SUMMER 2024 Weight Loss Challenge (JULY, AUGUST and SEPTEMBER) A Continuation



  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 577 Member
    Happy weekend everyone!

    I'm going to start weighing in on both Sundays and Wednesdays but will only report on Wednesdays. The Sundays will give me a midweek check-in to see whether I need to tweak my intake and/or activity to "atone" for any potential lapses in those areas over the weekend.

    I won't be posting my stats weekly anymore because they take up too much space; however, I will post before and after stats on New Year's Day to show overall progress.

    So far I've been sticking to plan since September 1st. I'm feeling very focused right now.

    Tomorrow I'm going to an outdoor Greek festival. I ought to get a lot of steps in with all the line dancing! We shall see...

    Have a great weekend!

  • AdahPotatah2024
    AdahPotatah2024 Posts: 2,062 Member

    *I lost a bit of weight by changing my habits eating at restaurants. I only eat out if I am with others and just get one entrée, no sides.
    *I quit drinking cream/sugar after 2 cups of coffee..most days
    *I've been trying to eat breakfast most days, but haven't noticed any differences.
    *Also, I have been eating 2 bean or legume dishes per week and not noticed any difference in my weight. This has recently morphed into eating 1-2 tofu meals per week which I do think took off a pound or 2!

    JULY 1: 145
    JULY 5: 145
    *5 days into my "Dry July". I am pretty careful about sticking to recommended 1-2 per day and no more than 5 per week so it'll be interesting,for me, to see if I notice any differences!

    JULY20: 146
    "Dry July" is not helping any because I bought a fiesta pack of Jaritos and have been splitting one with my daughter almost every day or having some other cold, sugary drink!🌞😅

    Aug. 3rd:148
    Cutting out alcohol definitely didn't help any with weight loss! I've been craving more sweets and carbs lately. However, I have been sleeping so much better!!! I am going to try buying a better quality bottle once a month or so instead of every week because of that only.
    Also, it's been rainy or too hot and humid walking a lot less.
    I've stopped trying to eat breakfast as that is so hard for me to stick to, but I'd like to try one month having a bit of oats, every day, in the morning to see if it makes any difference for me. Maybe for September!

    Aug. 10th-146
    Going to track my added sugar this week, and aim under 25 g.

    Aug. 20th- 144
    Didn't count sugar grams over the weekend, but think I stayed under 35 g. Under 25g is so difficult for me! I am going to try to stay under 35g, at least, which is less than 10% of my daily calories.

    Aug. 30- Hangin' in there @ 144lbs😅

    September 7th-142 Not sure how I lost a few pounds, but I have been walking a bit more since it's not upper 90°s this week. Also, l reduced my work hours to 28 instead of 40! & reduced grocery bill to match my income. 😬

    Trying to figure out what small changes I can make to drop these last 10 pounds without worrying over every calorie. I have my meals logged in advance every week, usually around 1500 calories per day. (I'm short 5'2). I try to stick to the plan, but not counting calories anymore.

    Wishing everyone the best with this challenge! 🌻
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 577 Member
    Good morning everyone! It's a beautiful day in Boston - hope it's nice where you are too!

    Here are my walking stats for the week:

    09/01: 03,397 steps (1.41 miles)
    09/02: 10,030 steps (4.12 miles)
    09/03: 14,373 steps (6.41 miles)
    09/04: 13,802 steps (6.17 miles)
    09/05: 12,040 steps (4.44 miles)
    09/06: 13,285 steps (5.83 miles)
    09/07: 02,568 steps (1.03 miles)

    Daily Averages for the Week:
    9,928 steps (4.2 miles)/day

    This afternoon I'm going to a Greek festival - THAT ought to track up some steps!💃

    Enjoy your day!
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,721 Member
    @Starfruit98 Your progress is inspiring! Way to go 👏😁
  • Starfruit98
    Starfruit98 Posts: 122 Member
    @Starfruit98 Your progress is inspiring! Way to go 👏😁

    @takinitalloff Thank you! It's been fantastic to have the accountability of posting here every week, and to know we're all in this together and can inspire each other as we make progress toward our goals!
  • bethg1422
    bethg1422 Posts: 65 Member
    Summer 2024 weight loss challenge- July, August & September.

    July 1st / 12st 13lbs
    July 8th / 12st 11lbs
    July 15th / 12st 11lbs
    July 22nd / 12st 9lbs
    July 29th / 12st 9lbs
    JULY LOSS / -4lbs

    Aug 5th / 12st 12lbs
    Aug 12th / 12st 11lbs
    Aug 19th / 12st 10lbs
    Aug 26th / 12st 10lbs
    AUG LOSS / -2lbs

    Sep 2nd / 12st 11lbs
    Sep 9th / 12st 8lbs
    Sep 16th /
    Sep 23rd /
    Sep 30th /
    SEP LOSS /
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,950 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 64 years old and I live in the Midwest of the US. I am 5’ 5” tall.

    CHALLENGE TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS GOAL: Total Loss of 12 pounds to land at 175.0

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    07/01-187.0-(Trend Weight: 186.6)-

    07/08-189.2-(Trend Weight: 187.2)-

    07/15-189.4-(Trend Weight: 188.6)-

    07/22-DNW-(Trend Weight: DNW)-

    07/29-189.4-(Trend Weight: 189.7)-

    07/31-188.4-(Trend Weight: 190.3)-

    July Start: 187.0
    July Goal: 183.0 (4 pound loss)
    July Actual: 188.4
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far: 1.4 lbs Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change

    08/01-188.6-(Trend Weight: 190.2)-

    08/05-188.2-(Trend Weight: 189.6)-

    08/12-DNW-(Trend Weight: DNW)-

    08/19-192.2-(Trend Weight: 191.1)-

    08/26-190.0-(Trend Weight: 190.8)-

    08/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    Aug Start: 188.4
    Aug Goal: 184.4 (4 pound loss)
    Aug Actual: 190.0 at last known Aug weight
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far: 1.6 lb Gain

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change

    09/01- DNW-(Trend Weight: DNW)-

    09/02-192.4-(Trend Weight: 191.5)- Holy Cow Batman!!! September will be an especially challenging month for me but THE BUCK STOPS HERE! It HAS to! Happy Labor Day to everyone celebrating.

    09/09-191.0-(Trend Weight: 190.9)- Up & Down all week ending with less than last week so I guess I’ll be grateful for that. Today I travel for the next two days and will be back home by Tuesday night. Time for some medical appointments including my mammogram and oncology appointment. Routine re-checks. Don’t forget to schedule your Mamm’s my friends. October will be Breast Cancer Awareness month and it’s important to get your screenings and to catch any problems early. I share because I care! Have a great week.

    09/16-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    09/23-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    09/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    Sept Start: 190.0 Last known Aug weight
    Sept Goal: 186.0 (4 pound loss)
    Sept Actual: xxxxx
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far:

  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,894 Member
    Max weight (7/10/2020): 330
    Min weight (1/14/22): 224.5 : ↓ 105.5
    Current weight: 256.6 : ↑ 32.1 (keeping it off is hard!)
    yearly gain/loss: year 1: ↓87 lbs; year 2: ↓18 lbs; year 3: ↑16 lbs; year 4: ↑15 lbs; year 5 YTD:↑0.6 lbs

    Ultimate goal weight: < 220
    Challenge starting weight: 256.7
    Challenge goal weight: 240.0
    Challenge weight loss goal: 16.7 lbs in 13 weeks

    July 01 : 256.7
    July 08 : 255.9 : ↓ 0.8
    July 15 : 257.3 : ↑ 1.4
    July 22 : 256.7 : ↓ 0.6
    July 29 : 258.7 : ↑ 2.0

    July Goal: 251.9
    July Actual: 258.7 (missed goal by 6.8 lbs)
    July Loss: ↑ 2.0

