Oct. Challenge Week 1 Open!



  • babycinders
    babycinders Posts: 8 Member
    Kinda in a bummed mood right now. I went through the closet and decided to try on some clothes I haven't worn in over a year. Still not quite there yet. I was able to get them on but didn't look right at all...still some lumps and bumps that just didn't make them look flattering. I know it's going to take time but still just looking at myself in them kinda put me down. I guess a way to stay positive about it is that when I do finally reach my goal I won't have to go and buy a whole new wardrobe.
  • Pam37841
    Pam37841 Posts: 286
    Kinda in a bummed mood right now. I went through the closet and decided to try on some clothes I haven't worn in over a year. Still not quite there yet. I was able to get them on but didn't look right at all...still some lumps and bumps that just didn't make them look flattering. I know it's going to take time but still just looking at myself in them kinda put me down. I guess a way to stay positive about it is that when I do finally reach my goal I won't have to go and buy a whole new wardrobe.

    Not having to buy new stuff is a plus! But you will still want to once you get to your goal. It is part of the reward for working so hard! I have stuff I have saved too and the one thing I am doing this time is every time I drop a size I am getting rid of the bigger stuff. That way I don't have my fat wardrobe to fall back on. :bigsmile:
  • Pam37841
    Pam37841 Posts: 286
    I don't think I ever stated this, but my "getting out of my comfort zone" has been to wear makeup to work. I never really wear makeup and don't even know how to make it look good, but I am going to wear it every day this week. I always worried that I would either do it really badly and look like I put it on in the dark or put it on too heavy and look like a hooker. But I have gotten compliments that I look pretty and more awake. I guess that is good but it is a hard subject for me. My husband always encourages me to wear makeup and that makes me feel like he thinks i am ugly and need to wear it so I can look hot and hearing compliments from other people makes me think a bit that maybe they feel the same way. So it is still uncomfortable for me but I am going to stick with it.

    Great job! Maybe you could go to a Mary K party or a store that does makeup. They could show you how to wear it to bring out you good features. I would guess you are doing fine on your own since you are getting complements. :happy:
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    today will be my new "comfort zone challenge" i am going to wear an animal print for picture day at my school.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    As much as I want those chocolate kisses, that someone else brought in, I want to fit into my jeans more.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I don't think I ever stated this, but my "getting out of my comfort zone" has been to wear makeup to work. I never really wear makeup and don't even know how to make it look good, but I am going to wear it every day this week. I always worried that I would either do it really badly and look like I put it on in the dark or put it on too heavy and look like a hooker. But I have gotten compliments that I look pretty and more awake. I guess that is good but it is a hard subject for me. My husband always encourages me to wear makeup and that makes me feel like he thinks i am ugly and need to wear it so I can look hot and hearing compliments from other people makes me think a bit that maybe they feel the same way. So it is still uncomfortable for me but I am going to stick with it.

    Make-up is used to enhance your natural beauty. which means you are beautiful to begin with. I know when I wear make-up which isn't often, I feel more confident and that is what people see, the confidence.
  • hello my name is sheena. im just joined mfp so in sure im late on this challenge? but would love to try
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    Okay, so here is where I am at so far this week with the challenge....
    I've got in an hour and a half of cardio. (Ran in a 5k, Did the curves circuit, and I did a cardio class at my curves)
    I haven't logged the best, Yesterday I logged EVERYTHING, and today as well... I have been drinking my water (and then some on most days haha)
    I got 'out of my comfort zone' by running my first ever 5k race, and attending a cardio class at my curves for the first time. I also wore a new (tightly fitted) shirt to work I haven't worn before.
    As for refraining from my weakness, I have a sugar problem a mile wide. Sugar, candy and chocolate are my Achilles Heel if you will... I had some chocolate ice cream on Tuesday. I broke. I had to have it. :( Sad to say, but it is true. So, last night was the first night of NO MORE EATING AFTER 8PM for me. That is when I always snack on my 'junk'.. so, I am hoping no snacking that late will help keep me in control. Can't wait to weigh in tomorrow, I think I'll have a loss.
    Have a great day ladies! Weigh in tomorrow, make today COUNT!! :)
  • amitcham4
    amitcham4 Posts: 14 Member
    Good morning, all! I can't believe how much doing this challenge has already helped me focus. I have been drinking my 8-10 cups of water each day--probably for the first time in my life. Which means I have kicked my 6 diet sodas a day habit!! Woo hoo!

