Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 274



  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 3,061 Member
    @_JeffreyD_ beautiful photo!
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 971 Member
    edited October 5
    @_JeffreyD_ : "I am therefore very surprised that my scale reading was lower this morning than the day I left. Maybe it had to do with 15,000 to 20,000 steps each day uphill both ways."

    I also came back a little lighter, and I've found that's the case when I go to Italy- better food and more activity. Welcome back, I'm sure your trip was amazing!

    Fantastic photo! Looks like Tuscany?
  • Blueberries59
    Blueberries59 Posts: 36 Member
    Me - Meg, 5'5", age 65, desk job, moderate daily exerciser, Daily Calories @1630 Goal
    GOAL #2 135 LBS

    Motto: Don't let “perfection” get in the way of “good-enough”.

    Round 274
    10/03 – 139.9 Morning swim, work, and Baja fish tacos planned for dinner.
    10/04 - 139.3 Morning walk and noon trainer session. Healthy spaghetti for dinner. Work in between.
    10/05 - 139.3 Swim, Apple Fitness yoga, out for dinner and plan meals for the week.

    My dinner for yesterday did not follow the plan. We ended up at Jason's Deli at my request so I could have the salad bar, which I ate. I also ate a half of turkey sandwich, chips, and a tad of ice cream :# Luckily, my weight is stuck again for the umpteenth time at 139.3 so it didn't go up or down. Still, I was a little disappointed at how easily I caved!

  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 812 Member
    RND 274 - JGMTD #44
    Mission: Continuously improve daily habits that strengthen a “Healthy, Strong & Fit” identity.
    #HSF 📣#bestshapeofmylife📣

    About Me & R274 Commitments:
    F65, 5’6” married, MawMaw Proud. Clean P:E (ProteinG> (Cg+Fg) A clean/whole food WOE- (🚫processed foods). Track macros, all fitness and NSVs. I’ve had an unhealthy relationship with food my entire life.

    HW 172lbs in 2010. Lost 30lbs in 2014. Crazy🎢 for 10years. Joined JGMTD R231 7/31/23. Lost 15lbs 8/1 -11/23. Said goodbye FOREVER to the 🎢! I’ve named my maintenance journey “#HSF” & on my way to

    👇🏻Oct Level Up (Down) Plan
    I pledge to prioritize each of these #HSF choices EVERY DAY of Oct:

    1. P:E: Proteing greater than 1:1 vs. Energy g. [Pg > (Cg+Fg)] (and cals = avg. maintenance).I will continue this nutrition plan. It is supposed to support muscle gain with fat loss while 🏋🏼‍♀️🤸🏼‍♀️ 🎾. I will continue to track NSVs/macros/ activities, etc. to learn about my body.
    2. 🙏📝📚🧐 - I will continue to pray, journal, research. This is my aspect of “leveling up” because I am nothing without my relationship w/Jesus Christ. I’ve also grown into loving/enjoying learning about my body & healthy aging. Replacing BAD habits w/ GOOD habits is a journey in itself. This practice helps me stay present /mindful of many decisions/ thoughts/ actions that impact not only nutrition, but improves self-talk & interactions w/others.
    3. 🏋🏼‍♀️this is my biggest challenge. I still don’t like it. Not one bit. I have some days that it clicks, but it’s a daily struggle. Living “fake it till I make it”… Faking my “identity”. My hope is that some 🏋️‍♀️version eventually becomes a healthy habit. I’m working on a minimum of 10-minute “🏋🏼‍♀️snacks” 2-3x per day, 5x per week. Gosh, how I wish someone, ANYONE would have told me in my earlier years that 🏋🏼‍♀️is the key to fat-loss / maintaining - NOT cardio. I was brainwashed.
    4. Healthy Aging - includes mobility, flexibility, balance and agility. While I do stretch every morning plus “stretch snacks”… I want to up this game… I added “sprints” (which is NOW only fast jogging… 😂) and plyometrics (celebrating a 2” vertical jump) 😂. I read to “sprint” is vital as we age…..
    5. I have much “work” to do with family relationships. Won’t detail here, but it’s a challenge & my overall health will not flourish without this being acknowledged and improved. Mind, body & spirit are connected. I won’t be fully content until I reconcile this part of my life.
    6. Sleep- This is a big one. I’m usually fast asleep by 8:30-9PM. I can’t stay up later…. I love getting up early. I’m good with a 5AM wake up but I want to sleep soundly through the night. Will continue to prioritize this key component to health and well-being…
    7. Have fun… lighten up … & give myself permission to be spontaneous. (This is THE HARDEST)!!!!