    August 05 : 256.9 : ↓ 1.8
    August 12 : 254.6 : ↓ 2.3
    August 19 : 256.7 : ↑ 2.1
    August 26 : 257.9 : ↑ 1.2

    August Goal: 247.2
    August Actual: 257.9 (missed goal by 10.7 lbs)
    August Loss: ↓ 0.8

    September 02 : 259.0 : ↑ 1.1
    September 09 : 256.6 : ↓ 2.4
    September 16 :
    September 23 :
    September 30 :

    September Goal: 240 250.0
    September Actual:
    September Loss:

    This week's weight loss: lost 2.4 lbs
    Current challenge weight loss: lost 0.1 lbs in 10 weeks
    Challenge weight loss goal: 16.7 lbs in 13 weeks
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,721 Member
    MFP starting weight: 270.9 lbs (June 27, 2023)
    Challenge starting weight: 186.2 lbs
    Challenge goal weight: 169 lbs (-17.2 lbs)

    July 1: 186.2 lbs
    July 8: 186.5 lbs
    July 15: 192.9 lbs
    July 22: 188 lbs
    (July 31: 193.1 lbs)

    July Goal: 179.9 lbs
    July Actual: 193.1 lbs
    July Change: +6.9 lbs

    (August 1: 192.1 lbs)
    August 5: 191.8 lbs
    August 12: 192 lbs
    August 19: 196.4 lbs
    August 26: 194 lbs
    (August 31: 195.9 lbs)

    August Goal: 174.4 lbs
    August Actual: 195.9 lbs
    August Change: +3.8 lbs

    (September 1: 195.3 lbs)
    September 9: 192.4 lbs
    September 16:
    September 23:
    September 30:

    September Goal, adjusted: 189 lbs
    September Actual:
    September Change: -2.9 lbs

    Challenge final weight:

  • awoodle2014
    awoodle2014 Posts: 19 Member
    I have been struggling to reach my goal weight. I am trying to build some muscle so I know that I will see my weight fluctuate (which is just annoying but I get it). My goal overall is to tone up. I just had a small foot procedure so I can’t exercise yet, however I am motivated to start. Good luck to all. Start date 7/19.


    July 1: NA
    July 8: NA
    July 15: NA
    July 22: 153.5
    July 29: 149.9

    July Goal: 3 lbs
    July Actual: 149.9
    July Loss: 7.4. (Initially had a wrap around my foot due to foot procedure and have definitely been working on not binge eating. I’m curious to see what my numbers will be next week.)

    August 5: 149.6
    August 12: 152.1
    August 19: 157.1
    August 26: 153.2

    August Goal: 8lbs. (141.6)
    August Actual: 153.3
    August Loss: ⬆️ 3.7

    September 2: 150.1
    September 9: 150.4
    September 16:
    September 23:
    September 30:

    September Goal: 8lbs
    September Actual:
    September Loss:

    Weight loss for this week: ⬆️ 0.3
    Current challenge loss: ⬇️ 6.9
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 17.3 lbs
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,205 Member
    STARTING WEIGHT AND DATE WITH MFP(MY FITNESS PAL): 160.2 2/20/2011 — been on & off since then. I’m back to being serious about getting healthier. UGW: 98 lbs (give or take & this goal is subject to change due to age, etc) keep in mind my height is 4’8” (have shrunk 3 inches over the last 15 years). Age: 62
    YOUR CHALLENGE WEIGHT LOSS GOAL: 146.2 (adjusted since I’ve been messing up)

    July 1: 153.6
    July 8: 152.6
    July 15: 154.8
    July 22: 153.8
    July 29: 153.6

    July Goal: 149
    July Actual: 153.6
    July Loss: 0, but at least I didn’t gain. At one point during July, I weighed 151.8 but it wasn’t in the date that counted that week. Oh well. Excited to start August, though. I feel weight loss coming on! Lol

    (August 1: 152.2)
    August 5: 152.2
    August 11: 150
    August 19: 150.2
    August 26: 151.2 (I’m upset by this. Will do better by the next weigh in, hopefully).

