Did pilates and yoga this weekend. Jess and Colby were here. On sun I took a walk and as I was coming back, they told me they were going to DD so I said I’d go with them. Well, I didn’t realize that they were going for a walk first. So I ended the day with over19,000 steps. then went out by the pool
Went to dinner(fast). Had chili and then took Jess and Colby to the airport. Went to Lowes to return the tp holder and got another one that you can mount on the side of the cabinet.
Walked to the church’s thrift store, didn’t get anything. On the way home it started to rain, thank goodness I had my umbrella with me. Still got soaked, tho. I don’t mind rain, but combine that with wind and I don’t like it
Allie – so when are you going to sign up for the Boston Marathon?????? Why couldn’t Kyle and maybe a friend of his watch the kids so Tracy can see you? You do so much for them. Agree with margaret all the way
Lanette – no, I haven’t heard anything from Annie. I miss her and hope everything is going well for her
I’m supposed to put the antibiotic cream on the cyst for another 2 days so I didn’t use a bandage today. Besides, I have to say that the skin is getting tender where the tape went
Jess wore a 2-piecebathing suit in the pool yesterday. Girl needs to lose weight. But I know nothing will happen until she wants it to
Rebecca – good luck with the bathing suit search. I tend to wear the krinkle cut ones that are chlorine resistant
Debbie – your birthday meal looks SOOO good
Peggy – welcome
Tina, Barbara, and everyone else. The recessed tp holder was my compromise. So I don’t mind giving that up.
Katie – that’s what we’re going to do with the tp holder. I really didn’t want one of those spring type things, so we got one. This is the one we got only in brushed nickel. I do hope that the curve at the end is enough to keep the tp on the holder. One of the ones we have at home isn’t
I’m so sorry for all the pain in your life
Heather – thanks so much for bringing Penny back to us
margaret – your solution to the tp is so cute. In my situation the only thing I can think of is “when will the cats get into it?”
Penny – so glad you popped in. I always love all you pictures
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Kay - so sorry to hear about your former neighbor and friend. You absolutely deserved some key lime cheesecake.
Barbara - the reason the Monkey Puzzle is treacherous is that the little "leaves" you see in the photos are actually very firm with sharp points. Think of it a a blackberry vine on steroids. They could pierce the skin, they are that sharp. 😖 There's no brushing them aside like our North American conifers. I'll try to get a close up photo one of these days.
Just got back from town - re my lower back pain/sciatica, Dr. Lisa said she thinks it's a muscle thing right now impinging the nerve, have PT starting next week so we'll see if that helps. She said they might have some tweaks for me to make the stretching I do more effective.
I see lots more posts including photos from Penny! 🤩 Need to go back and catch up!
Lanette 😎
SW WA State
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MFP Weekly Check-in for March 10, 2025
Debbie in Napa Valley CA - Staying the same at 150.4.
Barbara on the Southern Oregon Coast – Avg WT back up to 134.1, avg steps improved to 5451, line danced twice, BB&B once, skipped dog group, too late to tally AF, CI, sugar and dog walks.
Sue in WA State - I have had a good week. Made it to both chair yoga and water exercise each 2 times. DD is in Vegas on buying trip so it has made meals easier with just me. Ate out once, too much sodium but drinking water eating more protein I gained 2 pounds then lost 3 so down 1 overall. DD gone 2 more days so hoping to maybe lose another pound this week.
Evie on Vancouver Island - Official weigh in day on Sunday, down 1 pound from last week. Turns out that not grazing thru the kitchen all day can result in a loss! Just need to keep finding other stuff to occupy my time, lol. Evelyn, on sunny for the moment, Vancouver Island
Lanette in SW WA State – weight 160#. Step average 8028 this week, down a bit from last week. Total activity minutes – 250. House walking, still 10-15 minutes at a time, carrying weights.
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unfortunately my hair needs water to get it to tame down. Sleeping on it just makes the top instead of feathering back, it is straight up. My hair isn't dirty per say, just unmanageable. Watery washcloth kind of wakes up the mousse' and gets it so I can comb it in place.
Rebecca Whidbey
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Thanks for checking in with us! Your area of the world is so magical! Great photos! Take care you!
Rebecca Whidbey Wa
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Took a nap and darn it the staples are healing so a bit of pain ,i knuckled and took some tramadol..,went for another walk and now sitting in the chair.will turn the t.v. on in a bit.. because of the steriods they have me on they have me checking my sugar and taking insulin. Shouldn't be permanent, but I guess goes with the territory.Lots to learn and do.. but it will get done.I have faith..and they love me here said they want to clone me and im.a model patient.😄
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Well ladies I had a great morning, attending the gym like a boss! I had a rough night though having an itchy cough session at midnight. I ended up just taking a really hot shower to calm everything down at midnight. It did and I slept well until 5:30 am. Gym felt great, my pulse on the treadmill was 148 at my most active (it was a fast K-pop song). I used the last 5 minutes to walk slowly and got it to 135. My BP was 122/78 after I was done. It was a good hour before I felt cool in my tee shirt, my metabolism just humming along.
Today fasted 19 hours. Opened my window with a plate of wilted spinach, cottage cheese, cranberries, walnuts, cut up pickled asparagus,some salad tortilla strips and a drizzle of Annie's sesame dressing. It hit the spot. In an hour I will make my chicken salad with 1/2 an apple, 2 celery stalks, walnuts, roasted chicken, mayo, s & p, splash of ACV, and Old bay seasoning. Everything is cubed in similar fashion. Its delightful!
I will have a Fresca with that and a cup of coffee the way I like it with creamer and Truvia sweetener at about 5:30 pm. Then close my eating window at 6 pm until 1 pm tomorrow. Easy peasy.
Rebecca. Whidbey. Wa
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stats for the day-
Walk w/family- 1hr 45min 34sec, 12390steps, 33elev, 2.91ap, 80ahr, 94mhr, 5,13mi= 488c
Strava app= 622c
ROUVY home spin bike- strava stats- 1hr 27min 9sec, 1047elev, 128aw, 18.9amph, 107ahr, 139mhr, gear25, 27.43mi= 539c
Strava app= 640c
ROUVY stats-
Walk kids around park- 16.44min, 2.38ap, .73mi= 67c
Strava app= 89c
total cal 1094usually when I ride Lucy and yogi always lay down in the room while I ride. This time chispa joined in.
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Katie -sorry for your losses. I think the pie and Dr. Pepper that may or may not have been consumed is far from the worst thing a person could do.
Allie-you are sounding good. We only. repeat the message about you taking care of yourself because we know how often you think with your heart.
Penny- so glad you checked in. Will you head back to the pole any time soon? The pictures are amazing.
Lisa- smart to meet in a busy parking lot.
Work kept me occupied today. Have 7:30 am meeting tomorrow and will head home at lunch time to finish my WFH day at home.
Take care all,
Ginny in Ohio
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Thank you all for the outpouring of sympathy. My friend passed peacefully this afternoon. 4 days from diagnosis to death. Her only symptom was shortness of breath. It beats months of pain and poking and prodding and is absolutely the way she would have wanted it to be. I’m not sure when her funeral will be. I am probably going to my student’s funeral tomorrow. I haven’t decided for sure. It will be packed. It will mean showering and putting on makeup before my strength training workout at 9, rushing to change out of my workout clothes and freshening up before leaving to get there at least 30 minutes early since I know it will be crowded.
I don’t think I’ve told y’all about my workout class. I know I’ve mentioned Healthy Free Life Academy, which I pay a membership fee to belong. It’s a Christian weight-loss community with body, mind, and spirit coaching. They’ve always had exercise videos as a component, but they’ve taken them to a new level with zoom workouts every week day morning at 9. It’s added a layer of accountability that has caused me to really step up my game. Since Feb 1, I’ve worked out 4 days a week consistently. There are several women from my Wednesday body coaching class and my Tuesday accountability group there. Knowing we are looking for each other keeps us coming back. It really lifted my spirits this morning to get up, put my shoes on, and work off that cheesecake.
Michelle, I like the new TP holder. Our roll stays on fairly well. The best part is how easy it is to change. No stacking a new toll on top of the old tube.7 -
Kay, I'm sorry about your friend and your student. It's a lot in such a short time.
Penny at the Pole - Love the purple... So good to see you!
