
:bigsmile: This is a thread for women who are looking to change their lives through weight loss and new habits and attitudes. The title says “Women Ages 50+” but all women are welcome.

:bigsmile: We have started a new thread on the first of the month every month since I started here in February 2009 and each month we have reflected on our goals from last month and set new goals for the new month. Some of us set weight loss goals and others set goals for new behaviors and attitudes.

:bigsmile: How did you do with your goals for September? What goals have you set for October?

:bigsmile: We are in a new season with new weather that may inspire or discourage our healthy eating and exercise. I hope we can all find a way to make the changes we desire.

:bigsmile: It’s a new page on the calendar and a new opportunity to change your life………let’s go.



  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    I would love to join I am 52 and do so much better when I set goals and have support . sounds great !!!! I have a daughter that is 30 she may want to join too :happy:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    I really like your quote, very true : >
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Marking my place, back soon x
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    53 here. I guess outside of calorie counting and just getting myself to move daily, I need to figure out some strength training. So far I haven't done any of that because honestly, I dread being sore. I just recently got past a really long bout of really bad arthritis and practically lived on pain pills. Finally after a year and lots of testing for RA and lupus, stuff like that, I figured out, on my own, that it was a gluten sensitivity. Now I'm pain free and I'm enjoying it. I really don't want to go back to hurting. So I've been avoiding lifting those weights. I don't know what to do with them, anyway.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy October my friends.

    It's a glorious day here in London. My intention is to go to visit MIL in nursing home and try to get her out in the fresh air for a while. Her wheelchair is extremely heavy (as is she these days) so it is rather cumbersome to manoeuvre, but I will try my best. There is a little river just behind the home and I may try to take her over the bridge for a while. Of course, it also depends on how she is today. Sometimes her confusion is so bad that she would not be able to tolerate going outside. Let's hope it's a good day.

    We went to the wedding yesterday. The bride looked stunning, she's a tiny dot of a thing - about 4'8" and like a little doll, but her wedding dress was perfect for her. She is the daughter of a friend who died a couple of years ago. The friend and I went to ante-natal classes when we were both expecting our daughters and the girls have all stayed friends, which I think is lovely. Eileen would have been so proud to see her daughter yesterday. I admit to having a little silent tear or two for her.

    After the reception, my DD's and their husbands plus my DH and myself went for an Indian meal. To be honest, I hate eating at that time of night, but once in a while it doesn't do much harm. I just had a small spoonful of a couple of dishes. I weighed myself this morning, thinking that sodium levels would show a gain, but to my surprise I was down another pound! I'm not putting it on my ticker just yet though.

    Thank you for the comments about my photo - you are all very kind. I just thought it was rather a fun pic, although I do think my legs look a tad strange - just the way I'm posed I think.

    Right, time for me to get off my bottom again.

    Have a good weekend please, whatever you are up to. Hugs to you all.

    Amanda x
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Hi everyone and Happy Harvest time!!!

    Speaking of harvesting....it's time for me to get refocused on my goals. I've had a hell of a Sept with moving across the states and am still in the process of unpacking. Unfortunately my weight loss focus went down on the list. The good news is that I've managed to actually lose 1.5 lbs in the process.

    So for Oct my goals are:

    1. Lose 5lbs and get myself into Onederland!!!!!!!!
    2. exercise 6 days a week
    3. drink water

    Great to see you all!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good morning all! Welcome to newcomers! I am in a rush, but wanted to get in on the new thread. My October goal? To find a way to get regular exercise in my schedule. Got to run - I'm off to get my hair cut.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning all

    thanks for the new link, barbie....i thought i might have mentioned it before but maybe not....anyways, i am a mom of 3 great sons(30, 27, and 21)the younges is still in college and living at home...i divorce for the past 9 years and still dont date....pretty much a home body...

    i love this group, its wonderful to come here and rant, vent, support and share with each other....

    my goals for ocotber are work on my food intake...though i take having days that i end with the green number(staying within my calorie range)it very dificult for me to lose weight,,,i exercise like a crazy woman(this past month i logged in 2300minutes and over 3500 calories burn a week)so i am guessing it what i eat or dont eat..

