Dukan it out !!! - The Dukan Diet



  • Teddyaderwich
    Teddyaderwich Posts: 69 Member
    I'm a bit concerned about being hungry in the evening last two days. Have found self consuming all my calories when before I was not eating that many. Worried that weight-loss will stop if I start gorging and simply eating too much? Any thoughts?
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    I'm a bit concerned about being hungry in the evening last two days. Have found self consuming all my calories when before I was not eating that many. Worried that weight-loss will stop if I start gorging and simply eating too much? Any thoughts?

    i think you will be ok eating more, if u are like me and counting calories, we are doing it because maybe we are so used to calorie counting or we just want to make sure we dont go over the '1200' limit. (or maybe even too far under) but actually, according to what i understood in the dukan book (i bought it from amazon although i havent read all of it yet) we dont have to calorie count because as long as we eat lean meat we wont be going over on our calories and we will be fuller for longer. i alao found after a few weeks that i became hungrier, almost as if my body was getting more used to the protein, but i didnt eat more just incase, and i didnt lose any weight that week. i think if id eaten more i would have lost weight because i may have slowed my metabolism down by not eating when i became hungry. if your hungry- eat!! dr dukan said we can eat as much of te permitted foods as we like- so go for it.
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member

    I'm not on Dukan at this time but this is how I started my LC lifestyle. I did it for 30 days.
  • rebeccastringer
    rebeccastringer Posts: 9 Member
    I start my final day of my 5 day attack phase today and have lost 2.8kg (6lbs) so far. Am finding it relatively straight forward and easy to follow thus far and have found that my cravings for certain foods has greatly diminished. Am looking forward to being able to eat some veggies tomorrow on first PV day!
  • aahd
    aahd Posts: 20
    I read the book, but I havent seen anything on the fat free coffee creamer!
    Is it okay to use a fat free vanilla coffee mate with the coffee instead of splenda or any sweetner?
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    I read the book, but I havent seen anything on the fat free coffee creamer!
    Is it okay to use a fat free vanilla coffee mate with the coffee instead of splenda or any sweetner?

    if its fat free AND sugar free it might be ok, alot of 'fat free' things contain sugar so arent fat free atall!! but id steer clear of things like corn syrup, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, (any oil, actually), and all those weird ingredients things like that tend to have.

    on the other hand, you could try it, and if it doesnt slow your weightloss it might be ok.
  • aahd
    aahd Posts: 20

    yes you are totally right I just looked at their nuitrition facts and that what it has


    Thank you
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Day 3 of something that closely resembles DD, but not quite 100%; and I've lost 3 pounds. I have not seen this number on the scale since 2003. I am excited to keep it up. I made a smoothie this morning with approx 1 cup of my "cheating" berries, and 1/2 cup of greek yogurt and 1/2 cup of skim milk. The rest of the snacks I packed for the day are DD appropriate - egg, grilled pork tenderloin, ff cottage cheese, oat bran galette... And some 'imitation flake crab meat', which I'm pretty sure I read in the book was ok even though there is some carb content, since it is very low in fat and made with white fish.

    I got up to pee about 4 times last night; and had a hard time sleeping. Has anyone else experienced sleep interruptions due to high protein diet?
  • Teddyaderwich
    Teddyaderwich Posts: 69 Member
    I'm getting up in the night to go to the loo - i remember first couple of nights going to loo at least four times - it could be the water loss you get moving to protein based diet. Am still going least once in the night - with me I expect it's my body getting used to drinking more fluid - as normally I was way down the general recommended 8 glasses a day.

    Thanks for comment about eating more - am wondering if my food isn't lean enough - and therefore can eat less? V scared to go vastly over 1200 a day in case I put weight on again - am hoping it's all just a blip - think I've got to the first "wall" just three weeks in - when initial quick weightloss gone by and now in it for the l
  • Teddyaderwich
    Teddyaderwich Posts: 69 Member
    .... Long term. Am so impatient !
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239

    yes you are totally right I just looked at their nuitrition facts and that what it has


    Thank you

    your very welcome!!
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    Day 3 of something that closely resembles DD, but not quite 100%; and I've lost 3 pounds. I have not seen this number on the scale since 2003. I am excited to keep it up. I made a smoothie this morning with approx 1 cup of my "cheating" berries, and 1/2 cup of greek yogurt and 1/2 cup of skim milk. The rest of the snacks I packed for the day are DD appropriate - egg, grilled pork tenderloin, ff cottage cheese, oat bran galette... And some 'imitation flake crab meat', which I'm pretty sure I read in the book was ok even though there is some carb content, since it is very low in fat and made with white fish.

    I got up to pee about 4 times last night; and had a hard time sleeping. Has anyone else experienced sleep interruptions due to high protein diet?

    i was up CONSTANTLY at first going to the loo- though i think this was due to the increase in water. also protein is a diuretic (spelling, sorry) which can make you pee more until your body gets used to it. the disturbed sleep may be due to the sudden restriction in carbs???? i found i had carb withdrawal at first or 'carb flu' and i didnt eat a great amount of carbs in the first place!! it does pass tho- i have nothing like that now.

    congrats on your weight loss so far!!!!! 3lbs in 3 days is brill
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    Thanks for comment about eating more - am wondering if my food isn't lean enough - and therefore can eat less? V scared to go vastly over 1200 a day in case I put weight on again - am hoping it's all just a blip - think I've got to the first "wall" just three weeks in - when initial quick weightloss gone by and now in it for the l

    hi teddy, u r right it could jus be a blip- might rectify itself in a few days. u cud try to eat a little more, maybe only 100-200 cals more a day so its not very much over. i can see from your diary you have a small appetite (or maybe its because i eat SOOOOO much!! LOL). we'v got roughly the same amount of weight we want to lose, and we will keep each other going. WE CAN DO THIS :bigsmile:
  • Erin_26
    Erin_26 Posts: 97 Member
    Everyone seems very motivated, it's great to see!!!

    I, personally, am doing great. I am sitting at 140 today and hope to see 139 this week, or even 138 if I'm lucky. 134 lbs is my TW, so I'm getting close and feeling great. I want to get to TW by Oct. 24 because my son's swimming lessons start that day. Last year, I was the chubby mom wearing unattractive swimwear, it was a downer. Not this year! :happy:

    I hope you are all doing great and are feeling confident that DD will bring you to your True Weight, if you only allow it.

    Hope to chat soon!
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 582 Member
    Hi! i'm new to the Dukan Diet and brand new to this thread.

    Today was day one for me. I'll be in the Attack Phase for about 6 or 7 days. I don't think it'll be too much of a problem as I love meat (total carnivore over here).

    This morning I almost messed up immediately. People in my office bring in food and snacks all the time and the first thing this morning someone passes me some sliced apples. I chomped into one and was halfway through chewing it when I remembered I wasn't supposed to eat fruit. When the lady wasn't looking I got rid of the apple (bite included). I'll have to be more careful.

    Also~ anyone know a place to order Oat Bran from that won't kill me on the shipping/handling?? I looked on Amazon and saw that for $7.00 to $9.00 dollars I could get some Oat Bran, but then the shipping/handling brought the total up to $63.00!!
    (I live in South Korea, fyi).

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone on here!
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 582 Member
    Hi! i'm new to the Dukan Diet and brand new to this thread.

    Today was day one for me. I'll be in the Attack Phase for about 6 or 7 days. I don't think it'll be too much of a problem as I love meat (total carnivore over here).

    This morning I almost messed up immediately. People in my office bring in food and snacks all the time and the first thing this morning someone passes me some sliced apples. I chomped into one and was halfway through chewing it when I remembered I wasn't supposed to eat fruit. When the lady wasn't looking I got rid of the apple (bite included). I'll have to be more careful.

    Also~ anyone know a place to order Oat Bran from that won't kill me on the shipping/handling?? I looked on Amazon and saw that for $7.00 to $9.00 dollars I could get some Oat Bran, but then the shipping/handling brought the total up to $63.00!!
    (I live in South Korea, fyi).

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone on here!
  • Erin_26
    Erin_26 Posts: 97 Member
    Welcome Glitter Mouse!

    Good job on spitting out the apple, lol!!

    I'm sorry, I don't know about shipping the oat bran. Do the grocery stores near you not carry it in the cereal aisle? You may have to shell out some dollars and just have it shipped. I would recommend from the Dukan Diet site, as this is the type you want, ie: milled/refined, etc.

    Hope that helps! Good luck with Attack and let us know how you're doing! 6 days of Attack seems to be all I have the patience for, so I wish you luck in sticking to 7, if you need to.

    Take care,
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Glitter, I hope you are able to find some Oat Bran in your local stores. Shipping is crazy expensive! I am currently using the Quaker Oat Bran, which I am able to find in my local grocery stores in Canada. I know there is also a Bob's Red Mill brand. They sell it with the hot cereals, like regular oatmeal, so check there. Here's what my box looks like: http://www.canadaonly.ca/products/Quaker-Oat-Bran.html

    I've been tweaking my oat bran galette recipe. Last night, I made my my galettes with 3 Tbsp oat bran, 3 Tbsp ff greek yogurt, 1 egg (including yolk), a sprinkle of cinnamon, and a dash of vanilla. I don't have any artificial sweetener in the house, and don't really like the idea of using it anyway, if I can avoid it. Then I cut it in half, to follow the 1.5 Tbsp rule of Attack, even though I'm still not truly 100%. It was much tastier than my previous attempts! Has anyone else adjusted the original recipe to suit their tastes?
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    Glitter, I hope you are able to find some Oat Bran in your local stores. Shipping is crazy expensive! I am currently using the Quaker Oat Bran, which I am able to find in my local grocery stores in Canada. I know there is also a Bob's Red Mill brand. They sell it with the hot cereals, like regular oatmeal, so check there. Here's what my box looks like: http://www.canadaonly.ca/products/Quaker-Oat-Bran.html

    I've been tweaking my oat bran galette recipe. Last night, I made my my galettes with 3 Tbsp oat bran, 3 Tbsp ff greek yogurt, 1 egg (including yolk), a sprinkle of cinnamon, and a dash of vanilla. I don't have any artificial sweetener in the house, and don't really like the idea of using it anyway, if I can avoid it. Then I cut it in half, to follow the 1.5 Tbsp rule of Attack, even though I'm still not truly 100%. It was much tastier than my previous attempts! Has anyone else adjusted the original recipe to suit their tastes?

    i substituted the sweetener for herbs and a little salt and topped one half of the cooked pancake with boiled and drained spinach, and rosemary conley less than 5% fat mature cheese (30grms). Flipped the other half over so the cheese melted. The spinach and cheese are both allowed on a PV day in the cruise phase. it was a luvly spinach and cheese pancacke.
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow: friends have had great success with this and I need to address the carb heaviness of my diet! Am planning on only two days of attack as I don't think I could do more : will check in tomorrow after day 1!
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