Motivated Mamma's Week 3 (Closed Group)



  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Ok girls. It's Thanksgiving weekend (I'm Canadian) and I am in for some siginfcant temptation. My boss is taking us out for lunch today, I've got at least one large dinner over the weekend. TOM is due momentarily, I've got a massive headache, I'm exhausted, I'm bloated and feel discouraged. Words of wisdom/advice/inspiration would be very much so appreciated.

    By the way: in the spirit of the holiday, please know that I am uber-grateful for all of you and this group! :flowerforyou:

    PS: I just went through the database and planned my lunch meal to make sure I stick to my calorie goal. Now I just have to avoid all the appies that are usually ordered and skip dessert! argh! so hard to do when feeling discouraged...

    You are awesome! The holidays are a hard time to stick to it, but I am sure you will be great! I have been trying to plan my strategies for the holidays for awhile. Like everyone says, keep with small portions and you will be ok. As for feeling discouraged, tired, bloated and so on, I totally understand. TOM came today for me too and all I have wanted to do it sleep. I have found though that if I get in a good cardio workout during TOM most of the symptoms go away and I almost feel like myself.
    Keep up the great work! You've got this!!! :happy:
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Hey would it be okay if I was to copy the weekly challenges into a word google doc to share with everyone? I can get google docs on my phone you see so can check it easier.. is that alright?
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Ok girls. It's Thanksgiving weekend (I'm Canadian) and I am in for some siginfcant temptation. My boss is taking us out for lunch today, I've got at least one large dinner over the weekend. TOM is due momentarily, I've got a massive headache, I'm exhausted, I'm bloated and feel discouraged. Words of wisdom/advice/inspiration would be very much so appreciated.

    By the way: in the spirit of the holiday, please know that I am uber-grateful for all of you and this group! :flowerforyou:

    PS: I just went through the database and planned my lunch meal to make sure I stick to my calorie goal. Now I just have to avoid all the appies that are usually ordered and skip dessert! argh! so hard to do when feeling discouraged...

    I guess I've never spent too much time looking over people's profiles, cause when I checked yours out to see where you were from, found out that we live in the same city!! Funny, who knew?? Happy thanksgiving! I know how you feel, I have two turkey dinners this weekend. Hopefully all the work I put in helping get things ready will burn at least a little bit of it!
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    I want to peek SOOOOOOO bad! I haven't gone this long without looking at the scale in a very long time! LOL! I can do it, I can do it! I just need to keep telling myself that! LOL

    I was feeling that way this morning! I really wanted to hop on the scale. :-) We can resist!

    On another note, I apologize for being MIA the past couple days. It's getting to report card time and I am so busy and TIRED! I will update my points and stuff, but so far this week has ben going really well!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Sorry I have been MIA but the Ski Area has decided to open this weekend, we have never opened this early but we got a huge snow storm. I have been working 10hr days to get ready for it. My next day off will be Monday so honestly I may not be on here to much until then, it has been a rough week, with Harper in daycare and working long hours, I have found no time for myself at all! I will adjust I know but this has put me totally off. All of you are doing awesome!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    YIKES! I realized I forgot to post Thurs.... baaaaad girl... hope everyone is doing well! Here's my Thurs. & Fri.:

    TH. 10/6 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)
    CARDIO: - 7 Points Total
    Part 1- (1/3) DANCE, 20-30 minutes 3x = yes
    Part 2- (1/4) Log your regular calories 4x = no

    STRENGTH: - 9 Points Total
    Bicycle Crunches (1/3) - 2 sets, 60 seconds ea. = no
    Planks (1/3)- do 2 sets, 60 seconds ea. = no
    Reverse Crunches (1/3) - 2 sets, 15 crunches ea. = no

    FOOD - 7 Points Total
    Part 1 (2/65) - protein? = yes
    Part 2 (0/2) - high protein recipe?no

    Part 1 (0/1) -

    FR. 10/7 (posted on SAHMU regroup thread & on spreadsheet)
    CARDIO: - 7 Points Total
    Part 1- (1/3) DANCE, 20-30 minutes 3x = no
    Part 2- (2/4) Log your regular calories 4x = yes

    STRENGTH: - 9 Points Total
    Bicycle Crunches (2/3) - 2 sets, 60 seconds ea. = yes
    Planks (2/3)- do 2 sets, 60 seconds ea. = yes
    Reverse Crunches (2/3) - 2 sets, 15 crunches ea. = yes