Deal worked out great with the hot tub, and now our little trip this weekend is paid for! Plus the hubby's a plumber who works on wells—they'll swing by the house on Sunday and take a look at the well, maybe give some advice on what's needed to get it up and running. Things work out like they're supposed to.
Later, babies... Lisa in AR
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Had a productive day. After taking care of all the cats here, went to MIL to feed and walk her dog. We did do a little shopping. Stopped at one of the Safeway's in town that is closing next month. Dh worked at that store when it first opened. 25% off so we picked up kitty litter, food and pee pads.
Came home and gave the old grandma cat and one of the kittens medicated shampoo baths.
Then worked in the front yard again- got an old rotten stump removed and put in yard waste. It weighed about 30 lbs or a bit more I am guessing. Cleared out all the stuff I had put in the greenhouse, removed the cover of the greenhouse because it needs to be replaced(it was falling apart-more holes than plastic). I will put a new cover on it tomorrow so I can start planting in it as soon as I pick up some potting soil.
Took a quick shower, grabbed a V8 energy drink then went back over to take care of the dog again before going to zumba class.
At just under 20,000 steps. Going to walk around the house just to make sure I hit that.Rain is coming back on Wed. so need to get the yard work done tomorrow.
Napa Valley,CA4 -
Everyone take care, Sue in WA
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Didn't do a lot, physically, yesterday, but I felt as if a lot had been accomplished.
I ordered some flowers to be delivered today to DDIL, who was looking mighty worn out and stressed last week. We are actually going to be there later after Bea's pick up, but I had a 20% off voucher, free delivery, and you get a free card and can write a message. I said in the card that it was sort of an early birthday present, but also, 'just because …' The card says 'Sending hugs'. The bunch is bright reds, and purples, roses etc, to go with the bright accent colours in their kitchen. Her birthday is the end of March, so I can just buy her some handmade chocolates for that. (She loves chocolate) She always says she doesn't want anything.
The window cleaner came, and I paid him online. Nice to be able to see out! 😃
Then i decided to email Penny at the Pole, as so many of you were mentioning her.. Lovely to hear from her. 🤩 For those of you who are new, my very first cruise took me up to Longyearbyen, and we were able to meet up on that wonderful Arctic archipelago, where she and her husband were living. A day to remember for ever. And ever. 💓 We also went to Pyramiden and Barantsberg, the next day, on the same island. Extraordinary. Unique.
Then, later in the day, I had another try at contacting our old painter. My first effort didn't work, so I texted a different way and got a reply. It wasn't our painter, but a guy we'd had before him, but he was able to redirect us, and I found the right person. 😁 He can't come until Mid-may, which I expected, but will give us a quote at the end of this month. He is a real sweetie. I hope his prices haven't gone up too much!
So, a pretty good day!
Today to carry on editing and formatting, and get my hair washed for pick up. No idea what to have for dinner. I might try one of those tortilla flans I've seen online. Need to cook some leeks at lunchtime, as we don't get in until later. That will make three non-meat days in a row, to compensate for our meaty weekend.
Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
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Me, I did a lot physically yesterday. Since it was my last full day here and the weather was glorious, I went out for a long walk, revisiting most of my favorite places. It was cold (-18°C = 0°F) but essentially no wind. Ended up with 20,000 steps, but that let me see ALL of town. (It's a very small town.)
I also went down to the port to see the sauna I'd heard an intriguing story about at choir practice. This sauna floats on a pontoon not far from where the cruise ships moor and can be rented by the hour. Our conductor had been there with some other women friends. Sitting and chatting in the heat, they'd heard thumps, but the whole pontoon was surrounded by ice, so thumping sounds were expected. Feeling overheated, my conductor stepped out to cool off. But once outdoors, she first turned and took pictures of her friends through the big picture window. They looked really enthusiastic, waving and beckoning to her. Intending to climb down the ladder into the icy water, she first nipped in to put her phone in a safe place. And her friends gasped "Didn't you see the walrus?" Sure enough, there was not one, not two, but four walruses right where she'd hoped to take a dip.
Talk about chills down the spine!
Swimming with walruses is not at all like swimming with dolphins. If a polar bear attacks a walrus, the walrus almost always ends up eating the polar bear.
Here's the pontoon with the sauna (and the same mountain as in yesterday's photos) and the ladder my conductor thankfully didn't climb down.
Exciting times!
Penny at the North Pole
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Wow thats something Penny,
Wouldn't want to be a polar bear snack.
Have slept pretty well..will try and get up and use the rest room
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Betsy in NW WA
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Heather: Thanks for contacting Penny.
Penny: Walruses!!! Exciting, and a little alarming. 😝
Still working on the new formatting it’s a bit hit and miss at the momentI’m having a quiet day at home. DH is at badminton, so I’m being a little indolent. I did hang out the washing, but otherwise just relaxing. Enjoying the spring weather while it lasts.
🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.
🙋♀️ céad míle fáilte to our newbies
☘️ Terri
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(((Katie )))
Penny a walrus does have nasty tusks so I can see why polar bear loses in the fight. I would think it best to watch them from afar…
Decided to not go down to see a play with son today. It starts at 9:30 in the morning. I would have to leave by 8 to get there. With adjusting to daylight savings time I just wasn't able to get up early enough. Now that he has more regular hours. He is on the day shift now there will be other opportunities to go another time. With the change in time and weather it will make it easier to see a night performance too.
Made plans to go to the Art museum this week with the neighbor, friend, women who I volunteer in her classroom. This is their spring break so I suggested we go do something fun this week.
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😀 I'm still getting stuff done and staying afloat.
😍 Barbie in NW WA
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hugs to all2 -
I'm so sorry of your students and friend's passing. That a lot. And only 4 days of her symptoms, I don't know if its a blessing or a curse. Its harder on us, for the shock of it. BIg hugs to you these next weeks.
Great job on the exercising! So good for your mind and spirit. I am on day two of feeling re committed to this. Even at day two I am feeling better!
Rebecca Whidbey WA
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Did Cardio Core Dynamic Core DVD today, The plan for tomorrow is todo an Advanced Strength DVD
I had such a wicked sinus headache yesterday it wasn’t Even funny. I had very little for dinner, just didn’t feel good. Went to CVS and got more Sudafed. Took that and today I still have a bit of a headache but it’s no where near what it was yesterday
Drkatie – I remember when we lived in Kennett Square, there were times when I just didn’t feel like exercising. But I kept telling myself “if the instructor can teach while on chemo, the least I can do is attend the class.” You’re right, people look for you if you don’t show up
Penny – never knew that about walruses and bears. I learn so much from you
We’re supposed to meet my cousin for lunch today so I think I’ll take my walk now.
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GRRRRRR! I just lost a long post b/c the community app logged me out!
Short version: forgot weekly check-in: weight still climbing in the wrong direction- need to work on that.
Still having Amazon/PostOffice/park shipping issues
Found our potential next RV park with a possible move to a permanent home within a year.
Doctor tomorrow for bloodwork. I’m expecting changes in the wrong direction. Results will be next week.
Welcome back Penny!
Love hearing from you!
Thought for today:
What did the dog say to the owner when he asked “How do I look”?
Me today! Happy Tuesday everyone.
Have a great day!
RVRita in Roswell
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sitting here, having my second cup of tea, waiting for dh to get out of the shower. I have already fed all the cats, inside and in the catio(poor girl is lonely but at least she is safe in there-totally feral but slowly getting ok with me going in to feed her-doesn't run away-just stares at me)
Going over to take care of the dog. Will walk him a bit extra both times beings I don't have class or walk around the wetlands on Tuesday.Looking forward to walking the wetlands on Thursday if it doesn't rain. Someone posted pictures of a bald eagle over there. I have never seen one there. There was a siting last spring and I looked each time but haven't seen him YET.
Need to stop at a store, not sure which one, doesn't matter. Maybe 168(Asian chain). Need sour cream to go with the beef stroganoff. I have everything else I need for it. Former hubby was talking about making it last night and now I want some.
Need to work on the green house today, hopefully. It shouldn't take too long to just put the cover on it and tie it down. Need to check online for the best price for potting soil. Need a few bags. Will stock up when they are on sale- get a dozen then.
Dh is finally getting out of the shower. Time to go walk his mom's dog while he cuts the grass in her back yard. Needs to do it today because rain starts tomorrow, off and on for at least a week. or more.
