
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Well, Jess forgot that she had to watch 2 dogs so she didn’t come. Three dogs (the two and hers) and 4 kittens would probably be too much...lol

    Lanette – the recovery from the eye procedure is going well, I’m sure. I put the eye drops in (I have to put them in for one week) and the first time it really stung. Now, not nearly as much. Every time I put it in, there’s less and less burning so I’m taking that to mean that it’s healing.

    Annie – this EIA is interesting. I don’t feel it when I go to the gym, yet at home or when I’m outside, I’ll feel it. Maybe I’m wrong in my diagnosis.

    Lanette – a flying chicken coop! Made me think of the Wizard of Oz...lol

    pip – so glad Kirby is home. Bet he really enjoyed himself

    Well, off to the pool

    Michele NC
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,165 Member
    Debbie - sure hope the roommate leaves your mom's place without a hassle. Almost seems like having someone move in anymore means getting an attorney to draw up a legal document stipulating everything. I'm crossing fingers your DH is able to get someone to look in on his mom that won't get scared off. Hope there's a caregiver available who understands dementia and the moodiness/anger your MIL exhibits and can deal with it. Sorry about your bad weekend.


    I discovered it's a lot easier for me to postpone breakfast than it is to stop eating 3 hours before bed. I guess I eat enough protein that I'm just not very hungry in the morning. This postponing breakfast, ends up with me having 2 meals and an after supper snack. Not sure eating closer to bed is good for my blood sugar, but hoping that getting in a sunrise short walk is helping that. Seems like the diet doctors and diabetes experts are all over the place on what's best, so I'm doing what works for me and is sustainable. It ends up I'm keeping the calories down but have to make extra effort to keep the protein up. Will see what my A1C looks like in a few months.

    The heat pump guy, Luke, came yesterday morning and did the yearly service. What a nice guy - everything in good shape and he changed the paper filter for me. It had been in there a year and wasn't that bad, even considering I used the wood stove a bit and it sometimes belched a little smoke. He said no need to change it every 6 months, yearly is fine. He said dogs that shed an undercoat like German Shepherds really can clog filters, but Rosie doesn't shed and the cat is out in the shop 99% of the time.

    Freaky tornado?? -
    I was getting ready to post this yesterday afternoon when I received a call from my friend T - a freaky little tornado or wind gust of some type tipped over her chicken house and picked up the run and dumped it about 100 feet away. :o No other property damage! The chickens were out, hawks were flying overhead.

    Talk about weird, it was a normal afternoon weatherwise - some clouds and blue sky, temps around 80, a little breezy. Nothing stormy at all. She didn't lose any hens but her DH and dad were scrambling to get a safe enclosure erected for the girls as evening approached. They put together a large dog kennel as a temporary run.

    Hope the photos come through OK.


    Better get this posted. Make it a fabulous weekend!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    Thank you!

    Thank you-

    I also postpone breakfast, or skip it totally most days.
    I do need to have something close to bed time- can't sleep if I feel hungry- just a little something really helps
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,165 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) We safely navigated the week of endless appointments with two different friends driving Jake to his appointments far away and me driving to lab 3 times, pharmacy twice, primary care doctor, chiropractor, and grocery pickup, The medical appointments resulted in more medical appointments far away. One is for a procedure he's had before that takes all day. His daughter agreed to time her planned visit so she can take him and stay with him. The other is for consultation about a new and not yet approved heart procedure being tested by the University of Washington in Seattle (a much longer drive than the other hospital) and a friend of Jake's who is a retired nurse and interested in all things medical agreed to drive him and go with him to the consultation. Today we have nowhere to go and tomorrow only grocery pickup. Yippee.

    :)Heather, my mother loved to dance and my father did not, but he was a kind and gracious man like your husband, and he would tell people "I hold my wife while she dances".

    :)Carol, glad to hear about the progress of your recovery.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    great that you have so many willing helpers taking Jake to his appointments
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    Afternoon ya'll slept in and will be a quiet day..
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Tracey yes I grew up with women's limited roles. I got away from it when I left home, but now my dad is very sexist, a product of his times.

    Your table is absolutely beautiful! And kudos for getting it done on schedule!

    My local cousin is going to stay with my dad. She will have to take vacation Friday and Monday, or else I can get my sitter to fill in.

    Rebecca hope your son gets help. Trying to work with the military medical system is like pushing on an elephant. I'm sure your son will get frustrated. It will be tricky to support him without him perceiving pressure.

    Kylia sorry to hear about your mechanic.

    Michele I had EIA as a child. Mine was from aerobic type exercise, like running in soccer.

    Heather hope your brother's treatment goes well.

    Lisa thanks for the encouragement. Yesterday I ate well. But I haven't weighed myself yet. That diuretic would drive me crazy! Weighing gets inaccurate for so many reasons.

    Machka sorry about your hearing. That sounds truly annoying.

    Lanette that flying chicken coop, wow! Is yours attached to the ground somehow?

    My Saturday forest walk got cancelled. I might take my dad to Starbucks anyway. And I need to consider how to get ten minutes of biking into my day. Hmm.

    And set up the trickle charger!

    Have a great day! May you be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware

    I have already stated to him that its time to get serious with this. You have to demand care, and when medical dismiss it, you need to be your own advocate. I know its out of his comfort, he'd rather just dismiss and put it in the back of his mind, but this is his health here.
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member
    Betsy in NW WA
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,806 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Michele I had EIA as a child. Mine was from aerobic type exercise, like running in soccer.

    Machka sorry about your hearing. That sounds truly annoying.

    Have a great day! May you be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware

    I have EIA, probably from childhood, but it has continued into adulthood. Like you, it affects me during aerobic type exercise ... when I run, cycle, etc. It also seems to affect me more when it's cool outside. So much coughing.

    I have gone for lung tests and had the EIA diagnosis confirmed.

    Michele, I suspect you've got dust mite and pollen allergies. They would become evident when doing work outside and digging out the Christmas decorations. If you're mildly concerned, you can take an allergy medication and perhaps wear a mask when doing those activities. If you're more concerned, there's allergy testing.

    About the hearing, I have tinnitus associated with gradual hearing loss. Usually, it's relatively mild and if it does get a bit annoying I have an app called Relief which helps. But if I forget my antidepressant medication, the tinnitus gets really loud. It also gets really loud when my BP goes up or when I have a migraine.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Hello, my dears...

    Kept my calories under 1200 and my burn over 1600, so am pretty happy with my day on that note.

    Up early - busy day, productive for me and for Corey, in opposite directions. I went into town and found a number of things at the thrift stores that make me happy, including a pair of solid wood conductor step stools, to replace two plastic ones I've never loved. More frames for paintings, now that I can get back to that, as well, and a full set of tumblers that Corey's very happy with. He loves heavy glasses. We'll see how they survive the dishwasher, as they were a little mucky. I'll keep one of them as a nice shape for clay creations.

    Later, my babies,
    Lisa in aR

    Funny ... I was looking online yesterday to see if I could find a decent step stool that isn't plastic!

    M in Oz

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,827 Member
    Woke up to clear bright skies. Did my morning workout and already it’s clouding over 😝 We will go visit DED after lunch. We see DYD about 3 times a week as she lives quite close and she and DH walk her dog together. She stayed for dinner last Tuesday.

    Tracey: I feel very lucky that my girls like to spend time with me. Those mother/daughter moments are precious.

    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri