Senior Golden Sneakers............October



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good afternoon. Sneakers

    A nice 70 degree weather out there now.
    Been to walmart on my Monday outing to pick up a few things I found some mini cornbread I almost got they had 190 calories for 2 so 1 would not be bad. right at 100
    Enjoy a nice cup of homemade pinto beans and a cup of chopped salad.. you are right Phoebe I do enjoy this diet.
    I cook my beans overnight in the crock pot Saturday night. So good.
    Jerry clean my crock pot up that made it even nicer.

    Get back to my sewing or playing around.

    Happy Birthday Jake!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JAKE...Your greetings were a day early, as I thought yesterday was the 10th :noway: , but here's to you again, dear man!
    and many many more HAPPY BIRTHDAYS to you :drinker:

    MARIE, gorgeous autumn scene; it could easily be New Hampshire, too!...I used my Crock Pot yesterday, too, for the turkey balls and vegetables in tomato salt! I use liners for the Crock Pot, by the way, which makes cleaning a snap. Then the liner, food and all, goes into the refrigerator until I pack it for the freezer. I get them in the plastic bag area in my Supermarket!

    PHOEBE, I don't envy you having to work on a special plan with all the driving you do! I do hope something works out; is there a support group online for that diet? Mayo Clinic may have one online, and others must have similar planning problems. Good luck, dear; you work so hard! By the way, besides that Thermapore wrap, I found 2 Tylenol Arthritis seem to work unexpectedly well!

    CHRIS, so sad about Momma deer! And the babies have lost their role model! You'll just have to adopt them, I guess! My DD used to have entire deer families in her back area in N.C. but now she has moved to a more urban area, so no deer anymore. We loved watching them, except when they'd come up for BBQ! Your doing great with the walking!

    BARBIE, I think I'll put a new battery in my pedometer and forget about setting all the confusing things in it and just count steps! I used to average about 12000 a day, but think if I see 600 now, it'll surprise me! Too much computer time! I loved your analogy about morning walks, etc....5 AM used to be my favorite time to start my 5 mile morning walks; can't believe I could live that way, once! But watching the world wake up was amazing! Please tell Jake to go back on here to yesterday, which was where my greeting for him was! Enjoy the --yum--lamb!

    BECKY, how nice to bike together! We used to eat at CrackerBarrell on our yearly drive to Florida from Long Island...18 years ago!!! Can't touch most of their food now, but I sure mess up elsewhere, so why not go back for nostalgia's sake?

    SANDY, you're so adept with those graphics! Text ain't easy!

    We're off to dinner, as I can't stand the though of cooking one more day! Every joint hurt after those turkey balls, and I don't know why; maybe the weather, which was rainy several days. Today is just magnificent, and things don't ache!

  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    Man what does one say about all the good will this place has? thanks for bday greetings, you guys made my day. Love you.:wink:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone, and thank you all for the kind wishes,

    No time to write much. We have out of town company arriving in about an hour and I need to get my supper in order. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at my dd's yesterday. Gluten Free, Egg Free and Milk Free. My daughter is so obliging. It fit all my criteria - well her's too except for the eggs because her family eats eggs. How nice to have such a wonderful dinner and not have to worry about getting sick from it. My dd invited another couple. The guy had been helping her husband with some carpentry work and they didn't have anywhere to go for Thanksgiving. He eats gluten free. How lucky he was to be invited for a nice dinner that he didn't have to worry about. When you eat like I do, eating out is always an adventure and you are never sure how you'll make out.

    Anyway got to run. Have a great day.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I amendinf this to Judy for she loves rosres so mucimg
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jeri, what a wonderful daughter you have. :heart:

    :flowerforyou: buzz, Cracker Barrel has a wonderful, low-calorie breakfast. It had a parfie, (I know that isn't spelled right. Do you know what I am talking about?), with a muffin. I give the muffin to my husband. They are huge and full of calories. I sometimes get the egg beaters and turkey sausage to go with it.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I love reading of your diet and menus. I am thinking of going to beans and leaving out most meats.

    I had baked sword fish last night. First time to taste it. It was great.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Becky

    Boy did my fingers hit the wrong keys last night.
    I was up late last night.

    Beans are mighty good for you.I never have care much for meat much. But I do enjoy a nice hanburger ever now and then.

    I used to like eating at Cracker Barrel too. Expecially when we are on a trip and stop in and have a nice breakfast But some timetheir service is not so goo I got one Of thosebreakfast once that you were talking about Those muffin was hugh. But I ate the whole thing.This was on a trip to south Texas to see the Christmas lights last year. I seems to make better choice at Denny's
    May your day be bright and a jolly good one.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Goodmorning Ladies;

    We had our Thanksgiving Day weekend and the weather was in high 70's
    and one day it was 80 degrees. We couldn't have asked for a better weekend.:bigsmile:

    We got my mother in law all settled in her new apartment and unpacked.:smile:
    I hope she is going to like it. We will know in a month or so if she is going to stay there.

    My daughter made dinner on Sunday and since she is vegetarian she made
    an all vege meal for us and a low cal dessert. It was very good.:drinker:
    She made a dish which was very similar to Buzz's receipe of Moukassa.
    I hope I spelled that right. :tongue:

    On Monday we had the traditional turkey dinner with mashed potatoes and cranberries.
    I think my brother in law was happy to have meat. :tongue:

    Great time for everyone. :bigsmile:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi everyone. It has been a very long two days, monday and tuesday. But, they are passing.
    marie, sometimes your posts remind me of a word puzzle, yesterday was quite a challenge!

    Chris, I believe Barbie posted an applesauce recipe.

    The baking sounds great!
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Well, I canned pears and made applesauce today. I went up and down the starirs about 8 times getting things and doing laundry. My day has flown by. That is about all I did.

    Hope your day is going good. Talk to you tomorrow.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :bigsmile: Jake was happy today because he got to buy some new shirts for his birthday and we ate healthy yesterday.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: the dogs were happy to walk on their trails this morning:bigsmile: we took an extra long walk but by 11:00 they were ready to go again.

    :bigsmile: Bernie, the cat was happy to be home with all of us:bigsmile: he was so happy that he woke me up at 4:30 to tell me how much he loves me and how much he missed me:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: I got my mammogram today so I don't have to think about it again for a year :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Shirley, your Thanksgiving weekend of healthy eating sounds wonderful....:bigsmile: it's good news that you got your MIL settled in her new place.

    :bigsmile: Chris, how much applesauce did you make? do you freeze it or can it or just use it up right away?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just a quick "hi"...busy , upsetting day, as my dear friend was given too much coumadin, and then a pill for vitamin K to reverse the bleeding, and since she lives alone, I spent many hours until we could get her entered into emergency at the hospital. I just pray she will revover from the effects of this mess, as she has been having one accident after another this past year! I think I may have mentioned a few weeks ago her car was hit by a young women texting while driving through a red light! Anyway, it makes me grateful when I'm alright! That coumadin seems to be so dangerous for some people, yet it's a necessary evil, I guess!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: buzz, our prescription drugs can be scary. Most pharmacists are rather careful and keep a close eye on all our medications. My husband's mother died due to a happening in the hospital. Her husband told the doctor all the medication that she was on but he missed one of them. This one particular drug mixed wrong with one the hospital gave her and it killed her. So sad, and so unnecessary. But, you husband doesn't know what pills I am taking, either.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, it sounds like you are finally getting your life back together. What a relief. Oh, I got my mammogram last week. This makes my third one. You will have to let us know just how you can garden in bad weather.

    Chris, is your applesauce chunky? I love it that way.

    :flowerforyou: Shirley, I have to applaud anyone who can actually live with out meat. I guess that if a person really can not stand the taste then it would be easy. I just can't imagine never eating a steak again.:happy:

    I am hoping to go to the YMCA with my husband. He usually goes by himself but I missed my class last night and would like to join him tonight.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi all and welcome new folks.

    I am only here a minute as I am making some soup for dinner with the turkey broth I made after Thanksgivg dinner. I was nearly finished my longer post when my iPad battery died. It did warn me but I thought I could complete it. Bad decision.

    Have a great mid-week. A late Happy Birthday to Jake! Gayla
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning Gayla. I hope that your soup turned out great.

    Well, now starts another day. But, the week is now half over. Looking forward to the weekend already.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Becky Gayla is a great cook. I wish i enjoy cooking as well as she does. She is always cooking something so yummy

    Woke up to rain this morning . So we are off to a great start. Yes today is hump day and we are off to the store to get our weekly grocers bought later this morning. Jerry is still asleep and Sammy is on his palet right beside me sound asleep too. I got to go and get woke up See you later.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: another morning without rain (it rains at nice and stops by morning :bigsmile: ) I am having my breakfast and being pestered by Bernie, the cat. Brandy and Sasha are waiting patiently for me on the couch. As soon as I put my cup in the sink they'll jump up and be ready to go for a long walk:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Gayla, turkey soup ----yum,yum:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Everyone seems to be making soup. Must be the sign of the
    weather changing.

    I made my Kale and Bean again on Monday so I can eat it at work
    all week. Still finsihing up the Chicken Chili too.

    The weather is gray and it has started raining today . I am working today
    because I took Monday off for our holiday. So cleaning day will be changed
    to Friday.

    My goal is to get back to my regular eating pattern after the holiday. There were
    pasteries brought into work yesterday so I just had to have some. :tongue:
    Now I have to get back to losing again, this plateau has been going on too long
    and should be broken. :grumble:

    Of course another challenge on Saturday will be our Tom Turkey dinner at our
    sailing club. I will pick and chose my eats. There always seems to be a
    temptation but that is what we call Life. This will be the last dinner for the season.:drinker:
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning all,
    Barbie, When I make applesauce I can it in jars and process it so I can put it in the pantry for later in the year. I have only begun making applesauce, I made 12 jars yesterday and tomorrow I will make another 12 jars, then on Saturday I will make another 12 jars of sliced apples for apple pie. I gave a 5 gallon bucket to my son and grandsons, the boys told their dand Grandma and Grandpa always have the best apples, so crunchy. They are the apple of my eye. I made chunky applesauce with cinnamin in it. I also made sliced pears, only 6 jars.

    My day is going good since I got on the scale and it is moving in the right direction. We had boiled eggs, tomatoe, and a fresh pear for breakfast. The pears are so sweet.

    I have to go to the dr. this morning, my GP dr. took me off t=my blood pressure meds and now they want me to take a stress test to see how everything is going. No worries.

    I am going to grocery shop today, only a few things as we have so many fruits and veggies we only need cleaning products and
    diary items. But I will look around Wal Mart too. Then I will do my walk and maybe climb stairs today too.

    Have a fun day. Chris