🍃🍂September Daily Weigh-in and Logging Challenge🍂🍃



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,950 Member
    cattherien wrote: »
    @deepwoodslady thank you for your condolences. I'd missed seeing them the other day but saw them this morning, {{{hugs back}}}. Did the boards arrive at the Amish lumber yard?

    @cattherien No boards yet from the Amish. I was hoping today due to a possible delay in their truck because of Monday's holiday but so far, no such luck. That means I won't get them until mid-week next week. My contractor could not get a babysitting today (a new issue for them) so he didn't show up. However, my roofing crew arrived bright & early today. They have tarped along the house in the backyard to protect plants and siding and are starting to work on some things up there as they wait for the construction material dumpster to arrive. My back door is blocked so we are using the big attached garage door to get in & out or the front door which we rarely use. It's a mess but all in the name of progress, right?


  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,950 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 64 years old and from Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    This Challenge Starting Weight (from Aug 29th): 190.2
    Goal: 186.2 (Four lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Total Lost/Gained this month: xxxxx

    **********************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME********************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    09/01- DNW -(Trend Weight DNW )-

    09/02-192.4-(Trend Weight 191.5)-

    09/03-192.0-(Trend Weight 191.6)-

    09/04-190.8-(Trend Weight 191.5)- I woke up STARVING today. Likely due to the drop on the scale. I’ll have to plan my food carefully today . I have a haircut today at the local salon then the roofing supplies are being delivered today by a home improvement truck. And my Qty 65 Fourteen foot treated 2 x 6 boards may arrive at the Amish lumber yard today for me to begin picking up as it will take several trips due to the weight. If they don’t come in today then it will be next week due to holiday delays. So it will be a busy busy day. I hope all this will help keep my mind off food. My dinner will be key since I will need to avoid so many night time snacks when the day winds down and there is more time to eat. It’s a plan.

    09/05-190.8-(Trend Weight 191.4)- Weight the same as yesterday, trend weight down a notch. After my haircut I did end up eating off a food truck because I was Starving and I could feel my glucose dropping. It was beef-a-roo truck. I had 3 small chicken strips and some fries where each French fry was so tiny I had to use my bifocals to see them. The food was bland, simplistic and pretty awful. I won’t be doing THAT again! Glad to see my weight sustained and I sincerely hope it don’t rear its ugly head in the days coming. I did tip-toe around food last night for dinner because of it and made some definite adjustments. This is really all about lifestyle changes and I’m glad I was able to make adjustments to my dinner and snack schedule to accommodate without too much trouble. Baby steps getting back in the saddle again.

    09/06-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/07-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/08-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/09-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/10-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/11-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/12-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/13-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/14-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/15-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-


    09/16-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/17-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/18-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/19-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/20-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/21-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/22-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/23-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/24-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/26-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/27-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/28-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 5,071 Member
    @jazz_2014 Thank you for your kind words - really means a lot. It has been a long hard journey - but I'm getting there! Here is Monty by the way - a not so golden - Goldendoodle! He is a rescue pup - parents were found roaming during the arkansas floods - mom gave birth at the shelter. He rules our house - super spoiled, super fabulous!


  • usafbrat64
    usafbrat64 Posts: 7 Member
    September’s Goals
    Weight – 202
    Walk – 5 miles/week
    FBG – 80-130 daily
    Log food - daily
    Meds – daily

    9/1 208.4, 0, - , x, x
    9/2 207.6, 1, 128, x, x
    9/3 207.8, 1, 136, x, x
    9/4 208.2, .5, 124, x, x
    Weight is going the wrong way, but I’m not too worried. It’s the number on Sept 30 that counts. I am not going to let it discourage me!!!
    9.5 207.8, 0, x, x
    Tomorrow I’m not expecting a good number. Had a small chocolate binge at work tonight and too hot to walk. Onward!!
  • ozdeelite
    ozdeelite Posts: 404 Member
    @cattherien home care for elderly. I am really struggling because of my fibromyalgia. I’m tired and sore constantly and working is ultra hard for me.

    September weigh in.

    Start weight:
    110.5kg = 243lb

    Goal weight: 107kg

    1. 110.5kg 🍴2909🔥2113👣 2732
    2. 110kg ⬇️ 🍴1643🔥👣💪61 minutes walking
    3. 110.6kg ⬆️🍴1876🔥2274👣3778
    4. 110.4kg ⬇️ 🍴2006 🔥2625 👣 6968
    5. 110.4kg 🍴2317🔥2239👣3873
    6. No weigh in

  • koeitjiesa
    koeitjiesa Posts: 373 Member
    Hi all. I'm back for September. And it's the start of spring this side of the world. So feeling super motivated.

    I'm very proud of my journey so far. I'm looking forward to continuing my healthier lifestyle with you all.

    My starting weight in April: 94.2kg
    My current weight: 79.1kg
    My goal weight for September: 76kg

    September 1 - 79.1kg
    September 2 - 79.2kg
    September 3 - 79.2kg
    September 4 - 79.0kg
    September 5 - 79.0kg
    September 6 - 79.4kg
    September 7 -
    September 8 -
    September 9 -
    September 10 -
    September 11 -
    September 12 -
    September 13 -
    September 14 -
    September 15 -
    September 16 -
    September 17 -
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 5,071 Member
    edited September 6
    Hi I'm Darlene and have been with this group for a while - it was the first "challenge" I joined on MFP, so holds a special place in my heart. I am 64, married, (Greg - 37 years), one adult daughter (Allyson), one pup - Monty the Goldendoodle. I retired in 2020.

    🍂 🍎 Hello September 🍎🍂

    Starting Weight 228

    SW Dec: 228 | Jan: 217 | Feb: 212 | Mar: 207.6 | Apr 200.2 | May 194.8 | Jun: 189.6 | Jul: 187.4 | Aug: 179.8 | Sep: 174.2 | Oct: 169.6 | Nov 164.6 | Dec 164 | Jan 159.8 | Feb 156.8 | Mar 152.8 | Apr 151.6 | May 149.6 | Jun 145 | Jul 143.5 | Aug 142.4

    My September Goals

    👣 Average 12k Steps per day
    📝 Log Daily
    🥗 Stay under my calorie range
    💪 Strength Train 3 days per week
    🫀 Cardio 3 days per week
    🦵 PT Knee Stretch and Strength 3 days per week
    🧘‍♀️ 1Rest day - stretch routine
    💦 8+ glasses of water
    🧂Stay under sodium goal
    ⚖️ Get to the ideal bmi range - just 2.5 pounds to go[/quote]


    For the new people I write a reflection on how my prior month's weight loss journey went. Here is mine from August for anyone that cares to read.

    August Reflection

    The highly anticipated terrible August came and as expected was kind of a wash. I had a wonderful time – but it is now time to get at it. Here is the good, the bad, and the ugly truth.

    First and foremost, I lost 1.1 pounds this month. My steady shrinking is still in play – I have lost every month since I started this weight loss journey. That being said, I made it by the skin of my teeth My birthday, girls trips, and anniversary all happened this month. Phew!

    Exercise was better this month. I got the green light to start unseated exercise again in August and gradually increased my steps to an average of about 12-14K steps per day.

    I reached the 1,700-mile marker on my quest to walk 2,024 miles in 2024, logging about 200 miles this month, as we speak am at 1,720 miles. My tracker says that I hit my goal in Mid-October. My second goal of hitting 2,024 intentional miles is coming along – currently at 1,337 miles, 66% of the goal. It’s just shy of where I should be (67%), but if my body holds up – I can do it.

    I am more determined than ever to get this done, and I hope that September will get me to the ideal BMI range (just 2.5 pounds to go). Then as I mentioned last month, will see where I end up as my goal weight when I get there - 100-pound loss or January 8, 2025 (my two-year starting date) whichever comes first.

    My before and after pictures for August - not the best pictures - but didn't take too many in August.


    My Goals for September:
    • Get to ideal BMI Range (140 pounds)
    • Alternate Cardio and Strength
    • Average 14K Steps per day
    • Continue Physical Therapy Knee exercise – every other day
    • Make up miles for intentional 2,024 in 2024 to ensure that I make it


    Sep 1- 142.5 📝🥗💪🦵💦🧂I had a set back with my knee yesterday. Switched my strength exercise to a seated one, and couldn't get on the treadmill without pain - so was below my step goal. Iced and went to bed early - feel better this morning but will take it easy today - going to call it my rest day! Did my budget and my reflection (both not pretty this month).

    Sep 2 - 142 😁👣📝🥗🫀💦🧂Knee is feeling much better, iced whenever I was sitting on my bottom in front of the tube! Got my intended exercise done, a little bit of cleaning done. A productive day.

    Sep 3 - 142 👣📝🥗💪🦵💦🧂Beautiful day in CT. Got in our normal AM walk, then cleaned out the front garden. I weeded out the front flowerbed, getting ready to plant some fall mums. Picked some basil and made some tomato/basil sauce - it was just ok. Next time, add some more spice. Then it was bingo night with mom. I didn't win, but won the half time trivia contest and the door prize - I'm rich $20 (I spend $30). LOL! Mom was in a grouchy mood - her hip is bothering her AND she didn't win. ☹️

    Sep 4 - 143.1 👣📝🧘‍♀️💦🧂 Let's just say I did to myself and I'm not proud about it. It was one of those can't sleep days, and binged while I was up. I know it's temporary if I can turn it around today. I am not going down this road again where I get close and then sabatoge myself.

    Sep 5 - 143 👣📝🥗🫀🦵💦🧂Another night of no sleep, didn't binge - but did eat late. I justified it because I had calories left in my day - so today adding another tracker to my list - eat within my eight hour window. I have an orthopedic appointment for me knee today, hoping another shot will help with the soreness.

    Sep 6 - 142.5 📝🥗🕛💪💦🧂Orthopedic appointment well ok. Dr is submitting a request to insurance for a gel injection. It is supposed to last about 6 months. We talked about another cortizone shot, but she thought this might be a better for me. We discussed surgery again for the meniscus tear - but she doesn't think that is the best solution at this time - the repair could make the arthritis pain worse. Also talked about just using over the counter ibuprofen - but I don't like that option. Allyson's diswasher wouldn't drain, so we went to her place after the appointment - the motor is shot. Picking up a new one and installing today. Then tonight Allyson is coming for the weekend - celebrating Greg's birthday - dinner tonight and we are going to see a play tomorrow. I'll try to stick to the plan!

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Hi! I’m Jill and I absolutely ❤️ this group of like-minded friends. If you’re here, then you’re our friend!

    Welcome to 🍃🍂September🍂🍃!
    Fall is my favorite season. I live in Michigan, and I love the chilly mornings and evenings.☕️ I love the sunny days and love watching the trees change colors 🌳 🍃🍂🍁… and the smell of fall. I don’t even mind the rainy days.

    My goals this September are to:
    🍃Get outside and 🚶‍♀️or 🚴
    🍃Enjoy the season
    🍃Log daily
    🍃15 minutes of intentional exercise each day

    September 1: 213
    September 2: 213
    September 3: 212
    September 4: 212.8
    September 5: 213 I’ve been consistently logging… 7 days in a row… but now it’s time to tweak what I’m eating so I can be at or under my calories instead of eating over my calories.
    Baby steps. 👣👣

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,930 Member
    edited September 6
    Here is a Friday pick-me-up song to get this day movin’ and grooving’

  • cattherien
    cattherien Posts: 364 Member
    August 31 ending weight: 182.7
    September 1 beginning weight: 182.7
    September weight goal: 180

    🥛= I met my water goal
    ✍️= I logged all my food
    🧂= I stayed under my sodium limit
    🧮= I stayed under my calorie limit
    🥏= Disc golf (golf, but with a Frisbee)
    🚶= Steps (number)
    🏋️= Exercise (stretch/strength/cardio)
    📚= I read for at least 30 minutes

    Sep 1: 182.7 ✍️🚶(4398)
    Sep 2: 182.3 🥛✍️🧂🧮📚🚶(2154)
    Sep 3: 182.7 🥛✍️🧂📚🏋️🚶(5433)
    Sep 4: 182.9 🥛✍️🧂🚶(6746)
    Sep 5: 183.2 🥛✍️🧂📚🚶(3655)
    Sep 6: 182.7 ✍️🧂🥏(4343) 🚶(3322)

    Yesterday was a pretty good day, except that I just missed my water goal and I was slightly over on calories. Mostly good food choices and no popcorn at the movie theater. It was hot and humid for 🥏 disc golf, but I noticed I wasn't exhausted by the end. 5 years ago, we both could've played 18 holes, gone to lunch, then played another 18. But in the past couple of years, I hadn't been able to get through a full 18 without feeling like I needed a nap by hole 9. So maybe feeling energetic still after a round of disc golf if from the increase in vitamin D?

    Allen's cardiologist is going to have him wear a heart monitor for 30 days. The doctor thinks maybe Allen is having some afib. Not uncommon at his age and with his heart issues. Allen did ask the doctor about wearing a health watch, and the doctor said yes, that's actually a great idea... and he himself had bought one for his own father to wear. So there we go - Allen said he's definitely getting one, and I couldn't be happier about that.

    We went to see "Reagan" in the theater last night. I thought Dennis Quaid did an admirable job with the role and he captured Reagan's facial expressions fairly well. Because Allen and I are old enough to remember Reagan as our governor for California, and then President, a lot of the movie was familiar to us and in as far as we remember, true to history. What was the most intriguing was how they framed the movie - from the point of view of a political analyst from the former Soviet Union, who had followed Reagan throughout his career and researched him. I like Jon Voight as an actor and I thought he did a great job as Petrovich. So we had a good time and interesting conversation afterwards.
  • cattherien
    cattherien Posts: 364 Member
    @jm216 thanks for sharing pictures of your date night! Looks like you were having a blast. Congrats on a full week of consistent tracking! You've got this! Keep going!

    @deepwoodslady well it sounds happy-crappy with the house. I hope the boards come in and your contractor gets a reasonably reliable babysitter! So proud of you on your baby steps back to a healthier routine. I know you can do this!

    @ilive2walk love the pics of King Monty. 😀 And happy birthday to Greg!! Glad he's handy and can do things like car repairs and home repairs for Allyson. I'm sure sorry about that knee. Yikes. I hope the gel injection helps!

    @ozdeelite I'm sorry you're struggling with the fibro at work! I wish for you relief from the pain, and that you get acclimated to the new clients quickly.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,950 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 64 years old and from Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    This Challenge Starting Weight (from Aug 29th): 190.2
    Goal: 186.2 (Four lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Total Lost/Gained this month: xxxxx

    **********************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME********************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    09/01- DNW -(Trend Weight DNW )-

    09/02-192.4-(Trend Weight 191.5)-

    09/03-192.0-(Trend Weight 191.6)-

    09/04-190.8-(Trend Weight 191.5)-

    09/05-190.8-(Trend Weight 191.4)- Weight the same as yesterday, trend weight down a notch. After my haircut I did end up eating off a food truck because I was Starving and I could feel my glucose dropping. It was beef-a-roo truck. I had 3 small chicken strips and some fries where each French fry was so tiny I had to use my bifocals to see them. The food was bland, simplistic and pretty awful. I won’t be doing THAT again! Glad to see my weight sustained and I sincerely hope it don’t rear its ugly head in the days coming. I did tip-toe around food last night for dinner because of it and made some definite adjustments. This is really all about lifestyle changes and I’m glad I was able to make adjustments to my dinner and snack schedule to accommodate without too much trouble. Baby steps getting back in the saddle again.

    09/06-189.4-(Trend Weight 191.2)- I usually don’t weigh on Fridays as I don’t get enough of a time span between my last night-time snack and my early rising to get my DGS off to school once day per week. There’s also the Fosamax and the gulping of water. The normal span between food and morning is usually about 4.5 hours since I stay up very late by (retirement) habit. However, last night I dozed off early and had a 6.5 hours span this morning so I stepped on the scale. It was nice to see a drop. Yesterday stayed level so it’s nice to see progress after a couple of disciplined days in a row. Even though my daughter and DGS are here I hope to link up another good day. Cold, Cloudy and Rain expected today so my roofing crew are fitting in what they can before the rain comes in. This is the kind of gloomy day that would be able to make you want to munch, snack, eat. I won’t be dictated today!

    09/07-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/08-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/09-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/10-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/11-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/12-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/13-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/14-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/15-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-


    09/16-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/17-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/18-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/19-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/20-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/21-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/22-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/23-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/24-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/26-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/27-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/28-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

  • jo_casey42
    jo_casey42 Posts: 124 Member
    SW 253
    First goal: Onederland
    UGW: 153

    Track everything, consistency over perfection
    10,000 steps a day
    Gym 4x per week
    Drink two tumblers of water per day
    Read 30 mins a day
    One Masterclass episode a day
    Walk pup at least 30 mins a day

    September Goal: lose 6 pounds

    Sept 1: 230.6
    Sept 2: 230.4
    Sept 3: 230.2
    Sept 4: 230.8 (too much wine last night. weigh in day tomorrow, going to try and be smart today)
    Sept 5: 230.4 (down 1.8 this week yayyyy)
    Sept 6: 230.8
    Sept 7:
    Sept 8:
    Sept 9:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 11:
    Sept 12:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 14:
    Sept 15:
    Sept 16:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 18
    Sept 19:
    Sept 20:
    Sept 21:
    Sept 22:
    Sept 23:
    Sept 24:
    Sept 25:
    Sept 26:
    Sept 27:
    Sept 28:
    Sept 29:
    Sept 30:
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 5,071 Member
    Didn't have time to read all the posts this morning before we headed out to Allyson's - so catching up now:

    @jm216 Looks like you had a wonderful time. Love the pictures. I turned on your pick me while reading and posting! 😉

    @cattherien So glad that Alan talked to the cardiologist and is getting the heart watch and monitor. Hope he wears it (my hubby's watch sits on the counter) LOL! We are going to see the movie next week for Greg's birthday. We were going to see it this week, but the critics gave it bad reviews so decided to wait for it to come out on DVD. Then the "real" people gave it great reviews so changed out minds.

    @jo_casey42 Fantastic week for you!

    @deepwoodslady Sorry you didn't get your boards, but glad the roofers are busy! It will all be worth it when you are done. Glad you weighed in anyway - a beautiful surprise!
  • ozdeelite
    ozdeelite Posts: 404 Member
    Taking a few days off of weigh ins and relaxation at my mums.

    September weigh in.

    Start weight:
    110.5kg = 243lb

    Goal weight: 107kg

    1. 110.5kg 🍴2909🔥2113👣 2732
    2. 110kg ⬇️ 🍴1643🔥👣💪61 minutes walking
    3. 110.6kg ⬆️🍴1876🔥2274👣3778
    4. 110.4kg ⬇️ 🍴2006 🔥2625 👣 6968
    5. 110.4kg 🍴2317🔥2239👣3873
    6. No weigh in 🍴2561🔥2451 👣 4945
    7. 110.2kg ⬇️ 🍴🔥👣💪

  • koeitjiesa
    koeitjiesa Posts: 373 Member
    Hi all. I'm back for September. And it's the start of spring this side of the world. So feeling super motivated.

    I'm very proud of my journey so far. I'm looking forward to continuing my healthier lifestyle with you all.

    My starting weight in April: 94.2kg
    My current weight: 79.1kg
    My goal weight for September: 76kg

    September 1 - 79.1kg
    September 2 - 79.2kg
    September 3 - 79.2kg
    September 4 - 79.0kg
    September 5 - 79.0kg
    September 6 - 79.4kg
    September 7 - 79.0kg
    September 8 -
    September 9 -
    September 10 -
    September 11 -
    September 12 -
    September 13 -
    September 14 -
    September 15 -
    September 16 -
    September 17 -
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 5,071 Member
    edited September 7
    Hi I'm Darlene and have been with this group for a while - it was the first "challenge" I joined on MFP, so holds a special place in my heart. I am 64, married, (Greg - 37 years), one adult daughter (Allyson), one pup - Monty the Goldendoodle. I retired in 2020.

    🍂 🍎 Hello September 🍎🍂

    Starting Weight 228

    SW Dec: 228 | Jan: 217 | Feb: 212 | Mar: 207.6 | Apr 200.2 | May 194.8 | Jun: 189.6 | Jul: 187.4 | Aug: 179.8 | Sep: 174.2 | Oct: 169.6 | Nov 164.6 | Dec 164 | Jan 159.8 | Feb 156.8 | Mar 152.8 | Apr 151.6 | May 149.6 | Jun 145 | Jul 143.5 | Aug 142.4

    My September Goals

    👣 Average 12k Steps per day
    📝 Log Daily
    🥗 Stay under my calorie range
    💪 Strength Train 3 days per week
    🫀 Cardio 3 days per week
    🦵 PT Knee Stretch and Strength 3 days per week
    🧘‍♀️ 1Rest day - stretch routine
    💦 8+ glasses of water
    🧂Stay under sodium goal
    ⚖️ Get to the ideal bmi range - just 2.5 pounds to go[/quote]


    For the new people I write a reflection on how my prior month's weight loss journey went. Here is mine from August for anyone that cares to read.

    August Reflection

    The highly anticipated terrible August came and as expected was kind of a wash. I had a wonderful time – but it is now time to get at it. Here is the good, the bad, and the ugly truth.

    First and foremost, I lost 1.1 pounds this month. My steady shrinking is still in play – I have lost every month since I started this weight loss journey. That being said, I made it by the skin of my teeth My birthday, girls trips, and anniversary all happened this month. Phew!

    Exercise was better this month. I got the green light to start unseated exercise again in August and gradually increased my steps to an average of about 12-14K steps per day.

    I reached the 1,700-mile marker on my quest to walk 2,024 miles in 2024, logging about 200 miles this month, as we speak am at 1,720 miles. My tracker says that I hit my goal in Mid-October. My second goal of hitting 2,024 intentional miles is coming along – currently at 1,337 miles, 66% of the goal. It’s just shy of where I should be (67%), but if my body holds up – I can do it.

    I am more determined than ever to get this done, and I hope that September will get me to the ideal BMI range (just 2.5 pounds to go). Then as I mentioned last month, will see where I end up as my goal weight when I get there - 100-pound loss or January 8, 2025 (my two-year starting date) whichever comes first.

    My before and after pictures for August - not the best pictures - but didn't take too many in August.


    My Goals for September:
    • Get to ideal BMI Range (140 pounds)
    • Alternate Cardio and Strength
    • Average 14K Steps per day
    • Continue Physical Therapy Knee exercise – every other day
    • Make up miles for intentional 2,024 in 2024 to ensure that I make it


    Sep 1- 142.5 📝🥗💪🦵💦🧂I had a set back with my knee yesterday. Switched my strength exercise to a seated one, and couldn't get on the treadmill without pain - so was below my step goal. Iced and went to bed early - feel better this morning but will take it easy today - going to call it my rest day! Did my budget and my reflection (both not pretty this month).

    Sep 2 - 142 😁👣📝🥗🫀💦🧂Knee is feeling much better, iced whenever I was sitting on my bottom in front of the tube! Got my intended exercise done, a little bit of cleaning done. A productive day.

    Sep 3 - 142 👣📝🥗💪🦵💦🧂Beautiful day in CT. Got in our normal AM walk, then cleaned out the front garden. I weeded out the front flowerbed, getting ready to plant some fall mums. Picked some basil and made some tomato/basil sauce - it was just ok. Next time, add some more spice. Then it was bingo night with mom. I didn't win, but won the half time trivia contest and the door prize - I'm rich $20 (I spend $30). LOL! Mom was in a grouchy mood - her hip is bothering her AND she didn't win. ☹️

    Sep 4 - 143.1 👣📝🧘‍♀️💦🧂 Let's just say I did to myself and I'm not proud about it. It was one of those can't sleep days, and binged while I was up. I know it's temporary if I can turn it around today. I am not going down this road again where I get close and then sabatoge myself.

    Sep 5 - 143 👣📝🥗🫀🦵💦🧂Another night of no sleep, didn't binge - but did eat late. I justified it because I had calories left in my day - so today adding another tracker to my list - eat within my eight hour window. I have an orthopedic appointment for me knee today, hoping another shot will help with the soreness.

    Sep 6 - 142.5 📝🥗🕛💪💦🧂Orthopedic appointment well ok. Dr is submitting a request to insurance for a gel injection. It is supposed to last about 6 months. We talked about another cortizone shot, but she thought this might be a better for me. We discussed surgery again for the meniscus tear - but she doesn't think that is the best solution at this time - the repair could make the arthritis pain worse. Also talked about just using over the counter ibuprofen - but I don't like that option. Allyson's diswasher wouldn't drain, so we went to her place after the appointment - the motor is shot. Picking up a new one and installing today. Then tonight Allyson is coming for the weekend - celebrating Greg's birthday - dinner tonight and we are going to see a play tomorrow. I'll try to stick to the plan!

    [Sep 7 - 142.5[/b] 👣📝🥗🕛🫀🦵💦🧂Happy with that number. We ordered in for dinner in - asian. Did well, ate 1/2 my entre - some endamame, and a spring roll and then a Yogurt Sundae (greek yogurt with mixed fruit, whipped cream, and some granola on top) for dessert. I tracked as good as I could and with my light BF and Lunch came under! I'm out again today - going out to lunch before we go to the play - checked out the restaurant and know what I am going to order - Arugula and Beet salad with goat cheese. Expect a rise tomorrow from the two days out - fingers crossed it won't happen.

    @ozdeelite Have a wonderful time with Mom - see you when you get back!
  • cattherien
    cattherien Posts: 364 Member
    August 31 ending weight: 182.7
    September 1 beginning weight: 182.7
    September weight goal: 180

    🥛= I met my water goal
    ✍️= I logged all my food
    🧂= I stayed under my sodium limit
    🧮= I stayed under my calorie limit
    🥏= Disc golf (golf, but with a Frisbee)
    🚶= Steps (number)
    🏋️= Exercise (stretch/strength/cardio)
    📚= I read for at least 30 minutes

    Sep 1: 182.7 ✍️🚶(4398)
    Sep 2: 182.3 🥛✍️🧂🧮📚🚶(2154)
    Sep 3: 182.7 🥛✍️🧂📚🏋️🚶(5433)
    Sep 4: 182.9 🥛✍️🧂🚶(6746)
    Sep 5: 183.2 🥛✍️🧂📚🚶(3655)
    Sep 6: 182.7 ✍️🧂🥏(4343) 🚶(3322)
    Sep 7: 184.2 🥛✍️📚🚶(3450)

    Phooey. I did well last night... until I saw a salty snack right at hand. I didn't listen to myself when I said no.

    With upping my vitamin D, I don't feel as sleepy after work, so I'm not taking a nap to reset my emotional state. I'd slipped back to stress eating. So today, I plan to use my emotional intelligence. I will sit down with a cup of tea and my journal, right after work, and name those feelings.

    Something positive this week: I had been thinking of cutting my hair again... 🫣 (Insert the Bit from the first Tron movie, saying no-no-no-no). I had seen some photos of me when I had side-swept bangs, and it does look cute on me. But there's a maintenance commitment that I just don't want to make. So instead, I bought some clip-on bangs on Amazon. I was surprised at how natural they look! The color is slightly lighter than my own hair in sunlight, so when I dye my hair, I'll also dye these bangs, since they're human hair. But this more than satisfied the itch to hit the salon.

    @deepwoodslady hooray getting a number below 190!🎉

    @ilive2walk yes, I hear you about Greg's watch! I am concerned the same will happen. About movies, we've learned to ignore the critics because sometimes they just initially dogged a movie but then it becomes a cult classic (Mystery Men; Galaxy Quest).

    @ozdeelite have fun at your mum's!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,930 Member
    edited September 7
    Hi! I’m Jill and I absolutely ❤️ this group of like-minded friends. If you’re here, then you’re our friend!

    Welcome to 🍃🍂September🍂🍃!
    Fall is my favorite season. I live in Michigan, and I love the chilly mornings and evenings.☕️ I love the sunny days and love watching the trees change colors 🌳 🍃🍂🍁… and the smell of fall. I don’t even mind the rainy days.

    My goals this September are to:
    🍃Get outside and 🚶‍♀️or 🚴
    🍃Enjoy the season
    🍃Log daily
    🍃15 minutes of intentional exercise each day

    September 1: 213
    September 2: 213
    September 3: 212
    September 4: 212.8
    September 5: 212.8
    September 6: 213
    September 7: 212.8

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,930 Member
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,950 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 64 years old and from Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    This Challenge Starting Weight (from Aug 29th): 190.2
    Goal: 186.2 (Four lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Total Lost/Gained this month: xxxxx

    **********************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME********************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    09/01- DNW -(Trend Weight DNW )-

    09/02-192.4-(Trend Weight 191.5)-

    09/03-192.0-(Trend Weight 191.6)-

    09/04-190.8-(Trend Weight 191.5)-

    09/05-190.8-(Trend Weight 191.4)-

    09/06-189.4-(Trend Weight 191.2)- I usually don’t weigh on Fridays as I don’t get enough of a time span between my last night-time snack and my early rising to get my DGS off to school once day per week. There’s also the Fosamax and the gulping of water. The normal span between food and morning is usually about 4.5 hours since I stay up very late by (retirement) habit. However, last night I dozed off early and had a 6.5 hours span this morning so I stepped on the scale. It was nice to see a drop. Yesterday stayed level so it’s nice to see progress after a couple of disciplined days in a row. Even though my daughter and DGS are here I hope to link up another good day. Cold, Cloudy and Rain expected today so my roofing crew are fitting in what they can before the rain comes in. This is the kind of gloomy day that would be able to make you want to munch, snack, eat. I won’t be dictated today!

    09/07-189.0-(Trend Weight 191.0)- My meals were pre-planned and very good. My snacks were pre-planned but I added to them out of sheer boredom I think. It was unnecessary. I’m grateful that the meals saved me and I still saw a drop on the scale this morning. I’ve got to be more mindful today (tonight)! I would love to be back in the 170’s by Christmas (at the Very Least). Something to aspire to.

    09/08-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/09-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/10-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/11-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/12-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/13-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/14-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/15-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-


    09/16-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/17-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/18-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/19-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/20-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/21-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/22-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/23-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/24-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/26-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/27-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/28-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
  • jo_casey42
    jo_casey42 Posts: 124 Member
    SW 253
    First goal: Onederland
    UGW: 153

    Track everything, consistency over perfection
    10,000 steps a day
    Gym 4x per week
    Drink two tumblers of water per day
    Read 30 mins a day
    One Masterclass episode a day
    Walk pup at least 30 mins a day

    September Goal: lose 6 pounds

    Sept 1: 230.6
    Sept 2: 230.4
    Sept 3: 230.2
    Sept 4: 230.8 (too much wine last night. weigh in day tomorrow, going to try and be smart today)
    Sept 5: 230.4 (down 1.8 this week yayyyy)
    Sept 6: 230.8
    Sept 7: 230
    Sept 8:
    Sept 9:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 11:
    Sept 12:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 14:
    Sept 15:
    Sept 16:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 18
    Sept 19:
    Sept 20:
    Sept 21:
    Sept 22:
    Sept 23:
    Sept 24:
    Sept 25:
    Sept 26:
    Sept 27:
    Sept 28:
    Sept 29:
    Sept 30:
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 5,071 Member
    edited September 8
    Hi I'm Darlene and have been with this group for a while - it was the first "challenge" I joined on MFP, so holds a special place in my heart. I am 64, married, (Greg - 37 years), one adult daughter (Allyson), one pup - Monty the Goldendoodle. I retired in 2020.

    🍂 🍎 Hello September 🍎🍂

    Starting Weight 228

    SW Dec: 228 | Jan: 217 | Feb: 212 | Mar: 207.6 | Apr 200.2 | May 194.8 | Jun: 189.6 | Jul: 187.4 | Aug: 179.8 | Sep: 174.2 | Oct: 169.6 | Nov 164.6 | Dec 164 | Jan 159.8 | Feb 156.8 | Mar 152.8 | Apr 151.6 | May 149.6 | Jun 145 | Jul 143.5 | Aug 142.4

    My September Goals

    👣 Average 12k Steps per day
    📝 Log Daily
    🥗 Stay under my calorie range
    💪 Strength Train 3 days per week
    🫀 Cardio 3 days per week
    🦵 PT Knee Stretch and Strength 3 days per week
    🧘‍♀️ 1Rest day - stretch routine
    💦 8+ glasses of water
    🧂Stay under sodium goal
    ⚖️ Get to the ideal bmi range - just 2.5 pounds to go[/quote]


    For the new people I write a reflection on how my prior month's weight loss journey went. Here is mine from August for anyone that cares to read.

    August Reflection

    The highly anticipated terrible August came and as expected was kind of a wash. I had a wonderful time – but it is now time to get at it. Here is the good, the bad, and the ugly truth.

    First and foremost, I lost 1.1 pounds this month. My steady shrinking is still in play – I have lost every month since I started this weight loss journey. That being said, I made it by the skin of my teeth My birthday, girls trips, and anniversary all happened this month. Phew!

    Exercise was better this month. I got the green light to start unseated exercise again in August and gradually increased my steps to an average of about 12-14K steps per day.

    I reached the 1,700-mile marker on my quest to walk 2,024 miles in 2024, logging about 200 miles this month, as we speak am at 1,720 miles. My tracker says that I hit my goal in Mid-October. My second goal of hitting 2,024 intentional miles is coming along – currently at 1,337 miles, 66% of the goal. It’s just shy of where I should be (67%), but if my body holds up – I can do it.

    I am more determined than ever to get this done, and I hope that September will get me to the ideal BMI range (just 2.5 pounds to go). Then as I mentioned last month, will see where I end up as my goal weight when I get there - 100-pound loss or January 8, 2025 (my two-year starting date) whichever comes first.

    My before and after pictures for August - not the best pictures - but didn't take too many in August.


    My Goals for September:
    • Get to ideal BMI Range (140 pounds)
    • Alternate Cardio and Strength
    • Average 14K Steps per day
    • Continue Physical Therapy Knee exercise – every other day
    • Make up miles for intentional 2,024 in 2024 to ensure that I make it


    Week One
    Sep 1- 142.5 📝🥗💪🦵💦🧂I had a set back with my knee yesterday. Switched my strength exercise to a seated one, and couldn't get on the treadmill without pain - so was below my step goal. Iced and went to bed early - feel better this morning but will take it easy today - going to call it my rest day! Did my budget and my reflection (both not pretty this month).

    Sep 2 - 142 😁👣📝🥗🫀💦🧂Knee is feeling much better, iced whenever I was sitting on my bottom in front of the tube! Got my intended exercise done, a little bit of cleaning done. A productive day.

    Sep 3 - 142 👣📝🥗💪🦵💦🧂Beautiful day in CT. Got in our normal AM walk, then cleaned out the front garden. I weeded out the front flowerbed, getting ready to plant some fall mums. Picked some basil and made some tomato/basil sauce - it was just ok. Next time, add some more spice. Then it was bingo night with mom. I didn't win, but won the half time trivia contest and the door prize - I'm rich $20 (I spend $30). LOL! Mom was in a grouchy mood - her hip is bothering her AND she didn't win. ☹️

    Sep 4 - 143.1 👣📝🧘‍♀️💦🧂 Let's just say I did to myself and I'm not proud about it. It was one of those can't sleep days, and binged while I was up. I know it's temporary if I can turn it around today. I am not going down this road again where I get close and then sabatoge myself.

    Sep 5 - 143 👣📝🥗🫀🦵💦🧂Another night of no sleep, didn't binge - but did eat late. I justified it because I had calories left in my day - so today adding another tracker to my list - eat within my eight hour window. I have an orthopedic appointment for me knee today, hoping another shot will help with the soreness.

    Sep 6 - 142.5 📝🥗🕛💪💦🧂Orthopedic appointment well ok. Dr is submitting a request to insurance for a gel injection. It is supposed to last about 6 months. We talked about another cortizone shot, but she thought this might be a better for me. We discussed surgery again for the meniscus tear - but she doesn't think that is the best solution at this time - the repair could make the arthritis pain worse. Also talked about just using over the counter ibuprofen - but I don't like that option. Allyson's diswasher wouldn't drain, so we went to her place after the appointment - the motor is shot. Picking up a new one and installing today. Then tonight Allyson is coming for the weekend - celebrating Greg's birthday - dinner tonight and we are going to see a play tomorrow. I'll try to stick to the plan!

    Sep 7 - 142.5 👣📝🥗🕛🫀🦵💦🧂Happy with that number. We ordered in for dinner in - asian. Did well, ate 1/2 my entre - some endamame, and a spring roll and then a Yogurt Sundae (greek yogurt with mixed fruit, whipped cream, and some granola on top) for dessert. I tracked as good as I could and with my light BF and Lunch came under! I'm out again today - going out to lunch before we go to the play - checked out the restaurant and know what I am going to order - Arugula and Beet salad with goat cheese. Expect a rise tomorrow from the two days out - fingers crossed it won't happen.


    Week Two

    Sep 8 - 142.4 👣📝🥗💪💦 Had a wonderful time yesterday. Started the morning with our usual walk, it was a cool morning, the leaves are just beginning to turn, lots of acorns on the ground. We met a family with two golden doodles on our walk. I always think we should get another. Dad says no way.

    We went out for lunch and my plan for the beet salad was squashed - not on the actual menu (just on the internet). I had a wedge salad instead. Greg and Allyson ordered some pretzels for an app - I had one bite. Then Greg and I split a Tirimisu (I ate most) for dessert.

    The play was phenomenal. One of the best that I have seen in a long time. Great music, and ALL the cast was so talented, not just the lead. It's based on the true story scottish born singer-songwriter Johnny Reid's grandmother of a coal miner's widow raising three boys with the help of her close knit friends.

    Today - one more day of celebrating Greg's birthday. The Friends of Lake Pocotopaug is a group in my town that's mission is dedicated to the improvement of the Lake Pocotopaug and its environment. They are having a wine tasting fund raiser. There is an island in the middle of the lake, a privae island available for rent. It has a main lodge and five guesthouses. We have floated my many times but have never been on it. The tasting is on the island. Looking forward to it. There is a snack with it (I'm expecting cheese) and will call this my lunch.

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Hi! I’m Jill and I absolutely ❤️ this group of like-minded friends. If you’re here, then you’re our friend!

    Welcome to 🍃🍂September🍂🍃!
    Fall is my favorite season. I live in Michigan, and I love the chilly mornings and evenings.☕️ I love the sunny days and love watching the trees change colors 🌳 🍃🍂🍁… and the smell of fall. I don’t even mind the rainy days.

    My goals this September are to:
    🍃Get outside and 🚶‍♀️or 🚴
    🍃Enjoy the season
    🍃Log daily
    🍃15 minutes of intentional exercise each day

    September 1: 213
    September 2: 213
    September 3: 212
    September 4: 212.8
    September 5: 212.8
    September 6: 213
    September 7: 212.8
    September 8: 211.6

  • jo_casey42
    jo_casey42 Posts: 124 Member
    SW 253
    First goal: Onederland
    UGW: 153

    Track everything, consistency over perfection
    10,000 steps a day
    Gym 4x per week
    Drink two tumblers of water per day
    Read 30 mins a day
    One Masterclass episode a day
    Walk pup at least 30 mins a day

    September Goal: lose 6 pounds

    Sept 1: 230.6
    Sept 2: 230.4
    Sept 3: 230.2
    Sept 4: 230.8 (too much wine last night. weigh in day tomorrow, going to try and be smart today)
    Sept 5: 230.4 (down 1.8 this week yayyyy)
    Sept 6: 230.8
    Sept 7: 230
    Sept 8: 233.2 (what the heck????? not sure what happened here. I refuse to believe it.)
    Sept 9:
    Sept 10:
    Sept 11:
    Sept 12:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 14:
    Sept 15:
    Sept 16:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 18
    Sept 19:
    Sept 20:
    Sept 21:
    Sept 22:
    Sept 23:
    Sept 24:
    Sept 25:
    Sept 26:
    Sept 27:
    Sept 28:
    Sept 29:
    Sept 30:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,950 Member
    edited September 8

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 64 years old and from Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    This Challenge Starting Weight (from Aug 29th): 190.2
    Goal: 186.2 (Four lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx
    Total Lost/Gained this month: xxxxx

    **********************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME********************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    09/01- DNW -(Trend Weight DNW )-

    09/02-192.4-(Trend Weight 191.5)-

    09/03-192.0-(Trend Weight 191.6)-

    09/04-190.8-(Trend Weight 191.5)-

    09/05-190.8-(Trend Weight 191.4)-

    09/06-189.4-(Trend Weight 191.2)-

    09/07-189.0-(Trend Weight 191.0)- My meals were pre-planned and very good. My snacks were pre-planned but I added to them out of sheer boredom I think. It was unnecessary. I’m grateful that the meals saved me and I still saw a drop on the scale this morning. I’ve got to be more mindful today (tonight)! I would love to be back in the 170’s by Christmas (at the Very Least). Something to aspire to.

    09/08-189.6-(Trend Weight 190.9)- Scale is a little bit up as I traveled yesterday with my son for some out-of-town shopping for his food supplies (autistic eating disorders and tactile food issues). Lunch was out. I ate less than half but we did have an ice cream later in the evening before coming home. Some of the ice cream shops have already closed for the season so we had to get it in! Well. I suppose “had to” is a bit strong. Tomorrow I leave for a two day trip to University Hospital for my Mammogram and Oncology appts. It is the yearly check-up for the cancer breast and the mid-year check-up on the cancer-scare breast as they are following up some suspicious stuff on that opposite side. The last check on that was 6 months ago. Because it’s a 4 hour drive each way and the appointments this time are so early it will be an overnight trip for us. There will be restaurants both days and plenty of sitting. I know it’s going to do some damage but what goes up must come down so I will work diligently the rest of the week. I must admit, this small-town girl is looking forward to all that the big city has to offer. I’m really looking forward to getting away from this “construction zone” house too. Don’t forget ladies, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month so you’ve got plenty of time to schedule your routine testing. I share because I care!

    09/09-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/10-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/11-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/12-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/13-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/14-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/15-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-


    09/16-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/17-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/18-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/19-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/20-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/21-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/22-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/23-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/24-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/26-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/27-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/28-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    09/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
  • koeitjiesa
    koeitjiesa Posts: 373 Member
    Hi all. I'm back for September. And it's the start of spring this side of the world. So feeling super motivated.

    I'm very proud of my journey so far. I'm looking forward to continuing my healthier lifestyle with you all.

    My starting weight in April: 94.2kg
    My current weight: 79.1kg
    My goal weight for September: 76kg

    September 1 - 79.1kg
    September 2 - 79.2kg
    September 3 - 79.2kg
    September 4 - 79.0kg
    September 5 - 79.0kg
    September 6 - 79.4kg
    September 7 - 79.0kg
    September 8 - 78.9kg
    September 9 - 79.2kg
    September 10 -
    September 11 -
    September 12 -
    September 13 -
    September 14 -
    September 15 -
    September 16 -
    September 17 -
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 5,071 Member
    Hi I'm Darlene and have been with this group for a while - it was the first "challenge" I joined on MFP, so holds a special place in my heart. I am 64, married, (Greg - 37 years), one adult daughter (Allyson), one pup - Monty the Goldendoodle. I retired in 2020.

    🍂 🍎 Hello September 🍎🍂

    Starting Weight 228

    SW Dec: 228 | Jan: 217 | Feb: 212 | Mar: 207.6 | Apr 200.2 | May 194.8 | Jun: 189.6 | Jul: 187.4 | Aug: 179.8 | Sep: 174.2 | Oct: 169.6 | Nov 164.6 | Dec 164 | Jan 159.8 | Feb 156.8 | Mar 152.8 | Apr 151.6 | May 149.6 | Jun 145 | Jul 143.5 | Aug 142.4

    My September Goals

    👣 Average 12k Steps per day
    📝 Log Daily
    🥗 Stay under my calorie range
    💪 Strength Train 3 days per week
    🫀 Cardio 3 days per week
    🦵 PT Knee Stretch and Strength 3 days per week
    🧘‍♀️ 1Rest day - stretch routine
    💦 8+ glasses of water
    🧂Stay under sodium goal
    ⚖️ Get to the ideal bmi range - just 2.5 pounds to go[/quote]


    For the new people I write a reflection on how my prior month's weight loss journey went. Here is mine from August for anyone that cares to read.

    August Reflection

    The highly anticipated terrible August came and as expected was kind of a wash. I had a wonderful time – but it is now time to get at it. Here is the good, the bad, and the ugly truth.

    First and foremost, I lost 1.1 pounds this month. My steady shrinking is still in play – I have lost every month since I started this weight loss journey. That being said, I made it by the skin of my teeth My birthday, girls trips, and anniversary all happened this month. Phew!

