X-Mas Challenge (OPEN group)



  • vegangirl88
    vegangirl88 Posts: 104 Member
    Lost 1.5lbs which isn't too bad considering some of the things I was eating! Had a more than stressful week, and if I wasn't a teetotal vegan I would have sought solace in a few (read lots) of beers and chocolate haha. Thankfully I AM a teetotal vegan so there were just a few packets of crisps and some chips!! Still, a loss is a loss and I'm determined to make it a bigger loss next week! Hopefully will start doing Zumba with my sisters next week, as I stopped when I went to Africa for the summer.

    Hope everyone has had a good week : )
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Hello Everyone. I am new to MFP and this is my very first challenge. I am excited=) I plan to do Slim in 6, Taebo, the Elliptical Machine and Treadmill. I also plan to stay with my calories. Thank you so much!:bigsmile:

    Welcome!! :flowerforyou: I love MFP...it really helps me keep my eating under control. I've disapeared for a few months but am so glad to be back! The people on here are so supportive and the challenges keep it interesting.
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Xmas Challengers- Congrats to everyone who lost!!!

    Did not do well this week with eating. I exercised 3 days out of the week, not great. Sad to say the scale reflecting it. This week will be different (fingers crossed)
  • jendel10
    Today is my first day...and I am up for the challenge! Friend me :smile:
  • Sunbeam224
    Sunbeam224 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm really looking forward to this! I need to kick it up a notch and maybe this is just the thing to get me moving. I've been at a stand still for a few weeks now :cry: Would really like to shed a few more pounds before the holiday season! Good Luck All
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    I love this food challenge!! I'm going to try buckwheat today :happy: My mom used to make it for me when I was a kid but haven't had it since so I'm going to give it a try.

    :bigsmile: I would love to hear what everyone else is trying in hopes of getting some ideas:bigsmile:
  • megan6709
    megan6709 Posts: 60 Member
    Hey Everyone!!! I hope everyone is doing well this fabulous Friday! My week went as well as can be expected with my monthly visitor. Lucky Me! NOT!!! oh well. I managed to lose 2.2 pounds anyways. I didn;t get to exercise as much as I wanted to, but I did get an 8 mile bike ride in on Sunday. Felt great!! haven't been on my bike sense.lol hopefully this weekend maybe. I'm procrastinating on starting the couch 2 5k. I've downloaded the app I've created my playlist to listen to while doing it, but I can;t seem to get my butt out the door to just start it. I used to love to run. I so want to be able to love it again. Good Luck next week everyone!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I feel the same way about the C25K. I really want to just get out, but am having trouble motivating myself. You can do it, and so can I!

    As for healthy foods: I have never used portobella mushrooms before, but I am making stuffed portobellas, an adaptation from Hungry Girl's Stuffed and Squashed Mushroom recipe on the Food Network. Smells really good cooking right now!
  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    :drinker: RESULTS are here!

    Congratulations to everyone! Most of us have managed to drop some weight, but for the other ones, our time will come!

    You can find the results online here:

    :glasses: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=de&hl=de&key=0AnGf347d-YXedEFVRThLMXJfVE1mTHJsY0s5SXhGU2c&output=html

    Have a great night/day/ whatever :) and don't give up :)
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    cool excited to see everyones results, good job everyone!!!!!
    Me no loss but life goes on!

    Cheers! And have a great weekend
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    What a cool spreadsheet!! I love it!! This will give me a lot of motivation and it is a great way of tracking losses!!
    Thanks so much!
  • eabutterfly
    eabutterfly Posts: 16 Member
    Hey all, I'd like to get a little feedback on this......

