What was your wake-up call to lose weight?



  • kardeamad
    Suspected heart attack

    2 doctors telling me I HAD had a heart attack and that if I went home from the hospital I probably wouldn't make it back in time when I had another.

    I looked at my husband and realised we had far too much life to live together for me to check out before I am at least 90 :smile:
  • joseph9
    joseph9 Posts: 328 Member
    Usually I know I've lost track of my weight when I start snoring, or when I start avoiding being in photos.
  • Molly_Louise
    For as long as I can remember, I have been unhappy with myself and my weight. I'd tried to do something about it before but never really stuck to anything and just ended up more miserable.

    On August 8th this year my so called best friends decided they didn't want to be friends with me. I was in a 'clique' of 8 people and the 8 of us have been best friends for over 7 years now. Anyway, one evening they decided to tell me that they no longer wanted anything to do with me and called me the most horrific names possible. The next day, I woke up and decided that I didn't need them anymore and that it was going to be a new start for me! Shortly after that, I found MFP.

    Almost 4 weeks on I am feeling fantastic but still not in contact with the people I was so close with. As much as I dislike them for everything, I suppose I have a lot to thank them for. They made me want to change myself and make myself happy again, and so here I am, on the road to what I hope I can eventually call happiness.

    Wow...typing all of that out felt amazing.
  • taclyn
    taclyn Posts: 4 Member
    Seeing a picture of myself on facebook this evening. I almost can't stop looking at it. I have been gaining weight for about 4 years, I want this to be a wake up call, that is why I am here. I am not very motivated to do anything when I get home from work except eat and watch TV. I want to make a change but can't seem to get started.
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    I spent an entire summer packing away the pounds about 2 years ago. It was my first summer not spent working since I had been old enough to legally work and I took advantage of it. Drinking, pigging out at restaurants and fast food, pre-made meals and anything else I could get my hands on, my weight shot to 150 pounds. At 5'1'' that put me at 28.something BMI. The realization I was closer to an "obese" BMI than "normal" BMI shocked me back into better eating.

    I kept around 130 lbs for the next year and a half or so without really trying to lose more until I went on and eating spree followed by a vacation about 6 months ago and once again my weight hit 143. I saw the pictures from that vacation and felt sick that I was letting my weight get so high again, finally managed to buckle down about 4 months ago and found MFP maybe a month and a half or two months ago.

    I've lost about 23-24 pounds so far and I'm more than halfway to where I want to be, only about 15 pounds away now. Actually setting goals made all the difference this time and I'm determined to keep eating well whether or not I'm dieting for my own health.
  • FancyJumper
    Like a lot of other people, seeing pictures of myself. I've always been very athletic, and when I started seeing pics of myself with a round face and love handles, it made me feel very bad about myself. Also looking back at pictures of when I was fit and noticing the huge difference.

    I realized I had pretty much stopped wearing jeans because they were all too tight... and when I went to try them on again, I couldn't button most of them. A couple pairs I couldn't pull up over my butt!

    I had tried to lose weight a couple of times before (I gained it over a year and a half)... but with my thyroid not working properly it was impossible. Now I've got my thyroid medication figured out to the right dosage, and have lost about 13 pounds so far. However, that was back in Feb-May time period, and I was stuck until I found this site! Now I've already lost another pound (and a solid inch of waist)!
  • ehensarling17
    ehensarling17 Posts: 95 Member
    Seeing pictures of myself - had no idea I looked like that - see something different in the mirror!

    That and:

    1. Turning 30
    2. Realizing I've gained 50 lbs in the 5 years I've been married
    3. Becoming a mom
    4. Buying size 16 pants for the first time for a special event and wanting to cry

    The final tipping point was seeing myself in a photo in said size 16 pants and barely recognizing myself. I said "That's it" five weeks ago and I am already down 10 lbs! 40 more to go!
  • dancinonwater
    dancinonwater Posts: 18 Member
    As lame as it seems, my wake up call was honestly this Friday when i couldn't take my eyes of my friend in a certain dress. I don't like have a thing for my friend, i just mean that she looked so unbelievable thin and hot, that it totally knocked me out of the idea that food makes me feel good because looking that way would make me feel better than food ever could, and not leave me with the guilt when i look in the mirror, and lately even when i look down.. I have always been an emotional eater, and since i have been battling head to head with a great deal of anxiety the past couple of years, I've put on about 20 extra pounds. But seeing how good she looked in that tight dress really was my wake up call. I finally realized that eating better and dropping those pounds could actually eliminate some anxiety, and help me learn better ways to cope.

    Wish me luck!

    P. S. This post gave me a great idea for a goal! On my 15th birthday, which is the day that i want to have definately reached my goal weight (and spring vacation in Florida will be only days away), I will try on that dress! Maybe even wear it to school if she lets me (which is know she would). I promise you I will post pics! And actually, promising you guys something will help me stay motivated to do this!
  • ohamberx0
    ohamberx0 Posts: 98 Member
    A few boys called me fat. It happens.
  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
    bump :heart:
  • fordster99
    fordster99 Posts: 181 Member
    I was 38 and couldn't lay on my back without feeling like I was smothering. I would have to lay on my side to sleep. I was already sick of it but it wasn't until I got on the scale and it read 298.4 that I really decided that I had to do something. I did not want to hit 300 lbs.
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    I think mine came in stages....not being able to breathe easily ....even when just walking. Having a horrible fear of sitting in a booth because my chest was right against the table.....having to wear a CPAP mask every night to sleep....feet that hurt all the time...I'm tired of being tired and winded and not being comfortable in my own skin.
  • kew736
    kew736 Posts: 28
    my dad squeezing my arm fat and asking if I still worked out.
    My brother constantly teasing me about my healthy diet
    Pretty much my family. They unknowingly cause me to want to lose weight, not only to be fitter, but to throw it in their faces once I am more toned/lacking arm fat!

    I also just want to lose for my self-confidence. It has always been somethihng I am preoccupied with since like grade 6.
  • browneyes3257
    My doctor asked me if I wanted to see my kids graduate. That was the toughest thing I have ever heard. Not being able to see my kids grow up scares me. And in this last couple of months I've watched as my little girl started puting a lot of weight on. I don't want her to end up like me....
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    The first digit on the scale was no longer a 1. I never thought I would ever be 200+ lbs much less 210. I was very athletic and active for most of my young life, and was really upset that I had let myself go so badly. I had a 6 minute mile when I was running track my senior year of high school, and now I could barely walk a flight of stairs. I was just disgusted.

    19 lbs down, I still am disgusted, but less so than I was. It's getting better.
  • ashandmeg
    Watching my daughter be upset about her weight. I said to myself....if I am going to help her I have to learn this myself. It's going to be hard to learn this new lifestyle but I have to do it.
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    When my "fat pants"- the ones I was so embarrassed to even own, got too tight.
  • apee24
    apee24 Posts: 46
    Blood clot in leg, palipitations, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and not liking the way i look in the mirror!
  • ajrulo
    ajrulo Posts: 50
    After gaining 25 pounds in one emotionally tough year and being absolutely disgusted with myself for having to go up almost 2 pant sizes because of it.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Actually weighing myself. I hadn't weighed myself in almost a year after having my baby, and when I finally did, WOW! I knew it was time to whip it in shape!