

  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Its the middle of the day here for me..... did my W1D2 of the C25K this morning.... my legs are quite sore and felt like lead weights while I ran.... but now a couple of hours later I feel great.... could even go again (but I won't).

    Am going out for dinner tonight to a lovely seafood restaurant on the beach at Manly with my husband.... he has been away for most of past 3 weeks so we need to "connect"..... I had my normal breakfast but will eat very light for lunch and try to order well at the restaurant and limit myself to just 1 (maybe2 ) glasses of wine..... and if I get time this afternoon I might even try and go for another brisk walk just to up my calorie allowance.

    Betsy - welcome.... i can totally relate to the menopausal metabolism of a rhino.... that's me.. that's why my scales are stuck. Love your photo ... mad me smile ... I am sending you a friend request.

    Kathy - hi there from Sydney.... good luck with that ticker.... looks like you are doing fabulously so far! Why are you a plant lady?

    Minerva - good luck a the school dinner... my youngest is just doing his final exams.... no more school kids for me.... kind of sad really.

    Mary - thanks for the link to the article.... I am a serial weigher... I can't seem to help myself almost every time I go in the bathroom (unless I'm wearing heavy clothes as I just know that will be depressing) ..... I know I shouldn't but I just keep hoping for that miracle of the scales going down more than I think and getting a wonderful surprise.... sadly that hasn't happened for an awfully long time..... and in fact I just get more depressed as I seem to fluctuate sooo much from day to day..... I will try and just limit myself to every morning to start and see if I can start stringing it out a bit more.... I think once I get a bit of a loss I will we more motivated.

    Sissy - well done on the 20lb loss.... congratulations.

    Have a good day/evening everyone wherever you are....:bigsmile:

    Lisa x
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :smile: Good evening all, I have been MIA this week due to Rowan, my 21 month old GD falling off the coffee table on Monday morning and breaking her femur:noway: . My daughter and SIL drove her to the local hospital who in turn called AI Dupont which sent an ambulance to transport her to Wilmington. To add insult to injury, they didn't put a cast on her leg until 5pm on Tuesday. :mad: That night the nurse on duty didn't check her to see if she needed changing and when my daughter got there Wednesday morning Rowan's cast was saturated with urine:explode: . Finally 9pm Wednesday night they cut the urine saturated cast off and put a new one on. :heart: She finally arrived home around 5pm today:smooched: . Hope all is well with everyone. 11 days and counting until I am a Bahama Mamma....I am exhausted and going to bed.:yawn: Night All:drinker:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :smile: Did another flow-yoga class today. I so like it. I even bought a yoga mat on the weekend. If this continues (love of yoga) that will be a good thing. I also had a great walk today (forced, yet much appreciated). Ate a homemade cupcake today. Soooo yummy.

    Welcome to newbies. This is a great forum!

    :heart: Rebel
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Say, does anyone know of a web site that has instructions for foods (I'm looking for a soup) but lists the calorie count of the different recipes on its homepage? It's just such a pain to have to click on each of the recipes only to find out that the calorie count isn't anywhere what I'd like. I know that I've seen one, but for the life of me, I don't remember where it is.

    Geri - being told that if you don't do something, you'll die is definite motivation. FIL was told that if he didn't stop smoking, he wouldn't survive his next heart attack and he stopped smoking cold turkey. Please take care of yourself, we need you!

    Viv - there are times when I'm just like you. The other day I made a coca-cola cake, thought it was interesting and wanted to see what it was like. Was it ever good -- so good that I gave 1/2 of it to the soup kitchen and the other half I took to the people at the bowling alley just to get it out of the house.

    Did 30 min of a back, chest and tri DVD today (well, I didn't know how long the DVD was) and then 30 min of legs. Really, I should have done the legs first (large muscles) but not knowing how long the DVD's were made this hard. Tomorrow.....water aerobics. Then I'll probably stop at WalMart to get Vince's prescriptions and then there is a healthy cooking demonstration. It's about pumpkin. If it's mostly desserts, I may skip the part where you get to taste the foods. I've done this before. I'm just not crazy about desserts. Or maybe I'll try just a little bit and throw out the rest.