    August Goal: 149.6
    August Actual: 151.2
    August Loss: 1 lb - better than nothin’, but definitely not what I had envisioned.

    September 2: 149.2
    September 9: 149.2
    September 16:
    September 23:
    September 30;

    Sept Goal: 146.2
    Sept Actual:
    Sept Loss:

    Weight loss for the last week: 0 I’m happy that at least I didn’t gain.

    Current challenge loss: 4.4 lbs
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 611 Member

    July 3: 179.2
    July 8: 179.0
    July 17: 178.5
    July 23: 178.1
    July 29: 179.0

    July Goal: 170
    July Actual: 0.2lb
    July Loss: 0.2lb

    August 5: 179.2
    August 12: 176.8
    August 19: 179.08
    August 28: 177.5 been away at music festival, late on weigh-in

    August Goal: 170.0
    August Actual: 177.5
    August Loss: 2lb

    September 2: 178.6
    September 9: 177.7
    September 16:
    September 23:
    September 30:

    September Goal: 170.0
    September Actual:
    September Loss:

    Weight loss for this week: + 1lb
    Current challenge loss: 1lb need to do so much more.
    Challenge Weight loss goal:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,782 Member
    Thank you @jedaschultz
    I'm Chris - 74 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    My husband and I are retired.
    I see my trainer for 60 mins three days a week and try to walk the other four days. The walking doesn't always work out.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 147.0
    UGW: 145.0
    July 01: 150.8 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    July 08: 149.0 at 6:40 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    July 15: 150.4 at 7:20 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    July 22: 149.6 at 7:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...trainer sick
    July 29: 150.0 at 6:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    July 31: 151.1 at 6:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    July Goal:149.0
    July gain/loss: +2.1
    August 01: 150.8 at 7:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    August 05: 151.8 at 6:10 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    August 12: 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    August 19: 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    August 26: 149.9 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    August 31: 150.8 at 6:00 a.m. DDD and I got our hair cut then I did nothing the rest of the day!!
    August Goal: 148.0
    August gain/loss: _+00000
    09/01 - 151.5 at 7:00 a.m. ...5.30 miles in 106 mins to the Ruins and back
    09/02 - 151.9 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    09/09 - 153.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    09/16 -
    09/23 -
    09/30 -
    September Goal: 148.0
    September gain/loss:
    Good luck everyone.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,968 Member

    July 3: 139
    July 10: 138
    July 17: 139
    July 24: 139
    July 31: 138

    July Goal: 135
    July Actual: 138
    July Loss: 0

    August 7: 138
    August 14: 139
    August 21: 139
    August 28: 140

    August Goal: 136
    August Actual: 140
    August Loss: 0

    September 4: 140
    September 11: 140
    September 16:
    September 23:
    September 30:

    September Goal:
    September Actual:
    September Loss:

    Weight loss for this week:
    Current challenge loss:
    Challenge Weight loss goal:
  • jo_casey42
    jo_casey42 Posts: 124 Member
    SW:253 (June 5, 2024)

    July 1: 240
    July 8: 239.2
    July 15: missed
    July 25: 239.4
    July 29: 237.2

    July Goal: 235
    July Actual: 237.2
    July Loss: -2.8

    August 1: 236.8
    August 8: 237.2 (had a rough weekend which tipped the scale. Going to try harder this week)
    August 15: 235
    August 22: 233.4 making progress!
    August 29: 232.2

    August Goal: 230
    August Actual: 232.2
    August Loss: -4.6 (very happy with that! )

    September 5: 230.4
    September 12: 231 (had a rough week. Going camping this weekend so I'm nervous about staying on plan but I am going to try)
    September 19:
    September 26:

    September Goal: 224
    September Actual:
    September Loss:

    Weight loss for this week:
    Current challenge loss:
    Challenge Weight loss goal:
  • Lynn__W
    Lynn__W Posts: 1,024 Member
    {Monday weigh-ins are at 5:30 and are brutal; changing to Wednesdays

    July 1: 175.4
    July 3: 173.6
    July 10: 173.2
    July 17: 173.4
    July 24: 173
    July 31: 174

    July Goal: 168; revised to 171
    July Actual: 174
    July Loss: down 1.4

    August 7: 172
    August 14: 173
    August 21: 173.8 Feeling very unmotivated at the moment. September has always been one of my most successful wt loss months so looking forward to it’s arrival.
    August 28: Will be traveling to a retreat in Tx.
    August 31: no scale available. Enjoying GF time and fine dining Texas style!

