Sexy in Six R2 *closed group* Wk 2



  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Monday's QOTD: Tips for staying on track when life gets hectic...

    My life has been hectic since school started in August. I haven't found the magic suggestion for working out, except maybe to find something you love. If you love it, you are willing to find ways to do it. I drive 1-hour roundtrip for 1 hour of Zumba because I enjoy it. It means leaving work early and getting home late, but so far I'm doing it, and looking forward to it. I don't recommend that extreme for everybody, but finding something you love is definitely key. My other suggestions are to plan and to take the time to prepare snacks/ lunches. Even on the nights I get home late, I prepare tomorrow's lunch.
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Planning has come up on here a lot, i think that helps tons!! that includes packing lunches.

    If i do go for fast food, i try to make healthy choices that i've pre looked up the calories, like a veggie burger or a buffalo grilled chicken snack wrap (220 cal) :)

    i try to remember that i've already spent SO much time logging / planning / exercising, so if blow it from being stressed i'll be more stressed and time strapped later!!!

    most importantly is getting a hold of emotional eating and binging, which i always want to do when i'm stressed!!! any tips for that? i find if i pause, think about my goals and let it pass i'm OK. If i give myself permission to eat whatever then i go off the deep end!

    Ps-Bella i LOVE frozen grapes, going to freeze some tomorrow thanks for the reminder!
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What tips can you provide to help stay on track when life get's hectic?

    To have pre made dinners set aside and frozen for when life gets busy. And to have a workout planned out for the days when you can't get a full one in.
  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    Hello ladies! So excited to join this and be a part of the Black Team! Good luck everyone!

    MONDAY QOTD: What tips can you provide to help stay on track when life get's hectic?

    I don't really have a hectic life- I'm a stay home mom- but trying to find time to workout with my 2 year old calling the shots isn't always easy- sooooo I get up early every day so I have ME time. This when I try to work out, plan my meals for the day and some times even cook dinner so I don't have to worry about feeling lazy later on.
    Also- I have back up frozen meals in my freezer for when I don't feel like cooking at night- this generally stops us from ordering out.
    And- I have realized that one of the hardest parts is staying on track when the people around you aren't on the same page (weightloss/exercising) so... I make my husband do it with me- and if he has a cheat day, I do too- I just either try to stay under the calories that day even with the bad food, or I try to make up for them the next day. (like if I go over by 300 calories- the next day i try to stay under by at least 300 calories).
  • chocolattahottie
    Tuesday QOTD:

    How many meals does everyone eat a day?

    I typically have breakfast, lunch, dinner and a dessert. I fit a mid-morning or mid-afternoon protein bar in the mix as well.
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Tuesday QOTD:

    How many meals does everyone eat a day?

    I am eating nonstop. Breakfast when I get to work. Mid-morning snack. Lunch. Two snacks in the afternoon because I tend to eat dinner later. Dinner and then a snack before I go to bed. I joke around that volume-wise, I eat more than I used to. It's just that I make better choices now.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Tuesday: I eat 2 consistently, when I'm on the road all day, I snack a LOT. I agree about the volume of food, I eat way more food than I used to!
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    i also totally snack A LOT!!! i usually eat breakfast, lunch, dinner plus any snacks i can fit in :)
  • 160poundgirl
    Tuesday QOTD:

    How many meals does everyone eat a day?

    I typically have breakfast, lunch, dinner and a dessert. I fit a mid-morning or mid-afternoon protein bar in the mix as well.

    I have recently discovered breakfast and snacking!!! yes!! i would stuff my face at lunch and dinner before so i try to have my three meals and at least a snack a day. I am working on getting in between meals so improve my metabolism
  • drgirl1023
    drgirl1023 Posts: 112 Member
    Sorry ladies for the late response for Monday QOTD:

    What keeps me focus is my goal! The dream of feeling sexy again - the vision. I try not to cheat because I know that in long run I have to go burn what I put in my body. I usually have my lunches and breakfeast packed for my work day along with my snack.

    Now for Tuesday QOTD:

    I usually have a cup of coffee, breakfast, lunch , snack and more coffee.
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Tuesday QOTD:

    How many meals does everyone eat a day?

    Breakfast, Lunch. Snack, Dinner
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: How many meals does everyone eat a day?

    M-F : Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner with a mid-morning and afternoon snack. And evening snack if I have the calories and I'm hungry or craving something.

    Sat & Sun: Usually two to three meals, with one or two real set pattern. It depends on our schedule.
  • Magic_Girl
    Monday QOTD: Everyone has such great tips! I just go with the flow. I'm starting to learn that I won't get anything done if I keep making excuses for myself. I am responsible for everything I do. I have the power to choose when I work out and what foods I eat. Just because everyone else is eating pizza for dinner doesn't mean I have to and the same with exercise. Just because my boyfriend has a rest day and doesn't want to go to the gym doesn't mean I have to stay home too, I just go without him! :)

    Tuesday QOTD: My food diary is set up like this... Breakfast, Snack 1, Lunch, Snack 2, Dinner, Snack 3... I don't always eat snacks between meals. I know it's good to eat 6 times a day, but I'm still getting used to it. :)
  • kaleighmorgan
    Monday QOTD: When I know it's going to be a busy/hectic day, I try to plan out my eating opportunities. I pack snacks for when I think there are going to be snack breaks, and if I know I have to eat lunch out I look at what options I'm going to have and check them on MFP before I eat them so I know I'm not going too far overboard.

    Tuesday QOTD: Number of meals? Breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, snack usually. I know I need to cut out that after-dinner snack (it's what gets me) but I'm not hungry enough for a mid-morning snack sometimes. I'm going to start trying to eat a "two block" meal every three hours though, so we'll see how that goes! :D

    ALSO--Black team!! Sorry about the weight gain on my part--it was "that-time-of-the-month." Good news? I'm already back down one.four pounds so I'll be getting my *kitten* back into skinny jeans before the end of this week!! I want to be like, 5-10 lbs lighter come Halloween, so I'll be bringing it in the challenges. Especially now that our weights are posted! hahaha
    I eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, typically with a snack between each.
  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    QOTD; How many meals does everyone eat a day?

    I usually eat 3 meals but I try to have 5.
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Starting the day off great, got the baby back to sleep and walked 4 miles (with Leslie Sansone, I'm doing her ABtober Challenge) before breakfast, heading to the gym after lunch and hopefully swimming tonight. Go Team Yellow.
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What tips can you provide to help stay on track when life get's hectic?

    Missed it yesterday. Hectic day! I wake up a 5 to get to the gym before work. That way, it's done, out of the way, and I have no excuses for not exercising. It sucks to wake up, but great afterwards. :)

    QOTD; How many meals does everyone eat a day?

    I have 3 real meals and one or two snacks.
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    QOTD; How many meals does everyone eat a day?

    I usually have an egg or nothing before 9 am, then I usually have a special k breast meal bar for a mid-morning snack.
    I have lunch after that and then a fairly good size dinner (around 600 cal sometimes) around 6 pm. If I have a smaller size dinner then I have a snack after that.
  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    How many meals does everyone eat a day?

    Three meals, and sometimes a snack. I find if I start snacking, I tend not to stop. Also, I try not to eat after dinner.