Oct. Challenge Week 1 Open!



  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    @warriorprincessdi - Great job running a 5K. This is quite a challenge and a real test of who can and who can't commit. You should be soo proud of your self. Thank you for the blog also. It is helpful to get inside someone's head. It really motivates me.

    @tsvamp - do you mix the egg whites and watermelon? LOL This sounds like such a strange combo. Good for you losing weight.

    @Caz2678 - You have jumped the first hurdle and realized the balance between exercise and calories - good for you keeping up with watching and doing both. You should feel good about yourself.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    So I added to my comfort zone challenge......I'm going to actually start taking care of myself instead of only worrying about others. I actually decided to do something about my plantar fasciitis by wearing my brace and doing the stretching exercises (I hope this works to make it go away so I can really run again), try proactive to clear up my face, and get enough sleep even when football is on.
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    Yesterday and Today I reached 2 miles in my Walking/Jogging routine. 2 weeks ago it was all I could do to reach 1 mile. I am proud of that.

    For the comfort zone...ever since I had my daughter( 3 months ago) I have always worn my hair up in a bun. I guess I just feel so overweight and unattractive that I didn't think it was worth styling. It is very long and wavy. So this week I will style it every morning after my workout.
  • FitasBarbie
    FitasBarbie Posts: 141 Member
    How's everyone holding up? I haven't exercised in the past 4 days I have bruises in my knees and ankles from my last round of exercise and the painkillers didnt work that well. I tried but it hurts too much so I listened to my body. I'm trying again tomorrow hopefully I can do it. H20 has not been a problem this week all 2liters and then some. I overshot my calories a few times but Im back on the wagon for the past 2 days. I hope you all have a better week than me, Goodluck!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    I just joined on. Came back a few days ago from a month away visiting my kids and friends. Ate out a lot and had many family dinners. I only gained 1/2 lb whole month because I did hike, bike, walk, while I was there. I drove two states to do this. On way home last week I got sick and got stuck in the next state for 3 days too sick to drive. It was a scarey time sick alone like that.

    Since I came back I am trying to rest up so I can work out again, I want to get back to eating healthy, and I look forward to this challenge.

    Comfort zone: a friend just called while I was writing this to ask me to do ski hills mini hike by my house. I wanted to say no I am not ready but I said sure, see you in an hour!
  • So proud of you ninjakitty419! That is fabulous and I am sure it was difficult to do.
  • Carrie_D
    Carrie_D Posts: 120
    I just figured how to step out of my comfort zone!
    I promise to look in a full length mirror for at least one minute every day this week (and not think bad thoughts!)

    That is a really good comfort zone challenge!! That would make me very uncomfortable!!!!
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member
    This is going to sound horrible and it will really speak about my addiction to food BUT...
    I have a 45 minute drive home from work. I pass through 4 towns. 6 gas stations. I have been stopping at one of those gas stations on the way home at an increasing frequency to where it became every single day. i would stagger which one I went to be cause I did not want the people working there to see how often I came in for a slice of pizza, candy bar, burger, whatever, and start thinking bad about me. (Isnt the first sign of addiction the compulsion to hide your behavior?) I would justify it to myself by saying 1) I can't eat this in front of my husband because he will be mad so I will just have to eat it now while I have the chance (although that chance was coming 5 days a week) and 2)If I eat little snack now then I wont be so hungry at supper and I will be satisfied with a normal portion and he will be happy. (So basically everything circled around making my husband think I was eating good but that does not get me results! ACTUALLY eating good gets results.)

    But today, for the first time in months, I did not stop at all! I did waited until I got home to eat supper like a normal person! It sucked when I drove by the places and thought about the food that I felt I was entitled to stop and get but I felt good when I got home and for once I did not feel guilty.

    And now that I have gotten this all out in the open I am going to stick it into a blog because it is very much a part of me and how I think and have thought for many years and I want to change my thinking.

    Ninja.....they say the first step in getting past any addiction is recongnizing and admitting you have a problem! You took the first step!! Then you did something about it!! SOOOOOO VERY PROUD OF YOU, for driving right past those places!!! WTG!! Hugs to you girl!!

  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member
    Comfort zone: a friend just called while I was writing this to ask me to do ski hills mini hike by my house. I wanted to say no I am not ready but I said sure, see you in an hour!

    WTG Maria!!! Have fun!! :)
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member
    I just figured how to step out of my comfort zone!
    I promise to look in a full length mirror for at least one minute every day this week (and not think bad thoughts!)

    Bekka, this is a great Comfort Zone challenge...for me not the standing there, but the not thinking bad things would be the hard part!! I may add this to the rest of my week 1.....and add a positive affirmation as i look at myself!! Great idea! WTG!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    So PROUD of everyone making changes, admitting to us things you normally wouldn't say in an
    'outside' voice, getting up and moving!! :love:

    Today is my challenge day, first day of my weekend.
    I usually will sneak my treats from my hiding place several times a day (isn't that horrible???)
    Today, I emptied it all out and threw it away....sugar, sugar, sugar!!

    Off to do errands...taking my water with me. Hoping to meet the love of my life for lunch
    at Chipotle.

    Have a great day!
  • Hi Everyone!

    So PROUD of everyone making changes, admitting to us things you normally wouldn't say in an
    'outside' voice, getting up and moving!! :love:

    Today is my challenge day, first day of my weekend.
    I usually will sneak my treats from my hiding place several times a day (isn't that horrible???)
    Today, I emptied it all out and threw it away....sugar, sugar, sugar!!

    Off to do errands...taking my water with me. Hoping to meet the love of my life for lunch
    at Chipotle.

    Have a great day!

    Great job on throwing away your treats! I've been slowly moving my boys candy to the Halloween bowl so that I can get rid of it all at the end of the month! I'm also going to limit our Halloween activities so as not to bring so much candy back in the house!
  • dkb228
    dkb228 Posts: 73 Member
    Happy Tuesday, everyone!

    Today's been a weird day for me. Due to a test in one class and forgetting my keys in my car when I went to a different class (MAJOR blonde moment...), I worked out in the afternoon instead of in the morning like I usually do. And I think I discovered that I work out better in the afternoon! Maybe because I'm not a morning person? Either way, I may have to switch up my routine and make that a change permanent. :)

    I'm eating more than I usually do, today, but I'm staying within my calories and I'm still on track with giving up drinkable calories. Yay! However, I still haven't figured out my comfort zone challenge.. I'm a pretty confident and outgoing person, so nothing really strikes me. Although I am finally starting to reach out to classmates and try to make friends (I'm at new university this semester and I don't really know anyone). It isn't super high on my list since I spend so little time on campus, but it would be nice to make some connections so I'm not eating lunch alone or with strangers everyday. Maybe that can count? Lol
  • nbloom
    nbloom Posts: 14
    Hi everyone!

    Today is my first day in this challenge.

    I worked out for 45 mintues this afternoon, 33 minutes on the bike and 12 minutes sprinting.

    I know that staying consistent with healthy eating and exercise will make us reach our goals :)
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Mini hike turned out great, rained during part of it but it was fresh, beautiful and wonderful walk. Only takes 1 hr 15 min. I felt so good after!

    Ninja...one day at a time. I will do it with you. Part of my personal challenge is no sweets and I am addicted to them! And many times I will hide from husband and eat away from home or in another room away from him, I have even hidden chocolate in my bedroom and sneaked up to grab bites.

    Give yourself little treats that are still okay and don't need to be hidden. I had a non-fat chai latte a small one with cinnamon when I went to library a few min ago. The chai is still a bit sweet but I have found in the past if I come off sugar too fast I get real sick. And I walked in with my drink and my husband saw me, I figure anything I don't hide is good!

    Another thing I have sometimes is organic gluton free choc rice bar. It is very low cal and has little choc or sugar in it, just enough to feel like you had a little something. I eat that slowly with a cup of tea (nothing in it) when I have major cravings.
  • Hi! I just found the site today. Can I join your group?
  • babycinders
    babycinders Posts: 8 Member
    So today I decided to try something different. Normally when I get home I'll start dinner, eat, clean up around the apartment a bit and get the dishes done (to help with digestion) and then I do my work out. But today I decided to try working out as soon as I got home. Feel pretty good although I'm very hungry! (last snack before I got home from work was a banana at around 4) I'm getting dinner ready now and I'll see how I feel afterwards and check in a little later. Not exactly sure why i decided to switch it up, guess just to try something different. lol
  • kellyb63
    kellyb63 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi all,

    Hope everyone is doing well. I took a rest from running today, my legs and knees are still sore from pounding the pavement. I pushed myself rather hard last week and weekend to make up for my splurging. I am back on track though with food intake and will run again on Thursday.

    I started the 30Day Shred DVD today, I didn't think I would have time for it everyday, but I think I will now, its only 20 minutes, I spend that time along just scouring Ebay or Etsy for something.

    Stepping out of my comfort zone for this week is avoiding pizza and adding abs to my workout even after the DVD. Pizza and diet coke are my nemesis', Tonight I am having carrots, snaps with baked chicken in chicken broth/seasonings and veggie rotini.

    Welcome to all the new participants.
  • kristennwinter
    kristennwinter Posts: 100 Member
    Hey Guys!

    I'm having a tough time eating the foods I should be eating due to the canadian Thanksgiving break this week - I've been home since Thursday, and I just feel so comfortable here that I fall into old habits! I'm also having a hard time drinking my water - guess I need to get back on that!

    I did lose 2 pounds last week, I was so excited! Not sure how this week is going to go - we'll have to see come friday!

    I'm going to step out of my comfort zone by doing the *****cat Dolls Work out DVD tomorrow - can't wait!
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    Hey Guys!

    I'm having a tough time eating the foods I should be eating due to the canadian Thanksgiving break this week - I've been home since Thursday, and I just feel so comfortable here that I fall into old habits! I'm also having a hard time drinking my water - guess I need to get back on that!

    I did lose 2 pounds last week, I was so excited! Not sure how this week is going to go - we'll have to see come friday!

    I'm going to step out of my comfort zone by doing the *****cat Dolls Work out DVD tomorrow - can't wait!

    i have 2 thanksgiving dinners to go to this weekend :( its going to be rough
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