Over 200 new me part 53 (open group)



  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Does anyone know how many calories I can burn scrubbing walls and ceilings. I have NAGGED my husband to the point of divorce but I am getting the inside of my house painted this weekend. So I am going to start prep work. My husband works hard at his job but is not that willing to do things around our home. He looks at trying to remodel our home and gets over whelmed instead of just doing little things here and there that we can do to improve our home now. We don't have a landlord that is going to come and do this for us. So I have been harassing him so badly that he would not speak to me yesterday. But when he got home from work he was ready to get her all done. I knew he could not stay mad at me. He gets too hungry for that and he would starve without this good cook. Sorry but I am an good cook. I don't make fancy things so I am not gourmet by any means. But that man of mine likes his food and especially mine. So he won't stay mad and he will eventually give in to me. :devil:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Julie, vent away my friend. It has been a long time since I had a baby I had to leave home when I went to work. She is 18 now but I remember how it felt. Honestly, I still missed her every time I went to work but it did get a lot easier. Is she home with your dh?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma-- scrubbing walls is an excellent workout! Your arms will be jello for days after. I learned that the hard way while nesting this summer. :laugh:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Well off to a good start this morning !! I have only exercise 15 minutes but I think I will do another 30 a little bit later on in the day.I am glad to see everyone back and Cris I loved your photos of your wedding on facebook.I think you look beautiful in them glad your back.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thanks Ann :heart:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in for yesterday!
    Calories - Under my exercise calories by about 300
    Water - great!
    Exercise - 30 minutes of "running" (ok it's slow but still!)

    Proud - we went to Trader Joe's after work and I was SO HUNGRY but I managed to find something for our "Meatless Monday" dinner that was delicious and still within my calorie goal. I bought ravioli in the refrigerated section, that was stuffed with goat cheese and sun-dried tomatoes. I sautéed them in a little butter with thinly sliced onions and crushed garlic - and minced fresh rosemary. YUM! I also steamed up some acorn squash with Quinao and sprinkled it with cinnamon for dessert! I added a dab of plain Greek yogurt to the acorn/quinao and it worked pretty well.

    Now if I can just keep out of the chocolate covered almonds with sea salt sprinkles I'll be OK!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over by just a bit - that was a surprise because I thought I was well under until I logged everything
    exercise: good - an hour of step
    water: I think ok
    proud: lost .6 at my weightloss challenge class so I didn't have to pay $1!

    I'm struggling a bit today. I'm down to 240 calories, I'm going to have to be very good for dinner and bedtime snack!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    lstpaul - PUMPKIN! When I run short of calories I love having a few cans of pumpkin on hand because it tastes great either sweet or savory and it fills you up!

    You can have a giant salad with a chicken breast on it for dinner - and low cal dressing. Then for dessert have some low fat cottage cheese or Greek yogurt mixed with half a can of pumpkin, and some cinnamon or cyan (or both!).

    What are your favorite low cal snacks?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Just got back from a 3.28 mile run...on a course I always thought was 3.1 miles. I keep running farther than intended on accident...guess I can't complain. Pace was the same as last night, even though it was farther. I'm feeling better and better about the 10 miler in a few weeks. Plus, I have a good idea for my Halloween costume that I can run in. Can't wait to go shopping and put it all together! Have I ever mentioned just how much I love costumes??

    Hope you all have a great night!
  • snowtrain
    snowtrain Posts: 11 Member
    I want to join this join and I read through all the posts, but I don't see any of the challenges. Can someone tell me what this week's challenge is?
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    Today, stepped on the scale..... (I seriously think I am addicted), and it went up a pound! Ok....did I somehow miss the memo that if you eat right and exercise regularly that you weight goes up! Ughhhhhhhh.....Just last week, I was at 234.0, feeling great, yesterday I was at 236.0, and gosh darnit by today i am 237.0.....I can only imagine what I will be tomorrow!

    But, tomorrow, I plan to get up, and exercise to Leslie, and make healthy choices again........sigh.....
  • snowtrain
    snowtrain Posts: 11 Member
    Today, stepped on the scale..... (I seriously think I am addicted), and it went up a pound! Ok....did I somehow miss the memo that if you eat right and exercise regularly that you weight goes up! Ughhhhhhhh.....Just last week, I was at 234.0, feeling great, yesterday I was at 236.0, and gosh darnit by today i am 237.0.....I can only imagine what I will be tomorrow!

    But, tomorrow, I plan to get up, and exercise to Leslie, and make healthy choices again........sigh.....

    Don't worry! One pound fluctuation is completely normal. You could be holding some water weight or maybe you weighed yourself on an empty stomach and then today when you still had food in your belly. I'd weigh myself once a week in the morning without any clothes on right after you wake up. This way you don't have to worry so much about the little fluctuations your body has. I've been know to go up and down two pounds in 3 days. It all depends on what's in your body and your salt consumption (makes you hold water).

    However, It sounds like this might be a motivator for you...so maybe keep on doing what your doing!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning gals! I'm usually not the first person to post in the morning, where is everybody?

    snowtrain: welcome! I don't think we got a challenge for this week, usually the biggest loser from Friday's weigh-in makes up a challenge if they want to. But it has been awhile since we've had a challenge. Any ideas? I know that I have been slacking in the weight training part of my exercise schedule ... maybe this week's challenge can be that we all do at least 60 minutes of weight training this week? Muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle we have the better our metabolism is!

    annasgyal: my scale totally goes up and down every day, could be hormones, could be salty foods, could be not enough water, lots of things. Just keep exercising and eating right and the scale will go back down. The scale can be a great motivator, but don't let it get you down if it fluctuates a bit. Have you taken any measurements? Sometimes when the scale isn't moving you may actually still be losing inches.

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: OVER by 900 .... I totally failed to eat light last night.
    exercise: none - day off
    water: probably not so great - didn't track
    proud: hmmm ... I guess I could have done even worse with the mood I was in
    Mstahl - I wish I had seen your post before I left work because it might have helped me make a plan. I had actually just bought a can of pumpkin yesterday too because I've heard people suggest it as a good low cal option. I had no plan, and just grazed on everything all night long. I wasn't even hungry! Just a total mental thing. I'm feeling a little sick, just tired and stuffy and I always have a harder time with food when I'm under the weather. Plus I was sad yesterday because my daughter's swim team had a big meet last night with a rival school - that in the past she always did well at - but she was just there as manager last night because of her injury (and her lack of desire to try to get back to swimming after her injury) - so I didn't go to the meet at all. I'm still bummed about her missing out on most of her senior season. It seems dumb, but it's going to take me a bit to get over being dissappointed.
    Back on track today.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Welcome newcomers,

    lstpaul, you have had a rough couple of weeks. I am proud of you that you are still chugging a long. Teenagers are a challenge and can be destructive to any diet and you are not letting it happen:laugh: :sad: :indifferent: :sick: :mad::love: :explode: :heart: :laugh: :smile: :flowerforyou: That is for how they tend to make you feel at times.

    I love the challenge 60 minutes of weight training. I think since this week is almost over we should let this slide over into next week as well.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Wow Momma! You captured the adolescent female pretty well! LOL! :laugh: I mean :sad: :huh:

    lstPaul - I'm sorry about your disappointment with the swim team! I know a little how you feel.. it's not that we want to relive our high school days (shudder) but we have such hope for them and want them to feel good about themselves and experience the joy:love: and satisfaction:drinker: of accomplishing something that's hard... :frown:

    Checking in for Tuesday:
    Calories - 1050 low but on average I'm still on target. I think it's OK to go under once in a while...
    Water - 80 oz.
    Exercise - nope :grumble: totally over-slept :cry:

    Proud- I made a pretty healthy dinner with what we had on hand in the house - brown rice with quinoa, I sautéed previously frozen red peppers and onions, browned some extra firm tofu and made up a curry sauce. YUM! Everyone loved it and I had some calories to spare! I thought I'd have a small dessert but I (shockingly) wasn't that hungry so I skipped it!
  • I'm about 3 pages behind, but wanted to pop in and say hello! Was out of town for work last week, then was just feeling kind of icky and depressed. Finally snapped myself out of it yesterday by making myself go running. I hit the pavement and practically FLEW through town, doing 2+ miles at a pace under 11 minutes, which I haven't ever hit before.

    For those of you running or are interested in the half marathon, I ran part of the route yesterday at dusk and it was gorgeous. :happy:

    If you're thinking about doing it or the 8K with us in May, here are some of the highlights from last night's run (filched from flickr)...

    Colonial Williamsburg by speckerj, on Flickr

    Colonial Williamsburg - Governor's Palace by paperspaints, on Flickr

    Colonial Williamsburg by SkylineScenes, on Flickr
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    OHHHH Allison I would love to do that. But the financial front wont allow such things for me. That is so beautiful. I am still sitting around waiting for one of the Parent Loans for college to show up so I can start paying on it. With only one income things are tight. Oh how much fun that would be. Glad you are back though I have missed you.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    getting better but still not feeling 100%, but getting there. Trying really hard to make good food choices today .
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    time for some exercise see you guys in a bit
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Anne (AWestfall) and lstPaul - you two are working out fools today! WAY TO GO! :flowerforyou:

    I've had a few to many mini dark Hershey krisps dipped in peanut butter :grumble: thanks to my "run" this AM I'm still OK on calories but I really need to break this chocolate habit I've developed!