Sweet tooth ugh

I can’t shake the sweet tooth for the life of me. I have a highly addictive personality and even though I fought many demons this is one I can’t shake. Help!!!!


  • tuckahoe88
    tuckahoe88 Posts: 39 Member
    edited January 29
    What types of sweets are your weakness? Soda, candy, desserts like cake and ice cream, booze?

    If candy and desserts, have you tried only having one serving once a week and not having them in your house? I find that having a piece of fruit instead of dessert is satisfying (and provides nutrients and fiber).

    Some people here have had success switching from candy/desserts to a *single* piece of really, really good dark chocolate.

    If your weakness is sugary drinks, have you tried boosting your unsweetened flavored water, tea, or coffee consumption instead?

    As for booze, I quit many years ago and that took a bit of effort. But was very well worth the effort.

    Good luck to you! You've already proven to yourself that you can do it!
  • totameafox
    totameafox Posts: 415 Member
    It does take time. Eventually you're desires and needs will change as you develop new habits. I don't deny myself but I don't keep treats at home. If I want ice cream, I will need to leave the house to go get it. I do allow myself one treat per month (before the diet it was one a grocery trip) and that is a bag of white cheddar cheetoes. But if really wanted it between them... i would have to go to the store. If I want it that bad then it is better to go get it than agonize over it.

    feel free to join my friend group. I'll be happy to offer moral support
  • mmdanehy
    mmdanehy Posts: 1 Member
    or, if you are one of the "if I see it I eat it" types, I have found that 3 weeks cold turkey will end my cravings and the uncontrolled draw to sweets put out at work, etc. Of course, I say I can have dessert when eating out, if other person does too, or give myself some other ridiculous bargain, and I will slide back down the slippery slope. Some people can control what they eat. Some people really, really, cannot. You sounded desperate. (oh, they say fruit tastes "sweeter" after 3 weeks, but loosing the craving, not trying to satisfy it, is what works for me). Good Luck! Also, I have to have family hide anything they have. I won't go looking, but there are only so many times I can pass a jar of cookies out on the counter that I know is full!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,156 Member
    edited February 1
    Eating more fruit is possibly a bit more than "trying to satisfy the craving" for sugar. I first tried eating more fruit - at least 3 servings daily to start - after hearing a registered dietitian suggest it. Her idea was that sugar cravings can be misplaced feelings related to needs for micronutrients that humans have historically gotten from sweeter whole foods like fruit, but the modern candy and baked goods don't supply those micronutrients so we just keep craving the sweets.

    I'm not sure I believe that, and certainly things like blood sugar spikes and dips enter into appetite, but the "eat more fruit" thing worked for me, and has for some others who've mentioned it here. I never looked at it as satisfying the sugar craving per se, just as a thing to try to see the result. I agree it doesn't work for everyone, but since fruit is nutritious, it seems like it might be worth a try for those starting down the path, to see if it works for them.

    To me now, most of those just-sweet (often super-sweet) foods that don't have much nutrition or more nuanced flavors aren't something I crave anymore - most of them don't even taste good to me - though I do occasionally eat a nice home-made cookie or something by choice. I'm not a purist about eating.

    Poor sleep quality/quantity or other sources of fatigue (such as stress) can contribute to sweets cravings, too . . . maybe especially when the cravings tend to be greater in the evening. We're farther from the last sleep, body is fatigued, seeks energy, sugar is quick energy: Voilà, cravings. It's multifactorial.