New Year...New Us, Closed Challenge



  • ElleC
    ElleC Posts: 37
    Was 198 - now 197.5.

    So only 0.5 this week.

    I am on vacation next week and wont be able to check in. But hopefully I wont put too much on! I checked with the hotel and they have a gym and I am going to try and make good choices in my food.....try! ;-)

    Congrats on the losses one and all!
  • mjshmily
    mjshmily Posts: 137 Member
    Funny how right now every little ounce lost is such a slow process. I know inevitably if I stay at my 1200-1300 calorie regimen, burn 250-500 calories a day and eat some of those back, and avoid too much sugar and unhealthy foods, eventually this will fall off. But it would sure be easier to stick with it ifthe scale gave more promising messages.
  • EliRob
    EliRob Posts: 53 Member
    I am a little late for the Monday check in, but here it is :)

    SW: 277
    Last Weigh in: 270
    Weigh in 10/12/11 (Should have been for 10/10/11): 269

    WOOP WOOP! I know that it is only a pound, but I'd rather lose only one than gain one!

    I also started the gym this week, and I'm working with a trainer to do strength training :)

    Hope that everyone is having fun shedding these pounds!
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    Funny how right now every little ounce lost is such a slow process. I know inevitably if I stay at my 1200-1300 calorie regimen, burn 250-500 calories a day and eat some of those back, and avoid too much sugar and unhealthy foods, eventually this will fall off. But it would sure be easier to stick with it ifthe scale gave more promising messages.

    There's a reason I call my scale Cruella! She's evil! I think all scales are. I so understand, I seem to need to see those numbers on the scale get smaller.

    Just keep doing what you're doing and the lbs will come off.
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    When I get discouraged by the scale:

    I'm finding one of the things that helps me lately is recongizing the changes I *have* made. For example, I calculate how many calories I would consume on an average day before-hand (3000+) and know that I have cut that in half. Look at how much I am exercising now, and other than the occasional walk I didn't really exercise before. I no longer have tim-bits (donut holes for the americans) I used to easily eat 700-1200 cals in tim-bits plus another 350 for an ice-cap for a SNACK, I now eat thar for an entire day :) Wow I have come a long way!

    What are your accomplishments?
  • kaza1948
    kaza1948 Posts: 38 Member
    Starting weight 184,

    14 Oct 181
  • kaza1948
    kaza1948 Posts: 38 Member
    Starting weight 184,

    14 Oct 181
  • MaudeBeige
    Sorry, thought I'd logged. On Monday I was: 186.7lbs
  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    Starting Weight - 202 lbs (91.7 kg)
    Goal Weight - 177 lbs (80 kg)

    17th October - 195.99 lbs (88.9kg) - which is only 0.6 lbs lost this week.
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member

    MON 19/9: 175.5
    Mon 26/9: 173.5 (2lb lost)
    Mon 3/10: 172.0 (1.5lb lost)
    Mon 10/10 169.8 (2.2lb lost)
    Mon 17/10 167.6 (2.2lb lost)

    Total lost to date: 7.9lb
    Total to go: 17.1lb

    Goal: 150.5
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 618 Member
    172lbs this week - looking forward to the 160s!
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 618 Member
    172lbs this week - looking forward to the 160s!
  • MaudeBeige
    187.2lbs this week!
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    Good morning everyone!!! I haven't been feeling too well lately, but i have still been fitting in my workouts and trying to stay under calories :) here is today's weigh-in:

    New Year, New Us…25lb Challenge Weigh-Ins:

    Weight Lost -6.6lbs

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • LMLeu
    LMLeu Posts: 29
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Last Week: 153.7
    This Week: 152.3

    Grand total of 1.4lbs lost this week.

    Slow but steady. Only 17.3 lbs until I reach that goal! Everyone is doing great!!! If I lose 1.4 lbs consistently every week for the rest of the challenge I should be right on target! *Fingers Crossed*
  • LJA1968
    LJA1968 Posts: 516 Member
    Weigh in is 199.5 lbs. Made it to one-derland! So excited! Haven't been under 200 in so many years. Congrats everyone on your losses.
  • mjshmily
    mjshmily Posts: 137 Member
    236. Slowly...very very slowly it's coming off :-)
  • librarynerd81
    librarynerd81 Posts: 61 Member
    Updated stats for this week:

    SW (for this challenge): 178.9
    9/26: 180.2
    10/3: 176.4
    10/10: 175
    10/17: 176.4

    That's 1.4 pounds gained this week for a net loss of 2.5. *sigh* I'm pretty sure this is water. I had huge burns this weekend, but then ate some salty foods. Hopefully, I'll be able to put up big numbers next week...
  • Regmama
    Regmama Posts: 399 Member
    216 this week. I'm shocked, I'm sick and pigged out yesterday (probably to maintain energy to spend time with the kids instead of sleeping as I should have).
  • LA_proud
    LA_proud Posts: 162 Member
    No loss for me this week. It is that TOM!

    I am actually up 3 lbs, but I know that is ALL due to TOM.

    So I am holding at my 274....can't wait until next week to see if there is really any change.