Fit For Future Families - October 2011



  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    Hello everyone! I just found this forumand would like to be a part of it :)

    Age: 20
    Where you live: North Mobile, Alabama
    Job: Housewife/ Part Time Substitute Teacher
    Length of time on the board: First Month in this forum
    Marital Status: Married for 1 year 3 months
    Length of time you've been with SO: Been together for 5 1/2 years
    Do you have kids: NO kids yet
    Length of time TTC: 2 years
    Diagnosis: could not find anything wrong
    Do you chart your BBT: I try to but my them. died lol I am looking to buy another one very soon
    Do you use OPKs: if I get a neg this month I want try the kit next month
    Are you on any meds for TTC: No, just vitamins for a healthy baby when it happens
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 154
    Goal Weight: 155
    Strange fact about yourself: I don't like to shower alone :) not sure why but I perfer my hubby shower with me

    I have been tracking for 2 years religously and have never even gotten a false positve. I feel like every women around me is pregnant. I know four who had a baby just last week and more that are still preggo. I am due to start in four days and we are really hoping this is the month it happens. It is really discouraging being told nothing is worng with me and still not being able to concieve.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    Hey all! Can you believe it's already OCTOBER? Whoa!

    I took my last Provera last Thurs and I'm supposed to call the doc on CD1 so I can go in for an US I think on CD3. I'm so worried that I'm going to misinterpret CD1! Yesterday I had some pretty dark spotting, not sure what counts as D1 anymore....

    Day one is the first day of full flow. That's what the drs have me going by. Spotting doesn't count. Might double-check with them if you are concerned about it, but that's what they told me....full flow=CD1.
  • mommy2squish
    mommy2squish Posts: 126 Member
    Age: 24
    Where you live: VA
    Job: Stay at home mom/ soon to be RN once I pass state boards
    Length of time on the board: About 2 weeks
    Marital Status: Married
    Length of time you've been with SO: Married 2 years on October 17. Together 3 years in March of 2012
    Do you have kids: 1 Little guy hes 14months
    Length of time TTC: about 8 months
    Diagnosis: PCOS
    Do you chart your BBT: No
    Do you use OPKs: No
    Are you on any meds for TTC: No
    Height: 5'2"
    Weight: 190
    Goal Weight: 130
    Strange fact about yourself: Hmmm will have to think about this one!
  • ChangingJojo
    ChangingJojo Posts: 30 Member
    Age: 37
    Where you live: Oklahoma
    Job: Medical Coder
    Length of time on the board: I've been with MFP for around 2 months and have lurked mostly on the boards.
    Marital Status: Married
    Length of time you've been with SO: 20 years and counting. :o)
    Do you have kids: No
    Length of time TTC: Off and on for the last 20 years. Been actively working with an RE since May of 2010
    Diagnosis: PCOS
    Do you chart your BBT: No.
    Do you use OPKs: No
    Are you on any meds for TTC: I'm starting a new cycle with Femara on CD 3-7, HCG later this month if things look right.
    Height: 5'1"
    Weight: 214
    Goal Weight: 130
    Strange fact about yourself: I'm very sarcastic? LOL Not sure that it is really strange or anything. :o)

    Hello everyone. I ran across this group and would love to join. I am in need of the extra support while I work on my weight and go through this TTC journey. In August I had my first bfp on the 12th but then 3 days later.. my hcg dropped which meant miscarriage. :o( So The last part of August and September was tough, but I'm working through it and now I'm really wanting to beef up my diet and activity. Weekends really are difficult so I'm hoping with a Monday check-in it might make me feel like I need to behave better! I am looking forward to getting to know you all. :o)
  • mrsjenfrank
    mrsjenfrank Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello everyone! Just a quick post... had both a doctors appointment and a nutritionist appointment today. Dr upped my Metformin doses to 1500mg a day (from 1000mg). She also gave me the requisition so I can get my blood work done and get tested for the gluten intolerance. Hoping to do that either tomorrow or the next day. Tomorrow is my official weigh-in, but according to my Dr's weigh-in today she has me at 5kg down (11lbs) since the end of Aug! *does happy dance*

    Wednesday is my first 'Craving Change' support group meeting. Very excited (and nervous) for that.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Keep up the good work!

  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Happy October. Thanks for putting up all the abbreviations for what everyone is talking about. One that I'm still not sure of is AMF. I know it has to do with the person who is posting but I'd like to know the specific words. Thanks all!

    AFM stands for As For Me
  • Pokee1
    Pokee1 Posts: 368 Member
    I had a great weekend ... and a bit of an "ah-ha" moment with my boyfriend. We were at a baby shower totally hogging the gorgeous little girl and being super silly with her. On our way home, we started talking about how much fun we had TTC before the miscarriage. We would laugh and joke and be excited to pee on that darn stick. Lately, it's been stressful on me and we almost dread finding out each month. We have decided to infuse more fun back into our lives and try to stay more positive about this whole adventure. Did a little zip-lining yesterday!
    Any-hoo ... we are both going to go for some acupuncture treatments next week for relaxation and fertility. Has anyone ever tried this before? What are your thoughts?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I had a great weekend ... and a bit of an "ah-ha" moment with my boyfriend. We were at a baby shower totally hogging the gorgeous little girl and being super silly with her. On our way home, we started talking about how much fun we had TTC before the miscarriage. We would laugh and joke and be excited to pee on that darn stick. Lately, it's been stressful on me and we almost dread finding out each month. We have decided to infuse more fun back into our lives and try to stay more positive about this whole adventure. Did a little zip-lining yesterday!
    Any-hoo ... we are both going to go for some acupuncture treatments next week for relaxation and fertility. Has anyone ever tried this before? What are your thoughts?

    My fertility centre highly recommends it....They have packages specifically for their patients...I'm thinking that we might get our first appointments this week - even just for me (remember for him, any treatments will take 90 days to have any positive effect) and hopefully we won't be doing this beyond 90 days ;) It is sooo important to remember about keeping it fun!!!!! Ziplining sounds like it could be just the ticket
  • baloney17
    baloney17 Posts: 73 Member
    Smores - thanks. Not knowing simple things like that bother me and usually I just let it go or try to figure it out on my own. This one I had no clue on. *shakes head* silly me :smile:
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Happy october to everyone. I love this month because it means holidays are starting up. I went to my work conf erence this weekend and had good time, learned some things for my classroom and had a blast with my coworkers. Felt slightly nauseous at night but not sure if it was a pregnancy symptom or something i ate or all in my head. Took a preganacy test when i got home and it was a bfn. Took another one yesterday to the same result. Came home this afternoon and BFP!!! It was very very faint, almost hard to see but it is there! Going to take another tomorrow morning to see what it says. Wish me luck!!!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    S'mores- Good luck with your doctor on Wednesday!

    Karen- Congrats on being down to your pre-vacation weight :bigsmile: Sorry you're feeling achy, and hope you start feeling better soon.

    Jalara- Hope school is going well. Sounds like you've got a great plan for eating and exercising.

    Pam- Did you call the clinic and get things figured out? I really admire you ladies who can handle all those added stresses of TTC

    MrsJen- Congrats on the loss and good luck with your support group. Hope you enjoy it and learn a lot!

    Pokee- Sounds like you had a great weekend! I've never tried accupunture (scared of needles, plus I live in a tiny hick town) but if you think it will help, even just ease some of your stress I think you should go for it!

    Julia- **Fingers crossed*** that's so exciting!!!! Sending sticky thoughts your way!

    AFM- Today was a total bust for me. My head is totally not in this exercising and eating right thing lately. And running around doesn't help at all. Today we had LOs Kindermusik class and tomorrow we are going to story time at the library in the next town over with a friend and her kiddos then lunch. Hopefully I can at least find some time to do some sort of exercise. I've become obsessed with pinterest and I've been looking at all sorts of cute ideas for birth announcements and maternity photos. Bad idea, I'm sure. Anyways, baby dust to us all hope everyone has a great night!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Imarunner- I’m sorry you’re feeling down and AF isn’t cooperating. You are definitely not alone in feeling this way and none of us that feel this way are crazy. Anyone that is TTC understands that strong desire to be pregnant and want a baby. Feeling jealous is the worst feeling in the world, but it is very hard to control so don’t beat yourself up about it (I say this to myself often!) As far as the DH getting tired of it, I often et scared to share my feelings of jealousy with my husband, but after I do I always feel supported, loved, and understood.

    Thedestar- great goals! Whoohoo for the new car. I finally pay mine off this month :o)

    Risontherun- WELCOME! I’m sure you’ll find the board full of information and support.

    Baloney- AFM (as for me) I had that questions when I first started, so don’t worry about. Ask questions whenever you have them.

    Emily- Well, just cause your not TTC right now doesn’t mean you can’t check in- we’ll miss you! I totally agree that the shoulder should get taken care of before pregnancy and a little one comes.

    3rica- fully understand how frustrating unexplained infertility is! I have been trying for over three years and they finally think “they” found the cause ( I say “they” because I’m really the one that figured out I was ovulating late by tracking my temps and OPK) Like you, I have never had a positive HPT but based on tracking temps I’ve probably had 4 early MC. This will be my second month on progesterone and I hope it finally does the trick.

    Mommy2squish and Fighting PCOS- WELCOME!!!

    Fighting PCOS- I’m sorry for your loss!


    Julia- WHOOHOO I hope this last one was accurate and the line just gets darker from here.

    AFM- I was going to go to the gym, but I really don’t feel like eating back the calories so I’ll go to the gym tomorrow and eat a larger lunch. I picked up my refill of progesterone today and will start taking them on Wednesday (4 days post O). I’m hoping this is our month, but I don’t want to get to invested in it just in case. I was .4 up today- major bummer ‘cause I wanted a good weigh in this week-I know I’ll be up the next couple of week due to bloating…
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Smores - thanks. Not knowing simple things like that bother me and usually I just let it go or try to figure it out on my own. This one I had no clue on. *shakes head* silly me :smile:

    I know exactly how you feel. I usually just ignore them or just deal with the general idea too, but sometimes there's just one that really bothers me and I have to know, lol.
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Happy october to everyone. I love this month because it means holidays are starting up. I went to my work conf erence this weekend and had good time, learned some things for my classroom and had a blast with my coworkers. Felt slightly nauseous at night but not sure if it was a pregnancy symptom or something i ate or all in my head. Took a preganacy test when i got home and it was a bfn. Took another one yesterday to the same result. Came home this afternoon and BFP!!! It was very very faint, almost hard to see but it is there! Going to take another tomorrow morning to see what it says. Wish me luck!!!

    CONGRATS!!!! Praying for sticky for you!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Julia - fingers crossed!

    Karen - I know what you mean....sometimes when I don't plan out my day well and i'm already on track and not feeling hungry, I can't imagine eating back those cals....

    Thedstar - appt with the clinic tomorrow to get things sorted out....
  • Pokee1
    Pokee1 Posts: 368 Member
    Happy october to everyone. I love this month because it means holidays are starting up. I went to my work conf erence this weekend and had good time, learned some things for my classroom and had a blast with my coworkers. Felt slightly nauseous at night but not sure if it was a pregnancy symptom or something i ate or all in my head. Took a preganacy test when i got home and it was a bfn. Took another one yesterday to the same result. Came home this afternoon and BFP!!! It was very very faint, almost hard to see but it is there! Going to take another tomorrow morning to see what it says. Wish me luck!!!

    Woo hoo! Keep us posted!
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Hello ladies!! Big catch up day for me I guess. I think I can only respond to the new Oct posts. Too much flipping back & forth to catch the Sept ones since my last post too - ha! Sorry if I missed anyone.

    Mandy - Sorry about the mood swings. This is such an emotional process and all the fluctuations in hormones don't help. Give your IRL friend a huge hug. It's amazing how strong some friends can be, even when things are tough for them too. You'll get to return the support favor at some point I'm sure. And remember we're all here to listen!

    Smores - I'm so sorry about the miscarriage. Thinking positive thoughts for you. I hope you get some good advice and hopefully some answers at the doctor.

    Karen - Congrats on taking off the vacation weight. Sorry you've been feeling achy.

    Melissa - From personal experience, PCOS can be really challenging, but honestly, I found the diagnosis more eye-opening than anything. I don't really cut anything out of my diet, but it's taught me how to be smarter about moderation, choices and how wonderful exercise makes me feel. Just take it one day at a time and you'll get the hang of it.

    Jalara - Thinking of you. Good luck with all the school work!

    Pam - Sorry for all the weirdness with your cycle and the delay. Crossing my fingers for you that everything works out a-ok! We went to the fair this week too. I saved up calories for the corn dog, but the cotton candy was all indulgence!

    Meggan - Congrats on finishing the provera and good luck tracking this cycle!

    EmilyRanae - Good luck with the surgery. Check in with us when you can to let us know how you're doing.

    Welcome RisOnTheRun, 3ricaAnn, mommy2squish, & Fighting PCOS!! Glad to have you all here and hope your stay is as short as you want it to be.

    MrsJen - Yay on the loss! Good luck with the upped dose of Metformin. I've been on the highest dose for years now and have very regular cycles because of it, but it was tough to get used to it at first.

    Pokee - What a great aha moment. It does help to remind each other to have fun sometimes too! We went ziplining this summer and I loved it!

    Julia - Oh wow! Thinking sticky, sticky thoughts!!! PS - I love October too!

    Destiny - Congrats on the new car. And I agree, Pinterest is soooo addictive! I'm trying to avoid cute baby stuff on there for now, but as more of my friends sign up its not so easy. I just filled up my boards with some of the home renovation ideas I have for the basement.

    Luki - It's so funny how working out is now all about what calories we can or can't eat! On days that I'm just not that much hungrier, I only eat back around 1/2 of the calories and have been pretty successful with that.

    AFM, It's a pretty positive Monday. I made it through an AF weekend with minimal cramping and only one dose of Midol thanks to yoga. Also finally saw the water retention go away so a decent weigh-in this morning. And the big win of the last week was the way awesome gym at my hotel in Miami on my business trip last Friday. I worked out watching the sun rise over the ocean and totally countered the amazing Italian dinner we had the night before. Yay!

    MFP SW (March 2011): 211
    Calendar week 36: 172.2 (-0.4)
    Calendar week 37: 172.0 (-0.2)
    Calendar week 38: 171.2 (-0.8)
    Calendar week 29: 171.6 (+0.4)
    Calendar week 30: 170.6 (-1.0)

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week!
    :flowerforyou: Stephanie
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    luki- Thanks. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I just feel like my emotions are out of control lately! And I am a control freak...:grumble:

    sdavisneill-I would love to give her a HUGE hug, but sadly, she moved a few weeks before the miscarriage and she lives 4 states away. :sad: I haven't seen her since June (she lived 4 hours away before she moved). It kills me to not be able to give her a simple hug or talk to her face-to-face. I'm just glad that the moves and such that we have both endured over the past 7 or 8 years have only made us stronger friends.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hye all - I haven't read anything to catch up, but I wanted to check in. EXCEPT - I did see a BFP on here.... congrats Julia!!! Kepp us posted on everything! I will force myself to make time for tonight, if only for a check in.

    Yesterday I went over my points so I had to use some of the weekly. I've planned better today and I hope to stay within my points. I'll have lots left over for supper if I stick to it through the day today!

    Happy Tuesday everyone!!
  • melissaforster07
    melissaforster07 Posts: 145 Member
    Good Morning Everyone...

    I still haven't gotten used to how quickly this board moves. I think one of my goals this month is to stay caught up with all of you! :laugh:

    Welcome to all the newbies and congrats Julia!!!

    AFM - I am so stressed. We aren't even at the busy time at work yet and I am feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work there is to do. This sounds funny, but not only am I stressed about the work I am doing now but I am also stressed about the work that is coming. My DH husband asked if I am stressed about being stressed...and I think I kind of am! This is another one of the big reasons we decided to wait until the Spring to really start trying. Things at work always get so nuts in the winter...I just can't imagine adding the stress of TTC on top of it. This whole winter is about charting, figuring out my cycle, and getting as healthy as I working on my dealing with the stress at work is a big priority in my life. So my goals for this week are: 10 glasses of water a day, working out 3x, take my vitamin everyday, and work on letting go of my stress. now the truth comes out....even though I just typed all of that good stuff about waiting so I can be as healthy as possible and waiting so I can have limited stress while we are TTC...I still hope that every month is the month....a girl can hope right!!??