    👇🏻Review since my 1st R231 7/31/23 NSVs/Journey Reflections

    1. ✅HSF: Avg. close to 9k steps per day for 12+ mos. Not bad. It’s no longer a “daily goal” because it’s now a daily healthy habit - #HSF 👏🏻🤩
    2. ✅#HSF: 🙆‍♀️ Daily stretch greatly improving my attitude & confidence.
    3. ✅ #HSF 📝 🙏 everyday
    4. ✅#HSF: I play 🎾about 4-5x per week.
    5. ✅#HSF : Z2 💕avg 60 min/day
    6. ✅#HSF : zero to 15g of net carbs/ day
    7. ✅Clean P:E 115-130g Protein
    8. ✅#HSF Naturally IF 18/6. Eating window=noon to 6PM. (At least 5 days/wk)
    9. ✅#HSF 💦80oz daily
    10. ✅#HSF Alcohol limited to rare occasions.
    11. 💤 7 to 8 hours sleep per night is a goal. Sleep is still inconsistent the last few rounds…

    Staying in the present moment is key to mental health and healthy choices.

    Rotating 120g to 135g of protein per day is now a non-negotiable. In my dreams, I want to be 128- 130lbs #HSF … 😎 I want to be Healthy, Strong & Fit to live out “Chapter 3” enjoying a full range of mobility, flexibility & activities… !

    Previous Daily

    10/3 ⚖️132.0.
    Up solid 2lbs since 7/3/24 (R264) after a month of consistent 129-130. This is the slow creep. Didn’t sleep well. Will reflect, journal & establish non-scale 🏋️‍♀️⏱️🚶‍♀️📚💤 goals for this round (JGM10 days!!!!) today. Re-commit to P:E WOE. Want stable ⚖️130lbs. 💪🏻#HSF
    Good luck all!

    10/4 ⚖️130.6 Had to weigh three times to believe it.
    ✅ 🏋️‍♀️15min 🚶‍♀️11k⏱️HIIT 💦📚 💤8hrs. P:E 3:1, Pg 137. Yes!!!!

    ⚖️-total surprise this morning… Am I simply going to have one to 2 lb fluctuations day-in day-out? -I guess that’s what’s going on? Geez Louise!

    I did have an incredible day yesterday… I reflected, read, created a plan to work on sprints and plyo during my walk-then DID IT! I adjusted my Apple Watch for intervals and it’s easy to measure & track. I set up one 7 minute HIIT with 20 second work and 40 second recover. When I got to the park, I did two of these… I must look like a total fool! My sprint is hardly a “true sprint” & plyo is hardly true “jumps” but at least I’m doing it. This is ground zero! Im actually motivated to start & track these movements with proven benefits.

    P:E - increased protein, reduced “Energy” significantly: lowered fat & only 2 carbs yesterday. (I did have to drink some of my protein to reach those levels).

    Forced myself to 🏋️‍♀️. This journey requires a great deal of self-discipline…. As life. I’m discovering that I enjoy working toward something… It must be defined. #HSF

    NSV: Actually, DOING what I said I would DO is one of the best feelings in the world!

    Supposed to play tennis today, but it just started raining so I’ll substitute. I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but yesterday was the perfect kick start to a great round!

    10/3 132.0
    10/4 130.6
    10/5 131.0

    10/5 131.0
    ✅ 🏋️‍♀️25min 📚 5💤hrs. P:E 1.7:1, Pg 117g
    ⚖️swings are my normal. All day rain 🚫🚶‍♀️. Ate late. Disrupted sleep. Almost DNW because we ate late, slept poorly & woke up puffy. … I could’ve done HIIT inside, but I opted not to because once again, I got distracted with being inside. Rainy days certainly bring the blues… Ate late.

    Today: DGS soccer could be cancelled (rain) but if not:
    🏋️‍♀️⏱️🚶‍♀️📚💤. I will not get distracted today!

    October is our birthday month. Hubby has a big one (70!) & I’ll turn 66. We have five celebrations planned so far with two more in planning stages… I will stay vigilant this month. We had planned a one week trip to the smoky mountains, but canceled for obvious reasons. Now a “staycation”. Praying for Helene victims and volunteers.
  • AR10at50
    AR10at50 Posts: 1,627 Member
    @_JeffreyD_ -Beautiful picture! Glad you had a good time and made it back!!!