One Month At a Time Challenge (OMAT) - Open to first 20 memb

Okay gang,
I am participating in one group challenge and most of the members have disappeared. I need a group of active members who are interested in exercising, challenging each other, encouraging each other and nominating a new lead each month. The lead will set forth weekly challenges for the group!
My challenge fort his week is a simple one. Drink your water everyday (ok I'm not good at this), and do 100 crunches everyday. Who's in? We can weigh in on Sundays, will be happy to track measurements if you add them here.

Let's get moving!


  • SLN11
    SLN11 Posts: 210
    Hello !

    I'm up for that I will try and be as active and commited as I can around work, I think challenges really help

  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Great that's what I think too! I missed three weeks because of a crazy work schedule. I need a new challenge to keep me going ;-)
  • I would love to be in on this group!!!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Awesome welcome!
  • harleygirlT
    harleygirlT Posts: 223 Member
    I'd love to be in on this, how do I join and get connected with everyone? I've never joined anything here yet?
  • melsy78
    melsy78 Posts: 65
    Me, me, me! I have been looking for a group to keep me motivated!
    And drinking enough water is a big challenge for me!!!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    ya!!! Welcome ladies! Harleygirl you can send friend requests. I will send you one to get you started!
  • healthyliving_girl
    healthyliving_girl Posts: 290 Member
    I'm in.
  • zumnsi
    zumnsi Posts: 2
    I would love to join! Are there "groups" on MFP? I've been using MFP for a few months but haven't tried out any social aspects yet.
  • Can I join, or is it too late?
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome, gonnabefitgirl, zumnsl and balowry1. The group is filling quickly, this is great!
  • this is probably an odd question, but is there a way to do crunches with out laying down? I have pretty severe vertigo problems (although not as bad as it has been, thank You, L___).

    I do have an exercise peanut (like a ball, only more stable for people like me) and can do rolling hips under. Would that work?? if so, than I'd like to join. I'm honestly not sure I could do 100 to start with, but eventually I could. I probably couldn't be a lead because I am pretty limited in my abilities and movement, but I'd like to be in some sort of challenge. :~)
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    JCMercyGrace that's sounds like it would work to me! You are welcome to substitute any exercise that works for you!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Ok room for 11 more members!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Ok well this new group is already motivating me. i got in 30 minutes of exercise inside since it is cold and wet outside! I did 25 minutes of Wii Zumba followed by my 100 crunches, 30 push ups, and 3 minutes of running up and down the stairs! The dog thought I was crazy but the stairs really got my heart rate up! :-) Anyone else get in any good workouts or try out any nice healthy foods today?
  • melsy78
    melsy78 Posts: 65
    It's about 11:15am here, so far I have resisted the coke (diet at least) urge and have downed 3 glasses of water. No exercise yet, it is also very windy and rainy outside.
    My morning has bern full of trying to teach my 8 week old to self settle.

    Once he's asleep I will get some crunches in!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Nice work Melsy - I'm on EST so it is 6:30 here and I have 5 glasses of water in - 3 to go!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Still room for 11 members if anyone else would like to join us! The more the merrier!
  • So, do we post here daily or how does this work? My signature ticker shows my weight progress, I'm honestly not much of one for posting pictures 0.o but I can post that I drink Way More than 8 - 8oz glasses of water in a day. so, I'm good there. Now to the crunches...
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    If you want me to keep track of our progress I can do that. I have made a spreadsheet that I can share and we can track measurements and weight or not. I'm open to whatever the group wants to do! I'm about to track my measurements now.