    FOOD - 7 Points Total
    Part 1 (3/5) - protein? = yes
    Part 2 (0/2) - high protein recipe? no

    Part 1 (0/1) -
    Part 2 (0/1) - Bonus point
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Sorry I have been MIA but the Ski Area has decided to open this weekend, we have never opened this early but we got a huge snow storm. I have been working 10hr days to get ready for it. My next day off will be Monday so honestly I may not be on here to much until then, it has been a rough week, with Harper in daycare and working long hours, I have found no time for myself at all! I will adjust I know but this has put me totally off. All of you are doing awesome!

    No worries! Thanks for checking in- take care of yourself!! :heart:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member

    5th Oct- points

    Cardio- 1 for dancing

    Protein- Haven't met my goal intake.. :-( .. Will get some protein powder tomorrow.. Any suggestions on which one is better please?

    Also, I am so tempted to peek into the But I want that bonus point.. :-))

    If you use a protein powder, make sure that it is NOT soy (VERY bad for you); whey works, pea protein, or hemp protein; just take a look at the label; you don't want a lot of sugar or artificial sweetener either. Any more questions, feel free to ask! :heart:
  • Evening ladies.
    Today was horrible. I woke up in the worst mood ever. i Wanted to snap at anyone who came near me, not to mention i had a nervous stomach for some reason. All i wanted to do when i got home was be left alone and eat comfort food, which i did. when i got home from work i let my dogs out, ate and watched a movie and then read my book. its the end of the day and my mood is over, but i now feel horrible for eating bad food and not exercising .

    Emotional Challenge: I have managed to not look at the scale so far, but it has not been easy. The scale is my friendnemy. I weigh myself at least 2 times during the week, but then i get disappointed and depressed when i don't like what i see. i have a bad habitat of getting disappointed and then giving up on the diet. then it starts all over again. I weigh myself again and it clicks in my head " hey i need to lose weight and eat better" so i start dieting again. The scale to me is like that girl in high school who pretends to be ur friend telling you all these nice things and stabs u in the back, apologizes and yayaayy your friends again.

    food challenge: protein: i was actually good on protein today despite my comfort food.
    recipe challenge: i got this out of my healh cookbook it said it has 36.5g of protein. i have only fixed it a couple times but very tasty if you like salmon.

    honey ginger grilled salmon
    * 1 teaspoon ground ginger
    * 1 teaspoon garlic powder
    * 1/3 cup reduced sodium soy sauce
    * 1/3 cup orange juice
    * 1/4 cup honey
    * 1 green onion, chopped
    * 1 1/2 lbs salmon fillets


    1. In a large self-closing plastic bag, combine first six ingredients; mix well.
    . 2Place salmon in bag and seal tightly..
    3 Turn bag gently to distribute marinade.
    4.frigerate 15 minutes or up to 30 minutes for stronger flavor.
    5. Turn bag occasionally.
    6. Lightly grease grill rack.
    7. Preheat grill to medium heat.
    8 Remove salmon from marinade; reserve the marinade.
    9. Grill 12-15 minutes per inch of thickness or until fish flakes easily with a fork.
    10. Brush with reserved marinade up until the last 5 minutes of cooking time.
    11. Discard leftover marinade.
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Points for today.... I got 2! 1 for dancing and 1 for meeting my protein. Hope it was a good day for everyone! Oh and so far I am staying strong and off of the scale! Woohoo!

    CARDIO CHALLENGE - 7 Points Total
    Part 1- Dancing 20-30 Minutes 2/3pt
    Part 2- Log Regular Calories 1/4pt

    STRENGTH CHALLENGE- 9 Points Total
    Bicycle Crunches- 2 sets, 60 seconds each set 1/3pt
    Planks- do 2 sets, 60 seconds each 1/3pt
    Reverse Crunches- 2 sets, 15 crunches each set 1/3pt

    FOOD CHALLENGE - 7 Points Total
    Part 1 – 65 Grams of Protein 2/5pt
    Part 2- High Protein Recipe 2/2pt

    Part 1- Question 1/1pt
    Part 2- Bonus point No scale Wed to Wed 0/1pt

    Friday Total = 2
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    5th Oct- points

    Cardio- 1 for dancing

    Protein- Haven't met my goal intake.. :-( .. Will get some protein powder tomorrow.. Any suggestions on which one is better please?

