Reboot boogaloo October - Open group

Good morning!

So thankful for the cooler weather (I know V, I'm sorry.). It's so nice out this morning!

I did not do the gorilla app yesterday. I was way to sore from the day before and from mowing the lawn. I have two nice blisters on my thumbs from mowing. All we had was Sponge Bob bandaids. I don't like Sponge Bob.
I am having a girls' lunch with my Aunt and two of my cousins. My aunt is coming from OK to visit her daughter, so me and another cousin from that side of the family are going to meet up with them. Even though my cousins and I live in the same metroplex, we are a good 20-40 miles from each other so we don't get together very often. It will be fun. I hope Steve can hold the fort down while I'm gone. I told him to walk the kids to the park and he said he's not brave enough to take her out by himself. :laugh: I am surprised I'm brave enough to leave him with them. :laugh:
Later is shopping with the tornado. She has to learn some time and the sooner the better. Just two places and not for long so hopefully she (and we) will survive. Alex is my mild child. Irina is my wild child. And they get along great. Go figure. I have figured out that I don't really like her yet. I don't hate her so obviously I love her, but that bond is not there yet. I don't think what I am feeling is unusual. I just wish it was different. What was interesting is that Alex's OT came to meet her last night and we found out that Irina has done quite a few of the same therapies that we used to do with Alex! So now we know a few things we can do with her that the OT says will calm her down.
Anyway, exercise for the day: shopping, maybe gorilla if I'm not hurting too bad. I'd better start getting ready to go.
Wild and mild boogaloo!


  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I adopted my youngest at 2.5 years old. She had/has (but it is resolving) an attachment disorder, and the "wild child" thing was serious!!! It was amazing! I tried to talk to someone else one day about two weeks in and she was literally climbing my head. It was absolutely exhausting! I loved her to pieces from long before she came, It was exhausting, anyway. Have a great day out with your aunt and cousins. I'll say a prayer for your husband and the girls!! :) And for your shopping trip!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    How in the holywhatsit is it October?

    Goals for this month: to schedule self-care alongside kicking butt at my academic work: at least two sessions a week. (hot baths, manis, days of beauty at home, social times with friends, etc.)

    To get in two sweaty workouts a week, and two yoga sessions a week, and stay as active as possible (walks, gorilla trainer etc.)

    To eat real food and hydrate.

    :noway:, October, boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,787 Member
    Don't have any specific goals for October. I'll have to think of some. We are on break between yoga sessions, and all I can think about is dessert.

    There's a pot luck after the evening session tonight. I don't think there will be dessert. Charlie bought some croissants and suggested we put chocolate inside them.

    Thinking about goals, boogaloo.
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Blarg! I'm still alive, really! My laptop not so much though. :frown:

    I haven't been spending much time at all online with the combo of getting settled in the new house and not having my laptop (I hate being tethered to a desk :grumble: ). I've gained a couple pounds, and been kinda teetering back and forth with eating well and exercising, but I'm slowing getting back on track.

    I should have my laptop back in a few weeks, so I'll be around again soon.

    Laptopless, boogaloo. :sad:
  • everytimeifeelthespirit
    bad week for poor food choices...beating myself up about it. wish I wouldn't. just tired of the fight I guess. keep looking forward.

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,787 Member
    Welcome back, LLP!

    Today is the final day of the workshop. So that's this morning. I need to make muffins and walk this afternoon. We are going to dinner tonight, so dessert will be eaten.

    Had a great potluck last night. Someone made a fruit pie that was awesome - just fruit and nuts. Will post the recipe when I get it. There was a lot of good, healthy food last night. Definite advantage to going to a yoga pot luck.

    Goal for October: just because it is October, doesn't mean my diet should change - ie: don't overload on sweets.

    Sticking with fruit pie, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yes, indeed, good to see you, LLP. . .how's the new house? Looking forward to you being laptopped again so you can join us more regularly.

    SJ, the motivation, it comes and goes. Be kind to yourself in all the other areas, and food gets easier. True story. :heart: Also, I'm sure the weather change might have something to do with it, as apparently, someone flipped the fall switch. I've been freezing since Friday.

    Mary, I'm jealous of the yoga potluck. Whenever I host a potluck, it turns into "emotional eating evening with friends". Have to work on that.

    Yesterday, I sent off my first job app. packet. Since this is the "apply for jobs as an experiment" year, it was strangely easy. In other news. . .I scheduled an appointment with a tattoo artist for a consult. I told myself when I was twenty that if I still wanted a tattoo with that design when I was forty, I would get one. The other day, while I was in savasana, I could actually see it on my arm. So, I guess that's happening.

    For today: it's "I'm at a health resort day": my waxing tech is coming at 10:30, I go to Zumba at noon, and then I'm going to see if I can get a manicure afterwards. I'm taking weekends off from writing now, and I have to say that this whole "weekend" thing is awesome! I do work (see "sent off job packet") above, but not on the dissertation. It feels very refreshing to have two days in a row that I just don't think about it, except to organize other things out of the way so that I can think more clearly about it.

    Hooray for weekends, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Not much time to post! Went to church this morning. Irina did pretty good and even stayed back in the Sunday school class for awhile. She missed me so she came back out to sit with me. She did good until we were leaving. I am thinking she really has a problem transitioning from one place to the next. Alex did that, even in the grocery store when we would go to a different aisle. So maybe I should try telling her in advance that we are about to go, like I used to do for him. Then we went out for lunch, came home, she melted down so I put her down for a nap. I need to get her up in a bit. While she was napping I got our school stuff set up for this week. I'm a little nervous about it but if she will let me help her and teach her I think she will have fun. Right now we're just focusing on reading books (obviously me to her), ABC's and numbers. I will throw in some things like cutting out shapes, lacing pieces of cardboard with string to work on her motor skills. We also have about 30-60 minutes of therapy to do a day. It's going to be busy busy around here. I don't think I will have time for work outs. Since the weather has cooled I will try to take them for walks often, and maybe even go out in the evenings by myself. I'm going to have to squeeze movement in somewhere. I do not want to gain the weight back.
    Suppose to go walk with a friend tonight. Had wheat at lunch. Oops. Completely forgot. Try again tomorrow.
    Fall is here boogaloo.
  • everytimeifeelthespirit
    thanks everyone for your encouragement. I so appreciate it.

    Today was a better day, not perfect but better and I am looking forward.

    Goals for this week
    1. Gym 3 times
    2. Walking at least 2.5 km each day (or stair climbing up to top floor of building if weather bad)
    3. Plan ahead for a couple of treats later in the week
    4. Work hard to measure everything I consume
    5. Avoid franken-foods filled with chemicals

    other than that, I have lots of cleaning to do, laundry, practicing and the like.

    Weighing in tomorrow...hope it's not a disaster, but if it is, I'll just keep looking forward.


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy Monday, pebbs!

    More rain today, ugh. I will try not to be too blarghed out by it. I'm looking at it as a perfect day to drinkntea and write. :wink: I'm quite sore in my back shoulders and neck from Zumba, but my lower body is OK. This goes to show how good walking is as exercise, especially as my usual neighborhood walking involves two gradually steep hills. I was walking with a friend once up the hill to my apartment and she said "oh, this is the secret to your great butt":wink: I had never thought of it, but it might partially contribute.

    Intentions of the day:
    Three writing sessions,
    Gorilla trainer on breaks in between
    Figuring out the procedure to get reimbursed (I had a grant) from my research trip.
    Possible shopping trip if I still feel like it after those things

    And, for a day after my first super crazy Zumba class since July, that's enough. I'm trying to be super aware of what my body is doing. My doctor warned me to "be careful and not push back to chronic fatigue", so I have to acknowledge (despite not wanting to) that I need to do that. Especially because it's also stressy times.

    Watch the body, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    V, good job on Zumba and listening to your body.
    Glad to hear you are pushing through SJ. Change will come, it may just take awhile.
    Mary and CP did you have a good weekend?
    Livi, good to hear from you again. I hope you are getting settled in your new home.

    I feel like I am trying to come down with something, like an upper respiratory infection. I hope it's just allergies. Have a lot of junk in my throat and chest. :frown:
    Today we start school. I hope I can keep Irina's attention span enough to teach her some things. Alex will be fine. He's just like that. But first I need to do some cleaning, laundry, and take Alex to tumbling class. Lord, help me! I hope Irina behaves herself. I need to take something for her to do while he's in class. I am still trying to figure out when to get work outs in. I should just get up earlier, but it's hard to get up without waking Steve and I don't feel like I am sleeping well as it is. I could work out in the evenings I think. I really want to start working out regularly again. The walk with my friend last night was so nice. We are going to try to do it more often.
    I'd better get breakfast made. I'm sure both kids will complain that they are having oatmeal this morning. :laugh:

    Yawning boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,787 Member
    Mornin' all.

    I'm jealous of your rain, V. We have a slight chance this weekend - even though I have a bike ride and an outdoor yoga festival, I would rather have the rain.
    Good luck on your first day of school, MM :wink:

    If anyone wants the recipe for the awesome, raw, fruit pie, message me. It's not low calorie, but it is completely whole food.

    My kitty goes to the vet today to have a tumor and her ear drum removed. I hope it all goes well - and hope that it makes her feel better. I also hope we have an easy time getting her in the carrier - she can be a challenge sometimes.

    I'm sore from all the backbends yesterday. My arms were fatigued so much, I had trouble in headstand. At least one person broke down into tears. That sometimes happens in yoga, especially in backbends. I hope she's doing better today.

    Today: teach yoga, take yoga, lunch - then hopefully pick up kitty. I want to get her room all clean while she's at the vet, so the dreaded vacuum doesn't stress her out more.

    Hope, boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,787 Member
    Had to take apart the bed to get the cat - hope the rest of the day goes better.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Had to take apart the bed to get the cat - hope the rest of the day goes better.

    woe to both you and kitty. After that, it can only get better. (?):wink:
  • everytimeifeelthespirit
    Ok day today, very grey outside, but I kinda like it. Felt weak, didn't walk much at all. Stayed on track foodwise, more or less. Finding that I am so very hungry sometimes and veggies and fruit don't help much at all. I need to figure this out.

    Weigh-in day, scale said I lost 3+ lbs. I'll take it. Woefully slow progress. 7.5 lbs in 8 weeks. oh well, tomorrow is another day.

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    SJ, that's almost a pound a week, which I know is not reality show good, but it is reality good. You have to remember that all of that walking is sending glycogen and water to your muscles to help heal them and make them stronger. This can translate to smaller loss numbers on the scale, but that loss is real, honest to god loss. Make sure you're measuring, and keeping in touch with other things, too like how you feel, how the clothes fit, all that other stuff, k.:heart:

    Mary, I want the awesome fruit pie recipe. I'm having trouble eating, so I need calorie dense food (the jealousy line forms to the right for my current problem. I'm just more stressed right now than I've ever been.)

    MM, I am praying that you are blessed with patience, endurance and grace today. (and you always have grace, even when you don't feel like you do, pebb.:wink: )

    Today is: meeting with my supervisor to pick up some recommendation letters,
    Hopefully walking (looks like rain again. . . And if I could send it south, I so would)
    Lunch with a friend
    Three writing sessions

    And, that's a plenty.

    Just keep swimming, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Mary, how's the kitty? I had to stop taking my cat in a carrier a long time ago. The last time she saw it (we weren't even putting her in it) she wigged out big time! Now I have to carry her and put a towel over her head so she can't see where we are going, until we get in the car. But I haven't had to take her to the vet in a long long time. She's only been in a car when we've moved.
    V, thanks. I certainly did not feel very gracious yesterday. Last night stunk in a super bad way.
    SJ, that's a great weight loss! Listen to V. The scale started going back up over the last few days, yet I can tell my waist line is going down. It's because of the increase in exercise. Give it time. It will balance out. Celebrate your loss! Slow loss stays off better than fast loss anyway.
    Steve and I have only maybe fought 3 times in the 8 years we've been married. And by fight I mean raising our voices and saying mean things just to hurt the other person. Last night was one of those nights. So I feel horrible from a crying/anger tantrum, like I have a hangover. Not that I know what that feels like but I'm sure it's something like this. I also did not sleep well due to a sinus/allergy cough that has developed.
    My goals today: survive horse therapy and school, try to love this child the Lord has given me, no matter how many times she hits scratches or spits on me today, and try to get 30 minutes of P90x in. I did 30-40 yesterday. I don't think I tried very hard though. I'm not sore today. We are suppose to have dinner with friends tonight, but the lady was in a head on car accident a few days ago. She's really sore, so I don't know if she's going to feel up to it.
    Good thing from yesterday was that I was so mad last night that I didn't even want to eat the dessert I had planned. :laugh:
    Be nice to one another boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,787 Member
    SJ - that's great loss, celebrate yourself!
    V- recipe sent
    MM - I would probably scratch and spit if someone took me away from my home - good luck to you.

    Kitty will be at the hospital until Wednesday at least. I think we weren't completely informed how major this surgery was. The cute news is she'll have a floppy ear. The not so cute news include many possibilities that I don't like. She'll also have a cone of shame for a few days (if you haven't seen "Up!", it is the collar that animals have to wear so they do not scratch their stitches). I'm going to visit her today. The good news is she's on morphine, so hopefully she'll be doped up enough to not care she's at the vet.

    My dad told me family pictures will be on Thanksgiving (we do a family picture every year, highly recommend). So now, I have a new date to focus on for weight loss. I've decided I'm going to try a little harder these next two months. My goal: to wake up hungry. Last night I did well. Rather than having dessert or extra lasagna, I had an apple. It's apple season, and they are wonderful.

    Bike ride this morning, yoga this afternoon.

    Family picture, boogaloo.
  • everytimeifeelthespirit
    Sleepy update.

    I was awake at 4 am so decided to get my day going early. Went for a 70 min 3.7 km walk as I watched the sun come up. When I came home I had a lovely nap, and I'm happy to say that I'm really tired now and hope to sleep well tonight. (I have sleep issues).

    it's a bit of a topsy-turvy thing for me, but I'm impressed that it worked out so well. Not sure if I will do it tomorrow, but it does seem like a good option for the next time I awaken early.

    Tomorrow is choir and new material to teach. I'm looking forward to it. We are performing at a unitarian church in November, we can sing virtually anything we want, doesn't have to be "sacred" at all. Sends my mind spinning. :)

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    SJ, I've worked out that way when my sleeping patterns are weird. I find it helps to calm down whatever's keeping me up.

    Pretty busy day today: yoga (foundations class) followed by walking around before a therapy session, then a tatt consult, then maybe meeting a friend to pick up a copy of a book. I'm hoping for another perfect weather day like yesterday, so I can walk.

    Other than that, it's finishing the intro on the nearly ready for editing first draft of the article (woo-hoo!) and figuring out the fieldwork grant I didn't have time to get to yesterday. Maybe.

    Keep moving and do what you can, boogaloo.:flowerforyou: