Guess who I saw yesterday!!



  • BetteEdmonson
    Isn't it interesting how our focus changes when we make a life-altering decision? Mine came towards the end of August when my doctor told me I was pre-Diabetic and only 10 points away from being a full-blown Diabetic. This news was following a glucose tolerance test. I'd heard about mfp from my youngest daughter and her husband but didn't feel like I wanted to fool with keeping up with "all those numbers". At 63 I was trying to simplify my life, not make it more complicated. So on the Sunday before my doctor's appointment, I committed to giving mfp a chance. Little did I know that I would be sucked into it hook, line, and sinker! Now I'm a convert. I feel like I have a glow about me because I want to share the great things it has done for me, but even better, what it can do for other people. The pounds are coming off, the inches are shrinking, my diaries are being perfected, the water is easier to drink, temptation is not an issue, and I'm making "friends" that mean the world to me. I know precious little about each of them but feel like I've known them all my life. Life change? You bet and I'm not looking back. Can't do anything about the past but I can do something about my future. However much time I have left on this earth, I promise to make every day the healthiest I possibly can.

    Thank you again for your poignant story. If you are not already a writer, you need to be. What a positive outlook you have. Want to be friends??

  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    It was so much more than just nice. It reminds me that every day I am out there a bunch of people are out there with me.
  • LeSsOvMe
    LeSsOvMe Posts: 117
    Love this!
  • Suepop1994
    Great way of painting a picture of VICTORY! Great NSV!
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    This is the result of becoming more human... recognizing our own selves in others. This is fantabulous and made me smile and made me cry too. And everyone's response has also brought tears to my eyes. I have been at this for 6 months... creating a new life for me. A new way of eating, a new way of moving, a new way of thinking, a new way of being. This is great news for all of us here. We really are finding our way... and we should spread the word more often... (although I never stop talking about this site!) I am here to stay!
  • brickhouse76
    Absolutely love this post!