GIFt us your lifts! (or other achievements!)



  • Minion_training_program
    Minion_training_program Posts: 13,428 Member
    Last night was a great session. Humbling still in that it's taking me time to get back to feeling full strength, but still. The lifts moved well and felt stable and controlled.

    Thought this was a neat compilation...


    This was so awesome to see Sandy!
    And agree with Mike, 2 hours with all 3 big lifts is awesome!
    nossmf wrote: »
    I'm about 7 weeks into my cut, lost just over 5 lbs, was really worried I was going to see my lifting numbers suffer.

    Looks like I need not have worried, as my lifts are either staying strong or even in several cases increasing! True, I've backed off trying for a 1RM, but otherwise life remains good in the gym. I've noticed my arms look slightly smaller (or maybe that's just my brain thinking so), but starting to see the striations in a few spots, and my pants have stopped being snug at the waistline. If I can keep up for another 6-8 weeks, can't wait to see what the mirror looks like!

    (But man, after 18 months of bulking and eating anytime I felt hungry, this having hunger thing sux! lol)

    We definantly want a gif of the transformation sir! Glad to hear the lifting numbers are staying the same or even increasing, that is a win-win
  • Minion_training_program
    Minion_training_program Posts: 13,428 Member
    Currently back in the gym for almost 5 weeks now.
    Focussed mainly on my benching, doing that twice a week and alternating squats and deadlifts the 3th day each week.

    Can really see a difference in my arms now after doing more upper body work these last 5 weeks.

    Doing this, till i get back to a number i have in my head for my bench for reps of 6-8

    For my legs i have focusses more on leg extensions, leg curls and leg press rather just just doing squats
    And doing a lot more accessory work for my upper back as well when it's also deadlift day, such as reverse fly's, mag handle rows and pulldowns

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,863 Member
    Today was supposed to be my upper body hypertrophy day, but I woke up yesterday with a sore wrist after sleeping wrong (yay, getting older!) and it's not better today, so I opted to do my leg day instead and will be taking next week off from lifting (I'm allowed one week off per quarter, and I haven't taken it yet in third quarter). Will continue with the cardio next week, though.

    Today was weigh-in day, and my weight back up from last week. Looks like it's time to tighten down on the food logging a little more, if I want to drop those final 4 lbs I want to lose between now and the start of November when my next bulk begins.