Doing HCG diet



  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    Ok. I am not for this diet but i am not here for that. I have to laugh everytime people squig out about where the HCG comes from... Um, do people realize that birth control comes from pregnant horse pee? Just putting it out there.
  • SecretlyBatwoman
    SecretlyBatwoman Posts: 79 Member
    *insert copious scientific data against homeopathy*
  • Jennifernellwebb
    Jennifernellwebb Posts: 209 Member
    Hi all! I am back on here... just for a second though. I am not going to debate this any further with any of you because although you believe so strongly against something that 98% of you have only read up on, I am your glass half full type person and a very positive, open minded individual. That, I am entitled to as a person and since a few of you chose to be very rudely outspoken opposed to being a myfitnesspal supporter ( no matter what any of us choose to do along the way in our journey ) I am going to share a few things with you. Probably won't help, but here it goes. Did it ever occur to ANY of you that MAYBE, JUST MAYBE....some of these people on the HCG diet ..... WERE PUT ON IT BY ~THEIR DOCTOR?~ Now I know that most of you nay~sayers have that 8 or 10 years college experience learning to be doctor as well, now right? Did it ever even cross your mind that a 600 pound woman in a wheelchair with serious thyroid issues was put on HCG to.......SAVE HER LIFE? How about that man that lost his legs in an auto accident that can't get on that treadmill and work his weight off to live? Some of us have options..... some of us, unfortunately, do not. The amazing thing about HCG is that you use to only be able to get it through your doctor. You all debunk HCG all day long but I have read a lot in the past hours with very little sleep. Everything I read..... it says that you follow this plan and you will lose weight ...... and keep it off ~IF~ you follow through. Just like any other weight loss journey. You get your mind set to following this through and you will be right back to your regular diet in no time with amazing results. Something else I have noticed, others, like myself only want to get their journey moving again, not make it a lifestyle to eat 500 calories a day ( and you don't do that the rest of your life like some say you do.) Those are the ones that have read the bad and put the blinders on about anything good. For those of you that think this is the "easy way," ..... I see nothing "easy" about eating a very restricted diet for 21 days and then tackle an uphill battle for another 3 weeks to build carbs. back in to your diet. If anything, people on the HCG diet, their battle is quite a bit harder to follow through with. The thing is, it is their ( our ) choice! Maybe a little concern that you may have read about this opposed to talking about it being a grave drug or automatically saying we are idiots for trying something new might be a better way to approach people who are only looking for answers. Not like some of you would even consider that, there are those out there that thrive on just arguing.. I bought my HCG before seeing one comment on here about it. I was sold at the health food store on it and only then, did I come home a research how people feel about it on myfitnesspal. I have followed the 1200 calorie w/ exercise with awesome results. I stalled on my weight loss and went to look for something to get me on a losing pace again. I struggled with the fact that I can only do minimal exercise, but like I have stated many times, this is a 6 week thing for me and I am back to my 1200 calories with exercise. Am I excited about cutting a few weeks out of my weight loss journey..........WHO WOULDN'T BE? Some here are dead set on calories, exercise, lose at a pound a week and I am all for that, as well to a point. Some here think that fasting is wrong but so many do it anyway. Some think that weight watchers is a temporary fix to a lazy cooker and when they get to their goal weight, they aren't going to have a clue on how to eat regular food without the weight watchers , or Jenny Craig or all those others. How about the Atkin's diet? Once you protein out and go back to carbs, you gain all your weight back. With all of these diets..... if you follow through on how to introduce foods back in to your life, you will have succeeded. Those that wanted to drop 30 lbs. for a wedding or class reunion real quick and then went back to their old eating habits, YES..... THEY GAINED IT ALL BACK. No matter what, I am not going to debate this any further with any of you. I just wanted to say that it would be really nice if you could approach these people with some kindness.... and concern is cool.... especially the new ones coming in and introducing themselves like this one did.... We are all here for the same reason, just taking different paths.
  • This is timely. ;)
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Hi all! I am back on here... just for a second though. I am not going to debate this any further with any of you...

