Over 200 new me part 53 (open group)



  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    Today, yes the scale went down, however, in my excitement, I was a bit ashamed. Why do I constantly allow that number on the scale to define me? Or better yet why do I allow that number to determine my success! Something for me to ponder. I have to travel this weekend for residency. I plan to exercise while at the hotel......will the the first time I even considered exercising when going to a hotel. Not sure if room service has healthy options, however, I plan to eat in moderation.

    Want to get back into running, however, I feel like the whole park will laugh at me, seeing me struggle to run.

    Today, I did great with my calories, got all my meals and snacks in, and actually am not hungry.......Me actually saying I am not hungry.....(Kind of funny actually)
  • muriah2
    muriah2 Posts: 143 Member
    Is it too late to "count me in"??
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Muriah2: Welcome to the group! It's never too late to join.

    Sherry (Momma24): What is your location again?

    Annasgyal: I completely know what you're talking about when you say you're letting the scale define your success. I was a 2-6 times a day weigher, but when I realized that I was letting the number on the scale determine my mood for the entire day, I decided to wean myself off. I first went down to once a day weighing, then twice a week, then once a day. Now I'm experimenting with weighing only the first and last day of the month. I'm much happier and can focus on my fitness/performance progress. I recommend cutting back on the scale if you can to see if it makes the whole thing less stressful for you.

    As for the running, I used to think that way about running in public, but then I told myself that at least I'm trying! Sometimes I get strange looks from the people sitting in their lawn chairs, drinking beer and smoking cigarettes while I run past but in my mind I scream "I'm freaking awesome and you aren't, you lazy bums!" Just get out there and do what feels good for you! Don't let anyone determine who you are, what you should do and what makes you feel good for you...only you can do that.

    Allison: Thanks for the pics of Williamsburg. I'm so excited. Nate and I love history, so we figure it should be the perfect vacation for us. What amazes me is that NO one, not even non-runners have called me crazy for signing up for a half marathon in a different state. I thought people would think I was even more nuts than usual.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over...pizza followed by ice cream last night. I was ravenous after my workout.
    Water: 128 oz.
    Exercise: 30 Day Shred, Level 1
    Proud: I changed into my workout gear as soon as I got home last night so I didn't let any excuses get in the way.

    I'm feeling it in the quads and glutes today, but it tells me I'm using muscles in a way I haven't for a while, so that's a plus!
  • snowtrain
    snowtrain Posts: 11 Member
    @istpaul Sounds good 60 mins of weight training is a great goal!

    @annasgyal Don't worry about what other people think of you. Most will probably see you working hard to run and think "you go girl" . I know I would.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Whenever I see anyone jogging/running or even walking I always kind of tip my hat at them for even getting out there...I saw a very overweight lady the other day attempting to run...I can see where some people would have mocked her or giggled a bit at how she looked but I kind of teared up and in my mind said "good for you!!"
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I always want to honk & yell encouragement when I see bigger people jogging. But I know if they're anything like me, they'll think I'm being a mean sarcastic b**** and I'm really making fun of them so I never do. :laugh:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    When the elderly folks walk past me while I "run" the look back and smile encouragingly:flowerforyou: . YES really!:grumble: But sometimes their walker and oxygen trip them up and I catch up with them!

    Checking in for Wednesday:
    Calories - Under by about half my exercise calories
    Water - good
    Exercise - no. I might have slept in :embarassed:

    Proud- I was home alone with the dark chocolate covered almonds with sea salt, from Trader Joe's and I didn't eat more than the one's I counted! They are EVIL!:devil: They TALK TO ME! :ohwell:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: did EXCELLENT ... probably a bit low really since I usually eat my exercise calories and didn't - but every once in a while that is probably good for me ... the scale showed it this morning
    exercise: good - an hour of step
    water: not so good ... need to work on that
    proud: I worked pretty hard to make decent choices all day, ok, ok - boo berry for my bedtime snack wasn't the best choice - but could have been worse.

    challenge: goal is 60 for the week - I've done 15 minutes of weight lifting, plan to do another 30 tonight
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Melinda, I was cracking up. My husband used to drive his dad crazy because my fil would run and the hubby would walk next to him. What a brat.

    Heather, I live in California!

    I had a research program for Autism call me to see if I was interested in participating in their program. They were looking for biological mothers to children with a diagnosis of Autism. That would be me. But they wanted me to allow them to follow my next pregnancy from beginning to end and on into the babies life to see if it would have Autism. I said, Oh sorry I am not having any more kids. May I ask you some question to see if you qualify for our program. Sure. I answered Yes to all of her questions then she starts giving me details. I explain again that I do not intend to have any more children. She says well, the only requirement is that you do not have any fertility issues and a couple other things I don't remember. I mention again, well I have 4 kids and I am not having anymore. I even throw in there that I am 41. Still going on as if I qualify so I say. I got my husband fixed(I:heart: to say it that way) Finally, she says oh okay so there is no chance you are having anymore children. Yeah I think I mentioned that several times.

    Now for the reason I like to say I got the hubby fixed. My fil, when he found out I was pregnant with my son instead of saying "oh congratulations we are going to have a new grandchild" He says, " I thought you got your tubes tide?" I said NO he said "Well are you NOW?" I said "NO, I am having R***** fixed" He did not like that at all but I loved it. Hubby did not like that either but I told him it serves his father right for having the nerve to try and discuss my fallopian tubes. How dare he!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    sherry - funny about that people on the phone. HOw many times can you say that.

    I am soo ready to feel better. I think i am going to buy the 30ds today. I found on my tv that i can get level 2, but i really need level 1 :smile:

    Cals -
    water - bad
    exercise -none
    proud - even though i am not exercising i made it 2 days and not eating everything in site just cause i don't feel good.
  • muriah2
    muriah2 Posts: 143 Member
    Ok, here's my first check in as a part of this group.

    Calories- under (1323 out of 1460)

    Water- ok, I'm on my 3rd 20oz bottle of water, which is actually good for me. I'm lucky to get in 40oz s day.

    Exercise- none :s

    What I'm proud of- I planned my calories well today. I knew we were having a little potluck at school today, so I ate a very small breakfast to allow room for some of that food at lunch. When I did eat st the potluck, I only took small samples of a couple of my favorite items. I didn't feel deprived at all, and I didn't overindulge at all either.

    A challenge I have set for myself is to increase water to 60oz minimum, and get to the gym at least 3x between now and next Thursday. I can do it!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    i ammend that check in

    I have 1 calorie left :smile: I took a snack out i was going to have ...woot.
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    Today's Check-In.....This morning I was feeling exercise burn out! I battled with myself to get up. The DVD said 45minutes, however, I know i only did about 20 minutes...so I logged twenty minutes. Hey better than nothing.

    Was gonna skip dinner as I was out and about preparing for my trip. I was in the mall, and Burger King was calling me......I was so close...however, realized it was not worth it. Instead, went to Chick Fil A and got a grilled chicken salad, sat down and pretended it was the burger and fries........maybe as a treat one day!

    Shocker of the day: Went ti Starbucks, been a minute, to get a tea. Typically. I get the Tea sweetned, so I figured unsweetned tea would be zero calories right?.........WRONG! Upon entering it into my food diary, the blasted thing has 120 calories! What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those 20 minutes from earlier sure came in handy!

    Cals- Stayed under, did not eat exercise calories back today.
    water - Horrible....only got in two glasses.....I so need to work on that!
    exercise -20 good minutes....Hey, it is better than nothing right?
    proud -Today marked my 30th consectuive day logging in! I lost 6 pounds in one month. Better off than on....
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in for Thursday:
    Calories - Over by 860 (remember my being under for three days straight? THIS is why! :embarassed: :ohwell:
    Water - Just the 64oz unless I count wine :huh:
    Exercise - 30 minutes of swimming where I practised technique, and a few more where I swam HARD to get my heart rate up.

    Proud- I didn't go nuts last night. I was hungry and I was making pizzas but a friend brought carrots and hummus and I munch on those while putting the pizzas together. (hmmm didn' log but have extra calories in there so I'm probably close anyway). We had about five extra teenagers over and I was able to make enough to feed them!

    For the newbies on the thread- I have an 'open house' kind of dinner every Thursday night. The usual group is about 15 of us and usually there are 8-10 people there. Back when my husband and I were both working I made pretty elaborate meals. Now it's more about what I can make inexpensively and quickly as have an hour commute and a job that often runs me late leaving work. Last week we had venison Sheppard's pie and last night I picked up the bags of pizza crust dough at Trader Joe's and we made pizzas. But there is ALWAYS red wine and good beer so I try to save up calories early in the week and then use them on Thursday.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    well i didn't lose anything this week , i am up .3 lbs, but since TOM is here, been sick, no exercise , i will take it.

    So starting today is me and hubby's 5 week BL competition. So going to try to bring it hard and see the results :smile:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'll start the weigh-ins for the week! I know Chris already beat me so this could be a good week for us! LilDebbie - holding off from a gain (and .3 does NOT count as a gain) when you're sick AND TOM... you KNOW you'll see a loss next week!

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    weigh in for me would be
    -2.8 pounds this week so I am proud of my restart just have to stick with it

  • snowtrain
    snowtrain Posts: 11 Member
    Checking in for yesterday.... It was a sad day.
    It was going quite well until I got home and started watching TV! I did some crazy snacking and I only completed my 20 min workout in the morning. I fell pretty crapy about it, but I'm still trying to stay motivated. One bad day doesn't mean I'm gonna give up like I have in the past. Please, I really can't give up if I want to reach my goal in time for my 30th, I don't want to be 30 and fat! That's just not gonna happen!

    So to look at the positive side of things...the 20 min workout in the morning is one of my personal challenges for the week, so that's a plus. I also did really well with my water. Additionally, I still logged all my calories even though I knew it was going to make me feel like awful. In the past I would just ignore it and eventually stop logging all together. At least I can feel proud that I am taking responsibility for my actions. Ok...now I feel better!

    Have a happy and healthy Friday!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Great start to the weigh-ins, ladies! I am not participating because of my no weighing until Halloween. My cat let me weigh him last night, though. I turned on the scale and set him on it. He actually stood perfectly still until the scale was done reading...he's 18.4 lbs! There's no WAY I thought he weighed that much. I thought he was around 12-14 lbs. The funny thing is, I used to think he was a little heavy when he weighed in at 12 lbs. Now I think he's a light little peanut and thought he had lost weight. Too funny. He and his brother are both solid, larger (not fat, though) cats. Good, healthy, farm-raised kittens.

    Anyway, checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Most likely over due to enchiladas, tortilla chips and a beer.
    Water: 96 oz.
    Exercise: 4 mile run in 44 minutes.
    Proud: I had the waitress hold the rice, beans and gross apple cake thing. They're just filler and while I'll eat them if they're in front of me, I don't really care for or crave any of it.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Snowtrain: When do you turn 30? I'll be 30 in April.