Oct. Challenge Week 2 Open!



  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    Hi Group!:happy:

    Had been doing great with packing my lunch/dinner for the last 4 days until yesterday.
    I actually packed it, but didn't have a chance to eat ALL DAY...at one point I did grab
    my orange, sat on the tailgate of my truck and took a breather. HORRIFIC traffic collision
    with two fatalities..we were out there for HOURS. Definitely got all my water in tho!:tongue:
    Thank goodness they rolled out the Command Post so I could use the 'facilities'!! Finally
    got out of the station around 2230hrs....Jack in the Box on the way home. Was too tired to
    care and wanted comfort food. Got the Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger...ate half driving home
    and said enough. Back on track today....it's my weekend. Thinking about going to get a pedi -
    my legs and feet are killing me after being on the pavement for so many hours yesterday.

    Read through a few posts on our thread this morning......GREAT job EVERYONE!!! :drinker:


    Pam, I totally feel you! I was up all day sunday with the kids b-day party, then right as I was going to bed, my beeper went off. Back to work for a appendix. I got home in just enough time to get the kids up and ready for school, and me back to work at 6:30. So, I was up for more hours than I could count yesterday. I was dying. The only thing that got me through was my 5 hour energies I have in my locker for nights like that.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    All the foods people are posting look so wonderful!!! I am so going to have to try most of them!!!

    I am so happy for everyone's progress!!! STILL not so sure about my new food for this week. I forgot to find something this weekend!!!

    I had a bad past 2 days... not food related, work related. I pulled a all nighter. It about killed me. Thank got that my locker at work was full of snacks. and my friends at work were laughing at me bringing peanut butter and a half loaf of bread. but guess who was eating a sandwich at 1 am??? all 3 of us on call people were. HA!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    All the foods people are posting look so wonderful!!! I am so going to have to try most of them!!!

    I am so happy for everyone's progress!!! STILL not so sure about my new food for this week. I forgot to find something this weekend!!!

    I had a bad past 2 days... not food related, work related. I pulled a all nighter. It about killed me. Thank got that my locker at work was full of snacks. and my friends at work were laughing at me bringing peanut butter and a half loaf of bread. but guess who was eating a sandwich at 1 am??? all 3 of us on call people were. HA!

    Jenn....wishing a better, less eventful (notice I did not say the Q word!) week for both of us!!!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    I so appreciate that, Pam!!!

    I did have a nice morning, got the kids off to school. Went to my friend's house and did JM 30 day shred DVD> It is so much more fun to have a friend whining with me! LOL
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    Today's fun quote is:

    The only valid excuse for not exercising is paralysis. ~Moira Nordholt
  • Does any one think its bad to be over on protein everyday? Please give me your thoughts. If it's a problem, my problem is that I'm drinking it. I LOVE MILK! MMMMMMMM MILK! Milk has a lot of protein, I never realized it.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Being from Wisconsin, I have to say Milk is not bad for you. Just make sure you are balancing out the calories with all the other nutrients that you need.
  • Does any one think its bad to be over on protein everyday? Please give me your thoughts. If it's a problem, my problem is that I'm drinking it. I LOVE MILK! MMMMMMMM MILK! Milk has a lot of protein, I never realized it.

    How much milk are you drinking? I am typically over on protein and sugar. However I'm also training for a 5k and walking/running close to 5 miles a day. I was told that the protein is needed to repair the muscle I am retraining.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    Good morning! We have a slow day at work today. Only 1 case at 1pm. So, I plan on squats all day! Anyone want to join me??? I am going for 100! Not all at 1 time though, I will die! Maybe 4 sets of 25.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member

    Anyone have any challenge ideas that they would like to see??? I am trying to make it a bit harder for the last 2 weeks, to really get us moving...

    I am open to anything!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    I'm doing great so far this week, just need to get my strength training in. I better start now or I will be trying to get it in all at once.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning! We have a slow day at work today. Only 1 case at 1pm. So, I plan on squats all day! Anyone want to join me??? I am going for 100! Not all at 1 time though, I will die! Maybe 4 sets of 25.

    I sneak in 50 squats or lunges each time I use the ladies room. They really add up. My legs are really more defined now and the lunges kill my glutes!
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    On my honor, I promise to join you in doing 100 squats today. I will do them will diligence and try to make each one count. Seriously, a great challenge for today.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I"m in for squats. I'm going to do 150 because I have 6 five minute breaks to do them in.
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    Yay! Squats! No really ,squats are my arch nemesis. But I will do them anyway!
    I walked/jogged 3 miles this morning! I feel gooood!
  • Yay! Squats! No really ,squats are my arch nemesis. But I will do them anyway!
    I walked/jogged 3 miles this morning! I feel gooood!

    3 miles NICE
  • I drink at least 1/2 gallon of milk a day. MMM MILK!
    I'm in for squats.

    How about for the next challenge really watching those parts of our diets that our over our goal. For example, I have been doing good meeting my calorie goal daily, but am almost always over on sugar. Maybe some others have a similar problem.

    Thanks again Jenn for doing this challenge. This week has been really good to me so far. I don't have stairs or even a parking lot at work, and I work only 2.2 miles from home. So, I have been biking to work to meet the challenge. I love it!
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    150 squats done. I go to back the sports doctor tomorrow for my plantar fasciitis and I'm hoping he will finally let me run (or at least give me something I can do instead that doesn't involve water.

    I love milk btw. It's been my drink of choice since I was a kid. :happy:
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member

    Anyone have any challenge ideas that they would like to see??? I am trying to make it a bit harder for the last 2 weeks, to really get us moving...

    I am open to anything!

    i know its not health related but what about doing one good deed a day? or something like that?
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    I just read something, "you become what you believe".

    We all need to have faith in ourselves and that we can do it!