Men, would you think anything of this comment?



  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    My boys are 3 and 4. I like to plan ahead. I have a few arranged marriages in the works. It is a bidding war right now. I am requiring dowry.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Thank you for all the wonderful responses everyone. I am sorry I did not respond earlier as I was sleeping >_< I really appreciate the wonderful input...and find it very helpful!

    I changed my FB status, and had a few people like and post about it already =/ I didnt think about this...not sure what to tell these people when they ask "who?" haha ^^

    I am going to respond to my crush, and then let it be. I'm not sure what to respond though. Could someone please give me some ideas?

    Here was his message: How about your test? You do not need do some special things for me just because I told you when you should take the test~~I think my dorm is too far away to go to school frequently, so I'm going to attend the toefl test, If you want to help me, let's begin from the speaking practice!

    He ignored my comment on his photo, and ignored my wall post.

    Thank you so much >_<
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Ok, I sat and read through this entire thread while eating lunch.

    Here's my tough love advice...

    It doesn't matter why he does the things that seem flirtatious, how often he does those things, or whether or not they make any sense at all.

    You've sent out multiple feelers. He's not picking up on them. THAT is what matters - what he ISN'T doing. Not what he is.

    As hard as it might be, let the whole thing go and move on. Have you ever heard of the book "He's just not that into you"? If not, I suggest you read it. It will definitely give you insight on precisely these kinds of situations.

    Cast your hook in another sea. There ARE plenty of other fish out there.


    I agree with this. I would try to just be a good friend to him at this point and let the rest go. He probably just likes you for being a smart pretty human, as a friend.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member for the facebook thing just say you were playing around with the settings to see if anybody would notice. lol or just change it back and see if they forget.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member for the facebook thing just say you were playing around with the settings to see if anybody would notice. lol or just change it back and see if they forget.

    Thank you Jenny! >_< I love your pic are a super hero >_<

    I sent him a message just saying, "Okay. Bye!" and changed my status to widowed. Thanks >_<
  • judith3
    judith3 Posts: 296 Member
    Look i think you need to just go for it i know how u feel ive been here more than once. Ive told a few guys i like them
    The first one: was back in highschool he was a football player i was a cheerleader and we had classes together i told him flat out i liked him he said i was a great person but he didnt see me that way that was at least 5 yrs ago him and i are still very good friends
    Guy #2: Was right after highschool i had a crush on him since before we graduated i got tired of wondering what if so i told him i liked him him and i had a relationship for about 2yrs (long distance) we did break up bt to this day he is my best friend.
    Guy#3: Was my freshman year of college he was the captain of the basketball team and i was one of the cheerleaders (but we met in class). I developed a big crush and eventually told him i liked him, he didnt feel the same but him and i are still friends i know i can go to him with anything

    Look what im trying to say is that if i had never told these guys i liked them i would of never been able to move past my crushes and may have missed out on these three amazing friends that i know have if he doesnt like u then thats it yea it hurts but at least u know u need to move on and theres someone else out there for you
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Look i think you need to just go for it i know how u feel ive been here more than once. Ive told a few guys i like them
    The first one: was back in highschool he was a football player i was a cheerleader and we had classes together i told him flat out i liked him he said i was a great person but he didnt see me that way that was at least 5 yrs ago him and i are still very good friends
    Guy #2: Was right after highschool i had a crush on him since before we graduated i got tired of wondering what if so i told him i liked him him and i had a relationship for about 2yrs (long distance) we did break up bt to this day he is my best friend.
    Guy#3: Was my freshman year of college he was the captain of the basketball team and i was one of the cheerleaders (but we met in class). I developed a big crush and eventually told him i liked him, he didnt feel the same but him and i are still friends i know i can go to him with anything

    Look what im trying to say is that if i had never told these guys i liked them i would of never been able to move past my crushes and may have missed out on these three amazing friends that i know have if he doesnt like u then thats it yea it hurts but at least u know u need to move on and theres someone else out there for you

    Thank you Judith. ^^ I guess I need to just ask him like you said...You made some good points. I think maybe I will wait until in person to do so...Thank you^^
  • judith3
    judith3 Posts: 296 Member
    :) You can do it in person

    I tend to be very shy in these situations so i asked my two friends over text hehe
    and my ex over myspace :laugh:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Are you really 21?

    Yes, are you insinuating something?
    That you might be a whole lot younger than that?

    Guys don't like games, neither do women, ask him out as others shared above. If he's not interested you'll figure it out pretty quickly, keep it casual and friendly. One can never have to many good friends! But when games are played it never ends up the way you intend it, how about the straight forward approach?
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Have your best bff pass his bff a note during last period.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • laura2501
    laura2501 Posts: 107 Member
    GO ON TO FACEBOOK AND UPDATE YOUR STATUS TO IN A RELATIONSHIP and see if he says anything, if he comments to you or on facebook i would say he is intrested on some level

    :D That is the most genius idea ever :D I will do that!!! :D What do I say if he asks me about it though? XD

    just say that u were messing around with your settings and did something wrong and thank him for pointing it out
    hope it all works out for u if not dont worry u are young and beautiful and will find someone true and right for u
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    I always waited for the guy to make the first move. When I met my now husband I really liked him a lot, so instead of waiting for him to make the first move; I did. I asked him out to dinner for his birthday and to my surprise he accepted. We saw each other off and on for 2 weeks and the rest is history. Been married 16.5 years now :)

    Kind of a ballsy move for me since this was not how I normally acted. Got that vibe from him that he kind of had an interest and took it and ran with it.

    Good luck!
  • laura2501
    laura2501 Posts: 107 Member
    GO ON TO FACEBOOK AND UPDATE YOUR STATUS TO IN A RELATIONSHIP and see if he says anything, if he comments to you or on facebook i would say he is intrested on some level

    Oh..... you women are so sneaky.........
    we are NOT sneaky sometimes MEN just can't see the woods for the trees and need a little push in the right direction
  • brookjodie
    brookjodie Posts: 55 Member
    It's good to be direct because guys don't always understand "hints". Just give him your number and tell him you like him. The worst thing that would happen would be that he doesn't like you back. Big deal, not the end of the world, someone else will think you are pretty cool before you know it.