    Exercise was better this month. I got the green light to start unseated exercise again in August and gradually increased my steps to an average of about 12-14K steps per day.

    I reached the 1,700-mile marker on my quest to walk 2,024 miles in 2024, logging about 200 miles this month, as we speak am at 1,720 miles. My tracker says that I hit my goal in Mid-October. My second goal of hitting 2,024 intentional miles is coming along – currently at 1,337 miles, 66% of the goal. It’s just shy of where I should be (67%), but if my body holds up – I can do it.

    I am more determined than ever to get this done, and I hope that September will get me to the ideal BMI range (just 2.5 pounds to go). Then as I mentioned last month, will see where I end up as my goal weight when I get there - 100-pound loss or January 8, 2025 (my two-year starting date) whichever comes first.

    My before and after pictures for August - not the best pictures - but didn't take too many in August.


    My Goals for September:
    • Get to ideal BMI Range (140 pounds)
    • Alternate Cardio and Strength
    • Average 14K Steps per day
    • Continue Physical Therapy Knee exercise – every other day
    • Make up miles for intentional 2,024 in 2024 to ensure that I make it


    Week One
    Sep 1- 142.5 📝🥗💪🦵💦🧂I had a set back with my knee yesterday. Switched my strength exercise to a seated one, and couldn't get on the treadmill without pain - so was below my step goal. Iced and went to bed early - feel better this morning but will take it easy today - going to call it my rest day! Did my budget and my reflection (both not pretty this month).

    Sep 2 - 142 😁👣📝🥗🫀💦🧂Knee is feeling much better, iced whenever I was sitting on my bottom in front of the tube! Got my intended exercise done, a little bit of cleaning done. A productive day.

    Sep 3 - 142 👣📝🥗💪🦵💦🧂Beautiful day in CT. Got in our normal AM walk, then cleaned out the front garden. I weeded out the front flowerbed, getting ready to plant some fall mums. Picked some basil and made some tomato/basil sauce - it was just ok. Next time, add some more spice. Then it was bingo night with mom. I didn't win, but won the half time trivia contest and the door prize - I'm rich $20 (I spend $30). LOL! Mom was in a grouchy mood - her hip is bothering her AND she didn't win. ☹️

    Sep 4 - 143.1 👣📝🧘‍♀️💦🧂 Let's just say I did to myself and I'm not proud about it. It was one of those can't sleep days, and binged while I was up. I know it's temporary if I can turn it around today. I am not going down this road again where I get close and then sabatoge myself.

    Sep 5 - 143 👣📝🥗🫀🦵💦🧂Another night of no sleep, didn't binge - but did eat late. I justified it because I had calories left in my day - so today adding another tracker to my list - eat within my eight hour window. I have an orthopedic appointment for me knee today, hoping another shot will help with the soreness.

    Sep 6 - 142.5 📝🥗🕛💪💦🧂Orthopedic appointment well ok. Dr is submitting a request to insurance for a gel injection. It is supposed to last about 6 months. We talked about another cortizone shot, but she thought this might be a better for me. We discussed surgery again for the meniscus tear - but she doesn't think that is the best solution at this time - the repair could make the arthritis pain worse. Also talked about just using over the counter ibuprofen - but I don't like that option. Allyson's diswasher wouldn't drain, so we went to her place after the appointment - the motor is shot. Picking up a new one and installing today. Then tonight Allyson is coming for the weekend - celebrating Greg's birthday - dinner tonight and we are going to see a play tomorrow. I'll try to stick to the plan!

    Sep 7 - 142.5 👣📝🥗🕛🫀🦵💦🧂Happy with that number. We ordered in for dinner in - asian. Did well, ate 1/2 my entre - some endamame, and a spring roll and then a Yogurt Sundae (greek yogurt with mixed fruit, whipped cream, and some granola on top) for dessert. I tracked as good as I could and with my light BF and Lunch came under! I'm out again today - going out to lunch before we go to the play - checked out the restaurant and know what I am going to order - Arugula and Beet salad with goat cheese. Expect a rise tomorrow from the two days out - fingers crossed it won't happen.


    Week Two

    Sep 8 - 142.4 👣📝🥗💪💦 Had a wonderful time yesterday. Started the morning with our usual walk, it was a cool morning, the leaves are just beginning to turn, lots of acorns on the ground. We met a family with two golden doodles on our walk. I always think we should get another. Dad says no way.

    We went out for lunch and my plan for the beet salad was squashed - not on the actual menu (just on the internet). I had a wedge salad instead. Greg and Allyson ordered some pretzels for an app - I had one bite. Then Greg and I split a Tirimisu (I ate most) for dessert.

    The play was phenomenal. One of the best that I have seen in a long time. Great music, and ALL the cast was so talented, not just the lead. It's based on the true story scottish born singer-songwriter Johnny Reid's grandmother of a coal miner's widow raising three boys with the help of her close knit friends.

    Today - one more day of celebrating Greg's birthday. The Friends of Lake Pocotopaug is a group in my town that's mission is dedicated to the improvement of the Lake Pocotopaug and its environment. They are having a wine tasting fund raiser. There is an island in the middle of the lake, a privae island available for rent. It has a main lodge and five guesthouses. We have floated my many times but have never been on it. The tasting is on the island. Looking forward to it. There is a snack with it (I'm expecting cheese) and will call this my lunch.

    Sep 9 - 144 👣📝🥗🕛🫀🦵💦 The weekend festivities caught up to me - although I stayed under my calorie limit - being over my sodium limit a couple days in a row will get me every time. I will need to flush it out for the next few days.

  • ozdeelite
    ozdeelite Posts: 404 Member
    Having a nice time enjoying mums cooking and going to the beach. Going home tomorrow evening. My son is doing his driving test tomorrow. Fingers crossed 🤞 he passes.

    September weigh in.

    Start weight:
    110.5kg = 243lb

    Goal weight: 107kg

    1. 110.5kg 🍴2909🔥2113👣 2732
    2. 110kg ⬇️ 🍴1643🔥👣💪61 minutes walking
    3. 110.6kg ⬆️🍴1876🔥2274👣3778
    4. 110.4kg ⬇️ 🍴2006 🔥2625 👣 6968
    5. 110.4kg 🍴2317🔥2239👣3873
    6. No weigh in 🍴2561🔥2451 👣 4945
    7. 110.2kg ⬇️ 🍴🔥👣💪
    8. No weigh in
    9. No weigh in 🍴2105 🔥 2351👣9066 💪39 minutes

  • ozdeelite
    ozdeelite Posts: 404 Member