
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hi Again!

    Well, I headed out to the grocery to re-stock the frig and pantry here and drove through McDonalds, something I usually never do. I decided that the Angus Burger without cheese and Mayo and only half of the bun, couldn't be too bad. WELL .... it is 600 calories!!!!!!!!:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Wow...I wish that I had looked at the nutritional info first. I would never have guessed it was so high. Also, the sodium content was VERY high. So much for a good choice! I will be out for a longer, faster walk in just a bit! No wonder eating out is so bad.:noway:

    Late night eating: It is a tough thing. The grapes or cheeries sound like a good choice. I think the idea of deciding AHEAD of time what to have is the very best idea. Otherwise, I do the same thing...just grab a little of this and a little of that. It un-does all the good choices made all day long! Another thing that works for me is to make a cup of nice herbal hot tea...I like The Wild Sweet Orange by Tazo. That is my signal that dinner is over and so is my eating for the day. It works most of the time!

    Sissy: I think the dress sounds lovely. Most important is that you feel good in it. I often get nervous as an important event draws closer and do the "nervous eating" thing. You are smart to "fess up" and face the issue head on like you are. Good luck! I know you can do it:drinker:

    Didn't mean to linger so long...trying to get the energy to get out the door! Take care everyone. Bye again, Kackie:heart:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    53 here. I guess outside of calorie counting and just getting myself to move daily, I need to figure out some strength training. So far I haven't done any of that because honestly, I dread being sore. I just recently got past a really long bout of really bad arthritis and practically lived on pain pills. Finally after a year and lots of testing for RA and lupus, stuff like that, I figured out, on my own, that it was a gluten sensitivity. Now I'm pain free and I'm enjoying it. I really don't want to go back to hurting. So I've been avoiding lifting those weights. I don't know what to do with them, anyway.

    You don't have to use weight to strength train. Try resistance bands. You can start off very light and increase resistance as you gain muscle. Then maybe you'll be ready for some weights, maybe not. Either way you will have improved your muscled tone. Hope that helps!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!Just a quick post.Everyone enjoy your wed.Son turns 26 today!
    MRI is scheduled for fri.YEAH!Finally.This will be my6th MRI in the last 15 years.
    Welcome any new people.
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Wow, miss a day and there's tons of reading, lol. I did read the posts but don't really have time to respond though I'd love to. School has ramped up and my eee pad came in so need to learn than before my next class so I can take notes on it.

    Hugs to the moms missing their kiddos on holidays and birthdays.

    Hello to the newer-faces-than-mine.

    Bummer on pain, but great on working through pain.

    Bummer on not being able to hike - maybe if we knew why that was a limitations we could offer better advice.

    I find that my planned night time snack actually helps me instead of making me eat more. It makes it easier during the day to say "no" to a sweet or whatever if know I get to have one later in the day. It doesn't seem to trigger the need to have more.

    I was so proud of myself today, I fixed the spin bike chain. :drinker: (we need a high five smiley). But then 34 minutes into using it the thing came off again. :sad: . Not sure where to go from here. I'm avoiding too much walking until I lose about 10 or 20 more pounds. Vegas pretty much only has concrete to walk on, no nice dirt or padded trails. I know walking is low impact, but spinning and elliptical are no impact. I want my joints and various body parts stronger before I start putting a lot of wear on them.

    Okay, need to finish this huge salad, make some phone calls, and get some studying done.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    My monthly posting of the birthday list has arrived! Please send me a message if you want added to the list.

    50+ thread Birthdays
    5 – csally01
    6 – barmbord
    13 - Qpeace
    17 – grabbit97
    25 – zuback55
    28 - genealace
    29 - ritamerlot

    2 – doobiedoo
    7 – 2youngatheart
    7 - jeqrosen
    15 - anotheryearolder
    ? - SuzyQ

    1 – auntiebk
    3 - arborsong
    4 - heartrw
    6 – jeanne3651
    7 - DebKRN
    8 – pmjsmom
    12 – glendaaus
    14 – cj1234cj23
    15 – joylaut
    20 - spaniel60
    21 – cjwil01
    25 – barbiecat
    30 – BirdieM
    31 – wizzywig

    4 – Lyn54
    4 - frogmama
    8 – grandee47
    11 – smelliott
    11 – kel7298
    14 - ildi59
    22 – sceck

    2 – gracete
    2 – janemartin02
    4 – chicletgirl21
    5 – Debma1010
    6 - smwert
    13 – lovediets
    13 - jberberian
    20 – mimi7grands
    23 - debieanne
    25 – jam0525
    25 – wehavethestars
    25 - sissygok
    26 – vickim26
    27 - rjadams
    30 – msh0530

    3 - eotrg
    4 - Caminogirl
    4 - Shirley61
    12 – Ldspill
    13- tiarapants
    23 - goldwingrider
    27 - Donna56
    30 - RebelRenny

    3 - Iojoi
    7 – Lindaj07
    8 – BarbieCat1
    20 - TeresaSavage
    27 - mynyddisamrs

    7 - MacMadame
    18 – bkrbabe57
    24 – cherubcrnp
    27 - corqueen

    2 – Laura80111
    14 – ItsTerriC
    22 - gloriaandison

    3 – shiddelson
    8 - djdreger
    15 – Jolandolfo
    21 - peepocheck
    23 – rjnandjosh

    11 – kackie
    19 - Benson
    30 - SallyCC

    6 – cucoyannie
    24 – frogmama
    30 – caharleygirl
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    I have 15 days until we leave home and I have to get with the program and right this wrong so I can wear that beautiful dress..I just love this dress and I am determined that I am wearing it...I've written down my food for today and told my husband we are not buying anymore of those evil little chocolate goodies. Please think about my struggle today as I stop in the store for milk. ..LOL..xoSissy

    :smile: Hey Sissy, where are you going on your cruise? My Hubby and I leave on the 24th for the Bahamas.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    It's been a good day today. I got a lot done around the house. I didn't get to the gym. My goal is 5 days a week so I know I can get my five days in before next Tuesday but it felt really weird not to go today. I was waiting for a computer guy to come and it turned out that he couldn't get here today after all!

    Kackie….I understand the frustration with restaurant choices. I wish I had a phone so that I could look up the nutritional info when I am at the restaurant.
    Laurel…good luck with getting ready for the cruise. You have a great attitude….just keep thinking of that dress!

    Have a good night,
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    It's Tuesday. Did an hour of a step DVD, tomorrow I'll take the deep water aerobics. Just for good measure, I'm going to make sure the gal got my money for the swimsuit.

    Have a MD appt (routine stuff) then going to play mahjongg. Tonight we're going to go play Mexican Train Dominoes. I've already made something to take with me. These bacon chive stuffed mushrooms, only 55 calories each.

    We went to Mexican Train Dominoes last night. Before we left, I had some cream of cauliflower soup with spaghetti squash and an apple. By the time I got there, I wasn't really hungry at all. Had a few of the mushrooms that I'd brought, 2 ginger snap cookies (they're from a box, I was surprised how hard they were, the ones I make are much softer), some celery, and a SMALL amount of this spinach dip. Didn't care one bit for any of the desserts. I was one of the big winners -- won a whole $12. Today (Wed) is the senior bowl.

    First, tho, I'm going to go to the deep water aerobics, then stop at one food store on my way home and then pick up a prescription for Vince. Oh, he goes for arthroscopic surgery on his knee Nov. 4 for a torn miniscus. After the senior bowl, I'm going to stop at WalMart since I really need this plastic wrap. I like the stuff they sell, it's microwaveable and not very expensive. There are a few other things I'll probably pick up, too.

    barbie - are those M&M's on your graphic on the first page? You KNOW that they're a fav. of mine -- gotta support the company that gives Vince his pension! Thank you for setting up this thread

    I got this "Ripped in 90" that was advertised in Fitness magazine as just as good as the other 90 day series but a lot cheaper. I'm going to try the "total body" DVD tomorrow so we shall see. Wonder how long it is? The series was only $20, so we shall see. I figure I wasn't losing a lot of money if I don't like it. A while ago I took a step DVD to "Play It Again Sports", I didn't realize that you could put things on cosignment so I put that on it. However, two times I went in there, two times I didn't see the DVD. I asked about it and I'm suspecting that maybe I got just any old answer. If it doesn't sell, I'll just sell it to them. They'll buy it for $3, if it's on consignment I'll get $5. Not like I'm losing a lot.

    At Mexican Train Dominoes a lady invited me to a jewelry party. Not that I'm crazy about going. But they do say that they'll buy gold and silver jewelry. I have this silver necklace/bracelet that I really don't wear so if I can find it, maybe I'll take it to sell. Hopefully, they'll have the stacking rings that I want. If not, I have a diamond necklace on consignment, if it sells by Christmas, maybe I can apply that money towards rings that I know they have that I like.

    Cathy - oh, any root canal is no fun, and especially it being emergency.

    benji49 - I totally understand where you are at. How I wish Bryan was at least on the same continent as me! The first year he wasn't here for Christmas (a biggie for us), do you know that I set a place for him at the table without even realizing it?

    GrannyKathy - your graddaughter looks so adorable!!!!! Welcome to a great group of ladies.

    Natalie - I don't think bologna and mayo sounds awful. That's the way I eat bologna (when I eat it, it's been a long time since I've had any)

    jane - I thought walking in the shallow end might put added pressure on your back, but you never know which is why I asked!

    Lucie - welcome. Keep posting so we can get to know you better (plus, when you're posting you're not eating....lol, except in my case)

    Robin - congrats on the great loss!

    maxy - would you do me a favor, please. Ask your friend who grows okra if it gets gelenatous if you buy frozen okra, let it thaw and eat it that way?

    genealace - I swear, reading your post sounds EXACTLY like me. Wanting to eat, especially at night, when I have extra calories. Liking to eat at night and trying to break myself of that.

    Sissy - I hear ya about the candy. But, of course, I wouldn't be satisfied with just Russel Stover, it would have to be Dove or Ethel M. What I do is I keep some snacks in my pocketbook. Like the other day I was at the food store and got hungry, so I pulled out this fruit strip (50 calories), that was enough to fill me up at least until I got home to something better.

    Today I went food shopping to get some things we needed. They also had candy on sale and I had a coupon. You could get 3 Musketeers, Milky Way or Snickers. Since I was going to donate the candy, I chose the Snickers. I've learned the hard way not to have something in the house that I like.

    Faye - one year I gave up white flour for Lent. At first, it was hard; I'll admit it. But after a few weeks, I got to the point where I actually preferred to have whole grains. It seems that the biggest problem is that most places (restaurants) serve rolls made of white flour. But now I can "just say no"

    gerink - I like to snack late at night, too; especially when I'm watching TV. Sometimes I have a bowl of air popped popcorn (the advantage is that the popcorn makes you want to drink water and thus fills you up), sometimes I have a piece of fruit. I sympathize with you. Sometimes I admit that I do splurge, but I'm really trying to make that happen less and less. Another thing I've done is make a big salad, have some with dinner and the rest during the evening. For me, it helps to log my food BEFORE I eat it. There have been times when I've seen that I would have gone over on my calories so I opted for something else.

    graysgirl - what is the reason you had to give up hiking? If it's the impact, swimming or a stationary bike or even the elliptical is little to no impact.

    Happy day to all the birthday people this month

    kacki - regarding your trip to McD's -- we live and learn and die a fool! Now you know what not to order!

    Here's wishing a great evening to everyone

  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Hi everyone

    I hope I can join this group... I only joined MFP last week and am looking for some friends and support of similar age to me and found this group while searching..... not sure how I go about joining?? Do I need to add a friend somehow?

    I am 51 and have been overweight since early 30's .... still blaming my weight on my 2 pregnancies.... but my sons are now 18 and 20! .... so time to take a bit of responsibility I think.

    I am from Australia and my stats are in metric but I am starting to get the hang of the pounds thing .... I have 45lb to loose .... which sounds soooo much more than 20 kgs!

    My goals for October are to get below 80kg and to start walking regularly.

    Hoping to hear from other 50+ women to help in this journey.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    Hi everyone

    I hope I can join this group... I only joined MFP last week and am looking for some friends and support of similar age to me and found this group while searching..... not sure how I go about joining?? Do I need to add a friend somehow?


    Welcome Lisa, you joined by posting on the thread........:bigsmile: this is a great group of women who provide support and encouragement.:bigsmile: I hope we'll hear from you often.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Yesterday I sent DH to Costco to buy cheese to take in the cooler for our trip......I thought they had string cheese and I asked him to get some. He came home with one of those giant jars of fancy whole cashews. They are like dope to me. I can't keep my hands off of them . I told him he'd done a bad thing and he said "yes, I know, and had another handful of cashews.:laugh: :laugh: they'll be gone by the end of the weekend and I'll make sure they never come into my house again:laugh:
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Yesterday was so busy deep cleaning the house washing windows ,mopping,putting away all summer stuff.
    Today was long 13 hours at work. Only had the energy for 15 minutes of walking. And a few weights for the arms.
    I,m smiling at sissygok evil candy. Mine is fresh candy corn. I just stay out of the holloween section.

    Gerink -I keep frozen grapes in the freezer all the time

    Welcome to all the newcomers

    Congrats to all who have lost
    And to all who keep at.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: I've finally read all the posts ! We are a chatty lot :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Had my check up at the dentist yesterday, and thankfully everything is okay. Been told I need to floss more though.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the newcomers, we seem to have quite a few new faces this month.

    :flowerforyou: Lisa I too blamed being overweight on my pregnancies, I never had a problem with my weight before then :laugh: My two are now 30 and 26. Like you - time to take some responsibility.

    :frown: My poor mum went to the doctors yesterday, I think I've mentioned she is very overweight and has problems with her knees and ankles. She also suffers from water retention. The dr has given her some water tablets and told her to try and lose weight as it is not helping her. It's a pity she hasn't access to a computer or I'd advise her to join MFP. I want to encourage her to lose weight, and I do mention sometimes when we go shopping together that what she is putting in her trolley has nutritious value and are full of empty calories. (sometimes she'll put it back on the shelf, other times she'll keep it in her trolley!) I've also encouraged her to choose health choices, and so as not to deprive herself to buy "treats" with say 100 calories rather than the ones with 180+ (You see I know the theory but can't put it into practice for myeself :ohwell: :ohwell: ) Not sure what else I can do.

    :noway: Well it's gone 8:00 a.m. better make a move, I've got a busy day planned. I've been sat at the computer since 6:40 a.m. with only a quick get up for breakfast - why doesn't time go so fast when you are working ????

    :flowerforyou: to all my mfp friends

    Viv x
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome Graysgirl and Lisa - yes anyone can join and you will get lots of support. Come back and report often (says she who was MIA most of September). You'll soon get used to everyone and often newcomers come up with some great suggestion that others have never thought of.

    Grapes in the freezer - I never thought of that. I have a few left over and can throw them in the freezer before I leave for the weekend, then they'll be waiting for when I get back.

    My instructor told us last week that if you lose 10 lbs that is equivalent to taking 40lbs of pressure off your knees. Perhaps if your mum can lose even 1 lb that is 4lbs of pressure. Can you help her have a goal to lose 1lb then really encourage her. Then the next goal is 1lb. I liked to explain that if you say you have to lose 5lbs that is like one of those big bags of potatoes and it seems totally impossible, but 1 lb is just one of those blocks of butter. Much more realistic. That is the only way I can think of it - thinking that I need to lose 50lbs is a mountain that I don't even want to step on, let alone climb. But a large potato, or a container of margarine or a jar of jam - wow, that is achievable.

    OK - enough from me for this morning - I'm off to do a ton of chores before I go away this weekend and I have house guests this evening, but they promised to leave early in the morning to drive home to New Brunswick.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, All!

    Lisa: Welcome. You will fit in nicely here...we all have similar stories of how we got "here", and are working hard to help each other! Good luck on this journey:drinker:

    Joyce: I never thought about freezing grapes either, but I will try it. Sounds like a nice treat.

    Barbie: Don't you love it when DH brings something like that home? You both have done so well supporting each other though. I think a time or 2 is ok!

