

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Is there a forum here for crockpot recipes? I'm looking for a crockpot recipe for a ratatouille or some sort of vege, but I need to have the nutritionals also

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good MORNING! And it's another beautiful one here:love:

    Robin: Your spicy corn/crab chowder sounds wonderful and something I would love. If you ever have time to post the recipe I would appreciate it! Glad that you are finding your balance. I think any change is difficult at any stage and more difficult as we get older. You have done great:flowerforyou:

    Viv: Good for you for getting your exercise in...and I like your quote too, Renate!

    My day with DH on the water was very relaxing and nice We found a quiet little spot out of the wind and we enjoyed the little picnic I had put together. He fished and I enjoyed the scenery. He caught 5 or 6 trout, so he was happy. No luck with the shrimp...the area we tried was not good for the shrimp and the tide was still a bit too high for them to be coming out of the grass. I will go one day just to get them. He prefers to fish and I really like casting the net for shrimp better.

    Lisa: Yes, your prawns are larger than our "shrimp" and a bit different in texture. (Maybe that's why calling someone a shrimp means "small":laugh: ) We lived in Thailand for 4 years and they also had prawns. I like them both...a lot!

    Take care, dear Ladies, and hope you all have a very good week,
  • 1grammie
    1grammie Posts: 163
    Yeah! My little loss counter on my home page shows a 1 lb loss. I know that doesn't sound like much but that is from when I joined MFP in June. By the end of June I had lost my motivation and gained 5 lbs in July. So I'm about back where I started. Am determined to stay motivated this time to excerise and eat healthy. I don't have a lot to lose to reach my goal but I know how easily it is to gain.

    That said I hope everyone has a great day. We have had a dry and unseasonably warm fall but today the forecast is rain and much cooler. I plan to take my mother to see a friend in the hospital but that depends on whether it rains or not. She doesn't like to get out in the rain. Try and get her out whenever possible as I know this winter she will be housebound for much of the time.
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member

    I have carpal tunnel in both wrists. I'm hoping losing some of my "chunk" will help with the numbness n pain. They've been really bad lately and my wrist supports are doing nothing.

    Anyone have any experience with this? I'd love to hear it gets better as i drop a few and there isn't so much fat around my arms!

  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Is there a forum here for crockpot recipes? I'm looking for a crockpot recipe for a ratatouille or some sort of vege, but I need to have the nutritionals also


    I've got 4-5 crockpot books I'll have a look and see what I can find. I'll probably post tomorow if I find one.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    It is so hard for me to post recipes because I really just sort of wing it but here is a rough recipe all measurements are pretty rough. I really eyeball it.

    8 oz cream cheese
    4 cups fresh corn kernals
    1cup low sodium chicken broth
    1 cup fat free milk
    1/2 cup fat free half and half
    1 cup white wine
    1/2 mexican cheese shreds
    two table spoons saracha (any hot sauce would do.)
    garlic onions celery.
    1 russet diced and par boiled.

    I carmelized the onions and garlic in a little olive oil until soft.
    I took one cup of corn and the jalepeno and beat it up in a food processor
    threw everything into a crock pot with a 6oz container of cheap crab claw meat. that I put some Old bay seasoning on and cooked it on high for two hours and then on low for another hour. in the last half hour I added a two table spoon roux. and seasoned with salt and pepper.

    very hearty soup so even though it isn't the healthiest it doesn't take much to fill you up.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Is there a forum here for crockpot recipes? I'm looking for a crockpot recipe for a ratatouille or some sort of vege, but I need to have the nutritionals also



    There may be others on this site; I didn't look too much.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I'm back! We had a great weekend camping. The weather was beautiful fall in Kansas - cool crisp mornings and evenings, and warmer in the afternoon. Just a touch windy, but for Kansas, not bad. I'm kind of sad to put away our camping gear for the year. Today, I am trying to jump back into my routine. I have a plan and my food is logged for the day. My exercise plan will be to work around the house, and take my dog for a walk tonight. Nothing like walking with those frisky poodles, right, Barbie? :wink:

