how did you meet your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse?

christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
I am just curious: where did everybody meet their boyfriend or girlfriend or spouse or partner? I am just trying to think of some new places to meet people, and thought I would ask you all!


  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    Online, been married almost 9 years, had to go to the Philippines...
  • ctinkler
    At work... He reported in to my ex :)
  • JanaH22
    JanaH22 Posts: 10
    facebook... out of all places. But hes amazing :)
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    Met my spouse online, been over 10 years since we first met online, married 6 years.
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    I wouldn't recommend my way, lol. My husband and I met on Myspace in high school. Yeah ... :embarassed:

    On the up side, we've been happily married for 4 1/2 years and we have a beautiful little girl. :)
  • amandae79
    amandae79 Posts: 169 Member
    My friend. The boyfriend is friends with my friends Hubby. :)
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Online- he was in the Army at the time. We've been married for 8 years :happy:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    At a bar. One-night-stand gone horribly wrong.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    We met online...been together almost 5 years, and married for almost 2! :)
  • MsBaby117
    MsBaby117 Posts: 201 Member
    I know some people frown upon it but I met my husband online...On a site named "Tagged"...The way I look at it meeting someone online is no different than meeting them anywhere else...He lived in another state and we would have never met if not for the 'net...We lived an hour and a half apart and put a lot of miles on our cars (alternating weekends) and 9 months after meeting we were engaged...he transferred to my city and we have been married for a year (so far)...
  • armacd
    armacd Posts: 95
    I've been witth my husband for 10 years, married for four... we are high school sweethearts and have known each other since 8th grade. Have you heard of, its not a dating site, its a site where people get together with common interests, like photographers all get together or people who enjoy hiking organize a hike to do together, it would be a great place to meet someone wiith common interests :)
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    We meet in 8th grade, I like his cousin at the time, he picked on me because he liked me.(silly boys :)). We had homeroom together our freshman year of high school and he sat behind me because the teacher put us in alphabetical order. Anyways we started talkin as friends I dated a few other guys here and there for a week here and a week there. I dated this guy for about 8 months and when he broke up with me my now hubby asked me out. we were 14 and 15 (almost 15 and 16) and we are now married. next month will be 5 1/2 years since we started dating.
  • kitten7911
    kitten7911 Posts: 49 Member
    oil change shop, he was the manager and was giving me hard time about my nascar stickers. 5 1/2 years later and happily married!!!! that was the 1st time i had ever gone there, it was in same parking lot were i,ve worked last 15 years, it was meant to be!!!!!
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    I've been witth my husband for 10 years, married for four... we are high school sweethearts and have known each other since 8th grade.

    sounds like my story! we meet in 8th grade started dating in 9th grade been married over a year now been together 5 1/2 years.
  • leannmanderson
    I met my husband through Star Trek!

    Okay. I know this requires more explanation. It always does.

    I joined up with a local Star Wars fan club that has since gone defunct. We decided to break away and form our own Star Wars club, which has also since gone defunct. Around that time, my friends that broke away with me asked me if I wanted to join another club that was based on Klingons but technically multi-genre. I went to a few meetings, and the founder/head of the group, which was associated with IKF and StarFleet International, started flirting almost immediately.

    It took a few years, but I finally ended up going out with him, and a few months later, he proposed! We've been married four happy years, now.
  • adrianneboyd
    adrianneboyd Posts: 88 Member
    Navy- Just after boot camp...we were young and stupid, but it worked...where else would a country girl from Idaho meet a NY stallion??? We've been married for 10 years now!
  • amygee05nb
    I haven't meet him yet :P lol where the hell are you?
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I could use ideas to meet someone lol
  • cschu544
    cschu544 Posts: 320 Member
    Kind of a funny story. I knew OF him in college. He was dating a friend of mine for years. After we graduated we went our separate ways. I started working at a jewelry store in a local mall, and he happened to be working security. He message me on facebook one day, and I hated him at first. I really thought he was a huge jerk! We started talking more and more, and now we're inseparable (minus the fact that he's in the army and 1 billion miles away currently)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    My husbands ex-wife introduced us LOL. I had just moved into the same apts and I was trying to set up my waterbed and his ex came over and introduced herself and said that she would ask her husband to put up my waterbed for me when he got off of work. So he came over and set up my waterbed. But it was awhile after that before we started dating. She cheated on him and left him for another man . We found we were going through alot of the same things and started hanging out. That was 26 yrs ago.......:smile: