Oct. Challenge Week 2 Open!



  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    I am ready to face this week's challenges. It sounds and looks like everyone did a great job last week.
  • strivingfor130
    strivingfor130 Posts: 221 Member
    Just did a 2 mile walk outside in this wonderful weather (I'm in Mississippi)! I'm glad to say I have gotten 40 minutes of cardio out of the way which is WAY more than the 0 minutes for the last challenge! lol For my new recipe, I'm going to make this chicken parmesan bake tonight...http://foodwishes.blogspot.com/2008/02/end-of-chicken-parmesan-as-you-know-it.html I think the person that posted it on another thread said that it was about 500 calories a serving almost. I plan on doing a very low-cal veggie as a side. I'm going to put it in my recipe thing on here and get the exact amount of calories though.

    **Just added it to my recipe box, and I pretty much cut the recipe in half and did without the oil (am going to put some sauce in the bottom) and it was 328 for one serving.

    oh god that looks so good. im making that this week totally

    It was really good! I think I had a bit too many croutons though. Also it might help to crush them up instead of leave them whole. I put it over some whole wheat linguine noodles and had green beans on the side.
  • Pam37841
    Pam37841 Posts: 286
    Pina Colada Pie... (For when the sweettooth attacks) Serves 8

    1 can Crushed pineapples in juice
    1 block Fat Free Cream Cheese
    1 box Fat Free French Vanilla Instant Pudding
    1 crust Reduced Fat Graham Cracker Crust
    1 1/2 tsp. Coconut Extract
    1/2 container of fat free cool whip.\
    Mix 1 can of pineapples and their juice with the 1 box of dry pudding and mix until thick.
    Add cream cheese and mix until well blended and thick.
    Add coconut extract until blended.
    Spread into graham cracker pie shell.
    Cover with 1/2 container of fat free cool whip before serving.

    This is delicious and NO ONE that I have ever served it too believed it was low fat/low calorie.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy Sunday! Here's a quote for today!!!

    Never give up on a dream just cause of the time it will take to achieve it. The time will pass anyway. So you might as well achieve your goals with it.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Did the great hike to top of mountain yesterday, the fall colors are wonderful! My legs are sore today but it reminds me of the good exercise I did. I will do a walk today to stretch it out.

    Fiftyandfit…Jenn posts the link to new site at end of the old one so look for it end of this week here!
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    Happy Sunday! Here's a quote for today!!!

    Never give up on a dream just cause of the time it will take to achieve it. The time will pass anyway. So you might as well achieve your goals with it.

    Love this quote!!!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    My friend let me borrow her P90X cardio for the weekend. I am going to try it after the twins party... God help me!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    My friend let me borrow her P90X cardio for the weekend. I am going to try it after the twins party... God help me!

    Good for you Jenn!
    P90X is The Devil!! (Think mama from Water Boy!):laugh:

    Just wanted to thank you for starting this thread :flowerforyou:

  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member
    My friend let me borrow her P90X cardio for the weekend. I am going to try it after the twins party... God help me!

    wtg Jen!!! Its tough!! My bestie did it! I did a month of INSANITY last year!! Another tough one!!!!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    My friend let me borrow her P90X cardio for the weekend. I am going to try it after the twins party... God help me!

    Good for you Jenn!
    P90X is The Devil!! (Think mama from Water Boy!):laugh:

    Just wanted to thank you for starting this thread :flowerforyou:


    Pam, you are so welcome! Well, after 17 minutes of P90X. I have decided I do not have the coordination needed to do it. Right when they started 2 punch things and a kick. I was all over the place. Couldn't keep up, had not a clue. So, I can check that off my list with insanity...
  • strivingfor130
    strivingfor130 Posts: 221 Member

    Just because you can't do it with coordination doesn't mean you can't do it at all! I am never coordinated enough for workout dvds but I try anyways and I figure as long as it gets my heart pumping and me moving then it is worth it :)
  • Malumyangel
    confession time!!!

    1. Today at work I wanted those fries off of my friends plate. so, there were like 2 left, and I said something are you gonna eat those? And she said no you can have them... I sat there. Then like a cat, I ripped them off of her plate and tossed them across the room right into the trash. I did crush them in the process. It felt so good! Everyone in the room was shocked! LOL then we all cracked up laughing.

    2. Yesterday my hubby just HAD to have this pecan pie at the store. So i have looked at it all night tonight. I mentioned to him that I want to get a fork and eat the middle out of it, so bad. So he got a piece. he started in with the "1 piece won't hurt" "it is so good". So I got a small bite of his, and it was so wonderful... then I left the room with my water and fiber one bar and got on here.
    I am SOO proud of you, both those instances would have been near impossible for me.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member

    Just because you can't do it with coordination doesn't mean you can't do it at all! I am never coordinated enough for workout dvds but I try anyways and I figure as long as it gets my heart pumping and me moving then it is worth it :)

    That is so sweet of you, but for real... He did some right hook punch, then a upper cut punch then right into a side kick. I tried like hell. I was falling over. my balance was so off trying to do the move and get the foot position right. So, I started standing there watching. I still couldn't do it. Maybe cuz they were saying left and on the t.v. it looked right. IDK. but I was dumbfounded.
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member

    Just because you can't do it with coordination doesn't mean you can't do it at all! I am never coordinated enough for workout dvds but I try anyways and I figure as long as it gets my heart pumping and me moving then it is worth it :)

    That is so sweet of you, but for real... He did some right hook punch, then a upper cut punch then right into a side kick. I tried like hell. I was falling over. my balance was so off trying to do the move and get the foot position right. So, I started standing there watching. I still couldn't do it. Maybe cuz they were saying left and on the t.v. it looked right. IDK. but I was dumbfounded.

    Maybe try another one of the P90X dvds?? And INSANITY doesnt require the coordination, and you dont need weights. Alot of plyometrics, which equals lots of jumping. Should be called insanity for your knees!!! LOL But WTG for giving it ur best effort!!
  • Malumyangel
    Happy Sunday! Here's a quote for today!!!

    Never give up on a dream just cause of the time it will take to achieve it. The time will pass anyway. So you might as well achieve your goals with it.

    I love this quote. I've never heard it put that way before.
  • alirae75
    Anyone have suggestions on strength training? I'm working on my 5k training so cardio is not an issue.

    Are jumping jacks cardio or strength?
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Anyone have suggestions on strength training? I'm working on my 5k training so cardio is not an issue.

    Are jumping jacks cardio or strength?

    jumping jacks are cardio... Strength is.... push ups, crunches. arm curls. lifting weights over your head. That sort of thing.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member

    Just because you can't do it with coordination doesn't mean you can't do it at all! I am never coordinated enough for workout dvds but I try anyways and I figure as long as it gets my heart pumping and me moving then it is worth it :)

    That is so sweet of you, but for real... He did some right hook punch, then a upper cut punch then right into a side kick. I tried like hell. I was falling over. my balance was so off trying to do the move and get the foot position right. So, I started standing there watching. I still couldn't do it. Maybe cuz they were saying left and on the t.v. it looked right. IDK. but I was dumbfounded.

    Maybe try another one of the P90X dvds?? And INSANITY doesnt require the coordination, and you dont need weights. Alot of plyometrics, which equals lots of jumping. Should be called insanity for your knees!!! LOL But WTG for giving it ur best effort!!

    Well, when I borrowed insanity, I lasted like 4 minutes and was dying... maybe I need to try it again.
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    Anyone have suggestions on strength training? I'm working on my 5k training so cardio is not an issue.

    Are jumping jacks cardio or strength?

  • Malumyangel
    OK all. I did the 25 push-ups and 25 dips...sort of. See I could only do 3 push-ups the regular way, so after those 3 I switched to "girl" push-ups. Does this still count? And I did the dips no prob.