    then why did you?
    And your points about it being used to help people who got it from doctor's is invalid because you're not one of those people. You said so yourself. And I'm pretty sure people on here saying don't do HCG would say the same thing about Atkins or what have you. I know i would. The thread just happened to be on HCG. KTHXBYE enjoy your 500 calories a day. I'm gonna go eat a cupcake.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Hi all! I am back on here... just for a second though. I am not going to debate this any further with any of you because although you believe so strongly against something that 98% of you have only read up on, I am your glass half full type person and a very positive, open minded individual. That, I am entitled to as a person and since a few of you chose to be very rudely outspoken opposed to being a myfitnesspal supporter ( no matter what any of us choose to do along the way in our journey ) I am going to share a few things with you. Probably won't help, but here it goes. Did it ever occur to ANY of you that MAYBE, JUST MAYBE....some of these people on the HCG diet ..... WERE PUT ON IT BY ~THEIR DOCTOR?~ Now I know that most of you nay~sayers have that 8 or 10 years college experience learning to be doctor as well, now right? Did it ever even cross your mind that a 600 pound woman in a wheelchair with serious thyroid issues was put on HCG to.......SAVE HER LIFE? How about that man that lost his legs in an auto accident that can't get on that treadmill and work his weight off to live? Some of us have options..... some of us, unfortunately, do not. The amazing thing about HCG is that you use to only be able to get it through your doctor. You all debunk HCG all day long but I have read a lot in the past hours with very little sleep. Everything I read..... it says that you follow this plan and you will lose weight ...... and keep it off ~IF~ you follow through. Just like any other weight loss journey. You get your mind set to following this through and you will be right back to your regular diet in no time with amazing results. Something else I have noticed, others, like myself only want to get their journey moving again, not make it a lifestyle to eat 500 calories a day ( and you don't do that the rest of your life like some say you do.) Those are the ones that have read the bad and put the blinders on about anything good. For those of you that think this is the "easy way," ..... I see nothing "easy" about eating a very restricted diet for 21 days and then tackle an uphill battle for another 3 weeks to build carbs. back in to your diet. If anything, people on the HCG diet, their battle is quite a bit harder to follow through with. The thing is, it is their ( our ) choice! Maybe a little concern that you may have read about this opposed to talking about it being a grave drug or automatically saying we are idiots for trying something new might be a better way to approach people who are only looking for answers. Not like some of you would even consider that, there are those out there that thrive on just arguing.. I bought my HCG before seeing one comment on here about it. I was sold at the health food store on it and only then, did I come home a research how people feel about it on myfitnesspal. I have followed the 1200 calorie w/ exercise with awesome results. I stalled on my weight loss and went to look for something to get me on a losing pace again. I struggled with the fact that I can only do minimal exercise, but like I have stated many times, this is a 6 week thing for me and I am back to my 1200 calories with exercise. Am I excited about cutting a few weeks out of my weight loss journey..........WHO WOULDN'T BE? Some here are dead set on calories, exercise, lose at a pound a week and I am all for that, as well to a point. Some here think that fasting is wrong but so many do it anyway. Some think that weight watchers is a temporary fix to a lazy cooker and when they get to their goal weight, they aren't going to have a clue on how to eat regular food without the weight watchers , or Jenny Craig or all those others. How about the Atkin's diet? Once you protein out and go back to carbs, you gain all your weight back. With all of these diets..... if you follow through on how to introduce foods back in to your life, you will have succeeded. Those that wanted to drop 30 lbs. for a wedding or class reunion real quick and then went back to their old eating habits, YES..... THEY GAINED IT ALL BACK. No matter what, I am not going to debate this any further with any of you. I just wanted to say that it would be really nice if you could approach these people with some kindness.... and concern is cool.... especially the new ones coming in and introducing themselves like this one did.... We are all here for the same reason, just taking different paths.

    I liked the part where you said,"...98% of you had only read up on.." It's like that time father told me I shouldn't drive so fast because I would eventually crash, but I did anyway... and crashed.

    I suppose real scientific data concerning starvation, and hcg is just silly.
  • suz74
    suz74 Posts: 77 Member
    *gets her chair and popcorn*

    i'm right there with you...
    oooo, budge up! I'm in too!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Now I know that most of you nay~sayers have that 8 or 10 years college experience learning to be doctor as well, now right?