    goals: watch food intake
    maybe subsitute a cardio session for a yoga class(i am addicted to cardio)
    lose 4lbs in october
    on more reflection i think that i sabotage myself...every time i start to lose and people comment i in turn start to eat things i shouldnt, i am adding this to my goals to make for this reaction

    @amanda ....hope you have a good visit with your MIL
    @lisa....i also didnt/dont like weights but having been working with a trainer to get the proper form ,they seem to really work with inches lost
    @elimay59 ...welcome its a great group
    @tammy/...good news on your weight loss
    @mary...hope your haircut comes out pretty, had my hair done yesterday very happy with it

    have a lovey day all

    welcome all the new comers:flowerforyou:
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Good Morning, happy weekend and hello October! :flowerforyou:

    I have kind of been MIA this week because I have had a lot to do to get ready for our cruise...thank goodnes because that helps the time to fly by.

    Got to the gym 3x's this week and because I stepped up my exercise I have been sore, sore, and sore, a good kind of sore because I know and feel like it is working. Down another pound and so hoping to even it out to a satisfying 20 pounds before we leave in 3 weeks.

    Got my clothes back from alterations, another satisfying moment, everything fits now and is hanging in the guest room, which I now call my cruise staging area ready to be packed.

    Today and tomorrow we are going to give our house a good cleaning so we only have to tidy up and clean bathrooms between now and when we leave. Robert is great at doing his share of cleaning, this is an equal opportunity household.

    Our weather is beautiful at this time of the year and we are trying to get out and enjoy it as much as possible...hope your weather is also nice.

    Welcome to all the newcomers glad you are here with us to share with us our acheivements, setbacks, aches and pains and the joy of life.
    Have a wonderful day today everyone:flowerforyou: ......xoxoSissy(((:heart: )))
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Happy October,

    Well, I'm going to a Chicken BBQ today so not sure if I will be able to log accurately, but I will try.

    October will be the month that I have my ticker lady to run past 160.

    Hope everyone does well this month.

    One foot in front of the other today.

    Kathy (plantlady)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good morning, everyone, and Happy October! I love the autumn months!

    I want to let you all know how much you have meant to me. I love reading your posts--you all keep me going and I know that one day I will succeed.

    I am going to be VERY busy in the coming months so I most likely will be posting even less than I do now. I will still be popping in to read when I can, so I wanted to get the thread into My Topics.

    Much success to all of us!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    barbie - I'm with you, I need to exercise early in the morning or it won't get done. Maybe I'm afraid that it won't get done. Also, I feel so much better when I know that one thing that's on my "to do" list has been checked off. Oh, I like Carson Kressley on DWTS. I don't think he's that good of a dancer, but he's soooo entertaining. I do hope he stays for a while, but honestly I don't think he'll make it into the finals. I also think that the judge's votes should count more than only 50% for the semi-finals and the finals. They are the professionals. There have been lots of times when I've thought "oh, that's not that good, should be crisper" but then the judges will say something like "best dance of the night". Well...they are the professionals, not me. Remember the first season when Kelly whats-her-name won? I really thought that John O'Herlihey should have won, he put so much into it. But she was an actress on General Hospital so she had a bigger base of fans to call in for her.

    Have some cream of cauliflower soup simmering right now.

    Took the deep water aerobics today (Fri). Then just picked up another rotisserie chicken at Wal Mart, then took some food to a friend who had her gallbladder out. I made pork chops, gave her some baked potatoes, mixed veges, and made some cookies. I put everything in separate containers because right now she probably doesn't know yet if she can have certain foods or not, like she probably doesn't know how much of the gravy she can handle. This way she can put it on the side and use it as she feels she needs it. I gave her a stick of butter for the potatoes and possibly the veges if she wants butter on them. See, I would prefer not to have butter on my veges. I know that she likes Dove so I gave her a few of the Dove promises. Not sure if she likes the dark chocolate and that was all that I had.

    On my way back from giving that gal the food I'd prepared, I stopped at this man's vege stand. Last time I was there, I was so hungry that I bought an apple right then and there and ate it (dirt and all). His tomatoes weren't bad, either. And this is the end of tomato season. Anyway, today I got more tomatoes and was hungry so I bought another apple, expecting that since apples are just coming into season, it would be nice and crisp and juicy. Was I wrong! It was so "mealy", almost as if the guy he got them from had them from last year and wanted to get rid of them so he could make room for this year's crop. I only ate 1/2 of it, I was so disappointed. Hope his tomatoes are ok, too. Hope someone didn't just buy a case and he's selling them. Will I ever be disappointed!

    Tomorrow...farmer's market and then yoga.

    Welcome elimay and lap222. Kind of reminds me of "Room 222"

    Went to the farmers market today. There was one guy there with persimmons. Haven't had one in a long time. Were they ever sweet!!!! If he has them next week, I'm going to get more. Then did an hour of yoga. I'm thinking that tomorrow I'll do a pilates DVD. While I was at the farmer's market they wanted to take my picture for the newspaper, but I asked them not to. I'm not very photogenic.

    We're supposed to have our neighborhood picnic today. From past picnics, most of the desserts I didn't eat, really there wasn't much that I wanted. So...before I go there I'm going to have some butternut squash soup and probably put some cauliflower or bok choy or kale in it. Got the last 2 items at the farmers market today so I'm going to try them.

    Going to post this now so that the thread is in "My Topics".

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • qofsheba
    Would love to join. 61 years old. joined at 200. Now at 192. Want to go to 140. Exercise 5 days a week (mostly). Have flagged since the first 8 lbs and had a two week slide back up 4 lbs. Now back.
  • qofsheba
    Forgot: my October Goal: be at 182 at end of month. Getting together w/siblings on 10/20---and would love to be at least another 5 lbs down. Up to me of course!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    marking my spot but I don't want to linger because I want to get some stuff done today!!!!
  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    Hey all, marking my spot because it is time that I get downright serious. I feel I am active enough with the classes and walking that I do. I do 1 hr class of pilates/yoga on Monday and Thursday and 1 hr class f belly dancing on Wednesday. In between days, I often get up early and do either elliptical for 30 minutes or one of Jillian's tapes. So that doesn't seem to be assisting any loss.

    I am post meno by many, many years, however, I quit smoking (nasty habit) in March, went to Italy on a holiday in May/June and since then I have been slowly, slowly going up and up. I initially would have been happy with loosing 15 lbs but now I have set my goal at 20. I have really decided that losing weight is 80% food and 20% exercise. I just have to quit nibbling when I am not hungry. I am going to be much stricter with myself this month and I am hoping for a loss. This holding and gaining a bit is getting me down! I believe that after 6+ months of not smoking that I have finally settled my metabolism down but age plus wacked out smoked up metabolism creates weight gain. I am going to follow a different road and be very, very careful for 4 weeks and see where that gets me!

  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    Hi everyone !

    Marking my spot.

    Have a nice October!
  • Litish
    Litish Posts: 2
    I would love to join although I am 60+. I just began my journey on this last Monday 9-26-11. I like that I don't have to write down my food at every meal. I"m just counting calories.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy October and thanks Barbie for starting us off with a bang! I appreciate you.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the new faces. By writing on this forum you have joined an amazing group of supportive women. I love them.

    Re: September: I restarted some good habits, lost a few pounds and went back to working out at the gym
    My October goals: 1) down to 165 lbs, 2) hit the gym 3-4 x week 3) not worry 4) organize closet

    Today we are celebrating our youngest son and our daughter's birthdays, turning 27 and 29 respectively. I am making sweet and sour chicken with rice, tossed salad and green beans. Cheesecake has been requested for dessert, and I will have a small piece and some wine.

    Have a great day and a great October!
    :heart: Rebel
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Oct 1st!
    welcome any new people.It`s a beautiful day here.
    Had a rough nite with the pain.Guess some days are good some are bad.
    Sept despite the injury I was able to stick with healthy eating.I did what exercise I was allowed to,per dr.
    Hoping Oct to stick with my calories and eat healthy and hopefully,be able to increase my exercise.
    Thanks for the support and love.
    Have a good one!!