X-Mas Challenge (OPEN group)



  • ReneeClaireR
    ReneeClaireR Posts: 25 Member
    I'm excited for weigh in tomorrow...i've been working hard this week!!
  • I'm in!! Can't wait to start! :smile: :smile: I need motivation!! Do I just weigh in tomorrow with my starting weight??
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    WOW, didn't think this would be so many people so fast! I'm amazed!!!

    :explode: ATTENTION!!!

    The form up there doesn't work, please use this one:
    :explode: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDFwaFVfcWkzU2lSVjU3bU5Nd3JTUXc6MQ

    lol me me me, Im joining
  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    by now I've seen, that we're 60 already - amazing!

    for the week 1 weigh-ins please fill in the following form (like that it's easier to find your weigh-ins having them all in one place, sorted by weeks)

    :flowerforyou: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dGx1YnJ6WHhwLS1RSmlja296SmxmOHc6MQ#gid=0

    yes, if your starting now, just fill in your current weight, and I'll calculate from there onwards.

    had some bad days this last 2 days. tried to keep spare calories for the evening, when I got sooooo hungry in the afternoon, that I ate weigh too much and ate in the evening :( BUT today's a new day!

    did you manage to have your mini-challenge done?

    new mini challenge for this week: try a new healthy food everyday and fill up your water glass every day!

    Sending you good vibes & all the best

    we're doing it!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    I would love to join the challenge. I'm already in a different challenge but I need all the motivation I can get. I love the weekly challenges...it helps keep things interesting. Thank you for putting this together!!! PS already filled out the form and will weigh in tomorrow.
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    I would love to join the challenge. I'm already in a different challenge but I need all the motivation I can get. I love the weekly challenges...it helps keep things interesting. Thank you for putting this together!!! PS already filled out the form and will weigh in tomorrow.
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    Was there a repost I missed for the 2nd weigh-in or do we just use the spreadsheet link & enter our weights?

  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    I entered my weight for 2nd week in the same spreadsheet (link above).

    Not much of a change :grumble: - I was really good with exercise this week, but still in denial about food...

    This week I am going to really concentrate on the water... also trying new healthy foods.

    Thanks for this challenge - just in the nick of time!!!

  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    @Deediddly: yes, obviously you've missed it (just a few posts above you)

    There's a new form and link every week - so please make sure to see if you can find it in the forum.
    If you've friended me, you can find the actual link in my profile (as a news feed post).

    For now it doesn't matter if you filled in the wrong forms, but for the future it would be nice if you could take the right one.
  • BRAZ613
    BRAZ613 Posts: 4 Member
    Lost one pound this week. I thought it would be more as I exercised diligently but one pound is one pound. Good luck to all this week!
  • movn4ward
    movn4ward Posts: 69 Member
    I didn't do well this week with food or exercise. I didn't push myself to exercise for the amount or types of food I ate. It was definitely a lazy week for me, but I will continue to work on being consistent with my diet and exercise routine. Striving for better each week, hope everyone is still motivated and wishing you all continued success.
  • did i mention i am so totally in lol I at 333
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    filled out the new form, it will be good to see how everyone is doing!!:happy:
  • blueeyes25s
    blueeyes25s Posts: 78 Member
    I submitted my weight! I wasn't much of a loss but I did hit a plateau and looks like I may be breaking through it!
  • jtsmith34
    jtsmith34 Posts: 54 Member
    I didn't get to exercise as much as I would have liked to this past week, luckily I walk a lot at my job. I did stay pretty much on track with my food though! I'm proud of myself!
  • I did give in to the chocolate wonderland quite a few times this past week but managed to stick to doing workouts everyday and didn't put on any weight so yay! :)
  • ThinnerHill
    ThinnerHill Posts: 254 Member
    Hey Everyone!!! I hope everyone is doing well this fabulous Friday! My week went as well as can be expected with my monthly visitor. Lucky Me! NOT!!! oh well. I managed to lose 2.2 pounds anyways. I didn;t get to exercise as much as I wanted to, but I did get an 8 mile bike ride in on Sunday. Felt great!! haven't been on my bike sense.lol hopefully this weekend maybe. I'm procrastinating on starting the couch 2 5k. I've downloaded the app I've created my playlist to listen to while doing it, but I can;t seem to get my butt out the door to just start it. I used to love to run. I so want to be able to love it again. Good Luck next week everyone!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • NaturalKween_25
    NaturalKween_25 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello Everyone. I am new to MFP and this is my very first challenge. I am excited=) I plan to do Slim in 6, Taebo, the Elliptical Machine and Treadmill. I also plan to stay with my calories. Thank you so much!:bigsmile:
  • laurenmXD
    laurenmXD Posts: 141 Member
    Lost 1lb this week. Better than nothing but happy :) i filled in the form x