

  • determinedsocialworker
    Day 1 complete... my husband is doing this along with me and it's great to have all of you along the way. I see a personal trainer twice a week, planning on doing cardio on my own 3 additional days and then shred everyday..Just need to keep on track with my food, which is always easier for me when I'm exercising.. It's going to be a challenge but I'm excited....and tired... and excited! LOL Off to do my measurements... Good luck all with day 2... :)
  • shanintesar
    Level 1 Day1 done :) ....used 5lb weights:tongue: . I'm excited....and tired. Hope to see the changes soon:):smile:
  • afalls11
    afalls11 Posts: 133 Member
    Day 1 out of 30 day shred is complete. I used 5 pound weights. It felt good to get started on this. I feel even better now that I completed the workout.

    So now on to my homework and preparing for midterms.

  • londanfudd4eva
    hello fellow shredders i remembered to weigh in and measure this morning !

    my weight 158lbs.

    upper abs 31 1/2

    waist 32

    lower abs 36(ugggh)

    hips & butt 42 1/2

    thighs 24
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    Day 1 Level 1 complete! Jillian kicked my butt! I suck at push ups, and I am on the back side of patella tendonitis so I'm really babying my left knee, but I did it! My plan is:

    30DS every evening
    Run 3 miles at least 3X/week

    I haven't taken before photos or done my measurements yet
  • melmarie4
    finished my shred workout for the day! i'm so tired and my muscles will be sore tomorrow but it will all be worth it. used 3 pound weights today, hoping to work my way up to 5 pound weights soon. also doing cardio workouts along with this 5 days a week.

    My starting weight and measurements:

    weight: 131
    neck: 12
    chest: 36
    waist: 29
    hips: 37
    thighs: L21 R22
    arms: L12.5 R12.5

    Alright lets do this! can't wait to hear about everyone's results at the end of 30 days :)
  • erinserin
    erinserin Posts: 79 Member
    Im new and would love to join in!

    Today will be day 3 for me. I was actually sitting at work slowly talking myself into having a rest day today because I can barely get up and down off of my seat my legs are so sore! But after finding this group im more motivated than ever and will be doing my shred tonight after my baby girl is in bed! :)
  • AleenaZ
    AleenaZ Posts: 117
    HI Guys ,

    I accidentally posted this morning on the old thread :D So, here I am again ...

    I finished my day 1 level 1 shredding today and wooWWWzzeEEE !!! I used 2 lb dumbbells (yes am weak) ..

    Current weight : 156.4 lbs
    Hips : 42 "
    Waist : 41 "
    Thighs: (R) 25.5" (L) 24.5 "
    Arms : 13.5 "
  • gnutrifitness
    gnutrifitness Posts: 169 Member
    Hi serious wonderful shredders!!.....I'm so mad with my body!! I have to admit I couldn't start today!, I am still sick with this flu, lot of allergy and asthma, so I guess I will join you tomorrow or maybe on wednesday!!!...:sad: , I will let you know, Congratulations to all of you who have successfully started the program...You rock ladies:drinker:
  • mbmorse1011
    mbmorse1011 Posts: 492 Member
    So I did my day one (actually day 2) and made it through. I really do hate jumping jacks. But I did it. I also went to yoga tonight and the stretching really helped. I took my before pictures and measurements

    Starting weight for this challenge is 211.9

    Keep working at it shredders.
  • erinserin
    erinserin Posts: 79 Member
    Oops...forgot to mention my starting weight is 77.5kg (or 171lb)
  • jrreed1
    jrreed1 Posts: 57 Member
    Day 1, level 1 complete. Will post starting.measurements later in the week.
  • fitjunk
    fitjunk Posts: 160 Member
    Well just finished L1 of 30DS. Seemed a bit of a challenge in some parts due to the 5lbs weights I decided to use! Went by really fast and I feel like I didn't do much of a workout since it is such a short time frame. Will see how the next couple of days go and I might do it twice a day plus or add some jogging on an incline on the treadmill as well. My shoulders are shaking as I type...good indication that something worked! Here are my measurements as of today:

    Height 5ft 6inch
    Weight 127 lbs
    Neck 12 Good job to all of us who are commited and really trying to get this done!:drinker:

    Chest 32
    Waist 26
    BellyB 29.5
    2inchB BB 32
    WP Hip/*kitten* 36
    L & R Bi 11
    L Thigh 21high 18lower
    R Thigh 22high 18lower
    L & R Calf 13.75
  • themehgetarian
    themehgetarian Posts: 26 Member
    Hello! Starting Day 1, Level 1...just about to go do the workout right. Super nervous about what to expect, but I'm excited to see results! My plan right now is to get cardio in at the gym 5x each week, plus 30DS at home. Looking forward to getting to know all of you!
  • LeahSWright
    LeahSWright Posts: 14 Member
    My measurements are below.

    Bust: 40"
    Right/Left Thigh: 25"
    Right/Left Upper Arm: 12.5"/12"
    Waist: 35"
    Belly: 40"
    Hips/Buttocks: 42"
    Starting Weight: 170 lbs
    Height: 5'4"

    I will post before and after pictures either at the end of my 30 days or at the start of a new level.

    Good luck everyone and I hope you all get fantastic results!
  • lackie09
    lackie09 Posts: 123 Member

    Great going everyone!! Hope to see lots of updates throughout tonight and tomorrow on how it went for everyone else!!
    Oh by the way - I also plan to make a banner of some kind for the group - I'm kind of a photoshop nerd so look forward to seeing that posted somewhere along the way :)

    yay I was hoping for someone to make one =)
  • lackie09
    lackie09 Posts: 123 Member
    mk so I am up and have nothing to do... so why not another round of 30DS???? who's with me???
  • TVstfne
    TVstfne Posts: 19
    Well, I did it. But I must admit, I didn't push myself as much as I probably should have. I have problems with my knees sometimes and they started to hurt when I did the first set of lunges so I was a little leery. But I must have improved my form because it got better as I went on. Now that I know what to expect (and how to avoid injuring my knees) I hope to do better. But I feel good for getting through it all. Thanks for the motivation!

    Starting weight: 211.5
    bust: 48.5
    waist: 44
    hips: 49
    thigh: 22.5
    upper arm: 14
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Even after hitting the gym for elliptical and weight training, I still had my commitment here so I let Jillian kick my rear with some Level 1 shredding. Feel very tired, my muscles hate me but I also feel great. One day down, 29 to go!
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Oh sheeeit that kicked my butt....whew!