    Well I *did* stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night!!! :drinker:
  • this is toooooo funny. Eat less, move more. Diet pills and fad diets are bunk...we've all tried them and they haven't worked. That's why we're on MFP - to yes, 'lose 1 pound per week' because that's what's healthy. Plus, there's NO WAY I'm going to even go ONE day eating only 500 calories - Carrie I'll have a cupcake too please! lol
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    tl;dr. Seriously, learn to use paragraph breaks.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    first off welcome

    2nd - HGC isnt' all its cracked up to be its a dangerous way to lose weight Ive known many that go on the diet and go off it and gain all the weight back, your eating only one meal which is 500 cals right there THATS BAD! no offense but as a female you wanna eat 1200 cals or more a day no less or your body is going to start pulling fat/muscle and tissue and whatever else it can from other parts of your body, its not proven safe sure its quick way to lose but the lbs come back once you stop, its not something you want to do for the rest of your life its VERY unhealthy

    I am not trying to harp, point and freak you out but as many said there is a lot of side effects of this diet

    Friend of mine ( that just passed away this week RIP :( ) did it for awhile he lost a ton of weight she told me about it but once she stopped she started to gain back not to mention all the lose skin she had. Diet & workouts are key but we really don't call it a diet we eat what we love within moderation not saying go get a big mac and count it in thats more of a treat if we meet our goal so to speak and once in a blue moon kinda deal, oh and not to say my friend passed away from it (she had cancer) its just I miss her but shes a example of someone else I knew that done it, she was starving half the time.

    I even met someone in the store last week I over heard there conversation with there mom I wasn't trying to eavesdrop but she was just talking that loud I talked to her about my progress in 19 months and losing 156lbs (I gained 195 when I quit smoking yrs ago) I gained some back but again all it takes is good old fashioned eating healthy and working out

    You can do it, id talk to your doctor get a nutritionist if you have to and a councilor to help ya or even us on here can give you tips and tricks try the good old fashioned way before you pump your body full of garbage old fashioned works best :flowerforyou:
  • mjsamee
    mjsamee Posts: 215 Member
    :D that Michael Jackson pic is too funny! you girls and guys brighten my day!! xoxo:heart:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I've heard nothing but good things about that diet!

    Good luck to you! :drinker:
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    tl;dr. Seriously, learn to use paragraph breaks.

    I read it anyhow..

    And my point is this: HCG is socially acceptable anorexia. Its a starvation diet, and THAT IS IT. Its been completely debunked by the medical community as LITERALLY NO MORE EFFECTIVE THAN STARVING YOURSELF, costs a ton of money, and the only doctors "prescribing it" are the ones getting a kickback.

    Read some damn medical research that isnt funded by the peddlers of this scheme.
  • that was funny!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I have never seen a mind snap before. This is a special day.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Hi all! I am back on here... just for a second though. I am not going to debate this any further with any of you because although you believe so strongly against something that 98% of you have only read up on, I am your glass half full type person and a very positive, open minded individual.

    You're right. The 2% that deem it safe should definitely hold more value than the "only 98%" who have read up on it and agree its unsafe. What color headstone have you picked out?
  • dancefloordevil
    dancefloordevil Posts: 106 Member
    Welcome and Good luck on your new adventure
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    Hi all! I am back on here... just for a second though. I am not going to debate this any further with any of you because although you believe so strongly against something that 98% of you have only read up on, I am your glass half full type person and a very positive, open minded individual. That, I am entitled to as a person and since a few of you chose to be very rudely outspoken opposed to being a myfitnesspal supporter ( no matter what any of us choose to do along the way in our journey ) I am going to share a few things with you. Probably won't help, but here it goes. Did it ever occur to ANY of you that MAYBE, JUST MAYBE....some of these people on the HCG diet ..... WERE PUT ON IT BY ~THEIR DOCTOR?~ Now I know that most of you nay~sayers have that 8 or 10 years college experience learning to be doctor as well, now right? Did it ever even cross your mind that a 600 pound woman in a wheelchair with serious thyroid issues was put on HCG to.......SAVE HER LIFE? How about that man that lost his legs in an auto accident that can't get on that treadmill and work his weight off to live? Some of us have options..... some of us, unfortunately, do not. The amazing thing about HCG is that you use to only be able to get it through your doctor. You all debunk HCG all day long but I have read a lot in the past hours with very little sleep. Everything I read..... it says that you follow this plan and you will lose weight ...... and keep it off ~IF~ you follow through. Just like any other weight loss journey. You get your mind set to following this through and you will be right back to your regular diet in no time with amazing results. Something else I have noticed, others, like myself only want to get their journey moving again, not make it a lifestyle to eat 500 calories a day ( and you don't do that the rest of your life like some say you do.) Those are the ones that have read the bad and put the blinders on about anything good. For those of you that think this is the "easy way," ..... I see nothing "easy" about eating a very restricted diet for 21 days and then tackle an uphill battle for another 3 weeks to build carbs. back in to your diet. If anything, people on the HCG diet, their battle is quite a bit harder to follow through with. The thing is, it is their ( our ) choice! Maybe a little concern that you may have read about this opposed to talking about it being a grave drug or automatically saying we are idiots for trying something new might be a better way to approach people who are only looking for answers. Not like some of you would even consider that, there are those out there that thrive on just arguing.. I bought my HCG before seeing one comment on here about it. I was sold at the health food store on it and only then, did I come home a research how people feel about it on myfitnesspal. I have followed the 1200 calorie w/ exercise with awesome results. I stalled on my weight loss and went to look for something to get me on a losing pace again. I struggled with the fact that I can only do minimal exercise, but like I have stated many times, this is a 6 week thing for me and I am back to my 1200 calories with exercise. Am I excited about cutting a few weeks out of my weight loss journey..........WHO WOULDN'T BE? Some here are dead set on calories, exercise, lose at a pound a week and I am all for that, as well to a point. Some here think that fasting is wrong but so many do it anyway. Some think that weight watchers is a temporary fix to a lazy cooker and when they get to their goal weight, they aren't going to have a clue on how to eat regular food without the weight watchers , or Jenny Craig or all those others. How about the Atkin's diet? Once you protein out and go back to carbs, you gain all your weight back. With all of these diets..... if you follow through on how to introduce foods back in to your life, you will have succeeded. Those that wanted to drop 30 lbs. for a wedding or class reunion real quick and then went back to their old eating habits, YES..... THEY GAINED IT ALL BACK. No matter what, I am not going to debate this any further with any of you. I just wanted to say that it would be really nice if you could approach these people with some kindness.... and concern is cool.... especially the new ones coming in and introducing themselves like this one did.... We are all here for the same reason, just taking different paths.

    I am begging to know where you googled your research. I would suggest you speak with a doctor before cosuming anything diet related ordered from the internet. Magic anything does not work. I was a fade dieter and a diet pill junkie (back when they worked) They are short term and cause more damage then anythingt. Also hope you dont have alot to lose because the extra skin it will leave from losing so much weight fast will not be attractive at all. So, I have not experienced this diet before because consuming anything related to pee is just gross. My sister in law was obesed and was boarder line diabetic. She started this diet and had great weight loss and very fast. She was also being supervised by a weight loss doctor. After about 3 months her hair was falling out faster than my pops hair at 67yrs old. Then she started to feel tired all the time and then came the HEART ATTACK!!!!! Yup my sister in law almost DIED and had 3 different cardiac doctors confirmed that the low calorie had her body searching for a way to make up for the nutrician that her body was missing caused it stress and BOOM..... Heart Attack city and she is only 40yrs old. Luckly now her hair is growing back and so is her weight. And now her and some doctors are trying to have weight loss clinics from teaching this diet as it is a KNOWN fact that it is dangerous to your health. Any REAL doctor will tell you good choices in foods and exercise is the best for you and it doesnt matter how big you are no REAL doctor would suggest this diet......

    Just alittle food for thought!!!!
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member

    Any REAL doctor will tell you good choices in foods and exercise is the best for you and it doesnt matter how big you are no REAL doctor would suggest this diet......

    Just alittle food for thought!!!!

    Hey my doctor said the samething I know hes a real doctor he thinks HGC is the worst thing in the world!
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