    August Goal:
    August Actual:
    August Loss:

    September 3: 176.8
    September 4: Briefly home then immed left to visit cousin who’s in Hospice.
    September 11: 174.2
    September 18:
    September 25:
    September 30:

    September Goal:
    September Actual:
    September Loss:

    Weight loss for this week:
    Current challenge loss:
    Challenge Weight loss goal:
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 577 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm jumping off this board for now because I don't expect much progress by the end of September and I'm already on six other boards. Wishing you all the very best success in the weeks ahead

    Wednesday, September 15th is only 15 weeks until January 1st, 2025!

    Imagine, we can ring in the New Year 15 lbs. lighter by losing just 1 pound per week under then!

    'Bye for now!

    Love, Carole,💞
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,894 Member
    Max weight (7/10/2020): 330
    Min weight (1/14/22): 224.5 : ↓ 105.5
    Current weight: 257.0 : ↑ 32.5 (keeping it off is hard!)
    yearly gain/loss: year 1: ↓87 lbs; year 2: ↓18 lbs; year 3: ↑16 lbs; year 4: ↑15 lbs; year 5 YTD:↑1.0 lbs

    Ultimate goal weight: < 220
    Challenge starting weight: 256.7
    Challenge goal weight: 240.0
    Challenge weight loss goal: 16.7 lbs in 13 weeks

    July 01 : 256.7
    July 08 : 255.9 : ↓ 0.8
    July 15 : 257.3 : ↑ 1.4
    July 22 : 256.7 : ↓ 0.6
    July 29 : 258.7 : ↑ 2.0

    July Goal: 251.9
    July Actual: 258.7 (missed goal by 6.8 lbs)
    July Loss: ↑ 2.0

    August 05 : 256.9 : ↓ 1.8
    August 12 : 254.6 : ↓ 2.3
    August 19 : 256.7 : ↑ 2.1
    August 26 : 257.9 : ↑ 1.2

    August Goal: 247.2
    August Actual: 257.9 (missed goal by 10.7 lbs)
    August Loss: ↓ 0.8

    September 02 : 259.0 : ↑ 1.1
    September 09 : 256.6 : ↓ 2.4
    September 16 : 257.0 : ↑ 0.4
    September 23 :
    September 30 :

    September Goal: 240 250.0
    September Actual:
    September Loss:

    This week's weight loss: gained 0.4 lbs
    Current challenge weight loss: gained 0.3 lbs in 11 weeks
    Challenge weight loss goal: 16.7 lbs in 13 weeks
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,950 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 64 years old and I live in the Midwest of the US. I am 5’ 5” tall.

    CHALLENGE TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS GOAL: Total Loss of 12 pounds to land at 175.0

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    07/01-187.0-(Trend Weight: 186.6)-

    07/08-189.2-(Trend Weight: 187.2)-

    07/15-189.4-(Trend Weight: 188.6)-

    07/22-DNW-(Trend Weight: DNW)-

    07/29-189.4-(Trend Weight: 189.7)-

    07/31-188.4-(Trend Weight: 190.3)-

    July Start: 187.0
    July Goal: 183.0 (4 pound loss)
    July Actual: 188.4
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far: 1.4 lbs Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change

    08/01-188.6-(Trend Weight: 190.2)-

    08/05-188.2-(Trend Weight: 189.6)-

    08/12-DNW-(Trend Weight: DNW)-

    08/19-192.2-(Trend Weight: 191.1)-

    08/26-190.0-(Trend Weight: 190.8)-

    08/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    Aug Start: 188.4
    Aug Goal: 184.4 (4 pound loss)
    Aug Actual: 190.0 at last known Aug weight
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far: 1.6 lb Gain

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change

    09/01- DNW-(Trend Weight: DNW)-

    09/02-192.4-(Trend Weight: 191.5)-

    09/09-191.0-(Trend Weight: 190.9)- Up & Down all week ending with less than last week so I guess I’ll be grateful for that. Today I travel for the next two days and will be back home by Tuesday night. Time for some medical appointments including my mammogram and oncology appointment. Routine re-checks. Don’t forget to schedule your Mamm’s my friends. October will be Breast Cancer Awareness month and it’s important to get your screenings and to catch any problems early. I share because I care! Have a great week.

    09/16-193.6-(Trend Weight: 191.8)- From bad to worse. And more travel (2 separate days) coming this week which also Greatly Affects the scale for me. I feel like I’m fighting a losing battle. However, I am going to stand my ground and commit to a better number by next week. You can do this Donna!

    09/23-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    09/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    Sept Start: 190.0 Last known Aug weight
    Sept Goal: 186.0 (4 pound loss)
    Sept Actual: xxxxx
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far:


  • AdahPotatah2024
    AdahPotatah2024 Posts: 2,062 Member

    *I lost a bit of weight by changing my habits eating at restaurants. I only eat out if I am with others and just get one entrée, no sides.
    *I quit drinking cream/sugar after 2 cups of coffee..most days
    *I've been trying to eat breakfast most days, but haven't noticed any differences.
    *Also, I have been eating 2 bean or legume dishes per week and not noticed any difference in my weight. This has recently morphed into eating 1-2 tofu meals per week which I do think took off a pound or 2!

    JULY 1: 145
    JULY 5: 145
    *5 days into my "Dry July". I am pretty careful about sticking to recommended 1-2 per day and no more than 5 per week so it'll be interesting,for me, to see if I notice any differences!

    JULY20: 146
    "Dry July" is not helping any because I bought a fiesta pack of Jaritos and have been splitting one with my daughter almost every day or having some other cold, sugary drink!🌞😅

    Aug. 3rd:148
    Cutting out alcohol definitely didn't help any with weight loss! I've been craving more sweets and carbs lately. However, I have been sleeping so much better!!! I am going to try buying a better quality bottle once a month or so instead of every week because of that only.
    Also, it's been rainy or too hot and humid walking a lot less.
    I've stopped trying to eat breakfast as that is so hard for me to stick to, but I'd like to try one month having a bit of oats, every day, in the morning to see if it makes any difference for me. Maybe for September!

    Aug. 10th-146
    Going to track my added sugar this week, and aim under 25 g.

    Aug. 20th- 144
    Didn't count sugar grams over the weekend, but think I stayed under 35 g. Under 25g is so difficult for me! I am going to try to stay under 35g, at least, which is less than 10% of my daily calories.

    Aug. 30- Hangin' in there @ 144lbs😅

    September 7th-142 Not sure how I lost a few pounds, but I have been walking a bit more since it's not upper 90°s this week. Also, l reduced my work hours to 28 instead of 40! & reduced grocery bill to match my income. 😬

    September 17th: 144

    Trying to figure out what small changes I can make to drop these last 10 pounds without worrying over every calorie. I have my meals logged in advance every week, usually around 1500 calories per day. (I'm short 5'2). I try to stick to the plan, but not counting calories anymore.

    Wishing everyone the best with this challenge! 🌻
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,968 Member

    July 3: 139
    July 10: 138
    July 17: 139
    July 24: 139
    July 31: 138

    July Goal: 135
    July Actual: 138
    July Loss: 0

    August 7: 138
    August 14: 139
    August 21: 139
    August 28: 140

    August Goal: 136
    August Actual: 140
    August Loss: 0

    September 4: 140
    September 11: 140
    September 18: 140
    September 23:
    September 30:

    September Goal:
    September Actual:
    September Loss:

    Weight loss for this week:
    Current challenge loss:
    Challenge Weight loss goal: