Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 268



  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 210 Member
    RND 265 SW 208.6 EW 214.6
    RND 266 SW 212.0 EW 208.0
    RND 267 SW 207.4 EW DNW
    RND 268 SW 208.2

    🧠Refocus and daily reminders that the scale is just a tool not a determining factor. 📊Weight is just a number to track data
    🥩Increase my protein intake
    🚰🏋️‍♀️Maintain water and exercise

    8/4 208.2 The last week played havoc on my mental health. Between the stress of a sick cat, job woes, and frustration with this journey I found myself in a spiral this weekend. Yesterday I was close to throwing in the towel and giving up. This morning on my walk with the dog I reminded myself this is not something to “give up” because I’m making changes that will last forever. That means a rough week doesn’t negate all of the progress I’ve made over the last 3 months. I need to recognize the struggles and work through them this week. It’s a new month and new round with a new daily mantra reminding myself that the scale does not determine success. I do.

    8/5 205.6 Decided I needed a better measurement than the scale to check my progress. I went to the thrift store and bought jeans in smaller sizes. When I got home I tried them on just to see how they fit, expecting all of them to be too small. To my surprise, one of the pairs actually fit. It was a little tight, but I’d wear them and feel good in them. My DH called the clothes my victory clothes and I’m in agreement with him. It felt like a victory putting on a pair of jeans that was 3 sizes smaller than the shorts I’d had on.

    8/6 205.4 Went through my closet last night and tried on some of the clothes I’ve shoved in the back because I didn’t like how they looked on me (or I didn’t like how I felt wearing them). Added some to the donation pile because I still don’t like them and there’s no need to keep them. Kept a few because I put them on and felt good. I looked good.

    8/7 205.4 I’m good with this considering I ate Cheez Its around 1am. Talk about late night binge.

    8/8 205.2 Another late night binge, but a drop in weight. Either the increase in food is helping me drop weight or it’s going to show up in the next couple of days. Either way, I’m going to count this as a win.

    8/9 205.0

    8/10 205.6 D&D last night, which brings snacking and late nights with not enough water or movement. This bump is expected, but better than I thought it would be. Tried chocolate covered almonds and they were really good. So that’s a win.
  • jspecies11
    jspecies11 Posts: 1,138 Member
    So sorry about your father.