    Getting out of my comfort zone and attending a group exercise class for the first time in 5 years today, have a friend going with me so I won't talk myself out of it.

    Thanks everyone for your posts I am so encouraged!
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    yesterday, I was over calories - my son was hospitalized and McDonald's was the closest restaurant. I will deduct those calories from today; so that I am again in balance. I did manage to get in the appropriate amount of water and exercise.

    Keep posting on your comfort zones challenges; it keeps me motivated. You are all so special and have such unique gifts and approaches to this challenge.
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    I just planned out all my meals for next week, starting with tomorrow!! I think I will do this for the next month, and see how it suits me. One thing for sure... I know exactly how much produce to buy when I get my groceries tonight; so I shouldn't have any waste... And I know roughly how many cals I need to burn per day. This experiment interests me. :)
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I do this each week. It makes shopping so much easier. I was probably wasting $50-100 worth of produce every month. The only thing that gets wasted now are left-overs that we don't have time to eat. I type up a weekly menu on Sunday night. This gets posted on the fridge so I remember exactly what we are going to have that night. I will often switch the menu around for the week but all of the items get cooked. Good luck with it. It saves tons of money especially since produce is so expensive to begin with.
  • sanifr
    sanifr Posts: 41 Member
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    The spreadsheet seems to be working now..
    Thanks for all you have been doing Jenn!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Might want to make a duplicate spreadsheet in case someone wipes it out again.

    I agree thanks Jenn for doing this!
  • dkb228
    dkb228 Posts: 73 Member
    Ok, guys... I have to admit... I gave into my vice today and had Starbucks this morning. BUT, it was soooo a latte kind of morning. I was up super late studying for 2 tests (in my hardest subjects no less) and woke up late so I didn't have time to make tea at home. So pumpkin spice latte it was. Lol. But I did get a smaller size than I used to and also got it skim/no whipped cream. And I have to say the caffeine boost was much appreciated. Hope everyone else is doing better! Haha.
  • I haven't done to well at keeping away from my vice - I think the problem is that I have too many, and I didn't really chose which one I wanted to focus on. Pathetic, I know.

    I did step out o my comfort zone, and gave a presentation to the whole dept. No real choice really, myboss just assumed I would do it. I did badly, and forgot half of what I wanted to say, but I didn't stammer or blush too much. It helped that I knew I looked OK, that was one less thing to worry about.

    If I haven't logged things it's been because I've forgotten them, not deliberate.

    Anyway, weigh in today, and I stayed the same. 3rd week in a row. Bah.

    Week 2 is your week. I know you can own it!
  • Good morning, all! I can't believe how much doing this challenge has already helped me focus. I have been drinking my 8-10 cups of water each day--probably for the first time in my life. Which means I have kicked my 6 diet sodas a day habit!! Woo hoo!

    Getting out of my comfort zone and attending a group exercise class for the first time in 5 years today, have a friend going with me so I won't talk myself out of it.

    Thanks everyone for your posts I am so encouraged!

    Congrats on kicking the cokes! YAY! And good job getting out there.
  • WELCOME SHEENA. ITs all month long so 3 weeks left to work it.
  • I don't think I ever stated this, but my "getting out of my comfort zone" has been to wear makeup to work. I never really wear makeup and don't even know how to make it look good, but I am going to wear it every day this week. I always worried that I would either do it really badly and look like I put it on in the dark or put it on too heavy and look like a hooker. But I have gotten compliments that I look pretty and more awake. I guess that is good but it is a hard subject for me. My husband always encourages me to wear makeup and that makes me feel like he thinks i am ugly and need to wear it so I can look hot and hearing compliments from other people makes me think a bit that maybe they feel the same way. So it is still uncomfortable for me but I am going to stick with it.

    Make-up is used to enhance your natural beauty. which means you are beautiful to begin with. I know when I wear make-up which isn't often, I feel more confident and that is what people see, the confidence.

    First, your husband, like every married person, could have gona after someone else. He went for you, so he knows you're good looking. Second, the compliments just come from seeing someone put extra effort into their appearance. If you wore no make-up, but dressed snappier instead, you'd be getting the same compliments. Your MFP fam loves your girlie.
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