xmas challenge

I think that with encouragement from a few others i could definitely loose 20 pounds by Christmas this year:

join me on my challenge by trying to loose 20 pounds by xmas!!!

think how much better you will look on xmas day?

i am doing my challenge anyway but would love for people to join me...

feel free to add me as a friend X


  • Would love to join...I will definitely push myself for this challenge
  • aims94
    aims94 Posts: 20
    great thanks, the more the merrier and more chance of this happening for me!

  • vasare
    vasare Posts: 18
    Count me in :)
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Add me in....I would love to be able to lose 20 lbs by Christmas...I have lost 77 pounds so far...and have slowed down on my weight loss.....so I need all the help I can get!!

    Are you going to post challenges daily??
  • I'm in! I haven't logged in for a while and need to stay on track!
  • Aem2381
    Aem2381 Posts: 89 Member
    I would love to join this challenge!!
  • TheYoungRetiree
    TheYoungRetiree Posts: 84 Member
    I'm in! I think this motivation will be a great boost for me right now :D
  • aims94
    aims94 Posts: 20
    every week leading to christmas we can see how much each other has lost, carry on supporting each other and loose even more feel free to talk to me anytime dieting is very hard and it is easy to fall into old habits again i should know! :) but with motivation and support it should be a lot easier to loose weight

    on the 24th of january we can log in and see whos lost what in total

    then i will count us all up take away the pounds and see how much we ave lost as a group :)
  • 65jackie
    65jackie Posts: 38 Member
    Count me in too!:smile:
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Count me in too!... I can definitely use the challenge! :)
  • vinnysgirl
    vinnysgirl Posts: 311 Member
    Hiya :smile:

    I would love to join you in the challenge. I am wanting to lose 14lb by Christmas, so any motivation is much appreciate :smile:
  • yes count me in I want to lose 22 lbs by christmas morning! for a weight of 240 lbs!
  • I would love to join in. I just joined MFP yesterday and since I have no at home support I really need all the online support I can get.
  • New to this site,but I love losing weight with others. Competition keeps me honest with myself at the table. So sign me up for the Christmas challenge.
  • tchat2011
    tchat2011 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in!!!
  • cometnurse
    cometnurse Posts: 62 Member
    I'M IN!! I need a boost right now!!
  • smz63001
    smz63001 Posts: 13 Member
    20 lbs my xmas would be perfect for me! Just what I am looking for! Please count me in for this challenge!
  • I would love to join, my birthday is in December also and that would be a great accomplishment for me.
  • ab46304
    ab46304 Posts: 13 Member
    I would love to join !
  • caroline1685
    caroline1685 Posts: 80 Member
    count me in, 20lb by Xmas loss here we come. come on everyone we can do it. i help with ideas and genral information so all the help we can give each other will count.