    I like to do breakfast shakes/smoothies because I have VERY little time in the morning but I still like to make sure that I eat healthy instead of just grabbing Dunkin Donuts before work. If you use protein shake mixes which ones do you like? I have a shaker cup that I use and I'm wanting to combine it with a couple pieces of fruit and/or a Nutri-Grain waffle.
  • ThinnerHill
    ThinnerHill Posts: 254 Member
    I've started the cuch to 5k and just completed Day 2 of week 1 tonight. also started doing 30 day shred last night so I'm really pushing for a good calorie burn. I am sore but I know that it is well worth it when I see the results and this fat is gone. Stay motivated everyone and way to go on the first week weigh ins!!! We are gonna be HOT HOT HOT by Christmas!!!
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Very cool to see the results. Congrats to all who lost, and keep at it for others!!!

    I tried Island Vanilla cereal from Kashi today. I have a pronounced sweet tooth and am trying to find better cereals to try in the morning. This one tasted wonderful with only 9 grams of sugar (I know but usually I have more like 15-20).

    Need to keep pumping the water....

    Good luck all
  • ymachick
    ymachick Posts: 33 Member
    I have a question for the group.

    I'm doing a plan called Medi-wieght loss, which is basically a very low calorie and low carb diet combined with appetite suppressants and a weekly weigh in. It's very expensive and I get stressed each week as Friday nears and I know I will have to explain why I cannot keep under 800 calories and 30 carbs a day. I actually like and do well on low-carb, but I guess low carb for me is 40-50/day, not <30.
    Really, I think I could do it on my own, except I have serious challenges with keeping my appetite under control and believe the prescription appetite suppressants help me with this. However, I also know that prescription diet pills can have long term dangerous effects so I'm looking for other options.

    ---> Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions on healthier ways to suppress your appetite so you can keep your calories at a manageable level?
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Congrats to all who lost this week! I completely forgot about filling out the form Friday. Sorry!!! I'll remember this week.

    ymachick - I'm assuming this is a doctor supervised program? That's really low on the calories and carbs. I can speak from experience - been to lots of weight dr's over the years. My mom started me when I was around 10. Anyway.... What works for me as far as appetitie - eating often. I eat every 3 hours - protein, veggie, & carb (only 3 times a day on carbs) and drink lots of water. If I don't eat every 3 hours I end up binging. I am really skeptical of pills - they may help for a bit, but you can't take them forever.
  • movn4ward
    movn4ward Posts: 69 Member
  • Gogobecky
    That's awesome! Thanks for posting. Hopefully I'll be doing better this next week! ;)
  • ymachick
    ymachick Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for your response, Renee. Yes, it's a doctor's supervised program but like you, I'm suspicious of the long term success of such calorie restriction and pills. I worry about the maintenence when you go back to the "real world" since you can't stay on 800 cal/day and diet pills for ever. I'm looking for a sensible, healthy and permanent solution.
    I like your idea of small meals every 3-4 hours and have heard this before. What types of protein do you eat and what's your average daily calorie intake?
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    ymachick - Right now, I'm starting a new weight lifting program, so calories are 1600 to 2000. As I go along prob more on the 2000 end. Proteins - egg whites, white meat chicken & turkey, tilapia, and tuna. I try to drink at least a gallon of water a day.
  • ymachick
    ymachick Posts: 33 Member
    Hey all, I'd like to get a little feedback on this......

    I like to do breakfast shakes/smoothies because I have VERY little time in the morning but I still like to make sure that I eat healthy instead of just grabbing Dunkin Donuts before work. If you use protein shake mixes which ones do you like? I have a shaker cup that I use and I'm wanting to combine it with a couple pieces of fruit and/or a Nutri-Grain waffle.

    There are a couple I like. My favorite is the Medi Weightloss brand becasue it is thick and seems to stick with me longer. BUT, I think it's overly expensive and if you don't have a location near you then you have to get it online, which might not be convenient and shipping makes it even more costly. But it is definitely yummy. The other one I like is Syntax brand, which I get at a local healthstore. The taste is pretty good, but it is a thinner consistency so I put it in the freezer in the morning while I'm getting ready for work to thicken it up a bit. Oh yea, both are vanilla, which of course, is personal preference.