How I Got My 6 Pack



  • leylaaa87
    You are 0.6 pound from being underweight. It's kind of scary.

    According to BMI I am, but BMI isnt always accurate. look it up. And who are you to judge?

    Nobody, just someone in the everyone else on this site :)

    I really thought this was supposed to be a positive place in which we all support each other. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but that doesn't mean you have to share it if it's rude.

    BMI charts are really out of whack in the US. They don't account for the diversity of frames we have in such a mixed country. Just because you are a larger white girl doesn't mean you should hate on a (part?) Asian girl who naturally has a smaller frame and which is not accounted for in Eurocentric American BMI charts. As women, we should support each other and not let our jealousy get the best of us.

    siabevis, I admire your hard work and thank you for sharing with us. You've showed us there is no easy road but it is possible to have great abs and a great body!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    You are 0.6 pound from being underweight. It's kind of scary.

    According to BMI I am, but BMI isnt always accurate. look it up. And who are you to judge?

    Nobody, just someone in the everyone else on this site :)

    I really thought this was supposed to be a positive place in which we all support each other. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but that doesn't mean you have to share it if it's rude.

    BMI charts are really out of whack in the US. They don't account for the diversity of frames we have in such a mixed country. Just because you are a larger white girl doesn't mean you should hate on a (part?) Asian girl who naturally has a smaller frame and which is not accounted for in Eurocentric American BMI charts. As women, we should support each other and not let our jealousy get the best of us.

    siabevis, I admire your hard work and thank you for sharing with us. You've showed us there is no easy road but it is possible to have great abs and a great body!

    How was it rude? So everytime someone has an opinion that is not the same with someone elses they should not give it because it might be rude?
  • leylaaa87
    I think calling somebody else's body or weight "scary" is very rude.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    You are 0.6 pound from being underweight. It's kind of scary.

    According to BMI I am, but BMI isnt always accurate. look it up. And who are you to judge?

    Nobody, just someone in the everyone else on this site :)

    I really thought this was supposed to be a positive place in which we all support each other. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but that doesn't mean you have to share it if it's rude.

    BMI charts are really out of whack in the US. They don't account for the diversity of frames we have in such a mixed country. Just because you are a larger white girl doesn't mean you should hate on a (part?) Asian girl who naturally has a smaller frame and which is not accounted for in Eurocentric American BMI charts. As women, we should support each other and not let our jealousy get the best of us.

    siabevis, I admire your hard work and thank you for sharing with us. You've showed us there is no easy road but it is possible to have great abs and a great body!

    Thankyou for the support! I appreciate that.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    I think calling somebody else's body or weight "scary" is very rude.

    I guess my abs are kind of scary to some people! HAHA! ;)

    And to those of you who are wondering. YES I eat. I actually eat a lot.
  • davidpm
    davidpm Posts: 208 Member
    Was it tough to give up alcohol? I've been considering it because it's the one thing that ruins my diet EVERY week. 5 or 6 beers and im halfway through my calories. It's just tough because all of my friends, coworkers, and family drink and it'd be tough to be the guy not participating.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    Was it tough to give up alcohol? I've been considering it because it's the one thing that ruins my diet EVERY week. 5 or 6 beers and im halfway through my calories. It's just tough because all of my friends, coworkers, and family drink and it'd be tough to be the guy not participating.

    No it wasnt tough. I dont know how I did it but its like I just changed my eating habits over night. Years before I would promise myself a new diet the next day and never go through with it. It took watching FOOD INC to get me to change my ways for good. Healthy is now my lifestyle. Not a diet.
  • glitterpiss
    You are 0.6 pound from being underweight. It's kind of scary.

    According to BMI I am, but BMI isnt always accurate. look it up. And who are you to judge?

    you look fantastic and great reply to this BTW I hate when people get snotty to others great work BIM is just a guide not the be all end all. Great work :)

    Thankyou! I really appreciate the support... I just thought that this was supposed to be an encouraging place and I guess it hurts my feelings when people are snotty and try to make you feel less or that the hard work meant nothing! We are supposed to be lifting each other up, helping each other, not saying hurtful rude comments. Thankyou again :)

    It wasn't rude, it was a legitimate observation. You are basically underweight, so it makes sense that we can see the muscles in your abdomen.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    You are 0.6 pound from being underweight. It's kind of scary.

    According to BMI I am, but BMI isnt always accurate. look it up. And who are you to judge?

    you look fantastic and great reply to this BTW I hate when people get snotty to others great work BIM is just a guide not the be all end all. Great work :)

    Thankyou! I really appreciate the support... I just thought that this was supposed to be an encouraging place and I guess it hurts my feelings when people are snotty and try to make you feel less or that the hard work meant nothing! We are supposed to be lifting each other up, helping each other, not saying hurtful rude comments. Thankyou again :)

    It wasn't rude, it was a legitimate observation. You are basically underweight, so it makes sense that we can see the muscles in your abdomen.

    So I guess the healthy eating and walking all day, and working my butt off part doesnt get you a 6 pack.. instead im just underweight? right? Now let me see your abs.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I think calling somebody else's body or weight "scary" is very rude.

    That is just your opinion does not make it truth
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    I think calling somebody else's body or weight "scary" is very rude.

    That is just your opinion does not make it truth

    Ok what if someone told you that you were ugly. Its just an opinion right, not rude?
  • CindiBryce
    You are 0.6 pound from being underweight. It's kind of scary.
    So in your terms, how many pounds away from being underweight would be acceptable? 1, 5, or 10? Just curious.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    You are 0.6 pound from being underweight. It's kind of scary.

    According to BMI I am, but BMI isnt always accurate. look it up. And who are you to judge?

    you look fantastic and great reply to this BTW I hate when people get snotty to others great work BIM is just a guide not the be all end all. Great work :)

    Thankyou! I really appreciate the support... I just thought that this was supposed to be an encouraging place and I guess it hurts my feelings when people are snotty and try to make you feel less or that the hard work meant nothing! We are supposed to be lifting each other up, helping each other, not saying hurtful rude comments. Thankyou again :)

    It wasn't rude, it was a legitimate observation. You are basically underweight, so it makes sense that we can see the muscles in your abdomen.

    So I guess the healthy eating and walking all day, and working my butt off part doesnt get you a 6 pack.. instead im just underweight? right? Now let me see your abs.

    Honey, breath in , breath out. I never said that you didnt work hard. I just said that the fact that you are so close to underweight was scary. I have no doubts in my mind that you worked really really hard ....just that maybe you went a little too far in order to get that 6 pack. I just hope that you remember that having a little bit of fat is a good thing.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    You are 0.6 pound from being underweight. It's kind of scary.
    So in your terms, how many pounds away from being underweight would be acceptable? 1, 5, or 10? Just curious.

    Its more about %bf then poundage.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I think calling somebody else's body or weight "scary" is very rude.

    That is just your opinion does not make it truth

    Ok what if someone told you that you were ugly. Its just an opinion right, not rude?

    I wouldnt care,because yes it is just an opinion. I have been called ugly,and fat,and a b*tch,and many other things. Words dont bother me because I know who I am and I am confidant in who I am
  • glitterpiss

    It wasn't rude, it was a legitimate observation. You are basically underweight, so it makes sense that we can see the muscles in your abdomen.

    So I guess the healthy eating and walking all day, and working my butt off part doesnt get you a 6 pack.. instead im just underweight? right? Now let me see your abs.

    Yeah, you worked hard to get basically underweight, so now we can see underlying muscle definition. I don't understand why this is making you so angry.
  • leylaaa87
    I would really like to know why it is always open season to comment on thinner people's bodies? Would you make your rude opinions known on overweight people? I bet not. Just because you are overweight doesn't give you license to put down other people.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    FYI: BMI isnt accurate. Body % is. According to my body fat percentage, Im normal.

    So if you wanna go ahead and keep being negative on this forum and show you *kitten* to someone whom you never even met NOR seen in person to even judge, go right on.

    This is supposed to be a supportive forum, not a place where you go on here to bash people calling them "underweight" or "you had to go below weight to look like that."

    Excuse me, Im sorry that i worked hard for my 6 pack whereas you are hating because you dont have one. Get over it. just because someone has a better body than I do doesnt mean Im going to call them "underweight" or hate on them. You life must suck that bad to have to attack someone for their hard work and effort AND who is trying to help others achieve 6 packs (cause everyone wants one deep down inside dont lie) to meet their goals.

    If you are going to continue to spread hate across this forum, come on, lets see your abs so we can at least compare to see if you know what you are talking about.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    I would really like to know why it is always open season to comment on thinner people's bodies? Would you make your rude opinions known on overweight people? I bet not. Just because you are overweight doesn't give you license to put down other people.

  • glitterpiss
    I would really like to know why it is always open season to comment on thinner people's bodies? Would you make your rude opinions known on overweight people? I bet not. Just because you are overweight doesn't give you license to put down other people.
    I don't see a lot of overweight people bragging about their fatness* and encouraging others to do what they did to get there. That is the difference. Overweight people usually don't dedicate blogs to their weight to get people to comment on how fat and awesome they look. Unless I'm just not seeing those blogs.

    *edited for typo