Skinny Dippers! (Closed Group)



  • fosterr8
    I like the darker text!! Thanks!

    I finally broke my 145lb sticky spot!! I am so excited! I honestly started to think I wasn't going to loss any more!! Official weigh in isn't till Monday but 138lb today!

    That's so great! I'm glad you've made progress :)
  • fosterr8
    Happy Friday everyone!

    This morning I ran 1 mile in 9:07. I beat my old time but only by 9 seconds. Any improvement is good for me though!

    I'm slightly worried about going over calories this weekend. It's thanksgiving and I'm going home to see my parents and brother. I'm leaving residence as soon as I send this! Anyway, with all the temptation and good food, I'm planning on having turkey, mashed potatos, carrots, perogies and everything else. But I don't want to be over the whole weekend. I'm going to try and only go over Sunday!
  • fosterr8
    or this one (writing is a bit darker-might be easier to see):


    Love it!
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    Well I guess I overdid it a bit on my out of shape body. The 3 days of jogging resulted in an extremely bad back, who would have thought. So I can't exercise at all because I can barely stand up. :( I also have the beginning signs of a cold, sore throat , headache, etc, so I just feel crappy all over. I had a bad eating day, which made me feel so gross, and I'm back on track today but I am a little nervous about all the food happening here this weekend since it is Canadian Thanksgiving. I am really going to try to stay semi on track, but without being able to exercise, I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    Really bad day.. My dog is really sick. We are trying last ditch effort with IV fluids and renal diet but won't know for a couple days if the fluids will work. I definitely drank too much tonite and then made bad food choices. Hope to be under better control tomorrow. Wasn't hungry til I got drunk. Wasn't hungry at all, really. Just fell back on old habits. Also did some retail therapy I 'shouldn't' have. Off to have a hot bath and bed.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Sarah - I'm sorry to hear that! You best just let you body rest and not hurt it even more! If you feel like you can walk, just try that! I did that while I was sick and then took a long nap after it made me feel really good. :)

    Martina - I hope you dog gets better :( It's always tough to lose a furry friend. Just make sure you don't let yourself slip, and think about how far you've come! One or two nights isn't going to ruin your progress. Keep your head up lovely!

    Everyone else - Hope you're all doing good! And I hope you are all doing your running! Remember, these challenges are for you. No one is MAKING you do them. It is for your own improvement and to push you out of your comfort zone. You joined this group because you are all incredibly motivated, so prove it!

    As for me.. I've been running almost every day, except for yesterday because I went to get my blood drawn for some tests to make sure I was healthy, and ended up passing out :(. I took it easy for the day and decided to just have it as my treat day, and I fully enjoyed it. Today i'll be going on a run when my bf goes to work, and when he comes back we are going to do Insanity together. I'm really hoping I can stick to it for 2 months, but my schedule is always really crazy so we will see. I'll be timing my mile tomorrow for the final day and letting you all know!
    Have a great weekend!
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend! It's Thanksgiving this weekend up here in Canada, which as we all know traditionally means a TON of food, and potentially unhealthy food! I didn't want to go overboard, but I didn't want to spend my dinner calorie counting and picking at my meal. So, I didn't eat much throughout the course of the day (pretty easy when you sleep in til noon, hehe), and then I allowed myself ONE plate for dinner. I had a little serving of each of the following: turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts, broccoli/mushroom/carrot/cheese casserole, hashbrown casserole, my Mum's amazing stuffing recipe that has been passed down for 70 years, and some root veggie medley that I brought (sweet potato, parsnip, onion, beet, rutabaga, acorn squash tossed in olive oil). Overall, I don't think this was too bad! I had two small glasses of red wine. ANNNNNND two small slices of pumpkin pie as its my ABSOLUTELY favorite! Complete with REAL whipped cream :) I feel pretty good!

    I'm going to an early 90 minute yoga class with a girlfriend tomorrow, and hope to do a run later on in the afternoon - it'd be nice to break my mile, but we'll see. Regardless, I feel like I was able to practice the whole "moderation" mantra today, and that makes me happy. I don't have a weigh in until next Friday, and it will be the first time I've weighed myself since September 1st, so any kind of loss would be fantastic although I'm not hoping for huge numbers since my life for the past month 1/2 has been very stressful and busy. But I'll get there, and so will all of you! Keep it up. Cheers :)
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Guys! Where are you! I miss you! :frown:

    Well, today marks the end of the mile challenge week, and my mile didn't really get any better.. Still about 10 mins or so. But, I can tell my long distance running is getting SO much better. My stamina is truly surprising me. It took me 38 and a half mins to run 3.31 miles, and that includes some hills. It's hard for me to imagine myself a runner, but I'm loving it! I'm HOPING to start Insanity today (I tried to start yesterday, but my disks wouldn't work!! :mad: ). If I can't, I might just do a little circuit with the bf, maybe jump rope, push ups, etc., and to top it all off, yoga this evening. I wasn't happy with what I saw in the mirror or on the scale this morning, so I'm really trying to step it up.

