60 yrs and up



  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,720 Member
    @BCLadybug888 Your R&R day sounds fabulous!!!! Can I come? I could never come up with a plan like that. That’s really creative and I might just steal it.

    If someone offers me a box seat to anything, I’d run screaming in the other direction.

    The one time in our life we had box seats was when I won them for the Atlanta Olympics gymnastics prelims. They ultimately cost us a bundle, because the eldest was transfixed and wanted “to do that!!!” What followed was ten years of flips: gymnastics, competitive cheerleading and diving. And one concussion, when she did a (strictly forbidden) cartwheel in the living room, kicked her sister in the noggin, and knocked her out cold.

    Congrats on the multiple wins!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,720 Member
    edited December 2024
    Receiving Christmas greetings via WhatsApp this morning from everyone on our Uzbekistan trip.

    Shocked to realize it’s been 75 days now since returning and developing Reactive Arthritis from the Uzbek …..“Tummy”. Result was swollen and painful joints, eye issues, ER , Urgent Care and ophthalmological visits. Has cost a fortune (as much as the trip itself 😡) in medical bills and many hours of lost activity. Still can’t walk without pain and have cut steps drastically.

    Silver linings;
    It’s just a foot. It wasn’t a brain bleed like someone here suffered,

    If I had it to do again, the trip was magical, I’d do it over, and I still feel fortunate to have had the experience.

    Once again learned that swimming is the savior when you can’t walk. Thank heavens for having access to a pool, right?!

    Retinal issue healed fine, can start doing fun yoga stuff again. ( As soon as it doesn’t feel like burning foot pain to do any Warrior or Crescent poses. )

    Life Lesson: Learned that, just because urgent care bears the name of the plan-accepted hospital, doesn’t mean urgent care is also “in network”. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    Here’s to 2025: no bike wrecks, no flying trapeze accidents, pain-free feet, and to using a life-straw on future travels. 👍🏻

    And to everyone reading this: no brain bleeds, falls, breaks, tweaky backs knees or other vital spots, no pulls, or any other hazards of the “New You”s!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,670 Member
    Snipping a good lot from the quoted post to shorten reply length, please read full post from Spring above.
    Shocked to realize it’s been 75 days now since returning and developing Reactive Arthritis from the Uzbek …..“Tummy”. Result was swollen and painful joints, eye issues, ER , Urgent Care and ophthalmological visits. Has cost a fortune (as much as the trip itself 😡) in medical bills and many hours of lost activity. Still can’t walk without pain and have cut steps drastically.

    Silver linings;
    It’s just a foot. It wasn’t a brain bleed like someone here suffered,

    Actually, your whole Reactive Arthritis sounds much, much worse experientially than the skull fracture/brain bleed was. I've pretty much only had fatigue, moderate to mild headaches, and (just at first) some nausea. I wouldn't do it for a hobby, but it hasn't been all that horrible.

    I was glad, though, that I waited until after the neurosurgeon follow-up appointment to read stuff online saying that 60% of people with skull fracture/subdural hematoma (the fancy name for brain bleed) die within a year . . . maybe grimmer than that among seniors. Given that I have full-blown osteoporosis, I'm very very very VERY lucky that both the fracture and brain bleed were small; and I suspect the fact that I'm pretty good in terms of physical fitness and nutrition helped the healing go better than it might have. Neurosurgeon seems to think I'll be fine, as long as I don't hit my head again - the bad effects would be multiplied, not just added.

    Here’s to 2025: no bike wrecks, no flying trapeze accidents, pain-free feet, and to using a life-straw on future travels. 👍🏻

    And to everyone reading this: no brain bleeds, falls, breaks, tweaky backs knees or other vital spots, no pulls, or any other hazards of the “New You”s! [/quote]

    100% endorsed: I'm wishing everyone not just Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukka, Heri za Kwanzaa, cozy Solstice, and a wonderful any-other-deep-Winter-holiday, but also a Happy New Year with no new injuries, illnesses . . . or complications from old ones!

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,670 Member
    Oh, and, minor update: Despite the head injury limiting exercise intensity until after the neurosurgeon follow up on Dec 12, I managed to make it through the whole Concept 2 Holiday Challenge: 200k rowing machine, 400k stationary bike, or a proportional combination of both, between US Thanksgiving (Nov 28 this year) and Christmas Eve.

    Since Thanksgiving was late this year, there were fewer days, so I needed to lengthen the workout durations a little versus previous years . . . especially during the "only mildest exertion permitted" phase of recovery before Dec 12. :D

    I usually do 6 days a week workouts, 1 rest day. This year it was just under an hour on workout days; and I took one extra rest day when the head injury symptoms kicked up a bit. I hit 200,643m in rowing-equivalent meters yesterday, though it was 43,146 rowing meters, 314,983 bike meters.

    I'm happy I could finish it.

    On another front: Another couple of orchids have flowered in my foyer. Here's one, Gerberara 'Snow Ballet'. It has good-sized blooms, maybe a couple of inches across.

  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,779 Member
    Fantastic news @AnnPT77, and how nice the orchids are putting on a show for you!

    @springlering62 - when you sum it all up, you have really been through the wringer! I echo your sentiments, no more of that for 2025!! I'll have to keep in mind your 'life straw' tip for future travel, did not know about that.

    Merry tis the season everyone! Enjoy all the best of the holiday, and see you on the flip side 😀 👍🏻
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,720 Member
    Ending the year with an ice cream experiment. Local Italian restaurant sells a few groceries and they had a jar of Calabrian Orange and Pepper jam. So tonight’s homemade ice cream was spicy (very!!!) orange ice cream. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    I’m planning on ham biscuits for dinner Friday, using up New Years leftovers, and I think it will also be delicious spread on those, after I use up my last spoonful of rhubarb ginger I’ve been hoarding.

    Happy New Year, everyone!
  • CathyMcMac
    CathyMcMac Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! My name is Cathy. I am 65. Is this group still active? I could use a lot of support as I begin this journey.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,720 Member
    CathyMcMac wrote: »
    Hi! My name is Cathy. I am 65. Is this group still active? I could use a lot of support as I begin this journey.

    Yes, ma’am, it is! Would be awesome to get some new blood here. Please post away, ask away, whinge away. It’s all good. 😁
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,670 Member
    @CathyMcMac, Cathy - Welcome!

    If you'd like to join in, please do: Post questions, photos, goals, update on what/how you're doing - as you may feel inclined.

    Seems like so many people - too many people - think 60+ is doom for weight loss, fitness gains, health improvement. So, soooo not true. It's great to have a new participant!
  • CathyMcMac
    CathyMcMac Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for welcoming me! I am 65. I am looking to lose 30 to 40 pounds. It is so nice to have a group of people in my age range who care about our health. Plus, I still do care about how I look. Not trying to be 20 again. Just still want to have some pride. So glad to be part of your group!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,720 Member
    edited January 2
    Heck I’d be 20 again

    But with 62’s brain, life experience, and common sense.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,720 Member
    edited January 2
    So I am a massive fan of a Belgian meringue sold, apparently, only at Sprouts. I can usually only find two or three packages at a time, so when I find them in stock, I buy all they have.

    The are 30 calories each, large, sweet, crunchy, sorta sweet umami, if that makes sense, and I enjoy them every single night. Two ingredients: sugar and egg whites. I don’t know why theirs are so delicious, but, Oh, My!!!

    Jackpot! Sprouts had two full shelves and we filled a cart. We were the talk of the store. The manager even came up to surreptitiously take our photo.

    So if you see a photo somewhere of some random woman buying a buttload of meringues, that’d be me.

  • CathyMcMac
    CathyMcMac Posts: 26 Member
    I love meringues. I can't just eat one. So they can't be on my list. You can enjoy them for me. :)
    So far so good on day 2. I will check in tomorrow!