    It is Monday, and a new week full of new opportunities. What is your plan for the day?
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Robin: THANKS! That sounds wonderful & I do the same with cooking....wing it...but this helps AND I have fresh crab meat, so am excited to have new recipes to try. Thank you for taking the time to post this:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Kackie
  • Annette1334
    ready to loose the weight love my fittness pal im 54 and lov to loose 65lbs already lost my first 5 ya me!:smooched:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :sick: Hanging out on the couch with a supply of water and kleenex! :sick: boo
  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone .........

    :glasses: Well it's Monday and the start of my new start!
    I'm hoping to have a bit more get up and go once a few more pounds have got up and gone!!!
    I do, however, still have :noway: half a chocolate sponge I stupidly made yesterday so I must be strong and ration it !!
    It's ages since I've baked....the main reason for not doing so is the fact that we have to eat the results!!

    :flowerforyou: Amanda.....don't feel so down! You've done so well and your weight loss is to be shouted from the roof tops!!

    I feel better just losing the few pounds but my niggle is .....:frown: facial wrinkles!! I even succumbed to those silly adds that pop up on face book for the miracle anti wrinkle creams that will make me look 20 years young etc etc!! I cancelled the order once I realised what a con it all was but had to send back "Stuff" to US and then keep checking the credit card bill to make sure they didn't take any money etc!! It just seems to be that once I've turned 60, the smile and laughter lines ...LOL....have got deeper and the inbetween skin looks like :sad: the ground of a dried up river bed!!! ....oh my!! The cosmetic companies must see me coming!! Anyone tried miracle creams that have worked?? ...Next one I may try is Nannoblurr!!!??? ....miracles needed me thinks!

    :happy: I'm glad I'm not the only one to "Wing it" where recipes are concerned. I just love it when, just chucking it all in turns into something really tasty and different. But ...the rub comes when I want to recreate the dishes when we have guests!!

    Oh well ...DH is at work this evening and methinks some housework will occupy me and stop the munchies taking over...

    :flowerforyou: BFN
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Michele - Here's the recipe I used for the bok choy. Instead of the soy sauce I used Bragg's Liquid Aminos which tastes like soy sauce with a lot less salt. I think I got the recipe from allrecipes.com.

    Bok Choy in Garlic sauce

    1 pound bok choy
    1 tablespoon vegetable oil
    1 tablespoon sesame oil
    1/4 cup water
    1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger root
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    1 tablespoon oyster sauce
    1 tablespoon light soy sauce
    1 tablespoon brown sugar
    1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes (optional)
    1.Trim off the ends of the bok choy and chop, keeping the white parts separate from the green as they will need to cook longer. Rinse and spin or pat dry. Set aside.
    2.In a small bowl or cup, stir together the vegetable oil and sesame oil. In a separate larger bowl, stir together the water, ginger, garlic, oyster sauce, soy sauce, brown sugar and red pepper flakes. Set this aside.
    3.In step 3, I forgot to say what to do with the other half of the oil. Step 3 should read: Heat half of the oil in a large skillet or wok over medium-high heat. Add the bok choy stems first; stir fry for a few minutes or until the pieces start to turn a pale green. When stems are almost cooked, add the remaining oil and the leaves; cook and stir until leaves are wilted, 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and transfer the bok choy to a serving dish. Pour the sauce into the skillet or wok, and set over medium-high heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until sauce has thickened slightly, about 3 minutes. Pour over the bok choy and toss lightly to coat.

    This morning I headed off to the doctor and got a cyst removed from my back. I had a small knot there for years and years and it decided to get red and painful. It's gone now thank goodness! She said not to go to the gym for a couple days, so I stopped and got some pansies and flowering kale. I will have fun planting them this afternooon.

    The party was fun. We all had a good time playing with our GGS, pictured here <----. He is 7 months old now. I just had a bite of cake, one roll and one bite of a caramel pie that my friend and co-great grandmother brought. She knows I'm a sucker for caramel, so the stinker brought a caramel pie!?! :noway: She is a good friend, so she didn't mind I only had a taste. There is one piece left for DH and I am going to announce that is it isn't gone this evening it will be in the garbage.

    Well, I better get busy if I want pansies in the ground this afternoon.

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Well, glad to hear that everyone had a great weekend.
    We are going to Las Vegas on Wednesday, lots of walking, not so sure about that, will prbably sit some in the casinos, but are showing friends the city that have never been there....
    Went to a chinese restaurant last night, had chicken cashew, but asked them to put broccoli in it instead of celery.
    Went to PT this morning, he stretched the heck out of my leg, took some more advil.
    Have a nice day...
    Watch what you eat.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    .... but if I don't start getting some results soon I am worried i will just follow my usual track record and give up.... I don't know what more I could be doing really....

    Lisa, as our leader Barbie says, "Never, never NEVER give up".
    Have you taken your measurements? Sounds like you may be building muscle as you loose fat. Can make the scale seem stuck but improve how you feel and look. I'd trade a smaller waist for a smaller weight any day... :wink:

    Joyce, long workdays are my downfall. No matter how I plan and bring healthy food, at the end I'm so tired I "reward" myself with food and drink that aren't good for me. Luckily I don't work doubleshifts very often.

    1grannie, I too have put back on pounds, even after adjusting the ticker up, it still lies by more that I want to admit.

    Jackie, Thanks for the new start inspiration. This is the day I choose to change. Will stick to what I planned to eat, dance class tonight and tomorrow will feel better about myself, no matter WHAT the scale shows!

    Gotta dash, time for lunchstroll.

    Hugs to all,
  • charlibets
    charlibets Posts: 83 Member

    I have carpal tunnel in both wrists. I'm hoping losing some of my "chunk" will help with the numbness n pain. They've been really bad lately and my wrist supports are doing nothing.

    Anyone have any experience with this? I'd love to hear it gets better as i drop a few and there isn't so much fat around my arms!


    I had carpal tunnel when I was pregnant both times - excess water in my hands. It was *very annoying. I know a lot of people wear a wrist band to help them deal with the discomfort.

  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Good morning everyone.... thanks for the support.... really appreciated.....

    My son started his final school exams this week so I did his paper delivery.... wore my HRM and logged ina t 447 calories for just over an hour ..... very happy about that .... think I might offer to do it till he finishes in a couple of weeks .... I was huffing and puffing up the hill with a backpack full of papers on my chest though ..... not a pretty sight!

    Barbara - thanks for your encouragment.. I think I might do my measurements today (uuuhg...very scary!!!!) ..... but so far my clothes aren't looser either.... PS - I love dogs as well.... particularly terriers.... have had 2 airdales (my last gorgeous one died only recently).... getting a lakeland terrier next year..... I love your beautiful wheaten terrier .... also love your little black dog signature!

    Faye - your recipe is almost identical to what I have with steamed fish .....yum! and so good for you. Hope your back heals quickly.

    Jackie - I love baking too... and have the same problem with eating it .... I used to always say I was making it for my sons... but then proceed to eat most of it....

    Rebelrenny - look after yourself.... we have had a housefull of tissues here recently too .... I'm just over it but now my husband is sneezing and weezing all over the place.... very miserable..... get well soon.... did you manage to make the chicken soup?:flowerforyou:

    Annette - welcome....sounds like you've got off to a great start!

    I'm going to add a couple of goals for these last 2 weeks of october:

    Drink water... and more water and more water!!!:drinker:
    Get the scales to move down at least a little bit
    Take my measurements

    Have a good day everyone,

  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi All,

    I'll try the wristbands, Betsy. Hopefully, they'll help. I am "puffy" now, too. Could explain some of the extra pain.

    All of the recipes look yummy. I'm adding bok choy n the soup stuff to my shopping list this week. I think my guys will really enjoy them. Thanks for posting them!

    Welcome Annette....This is a great group. I think you'll love it here!

    I did ok w/food today til I came home from work and Patrick asked me to run to Barnes n Noble with him. Grabbed some caramel corn and headed out knowing I wasn't getting dinner any time soon. I'm trying not to eat sweets cause when I do...it's addictive. Sweets are the only thing around here that I can grab n go with!! Thank God the cookies are stale or I would have grabbed them too.:grumble:

    Gotta go...I promised myself I would do my yoga dvd tonite. At least I can still hold to that promise I made myself. :bigsmile:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Benji - thanks for checking for the recipe for me. I'll have to look thru my cookbooks, too. I don't remember if I have a crockpot one or not

    Mary - I check Taste of Home last night and didn't find any for the crockpot. I'll check again.

    Today was another nice day, so I think I am about finished stringing the popcorn for the tree. Our deck looks like something else, tho....lol Bowled 7 games today, I need to get my timing down, that seems to be my difficult part. But when I do get it down, then I bowl decently. Looks like there'll only be 3 of us at bunco tomorrow. I wonder...do people think that we're "out in the sticks"

    Tomorrow I have a board meeting at the Y. I'm going to see if I can't get off this board, I think I've already been on for 3 years and I believe the max is three years. Plus...I honestly don't go to this branch as much as I go to the other branches.

    Welcome Anita

    Did 1 hr of extremepump today. Tomorrow after the board meeting at the Y I'll do an hour of spinning, then probably stop at one food store and then play mahjongg. Then come home and finish cleaning up for bunco.

    Faye - thanks for the recipe

    Anyone know where Mimi's been? Did I miss something?

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: It’s applesauce time again. This is the third year that I’ve gotten lots of apples from a friend to make applesauce to freeze. The first two years we picked up the apples after they had been picked and last year I told her that we could pick the apples so she wouldn’t have to do all that work. So yesterday she called and said there were apples ready to be picked. I wished I’d saved some cardboard boxes from moving because it was a challenge to find boxes to put the apples in but we were successful. I have the first batch on the stove right now and will make a few batches every day until the apples are all turned into applesauce.

    :flowerforyou: Viv, you’ve got the right formula for getting an exercise program going
    increasing a bit at a time----that’s a lot of steps at the beginning of the day.

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, your picnic sounds delightful

    :flowerforyou: Grammie, where do you live where it’s hot and dry? Your one pound loss is a great achievement. For those of us with a history of weight gain, every loss is to be celebrated.

    :flowerforyou: Rita, today is the day to make a shopping list of healthy food to have in the house so you never have to grab sweets when you’re in a hurry.

    :flowerforyou: Mary, you are so right about the frisky poodles----they will keep us in shape and on the run, :bigsmile: I’m so glad to hear about the success of your camping trip. Your weight loss ticker shows how well you jump back into a routine after a weekend away.

    :flowerforyou: Annette, welcome to the group…..you will get lots of support and encouragement on this thread. Congrats on the 5 pounds you’ve lost so far.

    :flowerforyou: Rebel---hope you feel better soon

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, I gave away all my baking pans and baking ingredients because of the dangers of having baked goods in the house. I was the biggest fan of my baking and it all went to my hips.

    :flowerforyou: Faye, I love bok choy and your recipe sounds especially delicious

    :flowerforyou: Natalie, chicken cashew with broccoli sounds yummy

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, sometimes nothing changes, not the scale or measurements and that’s the time you have to redouble your resolve to eat healthy and exercise….it would be too easy to give up and then start gaining weight.

    :flowerforyou: Lisa, the paper route sounds like a perfect way to ramp up your workout.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, About Mimi---on September 28 she said she was headed for Tahoe for a few weeks----she hasn’t logged in for 18 days so maybe she doesn’t have internet access where she is.