    As for this coming week's challenge, I'm going to take a different route. Weight loss is not all about working our *kitten* off and sweating until we die, there also needs to be a balance of sanity in our minds! So for this week I'm proposing to just take 20 minutes of your day to center yourself (but that doesn't mean a nap). Meditate, do yoga, go on a walk, write in a journal, etc. Try and stay a little bit active, but you don't need to break a sweat. Try and think of how you're feeling before and then how you're feeling after. I know that I've been super stressed lately and just need to prioritize my feelings, so I hope this helps all of you as well.

    I hope you all haven't disappeared!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Guys! Where are you! I miss you! :frown:

    Well, today marks the end of the mile challenge week, and my mile didn't really get any better.. Still about 10 mins or so. But, I can tell my long distance running is getting SO much better. My stamina is truly surprising me. It took me 38 and a half mins to run 3.31 miles, and that includes some hills. It's hard for me to imagine myself a runner, but I'm loving it! I'm HOPING to start Insanity today (I tried to start yesterday, but my disks wouldn't work!! :mad: ). If I can't, I might just do a little circuit with the bf, maybe jump rope, push ups, etc., and to top it all off, yoga this evening. I wasn't happy with what I saw in the mirror or on the scale this morning, so I'm really trying to step it up.

    As for this coming week's challenge, I'm going to take a different route. Weight loss is not all about working our *kitten* off and sweating until we die, there also needs to be a balance of sanity in our minds! So for this week I'm proposing to just take 20 minutes of your day to center yourself (but that doesn't mean a nap). Meditate, do yoga, go on a walk, write in a journal, etc. Try and stay a little bit active, but you don't need to break a sweat. Try and think of how you're feeling before and then how you're feeling after. I know that I've been super stressed lately and just need to prioritize my feelings, so I hope this helps all of you as well.

    I hope you all haven't disappeared!

    You know I'm here :)

    I like this new challenge. I never give myself time to just... BE. So, looking forward to it.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    This is a great challenge! I've been trying to go to yoga more frequently because I LOVE using that time to focus on just me and my breathing and not get hung up about calorie burn, food consumption, the million chores I have to do, how that girl next to me looks so amazing in her yoga clothes, how much I don't want to go to work tomorrow, etc, etc, etc. It's very nice to slow down, reset, and have your only intention be to just BE! Looking forward to this week as it's an extraordinarily busy one for me - working 14 hour days! - so I will appreciate the relaxing, I'm sure. Have a good week everyone!
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 298 Member
    I'm still here!! I haven't posted a lot but I've been reading everyone's posts and its been keeping me motivated!! This challenge is going to be great for me! I feel like life is constantly, go go go! and there's never a moment to stop and just soak it in :)
  • miracleminded1
    I'm here. Sorry to have gone silent last week. I was sick early in the week and couldn't keep any food down...then my stomach continued to bother me for much of the rest of the week. I ended up taking the entire week off of exercise and didn't eat the best either. I didn't lose any weight but I didn't gain any either, so I guess I'm happy with that.

    I am back to it this week though and am planning on getting to Jazzercise after work today.

    I like this challenge. It's funny, because I'd been thinking about journaling lately. I have some things to work through and I think writing, for me, is the way to do that. I even got on my laptop last night and started in on it, so this challenge is perfect for me right now!
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    I'm sorry about my silence, as well. I couldn't run at the beginning of the week because of a weird muscle I pulled in my hip in tae-kwon-do Monday night, and then when I felt good enough to run on Thursday, I couldn't get a babysitter to watch my three kids. With my husband being deployed, I'm pretty much a single mom. I hate how my hip and babysitter issues sound like such EXCUSES! This week's challenge will be easier for me to do since my kids have to sleep at some point! :) I really have enjoyed reading about everyone's successes. And you know what? Even your failures! Because watching you ladies talk about a bad day, but then not giving up... that is great for me. You don't quit after a bad day or two. I love this group.
  • Stampinda
    I'm still here as well. :) I had a rough weekend.....did something to my back on Friday so I didn't do any exercise Saturday or Sunday. Went for our swim this morning then straight to the chiropractor and I definately feel better! I was kinda worried cuz not only did I not exercise, but I ate REALLY bad on Saturday. I weighed this morning and still lost two pounds so that felt GREAT!! I'm super excited this week because I'm flying out to visit my daughter for a few days....I'm planning to exercise everyday, cook some yummy, healthy things for her and introduce her to MFP while I'm there. :) I think taking a few minutes thoughtfullness will be very nice! :)

    Have a great day, my friends!! :):):)
  • fosterr8
    Hey everyone!

    Thanksgiving weekend and eating healthy is a struggle!!!

    I was good on Friday. But on Saturday and I Sunday I was way over. I went home for the weekend to see my parents and brother. Lots of turkey, mashed potatoes, perogies, gravy, vegetables, salad, pumpkin pie. I had been good Monday-Friday and thought that holidays are exceptions for going over. Do you all agree? I am planning on staying strong this week to make up for it. And I am looking forward to this week's challenge. I think I will take a bubble bath tonight and get rid of some stress from midterms (they start on wednesday).
  • Stampinda
    Hey everyone!

    Thanksgiving weekend and eating healthy is a struggle!!!

    I was good on Friday. But on Saturday and I Sunday I was way over. I went home for the weekend to see my parents and brother. Lots of turkey, mashed potatoes, perogies, gravy, vegetables, salad, pumpkin pie. I had been good Monday-Friday and thought that holidays are exceptions for going over. Do you all agree? I am planning on staying strong this week to make up for it. And I am looking forward to this week's challenge. I think I will take a bubble bath tonight and get rid of some stress from midterms (they start on wednesday).

    I always try to do my best during holidays but I don't beat myself up if I don't make all the best choices. Glad you got to spend some time with your family! :):):)

    A bubble bath is a good plan....enjoy! :)
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Heyyy everyone!!! I'm still here, don't think I left you all! My Internet is down at my house (Verizon says our router is broken or something), so I have to do EVERYTHING from my phone, which suuuucks. I did pretty terrible this weekend, but when I weighed myself on Sunday it looked like I still lost weight, but I'm probably going to wait until weds to weigh in just to make sure it's consistent. I did run this week a bit, but didn't get to time it because everytime I went to the track, it was being used to sports so I just ran around the neighborhood. This challenge should be interesting because I've been studying Buddhism in my theology class and we've been doing a lot of meditation (sooo much harder to sit still then I'd thought it'd be), so I think I'm going to give that a try this week. Hope everyone is doing well!!!! Hopefully I'll figure out my computer/Internet situation soon! Deuces, dippers :)
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    I haven't left I promise! I have been reading everyone's posts and you are all doing so great. As for my silence, I won't bore you with all the details, but I just kinda had to back off for a little while and not worry so much about losing weight as being healthy. I was just in a bad place mentally and had unrealistic expectations of my body and an unrealistic visual of how I looked. So basically I have been working on "recovering". I prefer to think of it as just working on being healthy though. So I may not always participate in the challenges, just because I am not in a place right now where I am ready to get back into losing weight without letting it get the best of me again. But, I am always here for support, and I think you all are doing so great! Keep up the great work. :)
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    Bit of a whine, ignore if you like!

    This past w/e was *kitten*. I only exercised once last week and don't seem to have the energy for more. Teaching my 1 month class is exhausting and I don't seem to have anything left. I didn't get turkey this w/e with most of my family gone so I am somewhat sad about that.

    My dog is very sick. I got to bring her home Sunday as I am a nurse and can give her needles for nausea and fluids. We had hoped she would perk up but she's in really bad renal failure. We have made the hard decision to take her in on Sat (so we can both be with her) and have her put down. This is literally breaking my heart. I am crying a lot and don't want to do it but she's sick and there is no real quality of life for her.

    I have managed to make up for Friday's calorie fiasco when we got the diagnosis and,of course, will be staying with things but I know things are going to be incredibly hard the next week or 2.

    Sorry for being so depressing but I really just have to get that out. My "puppy" (she still looks Ike a puppy though she is a month shy of 13 years) is my fur baby since we don't have kids. This is going to be brutal.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Bit of a whine, ignore if you like!

    This past w/e was *kitten*. I only exercised once last week and don't seem to have the energy for more. Teaching my 1 month class is exhausting and I don't seem to have anything left. I didn't get turkey this w/e with most of my family gone so I am somewhat sad about that.

    My dog is very sick. I got to bring her home Sunday as I am a nurse and can give her needles for nausea and fluids. We had hoped she would perk up but she's in really bad renal failure. We have made the hard decision to take her in on Sat (so we can both be with her) and have her put down. This is literally breaking my heart. I am crying a lot and don't want to do it but she's sick and there is no real quality of life for her.

    I have managed to make up for Friday's calorie fiasco when we got the diagnosis and,of course, will be staying with things but I know things are going to be incredibly hard the next week or 2.

    Sorry for being so depressing but I really just have to get that out. My "puppy" (she still looks Ike a puppy though she is a month shy of 13 years) is my fur baby since we don't have kids. This is going to be brutal.

    It's totally understandable to be feeling how you're feeling! I'm so sorry that you're having to go through that with your pup since it seems like you have lots on your plate right now. Make sure you still find time for yourself or you might go insane. And think about how far you've come! If you happen to fall off the wagon for a week, don't worry, it happens to ALL of us. This weight loss stuff isn't easy, but we're all here for you! :heart: