OCTOBER CHALLENGE *aggiecass09 and friends* CLOSED GROUP



  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    for today's wall squat and push up challenge, you are establishing the baseline so do as many as you can with good form.

    for the wall squats, your legs should make a 90 degree angle and you arms should hang loosely by your side or Frankenstein side (in front of you) if you want a challenge.

    for the push ups do NOT do push ups on your knees ("girl" push ups...they do nothing for your core) instead pick your level:
    easiest- feet on ground, hands on a wall with your body at a slight angle
    easy- feet on ground, hands on a bench/stair/table with body at more of an angle
    standard- feet on ground, hands on ground
    hard- feet on bench/stair/table, hands on ground
    hardest- feet on swiss (bouncy) ball, hands on ground

    Keep a straight line from your shoulder blades to your feet and do as many as possible and record which level you did.
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    my starting stats, calorie, water and exercise goals, and photos if I can figure out how to get them up here...

    Starting weight: 185.4 lbs

    Waist: 32.5
    Hips (at pubic bone/widest point): 45
    Right biceps: 12.75
    Right thigh (widest): 26.5
    Right calf: 15.5
    Neck: 14

    Body fat: 33.35% using an on-line measurements estimator as this is closest to the last known accurate measurement.
    “Using your measurements … your body fat percentage is estimated to be … 33.35 % using the U.S. Marine body fat algorithm...”

    The Plan
    I plan to eat 1600 +/- 100 calories a day (C), drink 128 oz. of water (W) , get 7+ hours of sleep (S), and to exercise (E) the following schedule (with ample rest days – ACTIVITY ON DAYS OF WEEK MAY BE SWITCHED, moderate daily activity is assumed):

    Monday: Circuit training with weights/resistance, 20 – 45 minutes (optional 15-20 minutes stationary cycle including intervals if shorter day)
    Tuesday: 30 – 45 minutes cardiovascular workout – dance, aerobics, step aerobics or kickboxing
    Wednesday: Circuit training with weights/resistance, 20 – 45 minutes, (optional 15-20 minutes stationary cycle including intervals)
    Thursday: 60 minutes cardiovascular with some strength: advanced kickboxing
    Friday: 20 – 30 minutes circuit training
    Saturday: 30 – 45 minutes cardiovascular workout – dance, aerobics, step aerobics or kickboxing.
    Sunday: rest day/general activity

    the week, month, year and 5-year goals I wrote down are not fitness-related!

    I would LOVE to lose 15 - 20 pounds by the end of December but my weight loss has not been fast, so I am just going to hope for 10, and for 5 this month. I would like to definitively drop at least one, if not two dress/pants sizes.

    I work for myself and need to get back on top of my freelance stuff this week. I need to conquer a few major household tasks this week as well. This month, I need to get a manuscript I"m working on to a point that I can submit it to the agent who is waiting for it. By the end of 2012, there are a lot of other goals I hope I've achieved, and so on.

    Let's see if either of these works:

    <img src="http://i1080.photobucket.com/albums/j328/berylfiever/HL-10-1-11-back2-1.jpg&quot; border="0" alt="Hannah before">

    ...NO! how do i get images into a post??
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    HERE we go, thanks SexyCook for explaining:
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    Bought a new scale today. The one I had cost $10, and was CRAPPY. My weight varied by 4 lbs depending on how I stood. Spent a little more on today's, and it's digital so I'm not bending over trying to guess what the little dial hand is on, lol. I will be weighing in tomorrow morning, then, as I'd already eaten lunch/downed a few (5?) cups of coffee before I got it home.

    In other news -- I love pushup challenges. I hope I'm not alone in this. I love them because I can't believe how far I've come. Just under 16 months ago, I took an initial test. I could only manage 9 modified (as in, hands and knees) pushups. 9. Modified. Pushups. As a barely overweight 21-year-old who had always prided herself on being athletic, that was sad. I was very disappointed in myself.

    Today, I managed 27 standard pushups in a single set. I think I could have done more, but this head cold makes breathing a little difficult.

    I can't believe where I am today compared to where I was. I can't wait to see where I am next October!

    Good luck to everyone with the October challenge!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I've been swamped since being out of the office last week so i'm running a day behind...

    I'll post my measurements and inches on Halloween so that a difference can be seen.
    My eating/exercising goals are on my Monday blogs since they change each week depending on races and what not. Plus a whole month of a plan is too inflexible for me...so thats that.

    Here are my goals:
    Week 1: eat +120 g of protein each day. I'll do this by planning out my food early in the day so necessary changes can be made
    Week 2: do NROLFW 3 times (rather than 2). I'll do this by planning ahead and making lifting the priority over running since there are no races scheduled this week
    Week 3: Do yoga 2 x. Go on Tuesday night and Sunday morning. No EXCUSES! Do P90X yoga if you miss one
    Week 4: Try out some form of martial arts work out with new trainer. Schedule it!
    Week 5: Focus on Speed work this week!
    October Goal: Hit 24% body fat. I'll do this by consistent logging and lifting.

    October 2012 Goal: MAINTAIN a body fat in the 16-20% range at whatever weight that may be.

    October 2016 Goal: Be a Mommy (and have a stellar engineering career) who still Runs!

    Long- Shot Goal: Travel to: Alaska, New England during the leaf color change, Europe again, Australia, and Asia. Run races in: Disney, Vegas, and Athens.
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    Sorry, my month got off to a rocky start, so I'm kind of catching up a bit here.

    Starting Weight: 137.2
    Body fat: 28.7% according to my doc's scale. Not really accurate, I know, but it's all I had access to.
    Starting Inches:
    Calf 15
    R. Thigh 22
    Hip 34
    Waist 29
    Bust/Chest 37

    I plan to eat 1400 (plus most of my exercise calories) +/- 100 calories a day (C), drink 80-110 oz. of water (W) , get 7+ hours of sleep (S), and to exercise (E) the following schedule (with ample rest days):

    Monday: Run 7* miles
    Tuesday: CrossFit
    Wednesday: Run 5 miles (and, if my schedule allows, CrossFit, Yoga, or Pilates)
    Thursday: Pilates (or 3 mile run) and Yoga
    Friday: Yoga (and, if my schedule allows, CrossFit)
    Saturday: Run 6* miles and CrossFit
    Sunday: Rest
    *Monday and Saturday mileage will change weekly, but the rest of this plan stays the same for the entire month

    Push Up & Wall Squat Challenge:
    Pushups Set 1: 33, Set 2: 35
    Wall Squat: 82 seconds, 110 seconds

    Will take pics and post goals tomorrow.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Goals :) (Some are health/fitness, some are life and work :)

    Week 1: Stick to exercises, drink enough water, stick to macro plan . Stay focused at work. Tidy my room each night and clean in the weekend!

    Week 2: Week 1 + Stop "extra" snacks (a marshmallow here etc). Stick to my budget. Wake up on time.

    Week 3: Week 1 + 2 + Eat an extra serve of veggies each day. Complete all my Gravitate project. Be mediating each morning again.

    Week 4: Week 1 + 2 + 3 + Move my cals up to maintenance. Sign up first Beta Users. Watch less T.V. in the evenings

    End of Oct - Run 1:45 Half Marathon. Gain muscle. See a reduction on BF%, buy new bikini and rock it :)

    Oct 2012 - Maintain weight and fitness. Run 10 x 10ks. Take business into high growth period. Have my writing published. Strengthen relationships with family and friends

    Oct 2016 - Have travelled even more. Have a successful company. Be doing something I love.Be able to help others in a real way.
  • ecmcnamee
    ecmcnamee Posts: 317 Member
    Morning everyone :) ... managed the push up and wall squat challenge last night. For the pushups I did 18 in the first set and 16 in the second set. I'm not a huge fan of pushups but am thrilled that I can do them the right way. That said .. I'd rather not do them!! As for the wall squats I managed 53 seconds on the first one and 63 seconds on the second one.

    As for my weekly goals .. they are pretty much the same for each week. I want to keep up with the zig zagging and realize that less exercise doesn't mean that I've failed. I need to reprogram my brain to know that I don't have to burn 1000 calories a day. I want to learn to enjoy rest days too.

    My goal for October, 2012 is to have reached my goal weight and hopefully have been at maintenance for awhile.

    My goal for October, 2016 ... wow .. that's hard to think that far ahead .. I'll have a 18 year old, 12 year old and a 9 year old by then. Mainly, I'm hoping to survive my oldest's teen years!! I'd like to still be maintaining a health life and have been able to find a good balance in home, work and social aspects of my life. Right now for me things at home in a 15 year marriage are really rocky so I hope that we've either sorted that out or we are both onto different aspects of our life.
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I missed this on Monday, so I'll post it now. My goal for the week is to complete 200 push-ups. I will be doing a total of 25-30 push-ups/day in 1 to 2 sets.

    My 10 Things List:

    1- I have a great memory for words. For instance, I can recite the entire St. Crispin's Day speech from having seen the play performed once in 5th grade.

    2- I can tell you the breed of any dog you show me, mix or purebred. (My dad was a dog trainer when I was a kid, and I used to look through his dog encyclopedia.)

    3- I played rugby for a year in college. I was a prop/lifter.

    4- I have a tattoo on my stomach. I got part of it at 18, part of it at 19. I love it, and can't wait until I have an awesome looking stomach to go with it!

    5- I play 6 instruments with varying degrees of aptitude. In order from my best instrument to my worst: clarinet, hulusi, bass guitar, sousaphone, cello, and piano.

    6- I wrote a novel for NaNoWriMo last year and am going to try to get it published. (Yeah, good luck to me on that one!)

    7- I have 3 sisters and 1 brother. They're all awesome, and I love them a lot :)

    8- I am an OSU fan. In the way that only someone born and raised in Columbus, Ohio can be. Our house is scarlet and gray. Our basement is decorated in an OSU-theme, as is my little sister's bedroom. At the family Christmas party, my family hired Brutus to come out for everyone to take pictures with instead of a Santa Claus. It's pretty serious, I tell you!

    9- I might actually own a replica-quality Renaissance gown for attending fairs. If enough people are interested, I may be persuaded to post a photo on my profile of my older sister and myself in full regalia at a fair.

    10- I love poetry. No, seriously. Love it. Can't get enough of it, read it until it makes me cry love it. Furthermore, I loveloveLOVE Victorian poetry. My favorite poem is actually a three-way tie: "In Memoriam A.H.H." by Tennyson, "The Garden of Proserpine" by Swinburne, and "The Windhover" by Hopkins.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    10 Things that make BLUIZ13 (Denise) unique and awesome

    1. I have very blue eyes that change shades depending on what I am wearing.
    2. I am a good mom who works very hard to keep my kids busy with activities that make them happy.
    3. I completed a half marathon in January 2010 at 225lbs in just under 3 hrs and 30 mins and just signed up for the disney princess 1/2 marathon in february 2012.
    4. I love to laugh and wish there were more sitcoms on tv and that i could go to see comedians more often at our local improv.
    5. My step sister and I are so close we talk at least once a day. She is 8yrs younger than me but we have an amazing bond that became strong once we both started the “grownup” part of our lives (marriage and kids).
    6. I am a great friend always there when I’m needed in good times or in bad.
    7. I have broken toes and parts of my foot but never required a “real” cast.
    8. I have worked for the same man for over 11 years.
    9. I am a good cook and baker even though I never have time or the energy to bake.
    10. I have 2 amazing kids who make my life complete.

    update on daily challenges...
    10/1 still have to take pics...hubby fell asleep last night before we got them done...i'll do tonight before i jump on the treadmill to do biggest loser....CN WN EY SN
    10/2 posted my goals already to the thread...CY WN EN SN
    10/3 i need to do this baseline....i'll add it into today's work exercises...CY WY EY SY
    10/4 posted above...
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    I'll work on getting my before pictures on here, I'm not very good at the whole posting pictures thing..but they have been taken. My goals for right now consist of being consistant with my logging not just everything, but logging every day. Meeting my water goal of at least 160oz of water (20-8 oz glasses), and excercising or stretching 6 days a week for at least 35 minutes.My daily caloric intake is set at 1200 calories. I eat all of them, and eat most of my excercise calories back as well. If I go over, it will be no more than 50 calories.
    Those who know me know I have plantar fasciitis and have had it for about 3 months now. It seems to inhibit what I feel I am capable of doing, but I do my best to work around it and do what I can. I have a 10K and a 10 miler coming up this month as well as my very first half marathon on Nov 13th. My thought process due to my plantar fasciitis has just been to make it through, it doesn't matter time wise. This is so hard for me because I am a very competitive person.

    Ok, how about 10 Unique facts about me:
    1) My second toe is longer than my first toe, and I have long toes....I feel if I were to ever fall backwards off a cliff, my long toes would grab onto a tuft of grass and I would be able to pull myself up and save myself
    2) I am the oldest of 3 siblings. I am 34, my brother is 28, and my sister is 21.
    3) I was born with a cleft lip and palate and have had many, many surgeries to correct it. The last one being when I was 16 and they took bone marrow out of my hip to put into my gums so they would harden correctly. But...having a cleft lip and palate does not define who I am. I speak clearly, I can hear great, I am happy to be me.
    4) I LOVE to read, and cannot fathom owning a Kindle or Nook. I like to hold my books and you should see them all on the built in bookcase in our home.
    5) I have 2 kids Austin is 15 1/2, and Lindsay is 5 1/2. Having children 10 years apart was a fantastic idea. It has worked out great. And yes...we want one more...in another year or two.
    6) like to think I am always right, and will argue my point until I am proven wrong...one of my many faults
    7) I would like to go back to school one day when I figure out what I want to be...but am terrified of having to write a report or paper. I can spell great, but writing papers I suck at.
    8) I organize my fridge every time I go shopping....I know, I can't help it.
    9) I'm a big numbers girl. I remember phone numbers from when I was little, i'm precise about time telling (most people will day it's quarter past 1, I on the other hand will say it's 1:13) Also my alarm to get up in the morning is set for 5:43 or 5:47. NEVER 5:45.
    10) I am an ice cube chewer..which my father in law hates, and my husband wishes I wouldn't do...yet they love me anyways. I've done this for as long as I can remember.

    And so that closes out the 10 Unique things about me. Carry on...
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    10 things about me!

    1. I am missing my L5 Vertebrae, I was born without it

    2. I love dance music and used to work as a dancer (NOT the exotic kind) "super clubs" in the UK

    3.Two of my teeth are fake veeners - 'cause as a child I knocked them falling over running cross country and they didn't grow back!

    4. I have 28 first cousins, 11 aunts and uncles (plus their partners) + 5 step aunts/uncles and their partners and children and 6 Grandparents

    5. I have a compulsive fear of slugs - they make me shudder

    6. I am tone deaf and a TERRIBLE singer - but a really good dancer :P

    7. I graduated top of my class for Bachelor of Commerce 2009 at Auckland

    8. I love to write and one day want to make a living from it - but for now I am running a start up company

    9. I love travelling and have just booked flights to bangkok next year :)

    10. I have a large scar on my belly button from having a camera put inside me when I had my appendix out
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I'm quite disappointed in the participation...come on group!

    My 10 things that make me unique
    1. I have three "first names" (cassandra, kaitlin, stacey) in my name.
    2. I have a sick obsession with planning and scheduling things.
    3. I'm equally good at numbers and writing
    4. I LOVE working out
    5. i'm always missing my second toe nails from October-March (race season)
    6. I can motivate others well
    7. I was in orchestra in high school.
    8. If i had to choose I'd pick my dog over my hubby
    9. i have more athletic shoes than dress shoes (same goes for work out clothes/work clothes)
    10. i'm an attention *kitten*
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    here's my baseline pushups and wall squats...i am tracking on my own sheet but sharing here too...
    Push Ups - Set 1: 15 Set 2: 20 (on wall this time - i'll try the next harder level next time)
    Wall Squats - Set 1: 40 (seconds) Set 2: 50 (seconds)
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    how do you post pics>?????? HELP HELP HELP
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    how do you post pics>?????? HELP HELP HELP
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    10 Unique things about me

    1) I hate anything mushy. No PDA's here. I hate when guys give you poems, flowers, candy and I loathe sappy things they say. I love you is enough. I dont want to hear that my hair smells like roses and my smile is a million bucks. Give me a break.
    2) I was a twin
    3) My sister is deaf and I speak NSL intead of ASL
    4) I have an obsession with anything mafia related. I grew up around the Winter Hill Gang. My bf's grandfather was Witey's right hand man.
    5) I was a certified teacher at the age of 18
    6) I became a certified hair stylist at the age of 20 and ran a multimillion dollar corporate salon/store
    7) I played an adult sized electric guitar at the age of 6 and rocked it
    8) Aerosmith as always been and always will be my favorite band and concert
    9) I am a die hard Bruins fan
    10) I have 2 dream jobs. #1 to be a set stylist for hollywood movies #2 Open a wedding planning business
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    10 things that make me unique: ( I guess)

    1. I was a belly dancer in college and danced in Las Vegas
    2. I had a third child after a tubal ligation...YIKES
    3. I am a certified Cattle AI technician (AI= artificial insemination)
    4. I have seasons tickets to 3 different football teams
    5. I had no TV in the house for 20 years
    6. I once had a horse in the kitchen--she opened the gate from the field into the yard and then opened the French doors and when I got home she was standing at the island.
    7. I am a certified gymnastics judge
    8. I have a rescue donkey named Elmer
    9. I know how to milk a cowand a goat-and have made butter and cheese ( I own a cheese press)
    10. I had 2 children while in medical school!!
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    Great job everyone!

    Things that make me unique...

    1. I got my masters degree (MBA) when I was 19 years old...
    2. I have 2 pittbulls and love them!
    3. I have just gotten into geneology but I love it... Have learned some interesting things
    4. I bought a home when I was 20
    5. I am married to an amazing man I met online
    6. I have had stitches twice-- once right below my eye and once on my chin
    7. I can cross my eyes and make them vibrate back and forth really fast
    8. I am a really loyal and loving friend
    9. I started a company when I was 11 years old
    10. I sponsor a child from Guatemala. Her name is Josefina :)
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    OK. Here are the 10 things about me that make me unique. This was way harder than I thought it would be.

    1. I am a country girl. I love driving a tractor and hunting birds and BBQing and drinking beer and being outdoors and there is nothing I like better than a good-looking man on a tractor.
    2. I have lots of goats. One's name is PepperAnne, another's is "that stupid red goat", other's don't have names.
    3. I am too cheap to pay for TV. Although I recently bought a Netflix account for my grandson to use when he is here. Gotta watch Spongebob!
    4. I have 2 amazing kids, 1 wonderful husband, and the cutest grandson EVER!! Hence, I am Bucee's Nana
    5. I recently learned how to shoot a pistol and I liked it. I am getting my conceal/carry license soon.
    6. I met Max Stalling one Wednesday night (he was playing at The County Line), and the next morning I met Manu Ginobli at Best Buy. He was looking at phones.
    7. I was once on the front page of our local newspaper in my pajamas...and no there was no trailer park or UFO sighting involved.
    8. I have 3 brothers and a sister. I am the only one in my family with a masters degree...and don't tell my husband, but I want another one. ;) And although my siblings will tell you otherwise...I AM the Queen of the World!
    9. I get extremely aggravated with people who don't do the right thing. And I am not afraid to tell them about it.
    10. I have 12 pictures of snakes on the camera roll on my iPhone right now.

    oh and I thought of 1 more...I am a member of an award winning wild hog cook-off team.

    That is about it. I guess if you want to know more just ask.