    Also, I am so tempted to peek into the But I want that bonus point.. :-))

    If you use a protein powder, make sure that it is NOT soy (VERY bad for you); whey works, pea protein, or hemp protein; just take a look at the label; you don't want a lot of sugar or artificial sweetener either. Any more questions, feel free to ask! :heart:

    Thanks Amy.. I am going to check the protein powders tomorrow since we are going for our weekly shopping as well.. :-) Sure will come back on this if I have any doubts..
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Evening ladies.
    Today was horrible. I woke up in the worst mood ever. i Wanted to snap at anyone who came near me, not to mention i had a nervous stomach for some reason. All i wanted to do when i got home was be left alone and eat comfort food, which i did. when i got home from work i let my dogs out, ate and watched a movie and then read my book. its the end of the day and my mood is over, but i now feel horrible for eating bad food and not exercising .

    Emotional Challenge: I have managed to not look at the scale so far, but it has not been easy. The scale is my friendnemy. I weigh myself at least 2 times during the week, but then i get disappointed and depressed when i don't like what i see. i have a bad habitat of getting disappointed and then giving up on the diet. then it starts all over again. I weigh myself again and it clicks in my head " hey i need to lose weight and eat better" so i start dieting again. The scale to me is like that girl in high school who pretends to be ur friend telling you all these nice things and stabs u in the back, apologizes and yayaayy your friends again.

    food challenge: protein: i was actually good on protein today despite my comfort food.
    recipe challenge: i got this out of my healh cookbook it said it has 36.5g of protein. i have only fixed it a couple times but very tasty if you like salmon.

    honey ginger grilled salmon
    * 1 teaspoon ground ginger
    * 1 teaspoon garlic powder
    * 1/3 cup reduced sodium soy sauce
    * 1/3 cup orange juice
    * 1/4 cup honey
    * 1 green onion, chopped
    * 1 1/2 lbs salmon fillets


    1. In a large self-closing plastic bag, combine first six ingredients; mix well.
    . 2Place salmon in bag and seal tightly..
    3 Turn bag gently to distribute marinade.
    4.frigerate 15 minutes or up to 30 minutes for stronger flavor.
    5. Turn bag occasionally.
    6. Lightly grease grill rack.
    7. Preheat grill to medium heat.
    8 Remove salmon from marinade; reserve the marinade.
    9. Grill 12-15 minutes per inch of thickness or until fish flakes easily with a fork.
    10. Brush with reserved marinade up until the last 5 minutes of cooking time.
    11. Discard leftover marinade.


    I liked your emotional challenge ... :-) Scale wise, I am so tempted everyday to step on the weighing scale, then again my brain tells not to...
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Here are my points for today-4

    Food protein-1

    I had a full day of exercising.. My plan was to do bit of Indian dancing and my usual evening exercise of 30 mins... I ended up dancing more than my stamina, then I went to the gym to walk on treadmill, but then my hubby was playing racquetball.. Suddenly we decided to go on a walk to the park and on our way back we landed again in the gym.. I walked on the treadmill and then again played raquetball for the first time... Its a huge calorie burner.. it burns double the calories we burn on a treadmill...awesome.. then on returning back, I completed my evening exercises.. wow what a day... I wish everyday could be like todays...
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Hi girls! Just on to say that I won't be around today ( even more than usual)-- am trying to have a "screen-free" weekend, and see how long we can take it from there. Really, it's for the kids, so I'll be doing the basics here when they're not around, but I have found that my oldest seems to be going straight from the TV to the computer, and having no imagination for other play. Detox it is!

    It's Thanksgiving too.. so will have to watch what I'm doing! Already planning for a loaf of pumpkin yeast bread to go in the breadmachine. Made pumpkin pies yesterday for our annual pie sale ( church fundraiser), which I was both a little sad and happy to see leave my house. I didn't go buy any either-- I figured I didn't need that extra food staring at me all the time!

    Hope you all have a great weekend, and wish me luck with the screen thing! ( Man, between this AND the scale... I'll be sitting in my rocking chair twiddling thumbs!)
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Just in case anyone finds this useful, I've copied the challenges into a word doc. They're in reverse order so newest challenge first, will add week 4 when it's up. :-)

    Still not been able to get any real exercise in this week, LO is still under the weather and me and OH spent today trying to catch up with uni work. I'm about to get the strength exercises done though and I'm determined to get the dancing in for the last 3 days of this week!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    For the food challenge I found this page and couldn't really choose, I think they're all pretty great and simple to make.

    Obviously you can use any protein powder ;-)

    i guess if you have some goji berries, this one is probably best:

    Makes 1 shake:
    Per serving: 357 calories, 32g protein, 52g carbs, 2g fat

    Place all ingredients in a blender and mix until smooth.
    Serve immediately.

    1 scoop Promax Natural
    180ml orange and banana juice
    5/6 ice cubes
    1 banana cut into chunks
    A pinch of nutmeg
    A handful of dried goji berries
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Pretty good day today... just spent it cleaning for the most part. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

    CARDIO CHALLENGE - 7 Points Total
    Part 1- Dancing 20-30 Minutes 2/3pt
    Part 2- Log Regular Calories 2/4pt

    STRENGTH CHALLENGE- 9 Points Total
    Bicycle Crunches- 2 sets, 60 seconds each set 2/3pt
    Planks- do 2 sets, 60 seconds each 2/3pt
    Reverse Crunches- 2 sets, 15 crunches each set 2/3pt

    FOOD CHALLENGE - 7 Points Total
    Part 1 – 65 Grams of Protein 3/5pt
    Part 2- High Protein Recipe 2/2pt

    Part 1- Question 1/1pt
    Part 2- Bonus point No scale Wed to Wed 0/1pt

    Saturday Total = 5
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Ok girls. It's Thanksgiving weekend (I'm Canadian) and I am in for some siginfcant temptation. My boss is taking us out for lunch today, I've got at least one large dinner over the weekend. TOM is due momentarily, I've got a massive headache, I'm exhausted, I'm bloated and feel discouraged. Words of wisdom/advice/inspiration would be very much so appreciated.

    By the way: in the spirit of the holiday, please know that I am uber-grateful for all of you and this group! :flowerforyou:

    PS: I just went through the database and planned my lunch meal to make sure I stick to my calorie goal. Now I just have to avoid all the appies that are usually ordered and skip dessert! argh! so hard to do when feeling discouraged...

    I have been battling in my head over what Im going to do for the hollidays for a month now, with big family dinners, company parties with the hubby and all that good stuff, just remember SMALL portions! If you want some of the good stuff, eat one or two bites of it and be done! You are an amazing strong person, you can do it! I hear you on the headache front...try eating some almonds, a handfull of almonds is the equivalent of 2 aspirin, and eat one small block of dark chocolate that caffeine/sweet boost will keep you going without throwing off your whole day! OH one last tip, try chewing some gum until your meal comes, chewing will help the need/want to dive into whatever is sitting in the center of the table! Have a great holiday!

    great tips on the almonds and chocolate! I try really hard to avoid painkillers (I used to take them a LOT). I'll keep those tips in mind. I'm feeling mush better about the weekend's food choices. I'm going to always take veggies first. pile my plate with veg/salad so that there's less room for stuffing/gravy/etc... keep your fingers crossed for me!!
  • So today was great. Got up went for a walk did the exercise routine i put together, cleaned the house a lil and then went to my nephews football games..So much fun. They won 39 to 0. Second half my nephew got to run the ball for the first time. We were so proud of him. hes staying the night with me tonight so after the game i took him out for frozen yogurt. when we got home we watched the lion king and played a few kniect games. which some of those games can be a workout on its own, because instead of using a controller ur whole body is the controller. tomorrow i am going to have him try the dance central game with me pn the kniect.

    CARDIO CHALLENGE - 7 Points Total
    Part 1- (3 points):3/3 points.went for a walk
    Part 2- (4 points)3/4 points.

    STRENGTH CHALLENGE- 9 Points Total
    Bicycle Crunches- 3 sets, 60 seconds each set. 3/3 points
    Planks- do 3 sets, 60 seconds each 3/3 points
    Reverse Crunches-3 sets, 15 crunches each set3/3 points

    FOOD CHALLENGE - 7 Points Total
    Part 1- Protein Requirement: i manged to stay under again, barely but i did it..
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    Well, I got my strength point for today and dancing and logging cals....did not meet the protein today, but that's okay. Tomorrow is another hiking day and grading writing....woo. :-)