30DS Challenge from Sept 20 till Oct 20



  • mezzosoprano89
    mezzosoprano89 Posts: 81 Member
    Day 2 Level 2 complete!!

    Is anybody doing rest days? I wasn't sure if we were supposed to do rest days or just go for it every day.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Day 2 Level 2 complete!!

    Is anybody doing rest days? I wasn't sure if we were supposed to do rest days or just go for it every day.

    I think it's really up to the individual. I'm not planning on taking any rest days. Going to do it straight for 30 days. But some people are taking a rest day a week or between levels. Do what you feel you need to do!

    Great job on D2 L2! I just finished that myself!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    D2 L2 COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!! My knees are hurting me SO bad they are keeping me from doing some of the exersizes to the fullest. But I pushed through and completed it! Sweat just dripping off of me!

    GOOD FOR YOU!!! You are doing great!! Keep up the great work!

    Thank you! I realized with my knees though that before I was using the balls of my feet rather than my heels...using my heals takes alot of stress off my knees BUT they are still sore.
  • lauren2390
    lauren2390 Posts: 16 Member
    D8 L1 done! The shoulder raises still kill my arms, but I am so ready to move on to Level 2. Doing the same exercise over and over get a little tedious!
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    Day 2 Level 2 complete!!

    Is anybody doing rest days? I wasn't sure if we were supposed to do rest days or just go for it every day.

    I am taking a rest day every friday.
  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    Day 2 Level 2 complete!!

    Is anybody doing rest days? I wasn't sure if we were supposed to do rest days or just go for it every day.

    I am taking a rest day every friday.

    I did not plan to take rest days, but i just could not face any exercise last night, i'm still whacked this morning but going to do L2D2 now, if i can i do another session this evening.
    great job girls, lets not let JM break us.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    D9 L1 Complete. Tired. I only had 3 hours of sleep last night, but I managed to get through it.

    That is wonderful! I owe two now since I just couldn't do it on three hours sleep yesterday and overslept this morning! Will do this evening!

    Wonderful job ladies! I have noticed inch changes and weight so am pleased even when I have an OMG I ate WHAT?!? day. :blushing:

    Keep up the wonderful job and remember that we have to be honest with ourselves and do our best! :smile:
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    D3L2 Complete!! I got up and did the workout first thing because I am going to have company all day and I know I will make excuses tonight to not do it! lol

    Took my measurements again today ( I took them a little late in level 1) I have lost 2 inches overall so far and I am down 3.4 lbs. I needed to see some results even if they are only minor! Hope you all have a great day!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    D3 L2 DONE!!!! Got up and did it first thing this morning! I like getting it done in the morning time, but with my work schedule I work 8-4 during the week, I just dont have it in me to get up and do it in the morning. So I do it after work!
  • treatdream
    treatdream Posts: 104 Member
    Day 2 Level 2 complete!!

    Is anybody doing rest days? I wasn't sure if we were supposed to do rest days or just go for it every day.

    I am taking a rest day every friday.

    I'm also taking a rest day - every Sunday.
  • treatdream
    treatdream Posts: 104 Member
    D9L1 done.

    Lots of thoughts about today but I don't want to ramble on. Looking forward to switching it up on Tuesday with level 2 and also a bit terrified. I'll be taking a rest day tomorrow.

    Great job ladies! I'm so impressed with how you all find a way to push through and get it done. Enjoy your weekend!
  • treatdream
    treatdream Posts: 104 Member
    D2 L2 COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!! My knees are hurting me SO bad they are keeping me from doing some of the exersizes to the fullest. But I pushed through and completed it! Sweat just dripping off of me!

    GOOD FOR YOU!!! You are doing great!! Keep up the great work!

    Thank you! I realized with my knees though that before I was using the balls of my feet rather than my heels...using my heals takes alot of stress off my knees BUT they are still sore.

    Seriously, great job! You are really helping to push myself through with your dedication. I will have to keep this in mind for level 2. My one knee doesn't seem to want to co-operate the past few days. Getting a little frustrated.
  • Corruptkitten
    Corruptkitten Posts: 157 Member
    Yesterday I completed Level 1 and today started Level 2. What is with the squat thrusts and plank jacks? Yowza those are tough. I have a weak low back and have to modify a few moves on level 2. Level 1 I was never able to do "guy" push-ups all the way through, however I did do increasingly more each day. I am feeling stronger and have more stamina overall.

    Here are my results so far.

    Level 1 I started at 168.5 I am now 164

    Old Measurements:
    Height - 5'5"
    Left bicep - 12.5"
    Right bicep - 13"
    Bust - 40"
    Under bust - 35.5"
    Upper waist - 34.5"
    Muffin Top - 41"
    Hips - 45"
    Right thigh - 25.5"
    Left thigh - 26"
    Right calf - 14.5"
    Left calf - 15"

    New Measurements:
    Height - 5'5"
    Left bicep - 12.5"
    Right bicep - 13"
    Bust - 38.5"
    Under bust - 35"
    Upper waist - 32.5"
    Muffin Top - 40"
    Hips - 44"
    Right thigh - 25"
    Left thigh - 26"
    Right calf - 14.5"
    Left calf - 14.25

    Total Inches lost = 7.25
    Total LBS lost 4.5

  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    well girls, D2 & D3 level 2 done today, hope i don't pay for it tomorrow!!!!

    balance a bit better, still feel like a heifer, on the side to side twist and skater thing, her girls are so graceful and seem to float. ah well maybe some day.

    night night.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    just did first day of level 2 - biggest dislike is so many complicated new moves to learn. still definitely hating the shoulders the most.
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    I'm reporting in, but taking a rest day today before starting level 2. I had a huge workout last night and my joints are too achy to begin, just set myself up for failure.
  • mezzosoprano89
    mezzosoprano89 Posts: 81 Member
    Finished Level 2 Day 3 today. I can get through the entire workout, but was really feeling it in my shoulders during the planks today...blech. Hopefully tomorrow goes well!

    Good luck everyone! I've been having some intense meat cravings so today I made a delicious wrap for the first time, used a flour tortilla, some spinach, fat free cheese, and 4 oz of tuna fish. I'm guessing my muscles are really wanting more protein so they can heal everyday.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    I think I am going to drop back to 3-4 days a week on 30DS. I am starting a programme at the gym tomorrow which I need to do 3x a week, which is about a 50-60 minute workout, with 10 mins cardio, 10 mins weights repeated for 3 cycles. I think doing shred on top of that those days would kill me, not to mention I really can't work out how I would fit both in - will have to go to gym straight from work and then go from there to pick my kids up, and just can't see how I can fit 30DS in on gym days.

    Hope that doesn't sound like I am being a slack *kitten*!
  • mezzosoprano89
    mezzosoprano89 Posts: 81 Member
    Finished day 4 level 2!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    D4 L2 DONE!!!! My knees luckily are feeling a bit better.

    Now to shower and get ready, then go walk around at the pumpkin patch all day and shop then go bowling tonight!

    Keep up the great work ladies!!!!!!!!!!

    Still having a hard time with this level though......all the planks! I'm not strong enough for that yet, but I'm working on it! And the chair squats with the arm raises....YIKES! My shoulders are really getting it!