Skinny Dippers! (Closed Group)



  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 298 Member
    Just did these two in the library instead of studying haha, let me know what you think! I did them super quick. ALSO, let me know if I missed anyone or spelled any names wrong!

    1.) skinnydippers.jpg

    2.) skinnydippers2-1.jpg

    I hope this works, btw haha

    I like the second one! :)
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Yeah I like the second one better too, the first one ended up soooo choppy because my schools library only has paint and no other programs so I had to do editing the old fashioned way haha
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Hahaha I really was just trying different things out, I have them saved so I can always change the color of the names (currently white) and I figured we could all vote on a phrase if we wanted. It's up to everyone! I just like doing them haha
  • dancingnancies
    dancingnancies Posts: 255 Member
    Hi girls, sorry i haven't been posting much on the board. I had bronchitis and was out of service for 2 weeks. I couldn't breathe! So i didn't participate in the burpee challenge at all. I am so excited for the mile challenge this week. I am runner, so i better be able to do this (i haven't run in about a month).

    Smashlee so sorry to hear about your aunts' passings. how awful....

    Also Mar--i like the second one better. But they are both great! What an awesome talent you have.

    WE CAN DO THIS GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Becky :flowerforyou:
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    So I know that this weeks challenge isn't something that we have to update daily, but I'm going to bore you all with my progress anyways, lol. Yesterday was my 1st attempt at the challenge and my mile came in at 14:43, today I decided to push myself and I made the mile mark at 13:36! I am super happy with an improvement of 1 minute 7 seconds! I am actually a little surprised at the different muscles I am feeling today, as opposed to when I just walk, lol.
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    Just did these two in the library instead of studying haha, let me know what you think! I did them super quick. ALSO, let me know if I missed anyone or spelled any names wrong!

    1.) skinnydippers.jpg

    2.) skinnydippers2-1.jpg

    I hope this works, btw haha

    My vote is for the second one. :)
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    Just did these two in the library instead of studying haha, let me know what you think! I did them super quick. ALSO, let me know if I missed anyone or spelled any names wrong!

    1.) skinnydippers.jpg

    2.) skinnydippers2-1.jpg

    I hope this works, btw haha

    Love the second one! :)
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    So I know that this weeks challenge isn't something that we have to update daily, but I'm going to bore you all with my progress anyways, lol. Yesterday was my 1st attempt at the challenge and my mile came in at 14:43, today I decided to push myself and I made the mile mark at 13:36! I am super happy with an improvement of 1 minute 7 seconds! I am actually a little surprised at the different muscles I am feeling today, as opposed to when I just walk, lol.

    GREAT JOB!!! Keep at it! Oh and you are not boring me :)
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    I like the second best too!! Thanks for working on it :happy:
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 298 Member
    This week has been pretty crazy! I'm glad that we don't have a challenge that is a daily thing this time cause I would probably already be two days behind! The last two nights I was awake all night because I was doing a double at work one night and my friend was in the hospital having her baby (:D) the second night. So my eating and sleeping schedule is all screwed up and i've been eating too much one night and then barely anything the next, so hopefully they balance out? maybe? haha But hopefully I can get my schedule straightened out in the next day or two and get this weeks challenge done! :DD

    Skinniewannabe- thats an awesome improvement!!

    Everyone's doing so awesome! :D
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Hello all! So I was going to run a mile and time it and had it all mapped out but I got a little confused of where my mile marker was when I actually got to running, so I just went on. I ran about 2 and a half miles and it took me about 25 minutes so I guess my mile time is around 10 mins? Something like that? I'm going to try and go to a track so I can time my mile for real. My bf and I are also going to start INSANITY tomorrow so we will see how long we can stick to it ;)

    Maxie-- I think I like the idea of #2 best, is that the final product?

    The rest of you, good job! Keep up your pace and all your hard work! :)
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Nah, unless people wanted it to be. They're drafts, so anything can be changed. So far I've heard that the white is hard to see and I just put that quote in there as a sample. So if you guys wanted to decide on a quote for us, I would love to hear some ideas and we can get a vote going?? Anything you guys think needs to be changed is fine by me!!

    Is everyone for the color change of the center list of names from white? How about a darker shade of blue? Or do you want to do all the names the same color?
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    Nah, unless people wanted it to be. They're drafts, so anything can be changed. So far I've heard that the white is hard to see and I just put that quote in there as a sample. So if you guys wanted to decide on a quote for us, I would love to hear some ideas and we can get a vote going?? Anything you guys think needs to be changed is fine by me!!

    Is everyone for the color change of the center list of names from white? How about a darker shade of blue? Or do you want to do all the names the same color?

    I think the names all the same color would be good. I think the quote is fine (or at least true), but I've always feel inspired when I hear Jillian Michaels quote, "Why choose to fail when success is an option?" Just an idea!
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member

    I think the names all the same color would be good. I think the quote is fine (or at least true), but I've always feel inspired when I hear Jillian Michaels quote, "Why choose to fail when success is an option?" Just an idea!

    I think the names all one colour would look good. I also like skinniewannabe's quote. :)
  • Stampinda

    I think the names all the same color would be good. I think the quote is fine (or at least true), but I've always feel inspired when I hear Jillian Michaels quote, "Why choose to fail when success is an option?" Just an idea!

    I think the names all one colour would look good. I also like skinniewannabe's quote. :)

    This would get my vote! :)
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    Weird emotional reaction, Batman!

    I have been thinking about this week's challenge... I know I can do a mile...I have built up my strength and stamina over the past couple of months by starting my c25k and I have repeated weeks 1 & 2 a few times each just to get started. I admit to being absolutely intimidated by week 3. I weigh a lot ! How the hell can I run for 2 whole minutes??!! I already felt challenged running 1 min.. 1 1/2 min.. How can I possibly do 2 min let alone multiple 2 min??!!

    Well, tonite I got on the treadmill and I decided that I wanted to see what I could do. I managed to do 2 whole minutes!! I walked 2 minutes and then I did another 2 whole minutes! Holy cr*p! I managed to do this for 20 minutes and completed my mile. Yes, my calves burned and it got hard by the end when I was yelling ay myself to move my *ss... Just 45 more seconds... Just 15 more seconds.... When I was done, I continued walking for my hour total. During my walk, I started to cry. It is unfathomable that 90 days ago when I started this change that I would be running at all let alone for 2 whole minutes (in multiples!!).

    I am inspired by you all and grateful for this group's positivity and for the challenges that make me push myself to do things I didn't think I could. And yes, one day soon I will try a burpee.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Alright ladies!

    I had a fantastic workout tonight - first time in the gym in over a month. It's nice to be getting reacquainted. I did a 25 minute weight circuit and then hopped on the treadmill to try my hand at a timed mile... haven't run consistently since July so I didn't have very high hopes. I also forgot to wear my Nike+, so I'm going based on the treadmill, which I know puts me at a pace that is approximately 30 seconds slower than my Nike+. The reason for this (I did some research after wearing my + on the treadmill a few times and getting different results), is because the treadmill simply turns around, and around, and around. Once it reaches a mile in distance, that's when the runner hits a mile. It doesn't factor in your stride/pace!

    So, that being said, the treadmill advised that I ran my mile in 9:54!!! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO! Which means I ACTUALLY ran it in approximately 9:24! I'm super happy with myself. Granted I wanted to puke, since I hadn't run that fast in quite some time, but it felt SO fantastic to push myself and accomplish something.

    I'm so happy that everyone is doing so well, challenging themselves, setting goals, and making them reality. You ladies all ROCK! Happy hump day, and keep up the fantastic work.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Hi girls, sorry i haven't been posting much on the board. I had bronchitis and was out of service for 2 weeks. I couldn't breathe! So i didn't participate in the burpee challenge at all. I am so excited for the mile challenge this week. I am runner, so i better be able to do this (i haven't run in about a month).

    Smashlee so sorry to hear about your aunts' passings. how awful....

    Also Mar--i like the second one better. But they are both great! What an awesome talent you have.

    WE CAN DO THIS GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Becky :flowerforyou:

    Hope you are feeling better Becky!
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    Weird emotional reaction, Batman!

    I have been thinking about this week's challenge... I know I can do a mile...I have built up my strength and stamina over the past couple of months by starting my c25k and I have repeated weeks 1 & 2 a few times each just to get started. I admit to being absolutely intimidated by week 3. I weigh a lot ! How the hell can I run for 2 whole minutes??!! I already felt challenged running 1 min.. 1 1/2 min.. How can I possibly do 2 min let alone multiple 2 min??!!

    Well, tonite I got on the treadmill and I decided that I wanted to see what I could do. I managed to do 2 whole minutes!! I walked 2 minutes and then I did another 2 whole minutes! Holy cr*p! I managed to do this for 20 minutes and completed my mile. Yes, my calves burned and it got hard by the end when I was yelling ay myself to move my *ss... Just 45 more seconds... Just 15 more seconds.... When I was done, I continued walking for my hour total. During my walk, I started to cry. It is unfathomable that 90 days ago when I started this change that I would be running at all let alone for 2 whole minutes (in multiples!!).

    I am inspired by you all and grateful for this group's positivity and for the challenges that make me push myself to do things I didn't think I could. And yes, one day soon I will try a burpee.

    That is so awesome!! I hear ya on the burpees, I looked at the video and thought "no thanks", lol!
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    Alright ladies!

    I had a fantastic workout tonight - first time in the gym in over a month. It's nice to be getting reacquainted. I did a 25 minute weight circuit and then hopped on the treadmill to try my hand at a timed mile... haven't run consistently since July so I didn't have very high hopes. I also forgot to wear my Nike+, so I'm going based on the treadmill, which I know puts me at a pace that is approximately 30 seconds slower than my Nike+. The reason for this (I did some research after wearing my + on the treadmill a few times and getting different results), is because the treadmill simply turns around, and around, and around. Once it reaches a mile in distance, that's when the runner hits a mile. It doesn't factor in your stride/pace!

    So, that being said, the treadmill advised that I ran my mile in 9:54!!! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO! Which means I ACTUALLY ran it in approximately 9:24! I'm super happy with myself. Granted I wanted to puke, since I hadn't run that fast in quite some time, but it felt SO fantastic to push myself and accomplish something.

    I'm so happy that everyone is doing so well, challenging themselves, setting goals, and making them reality. You ladies all ROCK! Happy hump day, and keep up the fantastic work.

    Wow! That's fantastic!