

  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    Yay! Excited to start today!

    To intro a bit, I started the Shred about 15 days ago, so I'm on level 2, but I want to to work with the group, and I think I have things to gain by starting over, anyway, since I've been struggling more with level 2. So I'm re-starting today with everyone.

    Perfect day for it for me, my baby is not feeling well, so I have to skip the gym today. Normally I'd go to yoga, and Monday's teacher is very strength-oriented, so I'll have to kick level 1's butt to make up for missing!

    I totally recommend everyone take pictures! I didn't take any before I started the Shred, and I regret it. I can REALLY see results. I did take some photos about 10 days in, if I show progress at the end, I'll post them all.

    My stats to start:
    height: 5'8"
    weight: 155.7
    waist: 30.5
    hips: 39
    thigh: 22

    I also really recommend noting inches, weight means less with this! In those 10 days I'd measured, I lost an inch and a half in my waist, 2 inches in my hips, and I look a LOT tighter, but I've only lost a few lbs; so try not to focus unduly on the number on the scale. I've gotten huge compliments from people who didn't know I was doing it, so something is going on regardless of the scale!

    For the record, I'm also working on C25K (week 5).
  • wendyc122005
    Ready to START! Mornings are already way to packed with getting ready for work and getting 2 kids out the door with all their required stuff. So although I contemplated trying the AM I simply know that my time SHREDDING would be lost when I just couldn't manage it. So I start tonight!

    I have to say that I am a little bit nervous about gaining lbs during the process. I totally get that muscle weighs more than fat and the scale is not the true result when you have a muscle building fitness program, but I have worked really hard to see the scale go down and I really hate to see it go up. I think I may have to ask my husband to hide it for the 30 day duration! I also need to take measurements.

    Day 1 here we GO!
  • mi_tai
    mi_tai Posts: 5 Member
    Day 1 done with 5lb weights, followed up with a 15 minute run. Feeling great, glad I got it done early!
  • windyweather88
    Day 1 (well, I started last Tuesday, but whatever :smile: ) Using, 3 and 5lb weights... I've done the shred before, but never all the way up to level 3, so I'm excited to finally get there. Jillian, Natalie cheats with lunges and definitely doesn't sink low with the punches either! Man, those lateral arm raises get me every time!
  • franciellejoyce
    Just completed day 1 and uuuugh i was shaky after..
    I really had to push myself through it thinking hey if 150+ ppl are doing it, i have to too.. can't let them down! haha
    The jumping jacks are a killer and i had to do the push-ups the "girly" way, better than not doing them.. i have no upper body strength and i'm hoping by day 30 that will change :)
    1 month ago with just using the diary and no exercise i started at 145lbs, after exercising a little here and there i lost 6lbs and i'm at 139 right now.
    My finishing goal is to be in the 115's-120 by christmas! I'm hoping now that i have the 30DS i will be SHREDDING those pounds away and hoping that i can turn my legs into muscle :)

    Good luck with the first work-out today everyone.. it's hard and i'm sure i'll be sore but that's okay in the end we will be very happy!
  • lackie09
    lackie09 Posts: 123 Member
    hello fellow shredders! i am going to get my shred on as soon as i get outta classes for the day too excited =) cant believe there is over 150 of us WOW!!!!! add me if you would like to but im very delete happy, meaning a week with no posts and Ur gone from my friends. =) however i love to encourage people... this said i am no friend collector. good luck all!!!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Day 1 finished! I used 5 and 3 lb weights. HRM calories burned 215. I then walked another 20 minutes on my treadmill, HRM calories burned 125. Total calories burned 340.
  • sdgarcia9220
    I would love to join your group but I'm new to this forums. I don't know how to go about it! Can you help????
  • sdgarcia9220
    I would love to join your group but I'm new to this forums. I don't know how to go about it! Can you help????
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 304 Member
    Can;t wait for day 1 tonight! Measurements to follow, if I have time tonight. Good luck to everyone! :happy:
  • ZydecoBeauty
    I am new to MFP and would like to join this 30day challenge. I don't have the 30day Shred dvd yet but will stop by wal-mart and pick it up this weekend. In lew of this I will do Turbo-Jam and Power-90 daily.
  • CamayB
    CamayB Posts: 14 Member
    I am ready! I did start last night (just to see the video) since I have never done it before but i am still going all 30 days starting today. I also took my measurements and a before pic so hopefully I get some good results! Good luck everyone
  • kcrojas630
    kcrojas630 Posts: 145 Member
    I completed day 4 of level 1 last night. Feeling great about it! I will probably add 4 days to level 3, to end when every one else does. I am really going to focus on my eating for the next 30 days and hopefully maximize these results! Good Luck everyone!!!
  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
    Can I please join you wonderful shredders? I bought the DVD 3 months ago and never tried it. I'm ready to shred this time while doing C25k.
  • dreamz48
    dreamz48 Posts: 50 Member
    Day One Level One Complete. 3lb weights. Only did 18 minutes of the video, I woke up late and ran out of time. Did my workout before getting ready for work. Will do 20 min on my treadmill to make up for whatever I missed on the video. Feel great!! 29 days to go!! How do I log it into my exercise journal?
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Can't wait to kick some butt! (and havemy own butt kicked!) my DVD hasn't come yet though, so i'm going to be a few days behind :(
    i am going to take all measurements and a before picture today though. Ah! scary!
  • RedPaperClip
    Hello! I'm on Level 1 Day 2 using 1.5KG (just over 3lb?) weights. Feeling the burn ;)

    Are we going for 10 days per level yes?

    Height: 5' 4"
    Current Weight; 137lb

    I will measure this evening as I'm not sure what I currently am :)

    I also have a before picture, eek.
  • vegangirl88
    vegangirl88 Posts: 104 Member
    Just about to start the shred : ) Though I had no idea what weights to get and sister's boyfriend told me 3kg to start and then move onto 5kg... Could only get 2.5kg and they are SO HEAVY!! Will see how I go with them lol, might swap them for cans of beans if it's too much to start with lol.


    Weight: 181lbs
    Waist: 32 1/2"
    Hips: 42"
    Bum: 44"
    Thigh: 25"
    Calf: 17 1/2"
    Neck: 14"
    Upper arm: 14"
    Lower arm: 10"
    Chest: 33"
  • needtotrack
    needtotrack Posts: 2 Member
    I'll be doing my 40min power walk at lunch today, and WILL DO the shred tonight! If you all can do it, I can too!

    I really want to get back to my at home workouts.
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Can I please join you wonderful shredders? I bought the DVD 3 months ago and never tried it. I'm ready to shred this time while doing C25k.

    As long as you can start today you can join!! :drinker: