 184 - 136 (2.2 pounds down)
    End of round 185 – 136.4 (0.4 gain)
    End of round 186 – 136.4 (same)
    End of round 187 – 138.4 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 188 – DNW (away for Queen's platinum jubilee celebrations)
    End of round 189 – 139.2
    End of round 190 – 139.8
    End of round 191 – 139.8
    End of round 192 – 138.8 (1 pound lost)
    End of round 193 – 138.2 (0.6 lost)
    End of round 194 – 136.4 (1.8 lost)
    End of round 195 – 139.2 (2.8 pounds up)
    End of round 196 – 138 (1.2 pounds down)
    End of round 197 – 138.2 (0.2 up)
    End of round 198 – DNW (on holiday in Crete)
    End of round 199 – DNW (on holiday in Crete)
    End of round 200 – 138.8 (2.6 pounds lost)
    End of round 201 – 138.2 (0.4 pounds lost)
    End of round 202 – 137.8 (0.4 pounds lost)
    End of round 203 – 137.6 (loss of 0.2)
    End of round 204 – 135.8 (1.8 pounds lost)
    End of round 205 – 135.6(0.6 pound lost)
    End of round 206 – 135.4 (0.2 pound lost)
    End of round 207 – 136.4 (1 pound gain) (Caravan Christmas Party Rally)
    End of round 208 - 137.2 (0.8 pound gain)
    End of round 209 - 137.4 (0.2 pound gain) (Christmas period)
    End of round 210 – DNW (Lanzarote holiday)
    End of round 211 – 138.2
    End of round 212 – 139.8
    End of round 213 – 139
    End of round 214 – 138.2 (1.2 pounds loss)
    End of round 215 – 139.2 (1 pound up)
    End of round 216 – 136.6 (2.6 pounds lost)
    End of round 217 – 137.8 (1.2 pounds up)
    End of round 218 – 140.4 (2.6 pounds up – need to reverse this trend!)
    End of round 219 – 139.8 (0.6 down)
    End of round 220 – DNW
    End of round 221 – 140.8 (1 pound up)
    End of round 222 – 139.8 (1 pound down)
    End of round 223 – 140 (0.2 pound up)
    End of round 224 – 139.2 (0.8 pound down)
    End of round 225 – 139.4 (0.2 pound up)
    End of round 226 – 141 (1.6 pound up)
    End of round 227 – 139.8 (1.2 pound down)
    End of round 228 – 139.6 (0.2 pound down)
    End of round 229 – 140.2 (0.6 pound up)
    End of round 230 – 139.8 (0.4 down)
    End of round 231 - 138.2 (1.6 pounds down)
    End of round 232 – 140.6 (2.4 pounds up)
    End of round 233 – 138.8 (1.8 ponds down)
    End of round 234 – 140.2 (1.4 pound up)
    End of round 235 – DNW – on holiday
    End of round 236 – 142
    End of round 237 – DNW, staying at DS’s.
    End of round 238 – 139.8
    End of round 239 – 139.6 (0.2 pounds down)
    End of round 240 – 139 (0.4 pound down)
    End of round 241 – 138.8 (0.2 pound down)
    End of round 242 – 138.6 (0.2 pound down)
    End of round 243 – 139.8 (1.2 pounds up)
    End of round 244 – 141 (2.2 pounds up)
    End or round 245 – DNW – away for Christmas with no scales
    End of round 246 - 143.8
    End of round 247 – 142.6 (loss of 1.2 pounds)
    End of round 248 – 143.6 (gain of 1 pound) 26.01.24
    End of round 249 – 141.6 (2 pounds down) 05.02.24
    End of round 250 – DNW – away on holiday with family, Whitchurch.
    End of round 251 – 242
    End of round 252 – 242.6
    End of round 253 – DNW but 142.2 the previous day
    End of round 254 – 141 (loss of 1.2 pounds)
    End of round 255 – 141.8 (increase 0.8)
    End of round 256 – 141.6 (loss of 0.2 pound)
    End of round 257 – 141.4 (loss of 0.2 pound)
    End of round 258 – 140.6 (loss of 0.8 pound)
    End f round 259 – 140 (loss of 0.6 pound)
    End of round 260 – 140.2 (increase of 1 pound)
    End of round 261 – 141.6 (increase of 1.4 pound)
    End of round 262 – 139.2 (loss of 2.4 pounds) 03.06.24 – 14.06.24
    End of round 263 – 140.8 (gain 1.6 pound) 15-24.06.24
    End of round 264 – 139.2 (loss of 1.6 pound) 25.06.24 - 04.07.24
    End of round 265 – 139.8 (gain of 0.6 pound) round weigh in 2 days early due to weekend away 05-14.07.24
    End of round 266 – 139.4 (loss of 0.4 pound) 15-24.07.24

    SW RND 267
    7/25 139.8 (trend 140) – 8.3 miles walked.
    7/26 139.8 (trend 140) – 9.1 miles walked. Did the 10 minute Daily HIIT Workout referred by @reshii_devi this morning, thank you, that 10 minutes passed so quickly !!!
    7/27 DNW -away for the weekend in Hereford. 11.28 miles walked.
    7/28. DNW - 12.11 miles walked.
    7/29 138.8 – (trend 139.8) 7.57 miles walked. Yes, Hereford is a beautiful city, plenty of green spaces especially around the river & the inside of the cathedral is awesome!



    👍👍This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE & I AM WHAT I EAT!!!!! 👍👍.
  • Skyleen75
    Skyleen75 Posts: 651 Member
    @Chapter_3 🤣 but your eggs are shaped like a rubber ducky so the poultry theme is there!

    Also that looks delicious. The addition of basil to the yogurt- I’m loving that.

    @SheilaBoneham @deepwoodslady I mentally did a long slow clap for that post.
  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 808 Member
    musicsax wrote: »
    🎷 66 yrs young F, 5ft 4 Round 267 (my 197th). So grateful as always @Quiltingjaine for another round.
    Goals for this round; (same as last few rounds & hoping committed to achieve them this time!! – Again!!)
    • First and foremost, no feeding frenzies
    • to get to/stay under 139 pounds,
    • to lose!
    I need to remain consistent - it does work! Good luck for success everyone.
    Achieved goal weigh of 125lb in summer 2016 by losing 66lb and then gradually gained between 7 and 11 since then & didn't want to gain any more, it’s taken me 75 rounds to achieve target of 130 = back to maintenance!! But then I crept up again, so need to get back to around 134. A healthy lifestyle must be a permanent way of life.
    End of round 69 134.2 lbs 22.2.18 to 03.03.19
    End of round 70 133.6 04.03.18 to 13.03.19
    End of round 71 132.4
    End of round 72 133.2
    End of round 73 132.8
    End of round 74 132
    End of round 75 131.4
    End of round 76 130.2
    End of round 77 132.4
    End of round 78 134.4
    End of round 79 132
    End of round 80 133.6
    End of round 81 133.8
    End of round 82 132.4
    End of round 83 133.4
    End of round 84 133
    End of round 85 131.6
    End of round 86 133.0
    End of round 87 134.8
    End of round 88 132.8 (2 pounds lost)
    End of round 89 138.2 (5.4 pounds gained)
    End of round 90 135 (3.2 pounds down)
    End of round 91 132.8 (2.2 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 92 133 (0.2 pound up from end of last round)
    End of round 93 135.6 (2.6 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 94 135.8 (0.2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 95 134.4 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 96 134.4 (no loss no gain!!)
    End of round 97 135 (0.6 up from end of last round)
    End of round 98 133.4 (1.6 down from end of last round)
    End of round 99 134.4 (1 up from end of last; not bad for Christmas period!)
    End of round 100 133.4 (1 down from end of last round)
    End of round 101 137.2 (3.8 pounds up)
    End of round 102 136 (1.2 pounds down from last round – not bad considering Dad unexpectedly passed away 3 days before end of round & I went totally off plan & no walking!)
    End of round 103 – 133.4 (2.6 pounds down from last round – better!)
    End of round 104 – 135 (0.6 up from end of last round)
    End of round 105 – 133.6 (1.4 down from end of last round)
    End of round 106 – 133.6 (same as last round)
    End of round 107 – 134.8 (1.2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 108 – 134.2 (0.6 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 109 – 135.6 (1.4 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 110 – 133.2 (2.4 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 111 – 133.2 (same as last round)
    End of round 112 – 133.6 (increase of 0.4)
    End of round 113 – 132.8 (0.8
    End of round 114 – 136 (3.2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 115 – 134.8 (1.2 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 116 – 133.4 (1.2 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 117 – 135.4 (2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 118 – 136 (1.6 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 119 – 133.4 (2.6 pounds down)
    End of round 120 – 135.4 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 121 – 135.2 (0.2 pounds down)
    End of round 122 – 133.2 (1.8 pounds down)
    End of round 123 – 132.4 (0.8 pounds down)
    End of round 124 - 134.8 (2.4 pounds up)
    End of round 125 - 135 (0.2 pounds up) – get a grip!!!
    End of round 126 - 135 - same as last round
    End of round 127 - 133.8 (1.2 pounds down
    End of round 128 - 133.4 (0.4 pound down)
    End of round 129 - 134.2 (0.8 up)
    End of round 130 - 133 (1.2 pounds down)
    End of round 131 - 133.6 (0.6 up)
    End of round 132 – 134 (0.4 up)
    End of round 133 – 134 .4 (0.4 up)
    End of round 134 – 132.2 (2.2 pounds down) see what not binging can do!!
    End of round 135 – 131.8 (0.4 down)
    End of round 136 – 132.8 (1 pound up – happy for Christmas period, lower than at this time for many years!)
    End of round 137 – 134 (1.2 pound up ugh!!)
    End of round 138 - 131.2 (2.8 pounds down)
    End of round 139 – 130.2 (1 pound down)
    End of round 140 – 132.4 (2.2 pounds up)
    End of round 141 – 131 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 142 – 129.8 (1.2 pounds down)
    End of round 143 – 130.8 (1 pound up)
    End of round 144 – 130.2 (0.6 pounds down)
    End of round 145 – 132 (1.8 pounds up)
    End of round 146 – 133.8 (1.8 pounds up – again!!)
    End of round 147 – 133.2 (0.6 down)
    End of round 148 – 132.4 (0.8 pounds down)
    End of round 149 – 132.4
    End of round 150 – 133.8 (1.4 pounds up)
    End of round 151 – 135.8 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 152 – 134 (1.8 pounds down)
    End of round 153 – 135.4 (1.4 pound up)
    End of round 154 – 132.2 (3.2 pounds down)
    End of round 155 - 133.6 (1.4 pounds up)
    End of round 156 - 134 (0.4 pounds up)
    End of round 157 - 133.6 (0.4 pounds down)
    End of round 158 – 135.4 (1.8 pounds up)
    End of round 159 – 134.4 (1 pound down)
    End of round 160 – 135.2 (0.8 up)
    End of round 161 – 134.2 (1 pound down)
    End of round 162 – 133.6 (0.6 down)
    End of round 163 – 136.2 (2.6 up)
    End of round 164 – 136 (0.2 pound down)
    End of round 165 – 135.8 (0.2 pound down)
    End of round 166 – 136 (0.2 pound up)
    End of round 167 – 138 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 168 – 135 (3 pounds down)
    End of round 169 – 134.4 (0.6 pound down)
    End of round 170 – 133 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 171 – 135.4 (2.4 up)
    End of round 172 – 135.6 (0.2 up)
    End of round 173 – 137.6 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 174 – 135.2 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 175 – 138 (2.8 pounds up)
    End of round 176 – did not complete (away on family holiday)
    End of round 177 – 138
    End or round 178 – 137.8 (0.2 down)
    End of round 179 – 139.4 (1.6 pounds up)
    End of round 180 – 137 (2.4 pounds lost)
    End of round 181 – 139.2 (2.2 pounds up)
    End of round 182 – 135.6 (3.6 pounds down)
    End of round 183 – 138.2 (2.4 up)
    End of round 184 - 136 (2.2 pounds down)
    End of round 185 – 136.4 (0.4 gain)
    End of round 186 – 136.4 (same)
    End of round 187 – 138.4 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 188 – DNW (away for Queen's platinum jubilee celebrations)
    End of round 189 – 139.2
    End of round 190 – 139.8
    End of round 191 – 139.8
    End of round 192 – 138.8 (1 pound lost)
    End of round 193 – 138.2 (0.6 lost)
    End of round 194 – 136.4 (1.8 lost)
    End of round 195 – 139.2 (2.8 pounds up)
    End of round 196 – 138 (1.2 pounds down)
    End of round 197 – 138.2 (0.2 up)
    End of round 198 – DNW (on holiday in Crete)
    End of round 199 – DNW (on holiday in Crete)
    End of round 200 – 138.8 (2.6 pounds lost)
    End of round 201 – 138.2 (0.4 pounds lost)
    End of round 202 – 137.8 (0.4 pounds lost)
    End of round 203 – 137.6 (loss of 0.2)
    End of round 204 – 135.8 (1.8 pounds lost)
    End of round 205 – 135.6(0.6 pound lost)
    End of round 206 – 135.4 (0.2 pound lost)
    End of round 207 – 136.4 (1 pound gain) (Caravan Christmas Party Rally)
    End of round 208 - 137.2 (0.8 pound gain)
    End of round 209 - 137.4 (0.2 pound gain) (Christmas period)
    End of round 210 – DNW (Lanzarote holiday)
    End of round 211 – 138.2
    End of round 212 – 139.8
    End of round 213 – 139
    End of round 214 – 138.2 (1.2 pounds loss)
    End of round 215 – 139.2 (1 pound up)
    End of round 216 – 136.6 (2.6 pounds lost)
    End of round 217 – 137.8 (1.2 pounds up)
    End of round 218 – 140.4 (2.6 pounds up – need to reverse this trend!)
    End of round 219 – 139.8 (0.6 down)
    End of round 220 – DNW
    End of round 221 – 140.8 (1 pound up)
    End of round 222 – 139.8 (1 pound down)
    End of round 223 – 140 (0.2 pound up)
    End of round 224 – 139.2 (0.8 pound down)
    End of round 225 – 139.4 (0.2 pound up)
    End of round 226 – 141 (1.6 pound up)
    End of round 227 – 139.8 (1.2 pound down)
    End of round 228 – 139.6 (0.2 pound down)
    End of round 229 – 140.2 (0.6 pound up)
    End of round 230 – 139.8 (0.4 down)
    End of round 231 - 138.2 (1.6 pounds down)
    End of round 232 – 140.6 (2.4 pounds up)
    End of round 233 – 138.8 (1.8 ponds down)
    End of round 234 – 140.2 (1.4 pound up)
    End of round 235 – DNW – on holiday
    End of round 236 – 142
    End of round 237 – DNW, staying at DS’s.
    End of round 238 – 139.8
    End of round 239 – 139.6 (0.2 pounds down)
    End of round 240 – 139 (0.4 pound down)
    End of round 241 – 138.8 (0.2 pound down)
    End of round 242 – 138.6 (0.2 pound down)
    End of round 243 – 139.8 (1.2 pounds up)
    End of round 244 – 141 (2.2 pounds up)
    End or round 245 – DNW – away for Christmas with no scales
    End of round 246 - 143.8
    End of round 247 – 142.6 (loss of 1.2 pounds)
    End of round 248 – 143.6 (gain of 1 pound) 26.01.24
    End of round 249 – 141.6 (2 pounds down) 05.02.24
    End of round 250 – DNW – away on holiday with family, Whitchurch.
    End of round 251 – 242
    End of round 252 – 242.6
    End of round 253 – DNW but 142.2 the previous day
    End of round 254 – 141 (loss of 1.2 pounds)
    End of round 255 – 141.8 (increase 0.8)
    End of round 256 – 141.6 (loss of 0.2 pound)
    End of round 257 – 141.4 (loss of 0.2 pound)
    End of round 258 – 140.6 (loss of 0.8 pound)
    End f round 259 – 140 (loss of 0.6 pound)
    End of round 260 – 140.2 (increase of 1 pound)
    End of round 261 – 141.6 (increase of 1.4 pound)
    End of round 262 – 139.2 (loss of 2.4 pounds) 03.06.24 – 14.06.24
    End of round 263 – 140.8 (gain 1.6 pound) 15-24.06.24
    End of round 264 – 139.2 (loss of 1.6 pound) 25.06.24 - 04.07.24
    End of round 265 – 139.8 (gain of 0.6 pound) round weigh in 2 days early due to weekend away 05-14.07.24
    End of round 266 – 139.4 (loss of 0.4 pound) 15-24.07.24

    SW RND 267
    7/25 139.8 (trend 140) – 8.3 miles walked.
    7/26 139.8 (trend 140) – 9.1 miles walked. Did the 10 minute Daily HIIT Workout referred by @reshii_devi this morning, thank you, that 10 minutes passed so quickly !!!
    7/27 DNW -away for the weekend in Hereford. 11.28 miles walked.
    7/28. DNW - 12.11 miles walked.
    7/29 138.8 – (trend 139.8) 7.57 miles walked. Yes, Hereford is a beautiful city, plenty of green spaces especially around the river & the inside of the cathedral is awesome!



    👍👍This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE & I AM WHAT I EAT!!!!! 👍👍.

    Beautiful!!!! ❤️