Napa Valley,Ca4 -
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Penny - Jumping Jehoshaphat, woman! Nearly mauled by a walrus doesn't sound like any fun at all… You always bring an absolutely unique perspective. Glad the lady didn't jump in!
Just biz-biz this morning, finished up a script, headed into town, had loaded up my little Kicks with the whole back end full of our old suitcases. Left those at the thrift store - haven't used them in years, and no real reason to keep them. I had three different cases just to drag my laptops around for work, two with wheels!
I've now finished going through every box in the storage room, and cleared an entire rolling rack, either pitching stuff or donating it. Which is good - that now holds the three window air conditioners until summer comes a-stomping in. Also empties the storage room into the other spare bedroom, so we can get the floor finished in there. Moving them back will be easy, since it's all rolling now.
Back home now, have to finish folding one load of whites. Finished up one video, and it's downloading to my cloud now, then will upload it to YouTube, schedule it for this time tomorrow. Tomorrow, I'll clip a couple bits out to put up for short videos. Having SO much fun with this. 😹🐈⬛😉
Snagged some lunch, now it's time to take a break and watch a little TV and relax before Corey comes home. Working on my first crocheted cardigan while I watch. We'll see how it turns out…
Have a grand day!
Lisa in AR4 -
Made the after dinner sweets goal of only one piece last night for the first time. At last! Baby steps.Kay ((hugs)) held extra long. BTW it’s ok to feel mad,—- clumsy and possibly insensitive attempt at humor, feel free to ignore.—-
<spoiler>you’re in good company, Moses and David spring to mind, but they didn’t have the option of key lime cheesecake and Diet Dr. Pepper, (though my go-to are Revenge Cheetos).
Debbie what will you use to cover the greenhouse? Organic potting soil here is $11.99 / 1.5 cuft at BiMart, or $9.99 for 26 qts at Grocery Outlet.
Tracey would you share Kaitlyn’s meal planning system? Glad you made it home safe.
Sue those purple flowers (crocus?) appeared here last month, but Barbie’s right about “false spring.” We might even get a dusting of snonononoooow early Thursday morning. ❄️
Machka when did mfp stop the friends thing? I still occasionally get unwanted friend requests from guys, and can see when my friends last logged in… Missing Annie, and Janetr, Suebdew, Penny, Ketone Karen and others. Of course also Katla. Never got the courage to call, but did get a text back from her with the same address that returned my card. Will try again this week.
Carla yours to Allie. Amen, sister, amen!
Oh Penny, how good to see you pop in. (Thanks Heather!) Love the creche walrus, the waiting-by-the-sauna walrus not so much 😱
Tina, ankle circles, ups and downs, and toe writing the alphabet before I get up every morning has so far kept the PF from returning.
Michele if we had one of those tp holders, the roll would fly off whenever either of us tore off some sheets. 🤪
Lanette I feel the same way about spruce needles. Back in Boise, Joe got one lodged in the sole of his foot and it had to be surgically removed. So now, we live in a Sitka spruce forest and don’t go barefoot outside. Hooray for PT!
Lisa when that well plumber finishes inspecting yours, would you please send him out our way?
Rita I’m so confused about Amazon shipping. If I chose our PO box as ship to address, sometimes it works and sometimes not. Maybe it depends on size/weight of item? Or if “fulfilled by Amazon” or shipped from seller? We ordered a gallon peppermint oil sprayer and it stayed in" ordered but not yet shipped" status for a week with no email notification. When I changed the ship to address to our “street” address, I found the shipping instructions that seemed to imply it would come by UPS so I chose “leave by garage”. Means that big brown truck will have to come down our narrow lane and up our narrow drive, but they have before . . . Other things, like supplements, have shown up in the PO box in town, and in the mailbox on pavement (lucky to find it before stolen).
Enjoying two days with no town trips. Challenge will be to dance and do BB&B at home . . .
Later, lighter, lovelies!
Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
March focus: OMG room
2025: Chose NOW: to move more than yesterday (drop everything and dance!), fuel better than yesterday (maintain better than 50% AF days/month, reduce after dinner sweets to one piece of dark chocolate), open heart and mind before mouth1
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