    Went to evening mahjongg tonight. Before I left I had some chicken and veggies. Made a spinach dip and took some veggies with me. While there I had mostly the veggies and a LITTLE bit of this chicken cheese dip and a LITTLE BIT of guacamole. I'll give the rest of the spinach dip to the soup kitchen but will snack on the veggies. Someone made these oatmeal cookies, I tried a little bit of some and didn't realize that it had nuts in it, and I don't like nuts in something so I actually wound up spitting it out.

    I may be over 50 but I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. One thing I know is that I want to do something that makes me happy.

    Betsy - welcome! I know what you mean, there are things that a 30 something just doesn't understand.

    Oh, when I go to the water aerobics tomorrow I'm going to take a pants suit with me this lady will alter. Really, it's a bit too big on me (that's good). In the end, it probably would cost less to have it altered than to buy a new one, plus, I don't know that you can get these. It's a lightweight long sleeved suit (not lined)

    There was a talk on the radio this a.m. about things that are done to foods when they take pictures. Did you know that when you see a picture of ice cream it's not really ice cream but lard? Ice cream would melt under the lights. Another thing, did you know that when you see pictures of syrup on waffles or pancakes it's not really the syrup but motor oil. Syrup soaks into the pancakes/waffles too fast. Interesting. Glad you don't do anything to your cookies, Rita. On the other hand, it might be a good idea if you did as that would make it unpalatable.....lol

    I don't know, the Wii said that I gained weight from yeasterday. Yet, I feel much better and my clothes are fitting quite well (as a matter of fact, I just put 2 pairs of pants in the Salvation Army box because they were too big on me) We shall see what my weekly weigh in says. I go by that more than anything else.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member

    Wondering if I need to change up exercise more. And I only do 30 minutes 5 times a week---I see folks doing a lot more.


    In addition to doing whatever you consider "exercise" consider upping your whole activity level
    get a pedometer and challenge yourself to adding more steps each day
    get out of your chair and be active---do more chores, walk more to do the things you do---walk up and down the hall while you talk on the phone----you'll think of other things once you get started with the new mindset.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: "if you're moving, you're losing"
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I'm hoping to have a little bit of 'me' time today, as I've had rather a full on week, plus the sickness bug that I had at the weekend.

    Jackie - woohoo for the twins! You are going to have such fun with them. I took my grandtwins to a multiples play group yesterday. There are two sets of triplets there - all girls and strangely enough both sets look alike. One mum of twins that I was talking to has a thirty year age gap between her son and her twins. Apparently they had tried for over twenty years for a second baby with no luck and then was surprised with twins just when she thought it was all over. I have to say, she looked very tired - but totally in love with her babies.

    I've decided that I really need a new dining table. We are having Christmas Day at our house this year and I'd like a table which has removable leaves so that we can fit everyone, but normally there's only two of us so want to be able to have a cosy table too. It's been a while since I shopped for furniture - in fact I keep saying we need to get rid of some of the stuff that we do have. We bought two sofas for the main living room earlier this year and ended up keeping the old one as well. Maybe we should just get elastic walls to fit everything in!

    We got a wedding invitation today from one of my 'other daughter's. She has been friends with my two daughters for many years and always calls me her mumsy. Anyway, she's getting married next year at Monkey World in Dorset. She is obsessed with monkeys, so it doesn't surprise me at all that they would choose to get married at a monkey sanctuary. I told her that she won't become a bridezilla, more like a chimpzilla! Another wedding outfit to buy - goodie!

    I'm going to fill in my food diary and then go up to my gym for an hour before I go out.

    Love to you all. Be healthy.
    Amanda x
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    The other day I made a coca-cola cake, thought it was interesting and wanted to see what it was like. Was it ever good -- so good that I gave 1/2 of it to the soup kitchen and the other half I took to the people at the bowling alley just to get it out of the house.

    Coca cola cake.... am I missing something? For the life of me I can't imagine what a coca cola cake could be like... but it makes me laugh that someone would even think of making one! What a funny world we live in!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies!

    We had a HUGE thunderstorm last night late just as I had to drive to airport an hour away to pick up DH...that is tough driving when you can barely see through the heavy rain. We got home very late so he is still sleeping coming from the West to East. It is a gorgeous, clear and sunny morning and I have all the doors open. Love this time of year!:love:

    Betsy: WELCOME to this great group. We are happy to have you and look forward to getting to know you. Come back often!

    Sally: I like the idea of godsisters! Know you had fun. And how wonderful that they have you as second parents. Everyone needs all the caring adults in their lives, no matter how old the "kids" become.

    Lisa: I am laughing at you trying to figure out Coca Cola Cake. It does sound strange doesn't it? I have never made it, but I can tell you that it is chocolate cake that happens to have coca cola in it....and it is yummy. (My grandmother used to make it when the recipe first came out.) It would not get thrown out in our house, so I cannot have such things here!

    Bahama Mama in 10 Days: YooHoo! Know you are so excited!

    Barbie: you are so right about overall activity during the day and it is so easy to do once you focus on it. I need to find my pedometer too...I used one for a while and it does help make you aware each day...plus it's kind of fun like a game where you compete against yourself. Thanks for reminding us! (I have started getting up during commercials if I have the TV on and either doing some jumping jacks, running up and down my stairs, or doing my gut and butt floor exercises...just to keep myself from sitting for too long. Not a new idea, but a good one)

    Amanda: So good to hear from you and know that your yucky old bug must have finally left you! 30 years apart with children!!! Can you imagine?:noway: Wow...that makes me tired to think about! My grandmother had a big space I thought, between hers. When my parents got married, my father had 7 and 9 year old brothers. My grandparents had an "oops" with the 9 year old and decided to give him some company. BUT that was maybe 12 years difference...NOT 30!!!

    I have on my walking clothes and plan to get out the door here soon. Pulled many weeds in my vegetable garden yesterday afternoon and plan to pull some more today. It will take forever, but I WILL get it done. Brocolli plants are sitting ready to go in. Have a great weekend everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies.
    Well I finally bit the bullet yesterday and went to the dentist for an exam. I haven't been in over 8 years. :blushing: I hate going to the dentist. surprisingly I have no real issues. I just need a deep cleaning and need to have a badly done root canal redone sometime in the next year. I was pleasantly surprised that I had no new dacay or anything. The scale is creeping down albiet slowly. I hope you all have a great day.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    A good Friday morning to all of you! My super busy week is going to wind up soon. I still have to work today, and then I will finish packing for our family camping weekend. The weather forecast looks gorgeous, so that is exciting! I have the food all bought and taken care of (I even already browned the meat and made the enchilada sauce), so our dutch oven cooking will be a breeze. In October when we camp, we have been doing a dutch oven cooking theme. I really like it, as once we get it into the pot, the guys take over the cooking it part, as they think that it is fun. And the cleanup seems pretty easy most of the time too, as we line the pots with aluminum foil. We can't really do it at our March campout, as the weather is too unpredictable, and in June it is too hot for a fire.
    Anyway, once we get through the packing and get on the road, the rest of the weekend will be fun. There will be almost 25 of us there, including a 13 year old boy, 2 12 year old girls, an 8 year old girl, a 7 year old girl, a 6 year old boy, a 5 year old boy, a 4 year old boy, a 3 year old boy, and a 10 month old girl. I'm not going to try to count calories, but think I will be getting a fair amount of exercise in keeping up with the crew!
    I hope that all of you have a wonderful weekend ~ I will see you on Monday!
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Good Morning everyone and a happy Friday to you all. :flowerforyou: Hope everyone has something fun or interesting or relaxing planned for the weekend.

    Today is the last time we go to the gym here at home until after the cruise at the end of November:bigsmile: ...the child in me is saying woo hoo because exercising is not on my top ten fun things to do, but I know that it is what got me to my 20 pound loss. The ship has a fantastic gym and exercise facility, it's high up in the front of the ship and there are panaramic windows all across the whole room facing forward so when you are on the treadmills or the steppers you have a beautiful ocean view...They also have zumba, yoga and tons of other classes and of course you can always walk the track around the top of the ship, so I will have lots of choices of exercise and a cheerleader of a husband:love: to motivate me.

    There are so many new names and faces here, that's wonderful and I appreciate all your posts and laugh and cry at them...I am not good at remembering what I read while I am posting so I usually don't comment on them...doesn't mean I don't love you though:heart: ....LOL

    I have almost everything checked off my todo list. and clothes are in the "cruise staging area" all clean and ironed and ready to pack this weekend...made dinner reservations for a birthday party at a Mexican restaurant in San Pedro, California for the night before we cruise for my hubbies 70th birthday...both daughters and their families, which means all 3 grandkids who live in CA will meet us along with good friends from Canada who are cruising with us. Will be such a fun night before we leave on our cruise.:glasses:

    Ok, as you can tell I am overly excited about this trip and it seems to dominate my thoughts:bigsmile: ...so I will finish here and get ready to go to the gym .....I am going to treat it like my "last chance workout" :noway: If only I had "the Biggest Loser's " Bob to push me.
    Have a beautiful weekend ladies. :flowerforyou: xoSissy:heart:

    For those of you who have followed my struggle to lose enough inches to fit into a favorite dress so I didn't look like 10 pounds of potatos in a 5 lb sack ...I'M TAKING THE ASIAN STYLED DRESS ON THE CRUISE!!!..WOO HOO!!!!!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I have almost everything checked off my todo list. and clothes are in the "cruise staging area" all clean and ironed and ready to pack this weekend...made dinner reservations for a birthday party at a Mexican restaurant in San Pedro, California for the night before we cruise for my hubbies 70th birthday...both daughters and their families, which means all 3 grandkids who live in CA will meet us along with good friends from Canada who are cruising with us. Will be such a fun night before we leave on our cruise.:glasses:

    Ok, as you can tell I am overly excited about this trip and it seems to dominate my thoughts:bigsmile: ...so I will finish here and get ready to go to the gym .....I am going to treat it like my "last chance workout" :noway: If only I had "the Biggest Loser's " Bob to push me.

    Sissy you have every right to be excited! :flowerforyou: I wish I had something like that to look forward to! Have a glorious time! What cruise line are you going on? We've been on the Royal Carribean's Radiance and it had a great workout room too.....accept I never used it:embarassed: ...that was before MFP. Now I'd enjoy having the option...as well as the view!:laugh:
    Bon Voyage!

    BirdieM:heart::drinker: :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    My biggest challenge is sticking to an exercise routine - I'm so ready to just relax at the end of the day and I'm not a morning person. So I have phases where I work out very regularly...but any disruption can put me off it for weeks. I'm pretty good about eating nutritiously but I do have a sweet tooth and work in an office, i.e. bowls of candy are everywhere.


    Sticking to an exercise routine was my biggest challenge, too.:grumble: I have no desire to exercise after working all day...even though I work in an office and am sitting most of the day. So, I force myself to get on the treadmill every morning before I go to work and now it's simply second nature to me to do it! If I don't have a plan and a time set aside where I know I can do it.....I'd just blow it off! Before, like you, if something happened to disrupt my routine, I, also would not get on it for weeks or months!:noway: Also, we have a big candy bowl in my office that I just try to ignore but some days it's easier than others. If I DO indulge, in even just one little candy kiss, I track it. I use to opt for the trail mix "because it was healthy" :noway: The calories are off the wall!!!
    Also, I think of exercise as food. If I exercise more, I can eat more. That really motivates me:laugh: :tongue:

    BirdieM:heart::drinker: :heart:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a great weekend to you all.Gradually doing some exercise to strength the back since the injury.
    Doing pool 2xsa week.Walking in deep end.Also doing the pelvic tilt -3 xs a day 10 repets.I`ts a start the pain is bearable now.
    Things are moving in the right direction.Lost 30 lbs since may according to my dr yesterday.Yahoo!10 more lbs til goal wt.
    Good luck to you all with your goals.We can do this!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Have a great weekend to you all.Gradually doing some exercise to strength the back since the injury.
    Doing pool 2xsa week.Walking in deep end.Also doing the pelvic tilt -3 xs a day 10 repets.I`ts a start the pain is bearable now.
    Things are moving in the right direction.Lost 30 lbs since may according to my dr yesterday.Yahoo!10 more lbs til goal wt.
    Good luck to you all with your goals.We can do this!

    You're amazing!:flowerforyou: With all your obstacles you still stay focused on your goals! Congratulations on the 30 lb loss! You CAN do it!
    I like the new profile picture. You can really see the difference from the original profile pic!:flowerforyou:
    BirdieM:heart::drinker: :heart:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Have a great weekend to you all.Gradually doing some exercise to strength the back since the injury.
    Doing pool 2xsa week.Walking in deep end.Also doing the pelvic tilt -3 xs a day 10 repets.I`ts a start the pain is bearable now.
    Things are moving in the right direction.Lost 30 lbs since may according to my dr yesterday.Yahoo!10 more lbs til goal wt.
    Good luck to you all with your goals.We can do this!

    great dedication, jane....continued success:flowerforyou:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    For those of you who have followed my struggle to lose enough inches to fit into a favorite dress so I didn't look like 10 pounds of potatos in a 5 lb sack ...I'M TAKING THE ASIAN STYLED DRESS ON THE CRUISE!!!..WOO HOO!!!!!

    wonderful...i know how much you wanted to wear that dress....have a great time...:flowerforyou:
  • debiann58
    debiann58 Posts: 14 Member
    :flowerforyou: good afternoon,i have been trying to log on from my phone and let me tell yous its not easy, we have been without a comp ,i yesertday went a bought me a tablet so I am now getting back on line I had to resign up didnt remember my password nice to be back everyday now have a nice afternoon. (momand10) debi
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Laurel, how awful. what in the world? Scary to think about them not checking on a 21 month old for that long. I'd definitely be writing to the CEO of that hospital.

    Sissy, congrats on reading your goal, I know you really wanted that number. Enjoy the cruise!! I'm guessing your clothes will keep you somewhat on track, lol.

    Busy day and weekend. Have a paper to write today and a 10 - 15 page paper due Wednesday at 3:00 that I haven't even started. Plan to work on that the next four days. Still exercising and the spin bike is holding up quite well since I tightened the chain. Yay!! Tonight is a colloquium at the school, then a play with friends "Streetcar Named Desire". I've planned 3 cocktails and have calories left for a few nibbles. Will eat a sweet potato with butter and walnuts before heading out the door. Have a great weekend all.
  • mynyddisamrs
    Hi everyone.....

    A quick "Nip" in here tonight. I'm being naughty and have chickened out of logging food etc and weighing until Monday.
    By Monday things will have calmed down here ........ Danish girls ( and the two boxes of chocolates they so kindly brought) will have gone and a work routine post holiday will have been established etc etc. The girls cooked us dinner tonight ......and cleared up too. We had Meatballs, boiled potatoes, potatoes with browned butter and sugar ....and salad. Not fattening at all if you don't swallow!!! Followed by fruit salad in a vanilla, egg yolk and cream sabayon ...........Couldn't offend by not eating it!!
    I know ....excuses, excuses!! ...You're all so good ...my will power is ....zero!!

    Wow ...BirdieM ....Your Mother is marvellous...Triplets and ...how many sets of twins??? WTG that lady!!

    Sissy... You're good to to the gym while you cruise. Your dress sounds lovely ..is it one for a formal night. I do so love to dress up for those. I hope you have a great time.

    So ....I'm hoping you will all help get me back on the MFP wagon.