    Well...I got on my scale here this morning. :grumble: As I feared, it is UP since my MT time. I will wait a few days before I change my ticker so that my sodium intake over the past couple of days has a chance to even out. I have to get a new scale in MT when I head out next. I do not like the scale and part of this journey for me is MAKING myself get on it regularly so that I stay accountable. So I am patting myself on the back for at least facing the number today...and not waiting another week or 2 or more:ohwell:

    Everyone have a great day. I am off to lace up my shoes for a nice walk. Take care, Kackie:heart:
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Good Morning lovely ladies,
    Our house is peaceful and quiet this morning, hubby had to have lab work done today so he was up and out very early. I am not home alone very often and really enjoy the feeling and having the house to myself at times.

    I stayed true to my food plan yesterday, went to the gym and and went to the store and did not cave into buying one of those evil chocolate pumpkins.....YES!

    Laurelfisher, we leave from the port of Los Angeles on 10/22 on the Sapphire Princess and go to 4 ports in Hawaii, then American Samoa and Western Samoa then on to my most favorite place on earth, Bora Bora, Moorea and Papeete before cruising back to Los Angeles, the cruise is 28 days. Staying in CA at our daughter's for Thanksgiving after the cruise and then back home and 17 days later leaving for a 10 day cruise in the Caribbean over Christmas with our niece and her husband for her 50th birthday. We are very excited and can't wait for this cruise because we are meeting several good friends on the ship who we have cruised with before. I love that precruise excitement!

    Today I have a lot of little odds and ends to take care of here at home and tomorrow is our gym day. I know that I only have 4 more gym days until we leave so have been stepping it up and boy am I sore. Haven't had the courage to step on the scale since my chocolate candy binge but will probably do that on Saturday...fingers crossed and hoping here.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Good morning ladies! I had a fabulous night and am feeling very good about myself. I managed a 4 mile walk last night with hubby - we walked our usual 55 mins but added .5 mile to the total simply because it was raining. Getting wetter by the moment is so motivational :laugh:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    On freezing grapes: I know a lot of people who do it. Personally, I don't like them as well that way, but it is better than having them go bad. But - for those of you who have grandchildren and little ones about - PLEASE BE AWARE that frozen grapes are even easier to choke on than non frozen ones, so please at least be in the room with little ones who are eating them. I have seen young children choking on them, and it scares me.

    I have soup in the crockpot for dinner tonight. It seemed like a lot of work this morning, but I know that I will be thrilled with it when I get home. Then it will be off to band rehearsal, and packing for my retreat when I get home late tonight. I will try to check in tomorrow morning, but then you may not hear from me until Monday. Have an awesome Thursday, each and every one of you lovely friends!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Back again - I forgot to tell you what I learned to do yesterday. One of my young friends taught me! I needed to make motel reservations in the Dallas/Fort Worth area for Thanksgiving, as we are going to see my daughter. I have been concerned about coming up with the money for 4 nights of lodging on top of the gas to get down there. Anyway, my friend taught me to use Hotwire and Priceline, and I managed to book a Howard Johnson's Express for $35/night on Priceline! I then called the motel to check on arrangements, and found that I have a nonsmoking room with a king-size bed! Just what I wanted. The added bonus is that it is only 8.6 miles from my daughter's apartment, so I won't have to spend a lot of extra gas money going to get her before we go to spend the day at my brother-in-law's home! I think that I will try to make all of my reservations this way from now on. The La Quinta where we usually stay when we go down there would have been $81/night.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Morning all, a beautiful fall day here. So enjoying our beautiful trees. Feeling much better today, and busy outside in the barns and gardens. My sister and I are planning a new display for out little country church. We have been doing planters and pots for the flowers until we can prune and move the shrubs and establish some new plantings. Next week the pruning and moving begins in ernest

    I have been canning everthing in sight and am still at it. Yesterday was tomatoes for soup, plums, and pickled beets. Today is squash for the freezer. I have never canned squash, anyone ever done that? Wonder how it would come out? Dreaded pressure canner would be necessay I am sure.

    I will be away for work all weekend so will not check in until Monday.

    How blessed I am to have such an active and full life. :heart: Alice
  • ritamerlot
    ritamerlot Posts: 44 Member
    i'm baaaaaack!
